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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/26/2016 6:11:36 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, January 24, 2016

In the past, I warned you of the plans to bring in Military Martial Law. Well, your Mr Obama put that in motion on the 22 January.

Breaking News at Infowars

This is a huge wake-up call for humanity. They are not playing games and have now put into action their take-over plan. It was done when everyone was concerned about getting home in the great snow storm. Remember, they used the very same tactic in the blizzard of 1913 to get the Federal Reserve Bill accepted. They always use the same tactics.

Obama, the Khazarian Puppet, will be given unlimited powers to send the US Army to any country they choose. Make no mistake, this is a globalist take-over and the globalist army will suspend what few rights you have left. Preparations for this have been ongoing for many years. THEY ARE PREPARED . . . ARE YOU ?

To understand the enormity of the situation, I ask you to read . . .


It will open your eyes to the extent of this evil take-over of humanity and the Earth. Do your own research and prepare to defend yourselves.

Remember, ISIS was set up by the US and the UK. It was financed and armed by them. Now, they use it as an excuse for the globalist takeover. They have been preparing for the mass persecution and annihilation of humanity for centuries. They despise you and what rid of you. Yet still you serve them.

Veronica has fluid in her lungs. It is painful and debilitating. We will resume normal communication when she recovers.

You need rest, my love. You have a mission to fulfill. Please take care.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/1/2016 6:07:29 PM


There is something terribly wrong with the USG.

by Preston James


[ Note: This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who haven’t read those, reading this article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.

This article is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources, some still living but most passed. None of the novel information included is associated with Veterans Today in any way. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out. ]


If you don’t already know, in this article you are going to learn what it is. America has been infiltrated and hijacked by a foreign based entity, the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate the Khazarian Mafia (KM), its main action-agent Israel and its espionage fronts. This group of soulless evil mass-murderers gained a foothold in America in 1913 when it bribed Congress and the President to get the Federal Reserve Act passed, which gave it the illegal, unConstitutional power to create all the money it wanted in order to bribe, buy and take control the USG and its various elected and appointed officials. This must be stopped and we must take America back from these RICO criminal hijackers.


RE: #Monsanto
2/8/2016 3:38:15 AM

'No Pasaran!' After two years, Argentina's Monsanto blockade is fighting on

Protesters have now blocked a Monsanto seed factory in Córdoba, Argentina for over two years, writes Ciara Low. Another eviction attempt is now imminent, and campaigners are calling for a big mobilization this Sunday to fortify the blockade and send out a strong message to Monsanto and its acolytes: 'No Pasaran!' - 'They shall not pass!'

The streets of Córdoba and Buenos Aires are ringing with calls for Monsanto´s eviction - 'Fuera Monsanto!' The message could not be clearer. However, Monsanto's immense political power means that more voices may still be needed.

"Cordobeses (residents of Córdoba) will be proud to have one of the most important (seed-producing) plants in the world", Monsanto's website claims.

"The more than one thousand employees of Monsanto Argentina are proud and thankful to be a part of the community of Malvinas Argentinas." [1]

However, it would appear the sentiment doesn't go both ways. A blockade against the agro-giant Monsanto in Malvinas Argentinas entered its third year in September of last year.

The construction of what would be Monsanto's second largest seed processing plant in Latin America halted in September 2013 when a group of activists blockaded the plant's five entrances and set up camp.

An injunction officially halted construction on the site in January of last year. Recently the protesters received an eviction notice, delivered at the request of Monsanto, but local activists mobilized to strengthen the blockade, and a prosecutor suspended the order.

The two-year anniversary saw over 150 people pass through the camp in support of the blockade. Others gathered in the cities of Córdoba and Buenos Aires to march in support. The message: Monsanto is not welcome here. Despite the strong opposition and legal barriers, Monsanto continues in its attempts to secure the plant's approval.

Argentinians say 'no more'

Malvinas is a small town in the northeastern Argentinian province of Córdoba. The area has long been the site of multinational corporate interests: Route A88, which runs past Monsanto's inactive site, serves plants owned by Coca-Cola, Argentine energy company YPF, and Bayer. Monsanto's proposed plant would be responsible for producing and treating corn seed. [1]

Monsanto announced plans to begin construction of the plant in January 2013, following approval by the Malvinas Argentinas City Council. [2] Public protest ensued. When marches in Buenos Aires and letters to the provincial council failed to produce results, protesters blockaded the plant's five entrances.

