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Linda Hoffman

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RE: Truth tellers
3/25/2017 7:57:36 PM
Thanks Myrna, I will listen to this.
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/28/2017 6:49:22 PM

Message from Montague for Sunday, 26 March 2017

The battle for control of the Earth is being fought on many levels. This leaves you confused about what is really going on. I can tell you that if America falls then there is not much hope for the rest of the world. The takeover of America began many years ago. You have watched each President take office with promises that he would serve the people but look at what you have experienced. Just a different face doing exactly that same, yet again. This is absolute proof that there is a hidden power controlling America that does not serve the American people.

The secret societies are systematically sucking the life force out of the American people. They want America for themselves. They are killing off the male children. Look at the figures for yourselves and you will be shocked at how few male children survive. This is part of the takeover plan.

Paedophilia is also a big part of the plan. The press do not tell you what is being done to stop this evil trade in human life. Ask yourselves why they are not reporting the arrests of the men who trade in children. Whom do you trust? The paedophiles who own your information outlets, or the facts that you can check out for yourselves. It is time you faced the truth:

Trump arrests pedophiles

The false flag in London this week will be used to bring into force new laws that will further limit what little freedom you now have. To expect anyone to believe that a knife-wielding man ran past armed guards towards the Palace of Westminster is beyond belief. Those of us who visited Westminster on many occasions know that it is not possible to do this. Sadly, people actually die during such charades. You had 7/7 and 9/11. These are all done for a purpose. Believe what you actually see, not what you are told that you see. You have been conned too many times. You should be able to recognise when the wool is being pulled over your eyes. Enough is enough. Such practices must stop.

The hidden hand is operating in Africa also. It thrives on suffering. Those who want to wipe out humanity are responsible for carnage. You are living in dangerous times and it will carry on until man says NO MORE ! This must stop.

You live in a world of plenty, and at a time when everything is possible, you must find your voice and speak out in support of each other. Today it is Africa, tomorrow it may be you. Expose the evil hidden hand that exploits humanity. You do know who they are. Never has the human race been in such danger. It is time for action. Europe, America, Africa; all are being destroyed by this hidden hand.

Brexit, in England, has slowed it down. Pray that France, too, will put another nail in the coffin of the EU. Their plan was to destroy Europe, to condense all its people into one melting pot. For as a single entity, it would be easier to destroy. Think on that.

I could spend time telling you just how absolutely wonderful life on this side of life is, but you are struggling to survive in a world that was taken over by a force so evil that wants the Earth for itself. They are all around you in different guises. They are masters of disguise. They are wiping out the white race without opposition. Many of you still pay homage to them. They thrive on war, poverty, and suffering, which are the breath of life to them. They delight in the fact that so many of you are still prepared to give up your lives for them, fighting their wars, always doing their bidding. Wake up !

Please pray for those who came up against these evil people and have had their lives ruined as a result. Many are locked up in prisons where they are badly treated. They need your prayers.

One such man has an important mission to fulfil for humanity. He needs your help to complete his mission on earth. My dear wife tries to support him. The Satanists have taken everything from him: his home, his business, and above all, his freedom. He is now penniless, in prison in America, without family or friends. This young man will be 50 years old in ten days. Humanity needs him to survive and to complete his mission. Please remember him in your prayers.

Justice does not exist in California. My dear wife knows exactly how they operate. She experienced having everything taken from her when I passed to Spirit.

You must win this battle and restore the Earth to ensure that humanity survives. 2017 and 2018 will bring many tests, so do not take anything for granted. Refuse to believe the lies that are directed at you to hold you in control. See beyond them in order to create a better life for all. You can do it, if you have the will to do so.

My dear, your health gives cause for concern because of constant attack. Please take care. We have been together in many lifetimes. The bond cannot be broken.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/6/2017 7:42:57 PM

Message from Montague for Sunday, 2 April 2017

You will see the truth triumph over evil in the next few weeks. This battle is being fought on many levels, some of which you are aware, though many are well hidden from prying eyes. Keeping humanity blind to what is being done was easy until people began the process of awakening. The full horror of your enslavement has not been uncovered yet. There are many who are fully awake and aware of what has to be done to free humanity.

Veronica had planned to show you an interview by Miles Johnston with a Super Soldier.

The video was named, THE REASON FOR PIZZAGATE. However, it was removed from YouTube. The Super Soldier explains that the Cabal wants you to understand and accept that for them to exist on your Earth, it is necessary for them to drink the blood and eat the flesh of your children. This is a fact of life for them. Seeing this explained by an individual who was trained by them would have painted the picture for you.

That some are willing to put a stop to such practices is a huge step forward. Do try to see this Miles Johnston interview. Both sides of life are working together to stop this evil practice. The future of humanity depends on it being stopped. America alone is trying to tackle this problem but the Cabal-owned press and TV channels will not report it. The evidence is there for those who want the truth. Believing the propaganda is what has kept you locked in enslavement all these years.

Last week I told you that what had happened in London was a FALSE FLAG EVENT. Now, we show you the proof.

