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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/13/2012 9:58:48 PM

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from Montague Keen - November 11, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 11-Nov-2012 19:52:09

Message from Montague Keen - November 11, 2012
These words express the importance of what you choose to believe. You can no longer turn a blind eye to what is obviously happening all around you. The Cabal has plans that would shock you to the core. They have followed a carefully planned path to bring about the destruction of your world as you know it. They no longer want or need you. This is why they flood your air with aluminum particles and put fluoride in your water, causing illnesses and much suffering. Why do you stand idly by and allow you and yours to be disposed of in such a manner? It is time you took action to protect humanity. You were told, my dear, that fifty years ago, humanity was ready for the transition. To prevent this, the Cabal brought in GM food, chemtrails, etc., which prevented this natural process. Now you are struggling to complete this most necessary process. Are you going to allow this opportunity to step out of third density to fail as well?
This is a critical time for humanity. You do not have the luxury of time. You need to take responsibility and act now. There are so many avenues that will lead you to the TRUTH. Do not look to religion for it, you will not find it there. Look within your heart. It will guide you to the right path. They blocked your transition fifty years ago. Will you allow them to do it again?
The Andromedans tried to make themselves known to you, in order to assist you, about fourteen years ago, but the fear of stepping into the unknown prevented this. Are you prepared to be brave: confident in the knowledge that you stand for truth and light and will no longer support a corrupt regime that was designed to destroy you?
They do not hide their plans. They are confident that you are so blinded by trivialities that you will not look at what they are doing. You have so much to look forward to. It is your decision when to take the plunge. Please do not stand by and watch your planet being ruined by greed. Every soul has the divine right to breathe clean air, to drink pure water, and to eat food as nature intended.
Many of you are being interfered with, to cause you distress and fear. It just goes to show how desperate they are. Support each other. Let others know that they are not alone and that they can survive. You need each other at this time. Anything can be frightening when you do not understand it or where it is coming from.
Rediscover your own innate strength. You can do it. You just need to ask. Humanity has survived so much in times past. When you learn your true history, you will see this for yourselves. Those who are responsible for changing your world's history will soon answer for their crimes against humanity. Their edifice of control will crumble into dust as they fade from the history of your world. In the future, it will be known only as a bad episode in mankind's evolution. The sun will shine brightly again, giving out its healing rays, and its warmth will embrace and comfort humanity as it was meant to do.
Most countries are waking up, seeing the light of truth, and following it. There will be no need for wars or armies, so the killing will stop. You are being bombarded by war propaganda, but you are aware of the futility of it all. It just happens over and over again, only the names of the countries changes. They need the blood to flow and the energy of the fear which is created by war.
Come together and ignore the false differences of race and creed. Learn who you are and from where you originate.
"Know who you are."
It is time to speak out. The corruption that has taken over everything in your world must stop. They can no longer hide behind their MASKS. They become more exposed each day.
We are holding out strongly against World War III. Good people do not want it. There never was, nor will there ever be, a reason to declare war. Iran is a peaceful country. Many of its people are descended from the ancient Irish, and in many other countries also, they can rightly claim the blood connection. DNA does not lie, it actually exposes the REAL TRUTH. How wonderful it will be in the future, when all those who are descended from the ancient Irish will visit Ireland to explore their roots and learn their true history.
You have been told the timescale for the completion of the Transition and what must be done before it happens. The right people have come forward to help you. More help is needed. We will endeavor to bring it to you and the finance to see it through. It is a great burden for you, but you now have someone you can trust totally to work alongside you. We chose well, my dear. He is one in a billion. You are right: he returned to Earth specifically for this mission. You have worked together in the past. You understand what must be done. You have come a long way already.
THE GEO-ENGINEERING, THE UNDERGROUND CITIES, and THE GENETIC ENGINEERING, IS ALL BEING EXPOSED. Please research this for yourselves. It will explain so much. It is important to know what you are up against. What sort of scientists would plan and produce such things to be used against their own kind?
Do wish Prudence a happy 21st birthday for me. Tell her that I will be there in Spirit ! Enjoy being with your family and friends. I am always with you, as we continue to complete our work on Earth. Be happy, my dear. Nothing happens without my approval.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/15/2012 4:26:32 PM
More and More I am hearing about Forgiveness. I think I am on to something which is very important. I know it is the TRUTH. This video is so good. Enjoy

