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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/13/2016 1:23:15 AM
This is very interesting. How Mushrooms can save the planet.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/23/2016 9:10:18 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday February 21, 2016

Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Founder and President of the Pan-European Union, the Original European Union, said this in his 1925 Book, “Prakuscher Idealismus”.

“The MAN of the FUTURE will be mixed race. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the FUTURE . . . will replace the diversity of peoples. Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of communist spiritual ARISTOCRATS GOVERN THE COUNTRY. The General Staff of both . . . are recruited from EUROPE’S SPIRITUAL LEADER RACE, THE JEWS. From the European quantity people . . . the mass, TWO Quantity Races rise up; BLOOD ARISTOCRACY AND JEWRY. BOTH BELIEVE IN THEIR HIGHER MISSION, OF THEIR BETTER BLOOD. THE SUPERIORITY OF THEIR SPIRIT PREDESTINES THEM TO BECOME A MAIN FACTOR OF FUTURE NOBILITY.

In 1950 Coundenhove-Kalergy was awarded the very first CHARLEMAGNE PRIZE. Subsequent winners have included: Winston Churchill, Edward Heath, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Tony Blair.

Yes, my friends, THE DESTRUCTION OF EUROPE WAS PLANNED IN 1925.Governments were put in place which would facilitate these plans. You have been conned every step of the way. Ireland is awakening to those plans. The people have come out in great numbers to show their strength and their solidarity. TOGETHER, they stand. They have withdrawn their consent from their Government and so it will fall. Withdrawing from the European Union is essential for your survival. The EU is only interested in destroying the nation states of Europe. It is up to the people of each country to refuse to co-operate with the EU. Your governments have been LYING to you and will continue to lie to you. Now that their purpose has been laid bare for all to see, it is up to you to remove yourselves from their trap. You know who you are, and you know your history. Those who want to destroy you, DO NOT HAVE A HISTORY, and they resent yours and want to remove it. They belong to an OCCULT SECRET SOCIETY which masquerades as a religion. They do not belong on Earth. It is up to each one of you to refuse to be part of their plans. They have no right to plan the future of mankind. The future of your world is in your hands. Action is needed to protect humanity.

My dear wife cannot write any more today. She has been under severe attack which nearly cost her her life. She was saved by the intervention of a dear medical friend who realised what was being done to her. He got the necessary help to deflect the attack that was causing her life to ebb away. She needs to recover from the shock and severity of this latest attack.

My dear, I implore you to rest, you need to recuperate.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/8/2016 6:09:49 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday March 6, 2016


My friends, you know in your souls that there is something quite terrible going on in your world. You get glimpses of it now and again, but nothing you can point to. In your confusion, you try to close your eyes to it, but it will not go away. Spirit is pleading with you to wake up and face the facts. Your world is being taken over by forces that have no wish for you to share it with them. They are in power all around you. They do not hide their plans. They openly tell you that they want to remove you. They want the Earth to be exclusively their own. Find your voice, find your strength, and take control of what is yours. The Earth is the home of humanity. The interlopers have no legitimate claim to it. Their GREED has destroyed the quality of life on Earth for all humans.

Your VICTORY will happen only when you stand shoulder to shoulder in love, united in trust that together, you will rescue the Earth from the invaders. Expose all the traps that are in place to hold you hostage. MONEY and RELIGIONS being the two prime criminal bodies that are responsible for all the suffering. When I say religion, I refer also to those who use religion as a label. It is not, in fact, a religion; it is a political stance.

Time is running out. There is a body of people who are REMOVING key people from the Earth. It is made to look like a heart attack or suicide, or whatever the evil ones deem plausible. Friends of ours, my dear, were dispatched in this way. No mercy is shown to those who get in the way of the Cabal. You, my dear, are only just recovering from their latest and deadliest attack. Friends, do not sit idly by and refuse to see and acknowledge what is before your eyes. Everything in your world is being interfered with and controlled. Humanity is at the mercy of these intruders unless it takes back its strength and its power, and refuses to continue to assist and enable this evil takeover of the Earth.

