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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/13/2016 1:20:15 AM
Message from Montague on Sunday 11 December 2016


Even you, my dear, are only now coming to terms with what I have been telling you. We observed you as you watched THE COMING WAR ON CHINA (a John Pilger film). It is a remarkable film that exposes just who your real enemies are. You clearly saw that both Russia and China are being provoked by America. You saw the American blockade around Russia and China that is uncalled for. These countries are not your enemies, though you are constantly being told that they are. Now you have seen the evidence that shows otherwise. Again, I say "Nothing is as it seems".

Waking up to the truth is a painful experience. Suddenly, you can see clearly the lies that have shaped your very existence. You look with new eyes at the faces expounding those lies and you realise they are as robots, not thinking human beings. You look at their actions which do not comply with the words coming from their mouths. Look at how America is shown to the world as humanity's friend: caring and kind. Then look at the reality, see AMERICAN WARSHIPS, SUBMARINES, BASES, ALL OVER YOUR WORLD, BAYING FOR WAR. Millions of human beings have been killed as a result of "American Assistance to Free Them". I tell you, my friends, war is never the answer. The money to fund war just flows, there is no limit. Yet there are American people sleeping on the streets, hungry and homeless. No thought is given to them. They are seen as useless eaters.

The hidden hand that rules your world has had it all its own way until now. Their failure to elect Hillary Clinton was a severe blow to them. They never considered such a possibility. They were not prepared, so they went into shock and had to devise a new strategy. Confusion is what they came up with. They intend to use every trick at their disposal so that people will not know what to believe or whom to trust. This has been very successful for them. After all, they own all the newspapers and all of the television channels. Their puppets will say whatever they are told to say.

Step away from the newspapers and the TV, since they all lie to you. The hidden hand owns them, and they want rid of you. Do not be guilty of spreading their lies, as it is a crime against humanity. THOSE LIES ARE THE SHACKLES THAT HAVE ENSLAVED YOU. Never be responsible for the killing or suppressing of other human beings. Armies are killing machines. Never become part of the killing off of humanity.

Look after the children who are born to you. They are placed in your care. Protect them from preditors who steal them for use as sacrifices. Ritual Sacrifice is only now being made public knowledge. It has always gone on unnoticed in the shadows. The Cabal could not exist without it. It is how they get their energy. A child is a precious gift that needs to be taken care of.

The light of truth must extinguish the dark that has controlled all of humanity. The Cabal has plans to control all outlets that expound truth, for they fear the truth. They are increasing the fluoride level in your water supply to make you more docile. They increase the mercury in their chemtrails and vaccinations to ensure you are too sick to care. Your food is contaminated. It is a wonder you survive considering this evil onslaught against you. The Cabal controls everything you need to exist on Earth.

What do you intend to do about it? Do not expect any government to ever tell you the truth about anything. They are all up to their necks in it, otherwise they would not be in government. Always be discerning as to whom you trust, as there is a high price to pay, should you make a mistake. Please send the energy of love, prayers and justice, to those who mistakenly trusted the wrong people and are now paying a very high price. It is very lucrative to entrap a soul who has work to do on Earth. They do not have a conscience. The decisions you make are of the greatest importance. Do you stand for truth and justice, or do you bow down and submit to the evil that pays you for your crime? This is crunch time. There is no way you can sit on the fence on this one.

Connect with your spiritual side as never before. Ask for the strength to be, and do, what is expected of you at this time of confusion. Know who you are and why you are on Earth at this time of great change. Assist others to have the strength of mind to become who they are, too. Work together, as your future is in your own hands. All you need is the courage to stand for truth and justice. You are the 99%, the Cabal is less than 1%; and just now, they are running scared of the 99%.

My dear, you are on a difficult path that must be walked. I am with you every step of the way. I never leave you, as our bond cannot be broken.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/20/2016 5:25:16 PM
Message from Montague on Sunday 18 December 2016


Draconian laws are being brought in everywhere in an effort to prevent the masses from awakening. In England, many are now being locked up for what (in the past) would have been seen as freedom of speech. Your preditors are doing all in their power to shut people down. They will fail to do this but sadly they will destroy many of you in the process. The Cabal has enjoyed total control of you without question for millions of years. They believed themselves to be invincible, because until now, you have always obeyed without question. But the past is the past, and it is time to move forward and reclaim what is rightfully yours. You had become their SLAVES without realising it.