Five months later their efforts were legally reinforced when a labour appeals court ruled construction on the site was unconstitutional, [3] suspending it until public consultation and an environmental impact assessment are completed.

Activists have been camped at the plant's entrance for over two years now as Monsanto attempts to secure legal permission to continue construction.

Monsanto responsible for GM boom

Monsanto's presence in Argentina is nothing new. The world's largest seed producer first began producing plastics there in 1956, and manufactured chemicals such as Agent Orange. Monsanto introduced genetically modified (GM) soy in 1996, quickly changing the nature of agriculture in Argentina.

Between 1980 and 2005, the area of land dedicated to soybean production increased from two million to 17 million hectares. [4] Now, GM soy monocultures largely comprise the Argentinean countryside.

The GM boom has been directly responsible for deforestation of native forests and indirect deforestation caused by the relocation of cattle from agriculturally attractive land. [4,5,6] Glenn Ellis, a documentary filmmaker investigating Monsanto in Argentina, remarked, "Not so long ago Argentina topped the world for meat production, but here there was not a cow in sight." [7]

Where Argentina's world-famous cows were once pasture-fed, the GM land grab has pushed them into feedlots and changed their diet from grass to grain. [4]

GM crop expansion has driven not only cattle, but also local farmers from the land. GM products are marketed as having cost-saving advantages - higher yields (though this remains controversial) for less labour, encouraging farmers to convert land to soy cultivation and driving large increases in production.

However, though higher production translates into an increase in GDP, it is corporations that see the profits, while lower labour costs ultimately translate to job loss for local farmers.

Much like in the US, 'family farming' in Argentina is a thing of the past. Local farmers are either unable to compete with the low prices of GM products, or are bought out by bigger business. Argentina is the world's third largest producer and exporter of soy products. [8]

The Argentinean economy is consequently heavily reliant on soy exports, and government support to increase production is strong. Last year, Argentina planted 20 million hectares of soy, the majority provided by Monsanto. [9] The Ministry of Agriculture's Strategic Agribusiness Plan aims to increase grain production to 160 million tons over the next six years. [10]

Rallying call for opposition is health

While deforestation and job loss are significant consequences of Argentina's GM boom, the rallying call for the grassroots opposition is health. Despite the existence of laws prohibiting pesticide spraying close to residential areas (laws differ between regions and in some are nonexistent), GM soy is grown next to houses, water sources, workplaces, and schools.

There is growing concern about the link between the spraying and the observed increases in cancer rates, birth defects, and miscarriages in areas where GM crops are located. A study conducted by the Ministry of Health found that deaths due to cancer are double the national average in Córdoba province. [11]

One of the attractions of GM crops is the ease of herbicide application. While the genetically engineered seeds survive spraying, Monsanto´s Roundup herbicide kills all other plants and insects in the vicinity. As such, farmers apply it liberally.

Additionally, the use of aerial spraying means that the wind carries herbicides far from their point of origin. A local doctor interviewed by Ellis referred to "an epidemic of birth malformations" in the Chaco province that correlates with the increase in soy plantations in the region over the past 15 years. [7]

Such claims are bolstered by a study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology that found that glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Roundup, causes birth defects in animal embryos at levels far below those currently used in agricultural spraying. [12]

Despite numerous reputable studies highlighting the health risks posed by glyphosate spraying, including the recent report released by the WHO classifying the chemical as a 'probable human carcinogen', [13] Roundup remains widely used at local, national, and international levels.

Camp is a constant reminder of the ongoing fight

The blockade in Malvinas Argentinas has become the face of opposition against Monsanto and corporate interests nationally. Where energy wanes between marches and organized events, the camp is a constant reminder of the ongoing fight and the power of grassroots opposition.

On the weekend of the blockade´s second anniversary current and returning blockaders, Malvinas Argentinas residents, and supporters from all over Argentina united to share information and plan the movement´s next steps.

Representatives of the Zapatista movement addressed the crowd, lawyers and health professionals from the area explained terminology and debunked the myths surrounding GM crops, and camp members held workshops educating people on alternative, sustainable lifestyles. Music groups rapped about the fight against Monsanto, and capoeira dancers stopped traffic on the highway to hand out informational flyers.