I plead with the people of Ireland not to honour the most evil person known as "Patrick"; who, through his takeover of Ireland, plunged the human race into a fight for its very survival. Refuse to be part of the mind control programme that destroyed humanity. It took you all hostage. Trust me, it all began with "Patrick" in Ireland. The Vatican and its cohorts have controlled your world ever since. Be proud to be Irish, for you are indeed a proud and noble race. You will return to who you are, when you remove the shackles of the Vatican.

Your minds and bodies are under constant assault. Please take time to protect them. Avoid all drug-based medicine, GM food, the mind control of religion, TV, governments, and newspapers. Remember that everything is geared up to ELIMINATE YOU.

It is difficult for us in Spirit to watch what is being done to you, without doing our utmost to assist you. Veronica knows what needs to be done. She works tirelessly to bring about your rescue. This is why she is constantly attacked. She does so much more than write with me, but this is all we can share with you at this time. This is a battle for your survival. They keep you occupied in petty arguments and squabbles to prevent you seeing the big picture. If you took the time to look at the big picture: THE DESTRUCTION OF THE HUMAN RACE AND ITS REMOVAL FROM EARTH, you would jump to attention and do all in your power to protect and preserve the human race. This EVIL has spread its tentacles everywhere. You just do not know who you can trust because of the mind control. You cannot ever trust your judgement without researching everything thoroughly. You owe it to yourselves to do your own research. Those who are in power, are there, only because they were placed there by the Cabal, in order to serve them. They try to convince you otherwise. Do not be fooled. Their plans have got to be stopped. They cannot complete them without your assistance. So refuse to assist.

Waking up is never easy. See all that you had accepted as TRUTH and FACT, all exposed as LIES to enslave you, and to control and remove you from the Earth. When you awake, you see everything as it is. You become STRONG, and in control. You find your real self. The puppet that was you, is no more. It is when the awakened come together and refuse to accept the propaganda, that the Cabal is finished. They will remove themselves from the Earth as they cannot survive in the LIGHT. Their earth bodies would disintegrate.

Come together, as the good energy which you create when you gather together, wipes out the evil of the dark. It transforms it, it raises it. It inspires humanity to come together. Those of you who have attended a talk by David Icke, know what I am referring to. You leave feeling elated and inspired, your strength restored. This is what you need.

My dear, you are not out of the woods yet. They almost got you. You need to recover. Enjoy your time with your family today, and be assured that I will be there with you, as always.

You are so loved, my dear.

Your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/15/2016 4:56:08 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday March 13, 2016

The real self is dangerous; dangerous to the established CHURCH, dangerous to the STATE, dangerous to the CROWD, dangerous to TRADITION, because once a MAN knows his REAL SELF; HE BECOMES AN INDIVIDUAL.

The awakened man sees everything as it is. He shares his knowledge and so he becomes a target for the Cabal. What you are experiencing today is the Cabal flooding your lives with FEAR in all its many guises. CANCER is a very productive industry for them. They are bombarding you with the FEAR of it. TV is full of information on the dangers of cancer. Their treatment does not cure it. My dear wife knows that all you need to prevent and treat cancer is Bicarbonate of Soda. She takes a little in hot water and lemon juice each day. It is as simple as that to prevent cancer. For the Cabal to exist, they need to keep you in fear and suffering. Stop playing their game. The human race is under attack. The takeover began many centuries ago.

What you are experiencing now is the end game. They hope to achieve their goal. Because many of you have awakened to the real situation you are in and have refused to accept the misinformation, it is your duty to share the truth with your fellow man. Understand that those who strive to take over your world do not belong in your world. They have no right whatsoever to be on Earth. You are children of the Creator. Powerful beings of light who inadvertently gave your power to the Dark Side. You must now take back your power. Refuse to assist in the removal of the human race from the Earth. Remove yourselves from Admiralty Law and all false laws which have been forced on you by the Cabal.

