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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/15/2017 3:58:39 AM

Message from Montague on Sunday 12 February 2017

wpd4bc9436_06As the Cabal struggles for its survival, it is using humanity to help it to continue to exist on Earth. Your anger and marching produces enormous ENERGY for those that they are using to hasten your demise. Your anger is contributing to the removal of the human race from the Earth. Ask yourselves, is this what you want to achieve? You are being played off against each other, every possible so-

called difference is being used to create such anger.

Fear is also used and you foolishly buy into it, again and again. Cancer is a WEAPON that is used to create fear. It is constantly on your TVs and in your newspapers, right in your face, creating fear. CANCER IS A VERY PROFITABLE BUSINESS. They have no intention of producing a cure. It is far too profitable a business to do that. All you have to do is use Bicarbonate of Soda, as it kills all cancer cells. Do your research, it is all there. My dear wife takes 1/3 of a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda, every morning, with hot water and lemon juice, to ensure that cancer cannot occur in her body. That is all you have to do to prevent it. Refuse to buy into the drama of the Big C. It is the 'treatment' of cancer that kills so many of you, not the cancer itself in the majority of cases.

Humanity is being attacked from all directions. The sky is used to rain down chemtrails as a means of mind control over the masses. They are experimenting on you, as they are not sure, as yet, how far they can go. You have to actively use your minds to refuse to cooperate with your oppressors. Take back your power, for without the use of your energy, the Cabal is useless. It cannot stand on its own. It needs you to ensure it can exist on Earth. Money alone is not enough. They must have the energy that you provide through war, fear, and anger.

You know that 2017 will bring many changes. Some of these changes you will struggle to cope with. Always concentrate on the end result and all that you desire (peace and justice) and you will achieve it. 99% of the politicians have accepted the Cabal and its plans. They cannot be trusted. This is why there has to be a huge effort to change the system of government. Political parties are totally corrupt. They do not serve the people. Please give thought to this and how you will bring about change. What governments tell you, is what they believe you want to hear. What they actually do, is the exact opposite. Obama talked peace, but created more war than any other president. Take note of what they do, not what they say they will do. They are not in power to serve you. They always serve their masters. You cannot afford to remain asleep to this, as time is running out. The future of humanity on Earth is in your hands. Please handle it with care. If your governments served you, the people, they would not poison the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the medication which they (by law) force on you. Surely, you are awake enough to see this?

The awakened amongst you are doing their best to awaken those around them. Just now, it seems like a thankless task, but I assure you, in time you will see the results of your effort. Some believe that if they keep their eyes firmly shut, they will survive with all their worldly goods intact. This is not possible as the Cabal does not need you. It takes courage to awaken and take responsibility for your life. Share information whenever possible. Your survival depends on it.

Please send energy, love, and light, to the innocent people who are locked away in jails without trial. President Obama created Prolonged Detention. This was done to ensure that good people cannot complete their life's mission. America is the worst offender, although many other countries do it also. Please send love to those who, at this moment, cannot see any way out of their predicament. You are conned into believing that there is such a thing as justice. But it is a fallacy. My dear wife can attest to it. The world is nothing like what you are being told it is. You were cut off from reality many years ago and only permitted to know and see a small percentage of all that is around you. You are like chickens held in a coup. This is what the Cabal did to you in order to take everything for themselves. To do this, you had to be dumbed down. You became their slaves as your world got smaller and smaller, and survival became more difficult. The Cabal demanded war after war. Their need for the energy of war became greater and greater . Now, you are only too aware of their great desperation for World War III. They care not where, as long as the killing, the flowing of blood, and the fear that goes with it, sustains them, and enables them to continue their takeover of the Earth.

Be strong, my friends, and see this as your finest hour, as you stand up to the Cabal and refuse to be their slaves one moment longer.