In spite of the blockade, legal setbacks, and the rejection of Monsanto's first environmental impact assessment last year, the corporation continues to try to restart construction on the Malvinas plant. It is currently seeking amendments to federal laws in preparation for the presentation of its second environmental impact assessment.

Meanwhile, Monsanto´s recent attempted eviction notice has ramped up blockaders efforts to rid Malvinas Argentinas of Monsanto for good. The word is out, people are making noise. The streets of Córdoba and Buenos Aires are ringing with calls for Monsanto´s eviction - "Fuera Monsanto!"

The message could not be clearer. However, Monsanto's immense political power means that more voices may still be needed to ensure that it does not fall on deaf ears.


Ciara Low studied international environmental law and policy at Brown University. She has been living and working in Chile for the past year, and in August 2015 spent three weeks living with fellow protesters at the blockade against Monsanto in Malvinas, Argentina.

This article was originally published by GMWatch.

Contact the blockade via the Facebook group Bloqueo a Monsanto Malvinas Argentinas. 'Like' the Facebook page and help get the word out!


1. Monsanto. 'Nuestros Compromisos: Malvinas Argentinas'. Monsanto. Web.

2. Monsanto. 'Noticias y Opiniones: Monsanto en Malvinas Argentinas'. Monsanto. 26 September 2013. Web.

3. Frayssinet, Fabiana. 'Argentine Activists Win First Round Against Monsanto Plant'. Inter Press Service. 25 January 2014.

4. Reboratti, Carlos. 'Un mar de soja: la nueva agriculturaen Argentina y sus consecuencias'. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande 45 (2010): 63-76. Print.

5. Seghezzo et al. 'Native Forests and Agriculture in Salta (Argentina): Conflicting Visions of Development'. Journal of Environment Development 20 (2011): 251-277. Print.

6. VIB. Fact Series: Herbicide Resistant Soybean in Argentina. 2013.

7. Ellis, Glenn. 'Argentina's Bad Seeds'. Al Jazeera English. 14 March 2013.

8. USDA. 'Oilseed, Soybean 2014'. Crop Explorer. Web.

9. USDA. 'Argentina Soybeans 2014: Commodity Intelligence Report'. Office of Global Analysis. 14 Jan 2014. Web.

10. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganader֑ía y Pesca. Argentina Lider Agroalimentario. 16 September 2011. Print.

11. Gobierno de la Provincia de Cordoba. 'Se presenta el informesobre cancer en la Provincia'. Portal de Noticias. Web.

12. Carrasco, Andrés et al. 'Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling'. Chemical Research in Toxicology 23 (2010): 1586-1595. Print.

13. Guyton et al. 'Carcinogenicity of tetrachlorvinphos, parathion, malathion, diazinon, and glyphosate'. The Lancet Oncology 16(5) (2015): 490-491.

Myrna, I will never forget "The Tuskegee Experiment" for the governments role in using men like lab rats. Currently, corporations have no love for its consumers; thus, does all for their monetary bottom line. Tomatoes are crossed with fish genes, to teach the tomato to grow with minimal water. I quit eating store bought tomatoes for they LQQK artificial ... no blemishes. We are blessed to know old school farmers, who do have a big farm anymore but still plant gardens. %%% I have published a blog post for visitors to read your forum:

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/9/2016 4:32:02 AM

Montague Keen, February 7, 2016

The 7 February was always a very special day for you and I, as we celebrated my birthday on Earth. I thank you, my dear, for always making it so special for me.

What your world is facing now is AGENDA 21, THE DEPOPULATION OF THE WORLD. Their plan is first to depopulate Brazil, by poisoning the whole country. Brazil is the biggest user of pesticides in the world, so it will be easy for them to achieve this. Remember, my dear, I was very much against pesticides when I was on Earth. I foresaw the great dangers of such chemicals being unleashed indiscriminately on the Earth. Those, plus the Chemtrails, were a prescription for disaster, just as you are witnessing now. All the VIRUSES are produced in their laboratories. They are released when it is necessary to bring humanity to its knees by creating FEAR through the scare stories they release. The people who discuss matters on TV and who write what they are told to write in newspapers, are guilty of a grave criminal offence against humanity. They are as guilty as if they had physically administered the viruses themselves.