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/20/2012 2:04:39 AM

Montague Keen, November 18, 2012

Posted on

My dear, it is heartening for us to see people waking up to the fact that those who control your world, control your media. This is how they have managed to keep you in the dark about their plans for your world. When you hear the truth spoken on your television, then you will know, without a doubt, that the light has triumphed.

You were excited to learn that many in Ireland are suing the banks; so, UNTIL THE BANKS ANSWER THE CHARGES, the people do not have to pay their mortgages ! The people of Ireland are to be congratulated on this. They are the first to attempt to take on the banks. It is going to be interesting to see how this one plays out.

Never doubt for one moment that the Light will return to Earth. The path may be rocky at times and many obstacles will be put in the way, but nothing that you cannot overcome. You are now living through the end times. The propaganda that the Dark Ones have thrived on, is now exposed. It just does not work for them anymore. Even their own people are standing up and revealing the lies that had held it all together for them. Their house of cards is on very shaky ground. The sheep are no longer prepared to continue to prop it up. All that is not based on truth will crumble and fall: you are beginning to see it all around you. The brainwashing that was done to keep you in your placeno longer works. What is happening is a joint effort: the World of Spirit and those who are open to guidance from Spirit, are doing a fine job.

The child abuse that was top secret for years is now being openly discussed for the first time. My dear, you tried to bring this to public attention many years ago, but you came up against an impenetrable brick wall, no matter what you tried. Now that this wall has been breached, it will fall, and the truth of the extent of the abuse will be unveiled and exposed. This is an essential part of the cleansing process.

Nothing of this sort will ever be tolerated again. The great seats of power that once ruled, will disintegrate and disappear from the face of the Earth forever. This is now happening, right in front of your eyes, just as it should. By this time next year, nothing will be as it is today. The removal of power cannot happen overnight, for it is a gradual process of exposure and removal. The right people must also be in place to pick up the pieces and take the world forward to a peaceful future. A temporary state of chaos cannot be avoided, as this is a massive project and it cannot be rushed. We have considered all eventualities. Anything that is corrupt, in any way, will not be allowed to survive: though some will try.

Many of you have been shown the future, in order to encourage you forward to the desired result. Share this information, as it will give others the strength to reject the dark way of life to which they have become accustomed. Change does not come easy to many of you. You must recognise your strength and your numbers: you are the 99%. You are many, they are few.

Ancient portals are becoming active once more. They are bringing enlightenment to many people. Secrets that were well hidden are being exposed and information is being brought to light that will delight and amaze you. This is happening in many countries. There are new discoveries every day as the Earth gives up its secrets. It is an exciting time to be on Earth. Information will be given when you sleep and when you are in deep meditation. All this is stored in your sub-conscious mind. You will just know things, without knowing how you know.

Those of you who know that you have a role to play in the Transition, should prepare to act at a moment’s notice, whenever the call comes. We need the element of surprise. The energy changes are becoming more powerful. Go with them: they bring you the strength to participate in the removal of the darkness. It will all become clear as the path unfolds.

My wife has had an exhausting few days. Please understand, if occasionally, our link is not as powerful as we would like. She is concerned about the conclusion of her work on Earth. Please understand, she has many worries to cope with.

I wish, my love, that I was still beside you.

Your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/22/2012 5:05:40 AM

Thanksgiving: A Day of Celebration or Mourning for Native Americans?