My dear, there is so much being done to block your work and prevent its completion.
You stand alone, unbowed.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/21/2017 6:34:02 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 19 February 2017

The battle has intensified. It is ruthless in its pursuit of victory. The destruction of the human race and its removal from the Earth is now in your face. You would need to be blind, deaf, and dumb, not to see it. Yet some of you still cling to the hope that your enemies will protect you. Even as I connect with you, you are seeing what is being done to the people of California, to teach them and others a lesson. The Cabal is ruthless. It destroys everyone and everything that may stand in its path of total domination. What more do you need to see before you open your eyes to what you are up against. This is not a game, this is for real. Right now, it is being played out in America. Rest assured that this is a world takeover and your turn will come sooner than you think. Many realised that this was coming, and prepared themselves. Sacha Stone is one such person; listen to his wise words.

Sacha Stone's Address to World Leaders - Breakthrough Energy Conference

Paedophiles and psychopaths are the weapons being used to take control of humanity. Satanic ritual killings are carried out in every country by those you are encouraged to trust and obey. Many of them are persuaded to go to certain islands and places of interest. While there, they are lured into child rape and the ritual killing of children. This is filmed by hidden cameras to ensure that these individuals become slaves of the Cabal. There is no escape except death itself.

What you are now seeing in America is the desperation of the paedophiles to hold on to their power. They will go to any lengths to protect each other. No other president in history has ever had to cope with what President Trump is going through now. Look at the fear and desperation on the faces of those who condemn him. Arrests have begun with the procurers of the children, first, as the protection of the children is paramount to President Trump. There are underground bases where children are held in cages until needed for sacrifice. These are not just American children. The children are sourced from all over the world. It is big business. General Flynn had big plans to deal with this problem. Look at what the Cabal has done to him!

All roads lead to Rome, and the head of the snake, the Jesuit Pope. Malachy Martin warned humanity what would happen when the Jesuits took over, and now you are seeing it for yourselves. Do your own research. Look at the wars instigated by the Vatican. Look at the slaughter of humanity carried out in the name of the Vatican. The unsuccessful attempt to exterminate the Irish people, carried out by the Jesuits, you were told was a famine. But this was not so. IT WAS PLANNED AND OVERSEEN BY THE JESUITS. These Jesuit games would end if the Irish studied their ancient history and understood who they are, and exposed the lies taught by Rome. This would expose Rome and all it stands for. The power of the Cabal would disappear in a puff of smoke.

2017 is the year in which all will be revealed. The Cabal is scared, as it has a lot to lose. Each and every one of you, can make a difference. Will you remain puppets of the Cabal, or will you choose truth and freedom. I ask you to look for yourselves at the truth about Rome.

Jesuit Pope Francis I. 666 Mark of the Beast. Final Warning Video

What is happening in America, you will see repeated all over your world. Brexit has delayed what is planned for Europe. So Blair has been sent back to England to try to get the Brexit decision overturned. Who on Earth could ever believe what Blair (Weapons of Mass Destruction) says! Fear is being used; it is, after all, their favourite weapon to get the masses into line.

Laugh at him. Show him that you know his game. You are awake.

Your priority is to support the recovery of the children who were stolen, abducted, and removed by government agencies etc, for ritual human sacrifice. These children are held in cages, often under government buildings, army bases. Listen to their cries for help. I beg you, do not abandon them. Those involved in such entrapment must be exposed. Do not assist or support them in any way.

Together, you can free yourselves from the shackles of such evil. See it for what it is. The picture is being painted in America so clearly. See also how easy it is to buy the sheeple, to protest whatever the Cabal wants to bring down. The Illuminati are being exposed and they do not like it. They prefer to control you from the shadows.

Trust your own judgment and your own research. The truth will set you free. Humanity has been totally controlled for 2000 years. Religion was designed for this very purpose. It is the cosh that keeps you in line (well, it did, until you awakened). It is all based on lies and their invention of HELL, which has been used relentlessly. I assure you, it is all fiction. When love is the basis of how you live and all that you do, then ask yourself, why would you need anything else? LOVE IS ALL. That is the bottom line.