The Cabal created language to separate and confuse you. They removed from humanity the knowledge you lived by in ancient times. THE POWER OF SOUND: how sound alone could move large objects. You must VISUALISE your future and create it. A future where all humans inhabit the Earth peacefully and in harmony. This you can do. It is in your power to do it. In 2014, Veronica set out to achieve this with others and was brutally attacked. The power of the Cabal descended on the project and ensured that it was set aside. It will happen when enough people of courage step forward. Veronica knows that one day soon, people will come together to bring this to fruition.

Many of you are still in bondage to the Vatican and other religions. The Vatican serves Lucifer. He is openly venerated at the Vatican. Blood sacrifice is a huge part of it. You see it even in the Mass, where you are asked to DRINK THE BLOOD and EAT THE FLESH. The true history of the Roman Church would horrify many of you. It is all based on fear and control from birth to death. There is no truth in what they teach.

I can assure you, on personal experience, that death is the most wonderful thing. You simply pass from one state of existence to another. It releases you from all the trauma of life on Earth. The only trauma involved is when you look back and see the evil control and the corruption which enslaves humanity. You can free yourselves. The timing is right to do this. 2016 is your big opportunity to free yourselves from the slavery of the past. You ask, are enough of you awake to do this. The answer is a resounding, yes ! It just takes the courage to take back your sovereignty. You will find the Revocations on the web site of ANDREW BARTZIS; some on them are available on my own web site.

If you refuse to comply with the Cabal, they cannot succeed, and you will emerge as sovereign beings once more. The Cabal fears you more than you fear them. Without them drinking your blood and eating your flesh, they would disappear. They would lose their human form. They have taken everything from you; and to this day, they continue to do so. When will you say, enough is enough, this must stop ?

Open your eyes and see what is being done to you. Stop believing what they tell you. They are PARASITES. They have conned you. They have taught you to revere them, and to allow them dominion over you, to enslave you. They ensured that everything in your world was designed to enslave and control you. Do not leave it too late to come together in strength to restore your world. Everything is in place for you to do so. Stop being passive and accepting. Ask yourself, what can I do?

Together, you are powerful. Go to every LEY LINE, OBELISK, CHURCH, and GOVERNMENT BUILDING, and take back your power. Read the revocations and remove all that is corrupt and evil. Create a better world for humanity. You know what to do. It is just a question of coming together and doing it. It is up to each one of you to get involved. See yourselves as the Army of Light, restoring love and peace to your world. Spring is a wonderful time to do this, so go for it. I can only lead you from this side of life. There are many who will pick up the challenge on your side of life.

I ask the Irish people to lead the way. Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. Be leaders once more. So much has been done to destroy the Irish spirit; but my friends, we see it emerging again. It will not be defeated. A lot is being asked of you. You chose to be on Earth at this time to restore humanity and to remove all the corruption. Visualise the outcome you desire. This will enable it to happen. When humanity calls out, it will happen.

To those who still live in fear through religion, please do not attack my dear wife, because we do not live by fear. You too, will see the truth, when you are ready to accept it. Religion could not exist without fear. The Vatican destroyed the religion of love that the Irish shared with the world in ancient times.

Those you have chosen to serve, poison your water, your food, and the air you breath. Need I say more. You serve them. You help them to do it. They are quite openly producing robots that will replace you. What will you do then? You need to come together and make an effort to restore good energy. Create so much light that the dark will disappear without trace. Replace the fear with love and light. You can do it.

Veronica, my dear, it is not easy to cope with the constant attacks. Your will to achieve our goal is what is driving you, my dear. We will succeed. We, in Spirit, send you love and strength.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/27/2016 1:27:32 PM

Preston James VT 3-20-16… “Have you become a stranger in your own land ?”

by kauilapele

veterans_today_banner_NEW_258veterans_today_preston_james_banner_57This actually a series of "Have you woken up" questions... one after the other. These might be useful, especially if you are in line with one or more of them. But overall I see this as revealing some of the things many of us go through after "waking up", or "Taking the red pill". Namely, we "don't belong" with the same groups we used to be a part of.

All of the highlights below are from the section at the very end.

