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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
4/23/2012 4:37:09 PM
The other one I have already referred to, yet not from this angle. After all, that Socrates and other respected philosophers of his time used it should talk in its favor.



4/20 History Lesson: The REAL Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

April 20th, in addition to being Hitler’s birthday and the start date of the tragic BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is a symbolic day for the drug policy reform movement.

In the United States, the mere mention of hemp or its psychoactive cousin, cannabis sativa, brings down condemnation about “potheads” or “stoners.” What many fail to realize, however, is that over 100 million Americans have ingested marijuana for recreation or health purposes in their lifetime. Many of them are successful, otherwise law abiding members of society.

Yet this plant, which was cultivated by the Founding Fathers, has been lumped in with heroin and LSD as a schedule I narcotic. Many people think this classification was given after scientific research determined that marijuana was too dangerous for human consumption, but that’s not the case. Once again, to find the real reason marijuana is illegal, you just have to follow the money.

Despite the propaganda and political manipulation that has denied Americans the right to grow and use this versatile plant for many decades, states are finally standing up to the Federal Government. Even though the DEA refuses to acknowledge a multitude of scientific studies that confirm marijuana’s medicinal value, the states are taking action to give their citizens a safe and natural alternative to pharmaceuticals. To date, 16 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use and cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes, and 12 more have similar initiatives on the ballot.

In fact, more than 500 U.S. economists have called for an end to the futile “war on drugs,” saying that full legalization and regulation of marijuana would instantly bring $10-14 billion dollars of extra revenue into our economy every year. This would take a huge bite out of our federal debt, without making a single change to our taxes or slashing another school’s budget.

Momentum is building across the country to end marijuana prohibition. The most recent Gallup poll found that half of all Americans want to make marijuana legal. A diverse and growing number of leaders are fed up and speaking out. This November, Colorado and Washington voters have an historic opportunity to become the first states to legalize marijuana.

Related Reading:

Pat Robertson Wants To Legalize Marijuana?

Cops Fired For Beliefs About Marijuana

Smoking A Joint Could Ruin Your Carbon Footprint

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/24/2012 4:45:12 AM
Hi Miguel,
Thanks for all the great information that you have added. I love the article on Hemp. There is one thing I am looking forward to having in our lives. Hemp has so many uses, that you wouldn't need much else to live, just a few fruits and veggies and you would be good to go.

I have been taking Hemp oil. I stopped for awhile and I just started it again the other week. I was getting leg cramps, and as soon as I used it no more leg cramps. It has so many good things to help the body heal itself. As for smoking marijuana, that is not the way to go, not good for the lungs. But taking the oil on a spoon is great.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/30/2012 1:56:35 AM
Hello Everyone,

Here is a great tape by David Icke, as anonymous person. Winning the battle with truth

David Icke - The Greatest Speech For Humanity II.V for Victory (Unity!)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
5/4/2012 4:21:10 PM
Hi Myrna,

You may find this article interesting.



Report: Apple legally sidesteps billions in taxes
The Associated Press

Published: Sunday, Apr. 29, 2012

Last Modified: Monday, Apr. 30, 2012

A published report says Apple Inc. uses subsidiaries in Ireland, the Netherlands and other low-tax nations as part of a strategy that enables the technology giant to cut its global tax billby billions of dollars every year.

New York Times on Sunday outlined legal methods used by Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple to avoid paying billions of dollars in federal and state taxes.

One approach highlighted in the report: Even though the company is based in California, Apple has set up a small office in Reno, Nev. to collect and invest its profits. The corporate tax rate in Nevada is zero. In California, it's 8.84 percent.

While many major corporations try to reduce their tax bills, technology companies like Apple, Google Inc.,
Microsoft Corp. and others have more options to do so.

That's because some of their revenue comes from digital products or royalties on patents, which makes it easier for them to move profits to tax-friendly states or countries, the Times said.

In contrast, it's tougher to shift the collection of profits from the sale of a physical product - like groceries or a car - to a tax-friendly haven.

The 71 technology companies in the
S&P 500, including Apple, Google, Yahoo Inc. and Dell Inc., reported paying global cash taxes over the past two years at a rate that's, on average, one-third less than other S&P 500 companies, the Times said.

Apple has legally allocated about 70 percent of its profits overseas, where tax rates are often much lower than in the U.S., according to company filings.

The Times cites a study by former Treasury Department economist Martin A. Sullivan that estimates Apple's federal
tax bill would have been $2.4 billion higher last year without such tactics.

The newspaper says Apple paid $3.3 billion in cash taxes globally on $34.2 billion in profits last year. That's a
tax rate of 9.8 percent.

In a statement, Apple told the Times that it has complied with all laws and accounting rules, and says that its U.S. operations generated nearly $5 billion in federal and state income taxes in the first half of fiscal 2012.

Wall Street analysts predict Apple could earn up to $46.9 billion in its current fiscal year, according to FactSet.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
5/4/2012 4:30:06 PM
Here is another one you may find interesting

US Not Reporting All Attacks in Afghanistan

Written by Robert Burns, with Heidi Vogt

WASHINGTON (AP) — The military is under-reporting the number of times that Afghan soldiers and police open fire on American and other foreign troops.

