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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/25/2016 3:11:50 AM

The Free Thought Project 11-22-16… “Veterans Organizing ‘Like a Military Unit’ to Defend DAPL Protesters from Militarized Police” (includes Tulsi Gabbard)

by kauilapele

free_thought_project_header_border_4This seems a significant move. A non-violent protection of the protectors by veterans, including our Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

"Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is about to get a major boost. On Dec. 4, U.S. military veterans — possibly numbering in the hundreds — plan to gather “like a military unit” to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Having witnessed the police state brutality inflicted on Native Americans attempting to protect sacred land and natural resources, the former service members feel compelled to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux.

"Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, a combat war veteran, will be joining the act of resistance, according to the Facebook page Veterans Stand for Standing Rock. As Task and Purpose notes, federal government ignored their duty under the National Historic Preservation Act to consult the Standing Rock Sioux before approving DAPL.

"“This country is repressing our people,” said Michael Wood, a Marine Corps veteran and former Baltimore police officer. “If we’re going to be heroes, if we’re really going to be those veterans that this country praises, well, then we need to do the things that we actually said we’re going to do when we took the oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.”

"The main man behind it all is Wes Clark, Jr., son of Gen. Wesley Clark, a former Supreme Allied Commander... Wes Clark, Jr., is best known as a co-host for the Young Turks, and sees the Dec. 4 resistance at DAPL as “the most important event up to this time in human history."


Veterans Organizing “Like a Military Unit” to Defend DAPL Protesters from Militarized Police

standing_rock_people_300_2Resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is about to get a major boost. On Dec. 4, U.S. military veterans — possibly numbering in the hundreds — plan to gather “like a military unit” to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Having witnessed the police state brutality inflicted on Native Americans attempting to protect sacred land and natural resources, the former service members feel compelled to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux.

According to the Veterans for Standing Rock GoFundMe page:

We are veterans of the United States Armed Forces, including the U.S. Army, United States Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Coast Guard and we are calling for our fellow veterans to assemble as a peaceful, unarmed militia at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation on Dec 4-7 and defend the water protectors from assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force and DAPL security.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, a combat war veteran, will be joining the act of resistance, according to the Facebook page Veterans Stand for Standing Rock.

As Task and Purpose notes, federal government ignored their duty under the National Historic Preservation Act to consult the Standing Rock Sioux before approving DAPL. Some of the pipeline construction will take place on sacred land that was taken from the tribe over the past 150 years, and the pipeline will be buried under the tribe’s drinking water source.

While federal government abandoned Native Americans once again, law enforcement are acting as militarized protection services for Energy Transfer Partners, the Texas-based company behind the 1,170-mile pipeline. State and local governments are set to reap millions in taxes once the oil begins flowing.

Numerous violent crackdowns have already been carried out by cops in riot gear – drenching protestors with water cannons in freezing temperatures, blowing arms apart with concussion grenades, choking protestors with tear gas and sending people into cardiac arrest.

This country is repressing our people,” said Michael Wood, a Marine Corps veteran and former Baltimore police officer. “If we’re going to be heroes, if we’re really going to be those veterans that this country praises, well, then we need to do the things that we actually said we’re going to do when we took the oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

The main man behind it all is Wes Clark, Jr., son of Gen. Wesley Clark, a former Supreme Allied Commander who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004. Clark Sr. called for action on climate change, and this motivation is also driving his son to fight against DAPL.

Wes Clark, Jr., is best known as a co-host for the Young Turks, and sees the Dec. 4 resistance at DAPL as “the most important event up to this time in human history.

“We’re not going out there to get in a fight with anyone. They can feel free to beat us up, but we’re 100% nonviolence.”

Clark and Wood say they are prepared to take a bullet for the cause, and they are going in well-prepared. The veterans will don old military uniforms and be equipped with body armor, ear plugs and gas masks.

“Vets Standing For Standing Rock was announced via an official sounding letter formatted like a five-paragraph military operation order, breaking down the “opposing forces” — “Morton County Sheriff’s office combined with multiple state police agencies and private security contractors” — “Mission,” “Execution” and “Logistics,” among other things. A packing list virtually mirrors the ones issued to soldiers preparing to deploy to the field (minus the weapons). But there are also parts of the document that read like a revolutionary manifesto. Under the section titled “Friendly Forces,” for example, the op order states, “we are there to put our bodies on the line, no matter the physical cost, in complete nonviolence to provide a clear representation to all Americans of where evil resides.”

Clark and Wood have an “operations order” in place to so they can organize “like a military unit” to carry out their goals. With a group of possibly 500 veterans and other brave souls, they will lock arms and cross the Missouri River to non-violently confront militarized police armed with rifles, mace, batons and dogs. Traditional Sioux war songs will be played as they attempt to peacefully surround the drill pad from which the pipeline will be bored under the river.

It’s simple and we have clearly defined goals, so people don’t get caught up in the confusion,” said Wood. “One of the issues the police are going to face is that our level of planning and coordination is vastly superior to theirs, so they may end up with a problem when it comes to that.