What is happening now, the Cabal sees as a REVOLUTION. They will do all in their power to stamp it out. You are all fully aware of how ruthless they can be. They will do whatever it takes to try to hold on to power. I can tell you that they are losing ground every day. This momentum will continue for as long as it takes to free the human race from this tyranny. To free yourselves, you must stand together and do only what will benefit your fellow human beings also. You must reject the fluoridation of the water supply, refuse to accept the release of chemtrails in the air, reject the growth of GM crops, reject vaccinations, or the use of any drugs which would harm humanity.

Arm yourselves with as much knowledge as possible so that when the crunch comes, and come it will, you will be prepared. The Cabal has plans to stage a huge false flag event to try to bring you back into line. See it for what it is, a last effort to try to hold on to control. Have an emergency supply of food and water. Be prepared ! You have chosen to be the architects of the future, so every action that you take now is important. Avoid loss of life at all costs. Take everything in your stride and you will succeed. Your time has come to free yourselves and your world. One day, you will see clearly all that was done to destroy human life on Earth and how some of you inadvertently helped the Cabal to achieve its aims. They are finding it more difficult every day to pull the wool over your eyes, as you are now fully aware of their lies and manipulation. Now you can see them for what they are: totally unscrupulous preditors.

You are only beginning to learn how mind control is used by your preditors. It has many guises. Many of you are aware of the MK Ultra programme, although there are many others like it that have been just as successful. Look at the faces of the victims, especially their eyes, and the tell-tale bags just under the eyelids that give the game away. It exposes the mind control. These people are like actors following a script whilst humanity suffers. You are living in the End Times. It is not going to be easy but it will be rewarding.

The Saturn influence is everywhere. Saturn, Satan, and at Christmas you have Santa. It is in your face, yet you fail to see it. Much of your control comes from Saturn. It is powerful. The Vatican is overflowing with it. Another thing is the Black Cube. It is considered so powerful that Moslems worship it, and create immense energy there. The Jews wear it in their foreheads. WHY ?

It is time to ask questions and get some answers. Why are black and white tiles used in churches and masonic lodges, in synagogues and many other places. WHY? What do they signify ? Black Magic is being used all around you to bind and control you. Humanity's energy is being harvested by the Cabal in order to wipe you out.

I ask again, please do not kill your fellow humans. You will need them to stand with you, to support your claim to freedom. Ask the Cabal why, in a world of plenty, so many people are starving. Do they really need the terrible energy of such suffering for their own survival on Earth? The killing that results from war is positively exciting for them. You have seen many instances of this on your TVs. This says a lot about those who instigate war.

America will face a difficult time. The Cabal wanted it for themselves but they have failed, so they will make it suffer. The American people are kept out of the loop. They have no idea what is happening all around them. They are so controlled. This is a result of GM food as well as everything else that is done to them. They are to be pitied. Pray for them. Life in America is now Struggle in America.

The compulsion to blame Russia for absolutely everything is fast becoming a farce. You have it in the United Kingdom as well. Why are the media and the politicians blaming Russia for everything? This tactic does not work any more, as people are awake, and they can see what is happening. The Cabal wants war with Russia and so they try to instill a fear of Russia in people's minds. This is how the Cabal operates. It would have worked in the dark times of the past. Are you going to fall for it now?

Please send love and energy to all those who are unjustly locked up in many countries because the Cabal fears what they know. The innocent everywhere need your help and support.