Ole Dammegård: Statue of Liberty – NYC is next NWO False Flag. Predicted 3/22 Westminster
An interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Look at the two knifes that you were told had stabbed a policeman. THERE WAS NO BLOOD on them. Big mistakes were made in the London False Flag operation; some of them are laughable, they are so obvious. Look at them with an open mind. This London event tells us that the next one will be in New York. It shows, without a shadow of doubt, that you are being set-up and lied to. It is all a charade, set up by your governments to create fear, so that you will hand over your freedom to them (what little freedom you still have).

Every false flag event tells you where the next one will be. IT IS A GAME. The Cabal is laughing at you for being so stupid as not to see their game. They tell you what they intend to do and you allow them to do it. They believe this action absolves them of any guilt. All they ever need to do is to instill fear in you and you will allow them a free hand to do whatever they please.

Attacking my wife for trying to open your eyes, to free you from slavery, is pathetic. I told you that 2017 and 2018 will bring many problems and tests for humanity. April will prove to be one such testing time. Do not allow fear to take over. When you stand in your own light you have nothing to fear. Fear is the Cabal's greatest weapon against you, but they cannot do anything without your cooperation. Should you refuse to accept the fear, they are helpless. For them to survive on Earth, they need you. Those whose power they fear, they lock up in prisons. Corrupt lawyers are paid to keep them there. There is someone reading this message today who knows the truth regarding a certain young man. I ask that person to please find it in their heart, to bring this evidence into the light, so that humanity can survive. You can put an end to the suffering of your fellow human beings. Just a little courage is needed.

When the call to stand together comes, be prepared. You are, after all, the 99%, who stand against the 1% who want to destroy your life and your world. Know who you are, and what your purpose is, and stand by it. Refuse to be put into the CABAL MIXING POT which they have planned for you. Be proud of your heritage. You have been on Earth since the beginning of time. Your history is everywhere for those who wish to see it. The interlopers accidentally arrived on Earth, liked what they saw, and wanted it for themselves. This is when Humanity's problems began. The Cabal is wiping out the human race through vaccination, food, air, and drug-based medicine. You are allowing yourselves to be conned, over and over again, into believing the lies. This must stop. The answers to all your problems lie in your own hands. Take back control of your lives and your world. Research as much as possible so that your eyes are wide open to the truth and stand by it.

My dear, the damage to your parked car is upsetting. It is intended to be. The banging on your bedroom window at 5am this morning was far more sinister. It was intended to cause fear and it did. Removing it was traumatic for you.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/11/2017 1:30:02 PM

Message from Montague for Sunday, 9 April 2017

How the White House was infiltrated is now out into the open. Remember the first time that Donald Trump visited the White House? How confident he looked: a man looking forward to taking office. Remember that when he later emerged from his meeting with Obama, he looked shocked and disturbed. Both his confidence and his words had changed. He had learned that you are President in name only and the DEEP STATE makes the decisions.

However, Donald Trump refused to accept it. He went after the paedophiles of the Deep State and he was successful. The Deep State did not like this. They had to find a way to stop him. So they removed all Trump's people from office and replaced them with their own. But even this was not enough for them, so then they got to him through his own family. Make no mistake about it, the Deep State wants to get rid of him, as they cannot buy him nor can they control him.

This is important, my friends. The Deep State wants you, the people, to turn against Donald Trump, so that you do it for them. It is important that you continue to support him by helping him to see the full picture. The writing is on the wall for the Deep State. Do not assist them to remain in control. They have been exposed and the whole world is looking on in horror.

Trump is a prisoner in the White House. Technology that is unknown to man is used to make presidents carry out the work of the Cabal. It is evil in its true sense. It is how your world has been controlled for hundreds of years. You have seen in the past what has happened to presidents who dare to stand up for their beliefs. Trump wants a world which is free of the domination of evil forces. No politician will give you that. THEY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEIR SOULS TO GET INTO POLITICS.

I ask you to research for yourselves what is being said in the following videos. Everything is explained in simple terms.

ALL HANDS ON DECK! You can help dismantle the deep state!

Betrayed by Ivanka — another look at Trump's missile strike

The event is scheduled to happen soon and it will expose so much more, so be prepared. Everything you learned, whether through school, university, or family, is inherently wrong. You were lied to, big time. You need to start again with the truth. Help each other to comprehend and accept the truth. Religion has played a big part in the great deception. It, too, must be exposed and removed. The Deep State is not 100% human. They just pretend to be. They do not like humans, they just want what you have. The killing of humans comes naturally to them. The drinking of human blood is far more widespread that you can imagine. Until now, all this was kept well hidden. History shows that they were kicked out of many countries for this crime against humanity. Their success at getting back into each country, goes to show how clever they are, at deceiving the human race.