"Once a person has woken up, it becomes increasingly clear that the USG which was supposed to be “Of the People, By the People”, is no longer such and has been infiltrated and completely hijacked by a foreign based group of private Counterfeit Banksters.

"The bottom line is that this is no longer yours or my America, it is now an occupied nation that was covertly infiltrated and hijacked beginning at the end of the Civil War and culminating in 1913 with the passage of the illegal, unConstitutional Federal Reserve Act. It’s up to all Americans to wake up and slowly but surely take back our nation, step by step starting in each state using Tenth Amendment States Rights.

"If you talk too much or argue about these things at work or at church, DHS may be alerted through InfraGard, the FEMA Clergy program, or a controlling nosy neighbor or misguided fear-filled informant and you are likely to be investigated as a “suspected domestic terrorist”, stalked, surveilled and even harassed in many diverse ways.

"Do not be surprised if you lose your job or maybe never get another promotion despite being well deserved, if you talk about “truth” too much at work or to the wrong people. Today, if you want to be a success in a large Establishment related corporate business for the most part you must be intellectually neutered of the truth, thus willing to be quite bridled in your honest talk and willing to become a truth-gelding.

"The real question is can the American masses wake up fast enough to organize and force the changes we need to survive as a sovereign nation and not become broken up into territories annexed by China (the South), Europe (the East) and Japan (the West)?"


Have you become a stranger in your own land ?

Waking up can be hard to do, but once you are there it is easy to become a stranger in your own land

Have you have “woken up” and learned about Gladio-style False-flag, inside-jobs, the engineered and staged terror attacks, real and virtual, which include mass-shootings in gun-free zones?

Have you learned that this staged terror, some fake and some real, is all part of a secret Establishment strategy to produce massive societal fear in order to motivate Americans to give up their basic Constitutional rights which they would never otherwise give up?

5678Have you learned that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was a monstrous Gladio-style, inside-job False-flag attack done by the Mossad and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen traitors in PNAC and AIPAC along with help by Top NeoCon Traitors in the US Administration, Congress, the JCS, the USAF, NORAD and the FAA?

Have you learned that the FBI is a criminal organization set up inside the US Department of Just-us to service the cover-up needs of the Establishment and that it selects dumbed-down, retarded and mentally ill Islamic immigrants like Somali young men to mind-kontrol, arm and entrap as patsies into their staged terror dramas?

Have you learned that the CIA, the FBI and foreign Intel Agencies like the Mossad that serve the Establishment have a long history of using drugs, implanted chips and hypnosis to mind-kontrol victims and to activate and deploy them as stone-killers to do mass-shootings in gun-free zones.

Have you learned that these criminal Intel agencies do this as sophisticated psyops in order to generate massive fear in the American group mind in order to manipulate them to give up their Second Amendment rights and other rights which are supposed to be guaranteed in the US Constitution and which they would never otherwise even consider giving up.

Sandy Hoax 1Have you learned that nobody died at Sandy Hook School which was shut down in 2008, it was a two-day DHS/FEMA Capstone drill using professional crisis actors, many who have been identified as such?

Have you learned that nobody died at the Boston Marathon Bombing which was only a drill using previous amputee professional crisis actors and a harmless black-powder puffer bomb?

Have you “woken up” and learned that our Congress and President were bribed in 1913 to pass an unConstitutional Federal Reserve Act which illegally gave the right to a private foreign owned bank to create and distribute our money in counterfeit form?

Have you learned that this illegal, unConstitutional Federal Reserve Bank charges pernicious usury to use what should be our own money in the first place and mandates inflation to continually debases its value so that it is now only worth 2% of its original symbolic value?


End_the_FedHave you learned that this progressive debasement of our money places most of us, (Excluding the Establishment Oligarchy and Plutocracy) in debt-slavery?

Have you learned that the illegal, unConstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank which issues interest-bearing fake money as debt-notes is just part of a worldwide, World’s largest Organized crime Syndicate (aka the KM or the “Establishment Empire”).