Even if the veterans are unsuccessful in stopping DAPL, the confrontation is sure to draw national attention — even from a mainstream media that have virtually ignored the corporate and government abuse being carried out on Native Americans in the interest of big oil.

Linda Hoffman

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RE: Truth tellers
11/25/2016 12:30:17 PM
I wonder, will this be the incident that will cause Marshall Law?
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/25/2016 10:28:51 PM
Message from Montague on Sunday 20 November 2016


Everything is in turmoil. Many do not know who or what to believe. You saw how the Cabal Machine went into action the moment Mr Trump was elected. The lies and the fear mongering went into overdrive, leaving many in doubt, though deep in their souls they knew that Mrs Clinton would ensure World War III and that life on Earth would become a mere existence. The Earth that you know and love would bear no resemblance to the Earth that the Cabal wants to create. The destruction of the human race is planned down to the finest detail.

Brexit and Trump have upset the applecart. This, my friends, was totally unexpected by the Cabal. They are still in shock. They are desperately trying to find a way to prevent Mr Trump from becoming President. In England, the Government is trying every trick in the book to prevent Brexit becoming a reality. The British people want Brexit and they will insist on it, no matter what strokes Theresa May pulls to delay and prevent it. Poland is now planning to leave the EU. Intelligent people are now seeing how they were conned into the EU and they want out of it. The Cabal conned everyone, everywhere. You must release yourselves from years of slavery. Visualise the chains breaking and see yourselves, the human race, free from bondage.

They forced entry into our world, and like a cancer, they spread to all corners of the Earth. They set out to con you into trusting them. They use many guises, promising that if you trust, obey, and follow them, you will have it all. You have been trapped by the Cabal for 2000 years. The Vatican leads the way in this control system, along with all the other religions that stem from the Vatican. The Vatican itself is most certainly not what you believe it to be. It is only now that the full extent of the paedophilia is being brought to your attention. The satanic killings, especially of innocent little children, is what enables these creatures to exist in your world. To live on Earth, they need to drink the blood and eat the flesh of humans. They live to great ages because this sustains them.

Nothing is as it seems. They do not hide their evil ways. Consider the Catholic Mass, in which you drink the blood and eat the flesh. It is all done in front of your eyes. You failed to see it for what it is. Now that you are waking up to this evil that is all around you, controlling every aspect of your lives, you are shocked and upset. But when you, the 99%, say that you refuse to serve one moment longer, the Cabal will disappear. They do not fight wars. Instead, they demand that you do so. You, the foolish people, who are willing to die for them. War is human sacrifice on a large scale. They love it and they thrive on it. You give it to them. You are just puppets, and they know how to pull your strings.

All political parties have been infiltrated. They do not serve the people. This is why someone such as Mr Trump had to be found. He does not want anything from the Cabal, as he has it all. He is not tied or controlled by any political party. You have no idea how corrupt and controlled your governments are. They do not serve the people. They serve their puppet masters, the hidden controllers. Now, they too, will be flushed out and exposed.

The Earth needs to be cleansed of all that is evil and corrupt. You can do it. Put your minds to the task of restoring peace and harmony. Do not buy into the Cabal's favourite game, creating problems such as Christian/Moslem, rich/poor, black/white. All these problems are designed to cause trouble and strife. Understand that when you are fighting with each other, you are doing exactly what the Cabal wants of you. Divide and conquer has worked for centuries. This is exactly why the Cabal has forced and paid thousands of "refugees" into Europe recently. This was planned in 1925. Why do you think that the two world wars were staged in Europe? Why is the Cabal pushing for World War III in Europe? Why is the destruction of Europe so important to the Cabal? Why do they fear Europe? What is in Europe that could expose the Cabal and all its plans?

It is all a big game to the Cabal. You have just seen how they reacted to the Trump election. How easy it was for them to get the mindless out on the streets, shouting slogans against Trump. Students will do whatever they get paid to do. It is just business to them. You are being manipulated by those who have had 2000 years of experience. When will you say that enough is enough. This must stop forthwith. Leave the Earth and humanity in peace.

Support each other whenever possible as you go through this awakening. Do your revocations as often as possible as they will release you from the corrupt control. Believe in the future that you are now creating. Pray for the release of those all over your world who are unlawfully locked up because they became a problem for the Cabal. A Cabal which will go to any lengths to prevent exposure and failure. These people need your support. You need them to complete their missions. This is a battle that you must win or you will perish, for the Cabal never shows mercy. Your future is in your own hands. You have nowhere to run. This is it.

My dear, you know what must be done. It is not an easy path. You have withstood so much. They will not give up. But we are with you, my dear, every step of the way.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/26/2016 3:25:54 AM
I wonder, will this be the incident that will cause Marshall Law?

Linda, I have no idea what is going to happen with Marshall Law, but I do know there needs to be something happen for these people. I found this article on Marshall Law, thought you might like to read it.
Linda Hoffman

173 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
11/26/2016 4:16:43 AM

I didn't look at the article. I know if Marshall Law is called we will lose all our freedoms and liberties. I am sure this is what the article talks about.

I agree something needs to be done. What I don't understand is why they made it public what they are planning to do, instead of surprising those who are doing these things to the Native American Indians?
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