Please continue to send love to those who are locked up in jails by the Cabal, all over your world. Your justice systems are owned and controlled by the Cabal, and take orders from it, as do all your governments. Humanity has not known freedom since the Vatican takeover, 2000 years ago. It believes it owns you. This is why you need a birth certificate, a passport, a death certificate, etc. NO MAN IS FREE. Americans may sing about 'the land of the free' but you have only to look at their legal system of Maritime Law (controlled by England, not he USA). That tells you a lot. You find LIES, LIES, LIES, everywhere you look. Your liberty was taken by stealth. It is time to take it back.

My dear, these attacks are debilitating. This is their objective. But your will power is intact.

It is always darkest before the dawn, and the dawn is coming.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/28/2017 3:14:51 AM

Message from Montague on Sunday 26 February 2017

Humanity must maintain its struggle to survive on Earth. You will not lose this battle. I ask that you remain vigilant at all times. The Cabal has a plan to CHIP ALL OF YOU. This they may do surreptitiously, such as when you are in hospital for some reason. There are doctors who have been roped in to carry this out. Never, ever, agree to this, no matter what pressure is used to entice you to willingly accept being chipped. They encouraged you to get your animals chipped, to open your minds to the prospect of chipping everybody. Their argument is that it works for animals. This is but part of the plan to take over the Earth and rid it of a high percentage of the human race.

There is also a move afoot to try to persuade you to accept pedophilia as normal. To survive, they need human blood and flesh. It ensures that they can hold their human form. Everyone "in power" has had to go through rituals. By willingly doing so, they give away their free will. Thus they come under the control of those in the shadows who wield power over all.

All this is being exposed now, and though it proves difficult for many of you to believe that such depravity exists, it does exist. It is all around you, and it is used by those in positions of so-called power. The Cabal had it all its own way for so long. They believed they were invincible. Then along came Mr Trump, who upset their apple cart in no uncertain terms. They do not like it. They feel exposed and vulnerable for the first time in their lives. They are fighting hard to protect their way of life.

It is with great sadness that my dear wife learned that HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA has been jailed for 5 years for telling the TRUTH. I tell you that there are so many people locked up in jails all over your world. Please do whatever you can to assist them. Harald is a beautiful pure soul. He needs your help, your prayers, and your love.

2017 is a make or break year. You all need to be strong, to protect you and yours. Never in your history have so many lies been used to bombard your minds and your lives. It is non-stop, 24 hours a day, from your TVs. Your newspapers try to trap you into accepting what they pretend is the truth. This is a battle for the soul of humanity. You must be strong and refuse to entertain such lies, even for a moment. Protect yourselves, refuse to be drawn into the mindless, soulless, marches that degrade humanity and expose you to the mind control tactics of the enemy.

Know your truth and live by it. Believe with confidence what you know to be true. Deal directly with Source. Open your hearts and souls for guidance and do not be swayed off course by the mindless mob. Pray for America, for her people are mind controlled. They are lost in the wilderness of downright lies. The dark takeover of America began many years ago but it is now in your face and you cannot mistake it. America opened the door to to very evil demons which are used by the elite to control you. They never expected Mr Trump to be elected, so they strive to eliminate him.

Be strong and be confident, as each and every one of you is important. The human race must survive.

My dear wife was badly attacked in the night as she slept. She is exhausted. Please understand that she is struggling to connect with me.

My dear, please take it easy.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/28/2017 5:31:23 AM
Remember how Monty always talks about Ireland, found this today

Image may contain: 3 people, text

This is NOT getting into the black/white divide and conquer **** but to stress: The slave masters do NOT give a ---whether you are black, white, jewish, muslim, christian, atheist, Manchester United or Arsenal fan, Republican or Democrat, this soap opera or that opera watcher,... can you work hard for peanuts, THAT is what they want to know.

Gerald Kertsch
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/2/2017 9:44:10 PM

3/2/2017 12:40:56 PM

REUTERS/Terray Sylvester

Here’s how the Standing Rock Sioux will keep fighting Dakota Access — in court


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