And have you learned that that this Establishment Empire has an incredibly evil Globalist NWO Agenda to destroy America in order to eradicate any vestige of what our Founding fathers produced, and prevent it from ever occurring again anywhere.

Have you “woken up” and learned that the Establishment has illegally and unConstitutionally passed various Free Trade Agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO and GATT in order to fulfill their Evil Agenda to export American heavy industry and manufacturing along with most of our good jobs?

Have you learned that these Free Trade Agreements have forfeited American Sovereignty illegally and unConstitutionally and are designed to allow large international corporations to move their production facilities, hire cheap labor, while parasitizing lucrative American markets.

Have you learned that these large international corporations are doing this to maximize profits while the American economy is slowly and systematically sacked and decimated, producing the largest transfer of wealth ever conceived from the American people to the shareholders of these large international corporations who soon will no longer need American markets but will service the whole world?



Have you “woken up” and learned that the Establishment has set up a dualism in every one of their USG institutions and agencies, the socially desirable side for for public awareness and the secret dark side to serve their sinister, evil purposes?

Have you learned that there is a visible ceremonial USG that has little real power except what they are ordered to do by the real secret USG which is called the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) and is invisible to most Americans?

Have you learned that this SSG engineers and stages false-flag terror and projects public blame for these acts on foreign nations who had nothing to do with such, all done in order to feed the Establishment war machine and generate extreme profits while providing access to others natural resources for their associated corporations?

Have you learned that the SSG creates CIA-backed dictators if they agree to buy weapons from Establishment-associated defense manufacturers.

Have you learned that the SSG then uses these dictators and Establishment false-flag terror to start wars, all the while secretly funding both sides of the conflict in order to fulfill their Globalist NWO Agenda of “Divide and Conquer” while stealing them and the American taxpayers blind?

Have you learned that the SSG has built 140 Deep Underground Military Bases that are connected by high speed maglev trains?


chemtrail_plane (2)Have you learned that the SSG has deployed aerial spraying of toxic chemicals such as nano-aluminum, barium and strontium in massive quantities in order to deforest, kill plant life and cause famines, as well as to mind-kontrol the masses?

Have you become aware that the SSG has deployed ultra-high tech eugenics against the American masses to make them sick so they will boost the establishment owned Big Medicine and Big Pharma?

Have you learned that the SSG is secretly venting radiation from many nuclear power plants. Some insiders believe that this is being done in order to increase the rates of cancer in Americans and to alter their minds to make them more amenable to Psychotronic mind-kontrol?

Have you learned that the Secret Shadow Government is now setting up a 24/7 Total Surveillance System involving satellites, aircraft, drones, special trucks, vans, autos, cell phone Systems, Wi-Fi advanced technologies, in order to preemptively intercept any emerging spontaneous mass populism as effectively as possible?

Have you learned that the SSG has built numerous psychotronic firewalls against public truth which help keep the American Public mind-kontrolled and unable to know the truth even when told by others and shown the evidence?

Have you learned that the Establishment and the SSG have mind-kontrolled the American Public over the last 50 years to view the USG and their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) Talking Heads as benevolent parent figures that would never lie to them or deceive them which is actually their mandate and daily practice?

alien-midway (2)Have you learned that the SSG has back-engineered recovered Alien ET anti-gravity craft and even negotiated beyond-black secret treaties with some Alien ET groups to obtain advanced technologies in exchange for allowing access to human and animal subjects for abductions and mind-kontrol and alien/hum hybridization experiments.

Have you learned that ever since Nikolai Tesla, secret zero point and ether-based free energy technology has been suppressed by the Establishment to keep the Establishment owned Oil Cartel fat with profits off the backs of Americans and the World?

Have you “woken up” and become aware that the USA has been completed infiltrated and hijacked by a secret sect of Babylonian Talmudic Zionist Occultists known as the Khazarian Mafia, the World’s largest organized crime syndicate run out of the City of London?

Have you become aware that the USA has essentially become a province of Israel and that Homeland Security (DHS) was set up by this occult group as their own private police state force inside America.