The U.S.-led coalition routinely reports each time an American or other foreign soldier is killed by an Afghan in uniform. But The Associated Press has learned it does not report insider attacks in which the Afghan wounds — or misses — his U.S. or allied target. It also doesn’t report the wounding of troops who were attacked alongside those who were killed.

Such attacks reveal a level of mistrust and ill will between the U.S.-led coalition and its Afghan counterparts in an increasingly unpopular war. The U.S. and its military partners are working more closely with Afghan troops in preparation for handing off security responsibility to them by the end of 2014.

In recent weeks an Afghan soldier opened fire on a group of American soldiers but missed the group entirely. The Americans quickly shot him to death. Not a word about this was reported by the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, as the coalition is formally known. It was disclosed to the AP by a U.S. official who was granted anonymity in order to give a fuller picture of the “insider” problem.

ISAF also said nothing about last week’s attack in which two Afghan policemen in Kandahar province fired on U.S. soldiers, wounding two. Reporters learned of it from Afghan officials and from U.S. officials in Washington. The two Afghan policemen were shot to death by the Americans present.

Just last Wednesday, an attack that killed a U.S. Army special forces soldier, Staff Sgt. Andrew T. Brittonmihalo, 25, of Simi Valley, Calif., also wounded three other American soldiers. The death was reported by ISAF as an insider attack, but it made no mention of the wounded — or that an Afghan civilian also was killed.

The attacker was an Afghan special forces soldier who opened fire with a machine gun at a base in Kandahar province. He was killed by return fire.

That attack apparently was the first by a member of the Afghan special forces, who are more closely vetted than conventional Afghan forces and are often described by American officials as the most effective and reliable in the Afghan military.

Coalition officials do not dispute that such non-fatal attacks happen, but they have not provided a full accounting.

The insider threat has existed for years but has grown more deadly. Last year there were 21 fatal attacks that killed 35 coalition service members, according to ISAF figures. That compares with 11 fatal attacks and 20 deaths the previous year. In 2007 and 2008 there were a combined total of four attacks and four deaths.

ISAF has released brief descriptions of each of the fatal attacks for 2012 but says similar information for fatal attacks in 2011 is considered classified and therefore cannot be released.

Jamie Graybeal, an ISAF spokesman in Kabul, disclosed Monday in response to repeated AP requests that in addition to 10 fatal insider attacks so far this year, there have been two others that resulted in no deaths or injuries, plus one attack that resulted in wounded, for a total of 13 attacks. The three non-fatal attacks had not previously been reported.

Graybeal also disclosed that in most of the 10 fatal attacks a number of other ISAF troops were wounded. By policy, the fact that the attacks resulted in wounded as well as a fatality is not reported, he said.

Asked to explain why non-fatal insider attacks are not reported, Graybeal said the coalition does not disclose them because it does not have consent from all coalition governments to do so.

“All releases must be consistent with the national policies of troop contributing nations,” Graybeal said.

Graybeal said a new review of this year’s data showed that the 10 fatal attacks resulted in the deaths of 19 ISAF service members. His office had previously said the death total was 18. Most of those killed this year have been Americans but France, Britain and other coalition member countries also have suffered fatalities.

Graybeal said each attack in 2012 and 2011 was “an isolated incident and has its own underlying circumstances and motives.” Just last May, however, an unclassified internal ISAF study, called “A Crisis of Trust and Cultural Incompatibility,” concluded, “Such fratricide-murder incidents are no longer isolated; they reflect a growing systemic threat.” It said many attacks stemmed from Afghan grievances related to cultural and other conflicts with U.S. troops.

Mark Jacobson, an international affairs expert at the German Marshall Fund in Washington and a former deputy NATO senior civilian representative in Afghanistan, said attacks of all types are cause for worry.

“You have to build up trust when working with partners, and years of trust can be destroyed in just a minute,” Jacobson said. No matter what the motivation of the Afghan attacker, “it threatens the partnership.”

Until now there has been little public notice of non-fatal insider attacks, even though they would appear to reflect the same deadly intent as that of Afghans who manage to succeed in killing their foreign partners.

Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi, spokesman for the Afghan Defense Ministry, said the army has tightened its monitoring of soldiers’ activities recently and, in some cases, taken action to stop insider attacks.

For example, “a number of soldiers” have been arrested for activity that might suggest a plot, such as providing information on army activities to people outside the military, he said. Some have been dismissed from the Army, but he did not provide figures.

U.S. officials say that in most cases the Afghans who turn their guns on their supposed allies are motivated not by sympathy for the Taliban or on orders from insurgents but rather act as a result of personal grievances against the coalition.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press

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Photo: An Army carry team marches away from a transfer case containing the remains of Staff Sgt. Dick A. Lee Jr. Sunday, April 29, 2012 at Dover Air Force Base, Del. According to the Department of Defense, Lee, 31, of Orange Park, Fla., died April 26, 2012 in Ghazni province, Afghanistan from injuries sustained when his vehicle encountered an improvised explosive device.(AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

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