My dear, do please try to take some time for yourself during the holiday. Be kind to yourself, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/30/2016 3:44:28 AM
Message from Montague on Sunday 25 December 2016


2016 is almost at an end. It was an exceedingly traumatic year for many, including you, my dear. All who endeavoured to expose the Cabal have suffered. I know that it has taken its toll on you, my dear, but the fact that you survived all that was directed at you, proves that the truth will triumph. Humanity is finding the strength to investigate all that those who believe themselves to be 'in power' impose on you. The REAL controllers, who pull the strings for your puppet governments, are being exposed and eliminated. It will take time for the human race to fully understand how this evil Cabal changed the course of human life on Earth. They changed your history in order to confuse you. There is a need to know your true history, as well as who you are and what is expected of you. Nothing (and I do mean NOTHING) you were taught about your history, is true. All those that you were taught to hold in high esteem are, in fact, your captors. Every time you make a sign of the cross; you are actually saying "I AGREE TO THIS BONDAGE. I AM YOUR SLAVE". This is why you see the cross everywhere, to remind you of your bondage. The Cabal understands just how the human mind works. They have established countless ways of controlling it. Do not play their games which have been designed to enslave you.

Religions are but different mind games, also designed to enslave you. Serve, instead, the Prime Creator, the source of all creation, who awaits your call to free you from the Cabal, and to protect you from further attacks. I assure you the Cabal is losing ground. France and Ireland, and other countries, are now formulating plans to withdraw from the Cabal's EUROPEAN UNION. This proves that the awakening is happening. The release from bondage is underway.

More proof that vaccinations cause autism has been published in California. This is a fact. It is further proof that, far from being good for you, these vaccinations cause great harm. They destroy lives. There are experts on health who use natural methods to heal, who are ready to replace the corrupt drug industry. I helped Veronica to formulate plans to put this in action. She has been under constant attack ever since. However, it will be done; see it as just postponed. The battle merely to be able to survive, had to take priority. Our plans will come to fruition. They cannot be prevented. Humanity must survive and thrive once more.

May I take this opportunity to remind the people of Ireland that the remarkable man, DAVID ICKE, is to talk in Ireland for the first time. Please give him a real Irish welcome. Listen to his words. They will lift you out of the control system that was instituted by the Vatican, 2000 ago, in order to enslave you. You, the Irish race, are the most sinned against race in your world. This is your time to WAKE UP, and realise that IRELAND IS THE KEY THAT WILL UNLOCK EVERYTHING. All the answers you need are there in Ireland. Look again at the information revealed in the Andrew Bartzis/Veronica Keen videos on YouTube. You are ready for it. All the information you need is contained in them. It is time for the Irish to act, by discarding the false teachings and trappings of Rome that have enslaved you. Learn that it was the JESUITS who planned and carried out THE IRISH HOLOCAUST. They told you it was a famine. Such LIES !

Ireland produced food that was shipped out, even as the people died of hunger. THIS WAS OVERSEEN BY THE JESUITS. All the evidence is there. The Vatican set out to destroy the Irish people, sending them begging to the four corners of the Earth as slaves.

When the Irish people wake up (and wake up they will!) all the lies of the Vatican will be exposed. They will lose what little credibility they have left. The Vatican openly serves Lucifer. This is right in front of your eyes but you are blind to it. How many children do they sacrifice to Lucifer every year through their satanic rituals. BY KEEPING QUIET ABOUT THIS SUBJECT, YOU TOO, ARE GUILTY !

You must face many unsavoury truths in 2017, especially the ritual killing of children. This must stop! Those who serve MOLOCH have always indulged in such ritual sacrifice. Many attend THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. In this Mass, one is told to DRINK THE BLOOD of Christ and to EAT THE FLESH of Christ. This is, in fact, a satanic ritual. Do you do this?

Think for a moment, what life will be like when the chemtrails are gone; when the fluoridation of your water is stopped; when GM food is outlawed; when the drug companies are exposed for exactly what they are, and all vaccinations are prevented. Human life will change. You will be free to think and to explore all that has been hidden from you. Free again to be the Beings of Light that you actually are.

This is your objective. This is what you must work towards. Your future depends on it. All the information you require is already there, waiting for you to explore it. There are no limitations, so go for it. See this as the most exciting adventure of your lives.

Those whom the Cabal fear are locked up in jails, all over your world. Those that they can kill, they do kill. Please give a thought to those who have been unjustly imprisoned without trial by the Cabal. Justice does not exist in Cabal-run countries. Pray for justice for them. All has been taken from them and they have nothing left, except the hope that eventually, justice will prevail.