2-303x320Have you become aware that DHS was set up and has been run by KM mass-murderers who set up and deployed the attack on America of 9-11-01 and many other false-flag terror events in America; and this top DHS leadership is a strange collection of perverts, genetic weirdos and freaks?

Have you become aware that the same group who did 9-11-01 and set up DHS have been working hard to militarize the American Police and bring them under the control of Israeli anti-terror maniacs in order to quash any real American dissent and any serious attempts by We The People to take back America?

Have you become aware that this same group the KM has completely penetrated all American Intel and has been able to co-opt it, arranging for all NSA raw files to be downloaded by satellite to Tel Aviv where many defense, industrial and intellectual property secrets are sold around the world to the highest bidders, especially from China.

Have you “woken up” and learned that the establishment has allowed and even mandated excessive immigration legal and illegal including refugee status to millions of foreigners in order to destroy our language, culture and borders with the intent to Globalize America and reduce it to third world status?

Have you learned that H1 status professional foreigners are being brought in by the thousands to fill the reduced number of professional jobs that Americans have obtained college educations to get, all with the goal in mind to lower wages and increase profits for large international corporations?

Have you learned this is all part of secret evil Establishment Agenda to Globalize America by destroying its language, culture and borders along with their imposed diversity and false-equality.



Have you “woken up” and learned that the large Wall Street Banks launder illegal drug money for the CIA and its partner Cartels as well as profits from large illegal arms sales, and that this constitutes their greatest source of profits?

Have you learned that the Wall Street Banks have been bailed out twice by the taxpayers through illegal, unConstitutional Congressional and Presidential actions and these Banksters who have done these crimes have bribed their way out from being prosecuted with small “normal cost of doing business, hand-slap” fines being paid?

Have you “woken up” and learned that the US Congress and the Presidents are essentially bought and owned by special interest groups that feed them millions of dollars in large campaign contributions, revolving door jobs and board positions, and foreign numbered bank deposits called “set-aside allocations”?

Have you learned that the USG is essentially for sale anytime to the highest special interest bidders?

Have you learned that in 1867, the USA was illegally, unConstitutionally and secretly incorporated under the British system, was declared bankrupt in 1933, repossessed by the private Occult Zionist British Banksters.

Have you learned that at the same time a State of National Emergency was illegally and unConstitutionally declared by FDR which has been re-declared by every single later President, thus placing America in a secret state of martial law and falsely claiming to insiders that the US Constitution is suspended?

Are you aware that the American legal system is a secret franchise of the British BAR system and operates under their rules and this completely illegal and unConstitutional?

Have you learned that in return for these vast perks and payments, bought and owned Members of Congress provide massive “sweetheart” corporate welfare (pork) to these large corporate special interest benefactors, always at taxpayer expense one way or another?


ILLUMINATIPARTY1Have you learned that according to two separate investigations, (one by the FBI itself, now buried) about 40% our top DC elected politicians and officials are members of occult linked mystery religion groups and practice perversions from the dark-side such as pedophilia, child sacrifice, and S&M?

Have you learned that these acts of perversion, torture and murder are typically videoed and are occasionally used to blackmail them and keep them within parameters prescribed by the Establishment Hierarchy top Policy-Makers?

Have you learned how the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) Network News Cartel “Talking Heads” lie and distort everything according to an Evil Establishment Globalist NWO Agenda, continually feeding most Americans mandated big Establishment lies, Establishment mandated false-narratives and Establishment mandated propaganda?

Have you become aware that this results in the imposition and acceptance by most Americans of a completely false reality? And have you become aware that if you try and convince most of the real truth about all these serious matters you find yourself in most cases being labeled a conspiracy theorist or even a crackpot and will be socially rejected?



Once a person has woken up, it becomes increasingly clear that the USG which was supposed to be “Of the People, By the People”, is no longer such and has been infiltrated and completely hijacked by a foreign based group of private Counterfeit Banksters.

This Occult linked group from the City of London private KM Banking System we now know as the “Establishment” has used its limitless and ever expanding money supply to buy and bribe every institution of the USG and almost every single elected and appointed official and has folded them into a unitary Hierarchy.