The cult that rules your world has used you to create wealth and power for them. NOW THEY WANT IT ALL. They no longer want you, in what they now consider to be their world. They planned every step of this takeover meticulously over the centuries. Every war was orchestrated by them, every illness was created by them. Money, the scourge of humanity, was created by them. They have taken humanity hostage, and you have sleepwalked into ever scam they have created for you. They were experts at selling an idea to you. You never looked for the pitfalls. They now run every government, own all banks, and own the pharmaceutical industry. They produce the food necessary for life on Earth. You were blinded to their motives, as they used language (magic speak) to confuse you, so that you handed all control to them. They use you to produce the chemicals that KILL YOU. They use you to kill humanity through the wars they create. They use you to inject poisons that will eventually kill you. You, yes you, are assisting them in their great takeover of the Earth.

All religions are part of this, though they try to hide it well. The Vatican is the Seat of Evil, forget that at your peril. The God that they worship, and encourage you to worship, DEMANDS BLOOD SACRIFICES AND SUFFERING, which THEY SUPPLY ON DEMAND. They owe their success to this God. Humans supply the blood to appease this God. The MASS that you happily attend, is but a re-enactment of the blood sacrifice, and you willingly take part in it.

What will it take for you to wake up to this EVIL that is all around you, dressed up to confuse you. They have been so successful in conning you into believing them through religion. There is one thing that you could, and should, learn from them; they stand together, they always support each other, and therein lies their strength. They promote only their own. They change their NAMES continually to confuse you. They learned to fit in to many countries; to infiltrate and destroy the structure of the country and its people. This brought them great success. You are living in a world that they have ensured you know nothing about. They have kept you in the dark about everything. They have made you dependant on them, and that, my friends, is not a good thing. They have been clever and they have been patient.

This is THE GREATEST BATTLE THE EARTH HAS EVER WITNESSED. Good against Evil, Light against Dark, call it what you will; but be assured, it is one battle that every one of you will be part of, and it is already raging all around you. This is a fight for your very existence.

This is why, my friends, I implore you to vote only for those who are not in the pockets of the Cabal. Ireland has elections this month. This is the most important election that they will have. Vote only for those who have shown themselves to be honest, who only work for the betterment of the people and the country. Voting gives you power, so use it wisely. Forget party politics, it is of the past. It is time to move on, and take back control for the people. Vote on party lines and all you get is THE SAME AS BEFORE. This is your opportunity to take back control from the Cabal. Are you up for it? Or will you sit back and allow the depopulation of the Earth without lifting a finger to stop it?

Come to terms with the fact that all the news, both in newspapers and on TV, is false and scripted by the Cabal to prevent you ever knowing the truth. So much is stacked against you. They have had so much experience of conning and controlling humanity. You, my friends, are only just waking up to it. When newsreaders and reporters understand what they are guilty of, and refuse to be part of THIS GREAT DECEPTION any longer, then you will see the whole house of cards fall. They would not have achieved so much power and success if you had not been their willing helpers. It is time to show loyalty to your own kind, as they need your support.

Please stop fighting the Cabal’s wars. Do you not see that you are part of their depopulation program. Remove those uniforms. Refuse to be a blood sacrifice to the Cabal’s God, for that is all that you are to them. You cannot avoid seeing the destruction of life on Earth all around you. It has got to be stopped and dealt with. Deal with it and help will come to you with free energy, etc. Stop being helpless slaves. Find your voice and refuse to assist in the destruction of humanity. Take back your power.

My dear, yes, they always attack the lungs. They are an easy target for them. They do it to your friend, also. He is an easy target for them. Their power is diminishing, and this is when they are at their most dangerous, as they are not good losers.

Please take some rest. Be prepared !

Together forever, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/9/2016 6:50:56 PM
Myrna, I will never forget "The Tuskegee Experiment" for the governments role in using men like lab rats. Currently, corporations have no love for its consumers; thus, does all for their monetary bottom line. Tomatoes are crossed with fish genes, to teach the tomato to grow with minimal water. I quit eating store bought tomatoes for they LQQK artificial ... no blemishes. We are blessed to know old school farmers, who do have a big farm anymore but still plant gardens. %%% I have published a blog post for visitors to read your forum:

Hi Jan,
Thanks for more info on Monsanto. People are learning about how bad these chemicals are for the body, let along the body we live on. Mother Earth. We need to treat her like we would any other mother. She gives us life.

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