My dear, 2016 was one of the most difficult years that you have ever had to cope with. The attacks on you became more audacious and horrific. It is a miracle indeed that you have survived.

Our work must go on.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/3/2017 8:32:06 PM
Message from Montague on Sunday 1 January 2017


Use all that you have learned in 2016 to guide you through 2017. So much has been disclosed, and continues to be disclosed, that must be taken on board and used. The illusion that you were living under must be removed. Reality must be faced and dealt with. Those whose hidden hand controls your lives are now named and exposed. It is up to you now how you will deal with it. You must take back control over your lives, of your countries, and of your world. Refuse to support in any way the corrupt system that was criminally imposed on you. Refuse to buy into the fear that is being pushed at you from every angle. It is criminal how the threat of cancer is being used to infuse fear into your lives. You confront it every time you watch television. My dear wife uses a third of a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda in hot water with a little lemon juice, every morning, to ensure she will never get cancer. It works. Bicarbonate of Soda is used by many doctors to cure cancer: research it for yourselves. Please understand that CANCER IS BIG BUSINESS for the drug companies. The threat of it is used heavily to cause fear because this prevents you from connecting with who you are. Cancer is a rod which they can beat you with.

"LOVE OPENS UP A WINDOW TO THE SOUL" (Montague Keen). Where there is love, there is no room for fear. The Cabal would fall apart if you looked, with love in your hearts, at life and the future you wish to create. This is your greatest opportunity to change the course of life for everyone on Earth and to remove all that is evil. You must remove all that has made life on Earth a struggle to survive. Banks must go. They have an evil stranglehold on humanity and war is used to increase their assets. Banks have a stranglehold on every country. Ask youself who are they to dictate to the world?

There will be a difficult period as you remove all of the corrupt system. Throughout history you have coped with worse things, so you will survive. There are good people who are ready to lead the way forward. The Cabal knows that it has lost the battle. Too much has been exposed about who they are, and how they use you as slaves to serve them. Your suffering gave them great joy and they have thrived on it. It has taken you a long time to wake up and see things as they really are, rather than as you believed them to be. Courage is needed now to remove every last vestige of Cabal control from your lives and from your world. Let this be your New Year resolution. Together, you cannot fail. Do not do anything that could possibly harm the human race. Protect each other. You entered the world with nothing and you will leave it with nothing. All that you have acquired, whether through good or evil, will be left behind. What is important is how you lived your life. Can you face the Source with a clear conscience?

America is doing all in its power to create war with Russia before the corrupt ones leave office. You are being lied to. The Cabal believes that war can save them, as they are desperate to hold on to power. While you, the people, are killing each other, you are not looking at what the Cabal is doing. This provides them with the oxygen to survive. They are parasites who have lived well on your suffering and they demand the right to continue to do so. Is this what you want? What more do they need to do to you, before you say enough is enough and remove them from power. Stop being their servile slaves. Stand in your own power.

America's House of Cards is about to fall. The American people have been lied to so much. They are totally ignorant of what is happening all around them. America was infiltrated and taken over many years ago. It has lived on a knife edge ever since, while pretending to be a world power. It is like a great fish, floundering in the water, looking for war everywhere, in an effort to survive. There is no justice in America. The people are treated badly and there is no respect at all. Everything is false. It is an Alice in Wonderland situation. The parasites want America for themselves, to use as their headquarters.

Americans, open your eyes and listen with open minds. See for yourselves what is being done to you, right under your noses. Ignore the lies that trap you, given to you by your TV news channels and newspapers, all owned by the Cabal. They only tell you what the Cabal wants you to know. Search for the truth which is all around you. Be discerning, as your very existence depends on it. The Cabal does not want you to survive. They want what you have.

In my time on Earth, I saw how the human spirit was crushed through education. Every aspect of life on Earth became controlled. Televisions were placed in every household to ensure the masses were mind controlled. Education has produced mindless robots who believe everything they were taught. It was all engineered to create the robots that many of you have become. Now, you are beginning to see this for what it is, and you are rebelling against it. Consequently, THE CABAL IS RUNNING SCARED. SIEZE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO REGAIN YOUR FREEDOM.