By , Guide

This portrayal of the first Thanksgiving shows the Pilgrims feeding the Wampanoag people. Actually, the Pilgrims depended on Natives to prevent starving in the New England cold.

Getty Images

Thanksgiving has become synonymous with family, food and football over the years. But this unassuming American holiday is not without controversy. Schools still teach children that Thanksgiving marks the day that Pilgrims met helpful Indians who gave them food, farming techniques and more to overcome the bitter New England cold. The children color cutouts of happy Pilgrims and happy Indians which ignore that contact between the two led to the decimation of millions of Native peoples. To raise awareness about the price indigenous people paid for Thanksgiving, a group called the United American Indians of New England established Thanksgiving as its National Day of Mourning in 1970. The fact that UAINE mourns on this day poses a question to any socially conscious American: Should Thanksgiving be celebrated?

Why Some Natives Celebrate Thanksgiving

more here

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
11/22/2012 10:37:30 AM
Dear Myrna, I am afraid this and my next post present reports that are not exactly pleasant

University of Minnesota Doesn't Want You to Know What It Does to Animals

The University of Minnesota is illegally keeping secrets about animal testing, according to a lawsuit filed last week by the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and resident Isaac Peter filed.

The lawsuit contends that the university’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is violating the state’s open records and open meetings laws by denying the public access to meetings and documents and denying public record requests regarding animal research.

“The University of Minnesota tests on thousands of animals in their lab, including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, pigs, sheep, and nonhuman primates. According to its own annual report, many of these animals, including nonhuman primates, are tested on without ‘the use of appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs.’ Testing on animals not protected by the AWA―which specifically excludes purpose-bred birds, rats, and mice―does not have to be reported at all,” according to the ALDF.

IACUCs are put in place at federally funded research institutions that use lab animals to review proposed research projects and programs and to, in theory, ensure that there is justification for experiments, see that pain and suffering of animals used is minimized and that the minimum standards of the Animal Welfare Act are upheld.

These committees should have a veterinarian and an independent community member, or someone to represent the interest of the animals used. However, the AWA allows for exemptions for research if they are approved by an IACUC and problems with these self-regulating committees abound.

One study conducted this year, the of Animal Research Ethics Committee Membership at American Institutions, analyzed IACUCs at leading U.S. research institutions and found that the “leadership and general membership of these committees to be dominated by animal researchers and the remainder of the committees to be largely comprised of other institutional representatives. These arrangements may contribute to previously-documented committee biases in favor of approving animal experiments and dilute input from the few members representing animal welfare and the interests of the general public.”

“The fact is, IACUCs as they are set up today will approve virtually anything,” said Dr. Lawrence Hansen, a professor of neuroscience and pathology at the University of California-San Diego and author of the study.

The Office of Inspector General also found similar problems, concluding that “the IACUCs are only required to conduct facility reviews on a semiannual basis, (2) IACUCs experience a high turnover rate, and (3) some members are not properly trained. In very few cases, the facilities are resistant to change, showing a general disregard for APHIS regulations. As a result, the facilities are not conducting research in compliance with the AWA or, in some cases, not providing humane conditions for research animals.”

So what does the University of Minnesota not want the public to find out about? Maybe it’s their pointless research, heroine-addicted monkeys, or violations of the AWA.

According to records obtained from the NIH and the USDA by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), violations at the university included failing to properly administer painkillers following painful procedures in multiple incidents, failing to provide veterinary care, failing to properly euthanize animals, and discarding living animals as if they were dead.

Last year the University of Minnesota made In Defense of Animals’ list of ridiculous experimentsfor its research into how diet affects the sex drive of hamsters, which was paid for by three publicly funded grants. The study didn’t find any relationship between diet and sex drive, but did find that the hamsters hoarded more food after being fed less.

“The public has the legal right to know what the University of Minnesota is doing to animals in the name of research,” said Stephen Wells, executive director of ALDF, in a statement.

“This willful violation of state law and animal welfare law must end.”

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