This Hierarchy is an unimaginably evil pyramid of power with only a few select incredibly evil secret Rulers or Kings at the top who set the policies and make all the important decisions. If they are told by their “higher power” that Americans must be disarmed using any means necessary, well then, you have new policies mandated for staged and engineered mass-shootings in gun free zones, some real and some virtual only. And these policies are imposed on the whole political system and attempts are made to institute them in every sate of the union using extensive bribes, blackmail and other coercive, illegal and unConstitutional means.

The bottom line is that this is no longer yours or my America, it is now an occupied nation that was covertly infiltrated and hijacked beginning at the end of the Civil War and culminating in 1913 with the passage of the illegal, unConstitutional Federal Reserve Act. It’s up to all Americans to wake up and slowly but surely take back our nation, step by step starting in each state using Tenth Amendment States Rights.

George Orwell once stated that in a time of universal deceit the truth is revolutionary. Sadly in America today, if you have woken up and speak the truth to your family and friends, you are too often viewed as trying to start a revolution.

Most of the time when you tell others any of these dark side truths you have learned from picking and choosing truth nuggets from the Alternative Media provided on the Worldwide Internet (as you do your part to awaken others) you will be disbelieved, tuned out and socially rejected.

Such rejection of truth and even yourself as a person is always somewhat painful. But the more you learn about what is really going on in the Establishment backrooms of America and their institutionally rampant organized crime with corruption now at every level of our government, the more isolated you will probably feel.

If you talk too much or argue about these things at work or at church, DHS may be alerted through InfraGard, the FEMA Clergy program, or a controlling nosy neighbor or misguided fear-filled informant and you are likely to be investigated as a “suspected domestic terrorist”, stalked, surveilled and even harassed in many diverse ways.

Do not be surprised if you lose your job or maybe never get another promotion despite being well deserved, if you talk about “truth” too much at work or to the wrong people. Today, if you want to be a success in a large Establishment related corporate business for the most part you must be intellectually neutered of the truth, thus willing to be quite bridled in your honest talk and willing to become a truth-gelding.

Even members of your own family members might think you have cracked and become a conspiracy nutcase or are in some kind of midlife crises, maybe even an early or delayed one.

Yes, it now seems quite certain that if you are truly “woken up” and have learned too much, it is quite easy to find yourself increasingly becoming a stranger in your own land, and part of an ever shrinking circle of real friends and family that you can communicate with about matters of real truth about what is going on.

You may now have a your growing obsession to share the truth with your family and friends and your legislators and Congress-persons about all the Establishment corruption and how there is rampant corruption at every level.

But you also have a growing realization that most do not want to know the truth and just cannot handle it because it won’t fit into their false sense of reality which has been effectively conditioned by Establishment mandated mind-kontrol.

And you also have a growing realization that Establishment oligarchs and plutocrats gain special privileges and have immunity from any correction for their obscene crimes, except in the rare occasion some go outside their allowed parameters and are made an example out of by the Top policy-Makers of the Establishment.

But despite how grim this almost total rejection of truth can seem and feel, it isn’t completely hopeless because slowly and surely the truth as dispensed all across the Internet on the Alternative News sites is diffusing to the masses.

And there appears to be a growing unrest and distrust toward both the Republican and Democratic political parties which are now becoming viewed by many Americans as two divisions of the same corrupt establishment.

As the good jobs continue to leave America and our debt-slavery increases with a continually worsening economy, economic pressures are building, and these help in waking the masses up from their CMMM mind-kontrolled stupor.

The real question is can the American masses wake up fast enough to organize and force the changes we need to survive as a sovereign nation and not become broken up into territories annexed by China (the South), Europe (the East) and Japan (the West)?


The following Steve Miller music video “Fly Like An Eagle” from a recent Chicago performance can be played in super-ultra HD (1440). Headphones are recommended for maximum audio effects. Over the last 40 years this band has continually improved under Steve Miller’s leadership and is at the top of their game right now. In December 2015, it was announced that he will be inducted into into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in 2016.


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