My dear, you face many challenges. We are working with you to attain the outcome that humanity needs.

Together forever. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/13/2017 2:44:49 AM
Message from Montague on Sunday 8 January 2017


Everything is in turmoil. The LIES become more outrageous every hour of every day. The struggle for power is concentrated in America. All of humanity must send good energy to the people of America for their protection as the voices of evil fight for control. This is for REAL. It affects every last one of you.

Nuclear war would destroy life on Earth as you have known it. Use the power of your minds to overthrow the evil control that is endeavouring to take complete control of America. The Cabal, never for even one moment, expected their chosen puppet Hillary Clinton, to lose the election. Her failure to become President was your triumph, good over evil. It was sad to see that so many were taken in by her propaganda. You have had a lucky escape. In fact, the whole world has had a lucky escape.

Humans are at their weakest. Your bodies are struggling to cope with the onslaught of poison delivered to you through your water, food, and air. As for the drug companies and what they produce, it is a wonder that man has survived this far. You are up against an evil so great that has been planning this takeover for 2000 years. The Cabal suffered the shock of BREXIT in the UK, which was totally unexpected. They believed that they were invincible. You, on the other hand, are awakening to the corrupt rules by which you were forced to exist, though I cannot say, live. It has been a long time since man was free to live life on Earth. Now the Cabal wants America for itself alone. It does not want the American people, but only those necessary to serve them. It is crucial that you do not buy into the propaganda that the Cabal-owned media feed you. They will tell you whatever lie is necessary in order to make you fearful. They will do whatever they consider necessary to achieve their Great Plan to take over your world. You have to be strong. Ensure you have the facts before making any decisions that will detrimentally affect humanity. Each and every one of you must take responsibility for the decisions you make.

America is on the precipice. What happens there affects the whole of humanity. Support America, as your energy, your prayers, and your support, will help them to overcome this takeover. So many Americans have no idea what is happening in their country. They are deliberately kept ignorant of the reality of what is going on all around them. They took on trust, America's reasons for creating war, over and over again, and the killing of humanity which this entails. You remained silent as America became the killing machine of the world. Did you really approve of this? Did you remain silent and adopt the Not In My Back Yard attitude, as you closed your eyes to the killing that was done in your name? Now you see the FEMA camps all over your country, ready to deal with you, should you dare to disobey them. You cannot keep quiet and ignore what is being done right in front of your noses. Your silence has allowed your country to be taken over. You bought into the American Dream that now has become a nightmare of gigantic proportions which will bring down with it many other countries. Turn off your television, talk to your fellow man, learn what is actually happening and deal with it. This is not a game.

Many will leave the Earth as they have completed their work. Others will leave because they may hinder what must be done. Be very careful what you accept as truth. The history you learned was total fabrication. This fact alone has kept you in the dark and under control. As for religions and the lies they purvey; they have been a noose around the neck of humanity for too long. Only the Buddhists got it remotely right. All religions answer to Rome, THE SEAT OF ALL EVIL.

It is your choice to be on Earth at this time, to rescue it from the evil forces of control that had taken it over. The controllers wear a smile on their faces as they destroy you and all that you hold dear. They need the energy of your suffering. The truth must be faced. This is crunch time.

My dear wife is trying to help a young man in America who has an important role to play. He has been locked up without charge, held in the most terrible circumstances in a jail in America for nearly 9 months. He returned to Earth on a mission to restore peace and justice. But an illuminati operative found him and used mind control on him. They could not kill him, so they found a way to get him locked up. He needs your prayers to help free him, and to give him the strength to cope with what is being done to him. He returned to Earth to assist humanity, but now he needs humanity to help him. There are many more like him, held in this corrupt system, and not just in America. The extent of the corruption knows no bounds.

Coming together, will give you the strength to refuse to be part of the takeover of the Earth. All the corruption, and the corrupt ones themselves, are being exposed. There is no hiding place left for them. This is their final stand. Bid them goodbye, as soon their evil rule is at an end.

My dear, a way will be found to facilitate our plans.

I miss you too, my dear.

Your adoring, Monty.

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