You are winning the battle. All will be exposed soon. Then it is up to you to come together to restore your world. All poisons must be cleared from the land, so that it can be used to produce food suitable for human consumption. Likewise, all poisons must be removed from the water and the air. Good health will be restored. Governments will be of the people, for the people. Peace to all men will be the mantra. All this is now on your doorstep. Welcome it into your lives. Work with it to restore the Earth. All the assistance you need will be available to you. Restoring the Earth is an enormous project and all sides of life are involved in it. The Cabal loses a little more control every day. It will soon have to accept its defeat. They have lied and cheated their way into power. This will never be allowed to happen again.

The Cabal's false flag events have increased in number. They have lost their impact, as you are now wise to them, and you can see through them. What will they think of next? It is time for them to pack their cases and prepare to leave the Earth. They have lived well on the blood, sweat, and tears, of humanity. They will be forced to leave the Earth from the same point at which they forced their entry.

The future that you are now in the process of creating will ensure that the Earth will transform into the paradise that it once was. Each of you is on the Earth to ensure this happens. All the ways of the last 2000 years will be discarded as they have caused man's downfall. Man has begun the process of reclaiming the Earth and restoring peace and harmony. Pray for Mr Trump, as he needs divine protection and guidance. Do not abandon him, as the Cabal wants you to do. Your future is in your own hands; handle it with care.

My dear, another tough week. Many others are also being attacked. It will not be long now.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

Is there a lawyer in the Los Angeles area of California who would be kind enough to offer one-off assistance to me?

Both myself and humanity would be deeply grateful.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/20/2017 3:45:38 AM

Message from Montague for Sunday, 16 April 2017

How the White House was infiltrated is now out into the open. Remember the first time that Donald Trump visited the White House? How confident he looked: a man looking forward to taking office. Remember that when he later emerged from his meeting with Obama, he looked shocked and disturbed. Both his confidence and his words had changed. He had learned that you are President in name only and the DEEP STATE makes the decisions.

However, Donald Trump refused to accept it. He went after the paedophiles of the Deep State and he was successful. The Deep State did not like this. They had to find a way to stop him. So they removed all Trump's people from office and replaced them with their own. But even this was not enough for them, so then they got to him through his own family. Make no mistake about it, the Deep State wants to get rid of him, as they cannot buy him nor can they control him.

This is important, my friends. The Deep State wants you, the people, to turn against Donald Trump, so that you do it for them. It is important that you continue to support him by helping him to see the full picture. The writing is on the wall for the Deep State. Do not assist them to remain in control. They have been exposed and the whole world is looking on in horror.

Trump is a prisoner in the White House. Technology that is unknown to man is used to make presidents carry out the work of the Cabal. It is evil in its true sense. It is how your world has been controlled for hundreds of years. You have seen in the past what has happened to presidents who dare to stand up for their beliefs. Trump wants a world which is free of the domination of evil forces. No politician will give you that. THEY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEIR SOULS TO GET INTO POLITICS.

I ask you to research for yourselves what is being said in the following videos. Everything is explained in simple terms.

ALL HANDS ON DECK! You can help dismantle the deep state!

Betrayed by Ivanka — another look at Trump's missile strike

The event is scheduled to happen soon and it will expose so much more, so be prepared. Everything you learned, whether through school, university, or family, is inherently wrong. You were lied to, big time. You need to start again with the truth. Help each other to comprehend and accept the truth. Religion has played a big part in the great deception. It, too, must be exposed and removed. The Deep State is not 100% human. They just pretend to be. They do not like humans, they just want what you have. The killing of humans comes naturally to them. The drinking of human blood is far more widespread that you can imagine. Until now, all this was kept well hidden. History shows that they were kicked out of many countries for this crime against humanity. Their success at getting back into each country, goes to show how clever they are, at deceiving the human race.

You are winning the battle. All will be exposed soon. Then it is up to you to come together to restore your world. All poisons must be cleared from the land, so that it can be used to produce food suitable for human consumption. Likewise, all poisons must be removed from the water and the air. Good health will be restored. Governments will be of the people, for the people. Peace to all men will be the mantra. All this is now on your doorstep. Welcome it into your lives. Work with it to restore the Earth. All the assistance you need will be available to you. Restoring the Earth is an enormous project and all sides of life are involved in it. The Cabal loses a little more control every day. It will soon have to accept its defeat. They have lied and cheated their way into power. This will never be allowed to happen again.

The Cabal's false flag events have increased in number. They have lost their impact, as you are now wise to them, and you can see through them. What will they think of next? It is time for them to pack their cases and prepare to leave the Earth. They have lived well on the blood, sweat, and tears, of humanity. They will be forced to leave the Earth from the same point at which they forced their entry.

The future that you are now in the process of creating will ensure that the Earth will transform into the paradise that it once was. Each of you is on the Earth to ensure this happens. All the ways of the last 2000 years will be discarded as they have caused man's downfall. Man has begun the process of reclaiming the Earth and restoring peace and harmony. Pray for Mr Trump, as he needs divine protection and guidance. Do not abandon him, as the Cabal wants you to do. Your future is in your own hands; handle it with care.

My dear, another tough week. Many others are also being attacked. It will not be long now.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


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