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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Truth tellers
12/15/2011 8:51:10 AM

Hi Myrna,

I've never thought about hair giving us a sixth sense or if it has it's own powers, besides being an attention/confidence/security/warmth feature, even though sometimes it does seem to have it's own decision-making abilities, such as not wanting us to have a good day...bad hair that case we just need to let it do what it wants so it doesn't behave even worse.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
12/15/2011 6:24:43 PM
Back to the topic of Truth Tellers..

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
12/16/2011 3:02:53 AM
Here is stage where the US is at....More articles from

This amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It's shocking because our nation has been transformed in the exact same way, and followed the exact same steps.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/16/2011 6:04:41 PM
Hi Amanda,

Thanks for all your post, we are coming to the time Nesara announcement. This interview with David Wilcock the cabal is running scared. Please listen, so important, a lot of surprises in the interview.

David Wilcock interviewed by Project Camelot on 12-14-11… PLEASE LISTEN and HOLD THIS IN THE LIGHT… “David will be okay!”

by kauilapele

David Wilcock interviewed by Project Camelot on 12-14-11... PLEASE LISTEN and HOLD THIS IN THE LIGHT... "David will be okay!"

I began listening to this tonight. It is absolutely astounding in my view, and well worth listening.

Here is the link to the interview.

A key point is at 15-17 minutes.

A summary was posted by chezanni at and is below.

December 14, 2011

Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviewed David Wilcock on American Freedom Radio. The interview is two hours long and ends with an amazing statement by David directed at the Cabal that it is time to step aside, that extra-terrestials will no longer tolerate their attempts to start a new war in the Middle East or WWIII.

He reports the drones in Iran and other places were hacked and stopped by the Galactics. The drones were a top secret operation of the military to instigate WWIII. The galactics have stated that NO war is allowed to start in the middle east, and that hostilities are to stop, and that the galactics are not here to invade or take over the planet. They are here to make sure we are kept safe from the Cabal and those who do not have our best interests at heart from enslaving us more than we have been.

David is very emotional, as he is clearly fearing for his life. He sends his love to everyone. As lightworkers it is very important that we use all of our skills to protect him at this time in his life.


What I have to say other than that
Is there is a lot happening during this call. David tells his story and Kerry Cassidy calls in other people to give information and suggestions to David to help his situation. Also Maxine an astrologer lets David know he will be fine.

David will be okay.

But we can still hold him in the High Light of the Christ.

Also one of the talkers (anonymous) tells something about what is key now. You put out the truth. And those who try to stop them from telling the truth are being dealt with... SEVERELY.

Now the darkness does not like the Light. And from anonymous it is clear that those of the dark have absolutely been given an ultimatum. They will be scrapped. They will be, in many cases, terminated. There are "terminators" working for the Light.

Dr. Bradley L. Duell, Ph.D. (Kau'ila)

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
12/17/2011 3:48:40 AM
Hello Myrna,
I do not know what you mean by Nesara and I looked it up on the search engine and came up with a couple of definitions
'National Economic Security and Reformation Act' which I have not researched yet..
Then there was some Galatic news about space the horsey!!

I also noticed that extra-terrestrials were mentioned in David Wilcock's

I have read and heard many accounts of people saying and believing that many of the Global Elite are 'reptilian' and others are alien from outer space which I do not believe because I could not find anything like this in the bible and I know that God only created Adam then Eve our first human being fore-parents. Although I do admit there was a period of a few weeks that I did entertain the idea that there could be as more so called information was coming out, and the way we have been deceived all our lives did make me wonder what is true and was is false.

I do know by personal experience and also I believe that Jesus not only discerned the evil spirits in the people by casting them out - but by seeing these evil spirits hiding behind the eyes and shown themselves - which I have seen which gives the illusion of slitted pupils like snake eyes or even dilated pupils before the evil spirit hides again.

I would like to share a video to give you another angle and hopefully this will give you food for thought as well as bible references to do your own checking. The film is rather grainy but the audio is OK.

So, after watching this video my belief was restored again that God only created human beings of Adam and Eve and not aliens and these 'aliens' people are seeing (I have never seen one) are demonic as Satan is quite handy at deception and the father of lies.

In these precarious times we have to be so careful not to be swept along with false teachings and be vigilant to do our own due diligence

Uploaded by on Oct 28, 2011
A wonderful teaching about the coming "alien" strong delusion that will help set up the antichrist's 7 year New World Order by one of the great evangelists, missionaries,Bible scholars, & teachers of our time- the irrepressible Dr. Bill Haag. Please forgive the roughness of the footage as it is quite old but we are sure you will find the information to be quite exceptional.
For more information about the "alien" strong delusion, please visit -

Know ALL of your "alien" deceivers:
*"Galactic Federation of Lies"= fallen archons - original fallen angels led by Lucifer (Isaiah 24:21 & 34:4/ Ephesians 6:12/Acts 7:42/etc)
Commander Ashtar is none other than biblical fallen angel Ashtaroth/Ishtar/Astarte/etc. In fact they have all the names of the ancient pagan false "gods" from Thor to Athena to Dagon to Marduk, etc. (1 Cor. 10:20)
*"Nordics"/giants/hybrids= 4th Reich Nazi ubermensch/new brood of nephilim made via the guise of "alien abduction" (Daniel 2:43) will work with the GFOL.
*"greys"= 199 fallen watchers (class of fallen angels that fell in days of Jared led by Semyaza-Genesis 6:2,4/ 1 Enoch 6-10/2 Peter 2:4/ Jude 6/Jubilees 5/Revelation 16:13,14)
*"reptilians" = nagas/seed of the nachash (1 John 3:12/ Genesis 3:15/ Matthew 13:38)
"Nachash" is the Hebrew word better translated as "hissing dragon". This makes more sense than the way it was translated in Numbers 21:6-8 and especially better than the way it is translated in Genesis 3. But with this better translation not only does it all make more sense, but the bible comes full circle from Genesis 3 to Revelation 12:9.
*"orbs"= demons/djinn (disembodied spirits of the original nephilim). These balls of light pretend to be "craft" in formations doing the physically impossible.
Example- foo fighters
*Project bluebeam = holographic system to be used to help sell the strong delusion and cause much chaos with great confusion.
Christ refers to this in Matthew 24:24-26.
To see how far they have come with this technology, watch these:

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for all your post, we are coming to the time Nesara announcement. This interview with David Wilcock the cabal is running scared. Please listen, so important, a lot of surprises in the interview.

David Wilcock interviewed by Project Camelot on 12-14-11… PLEASE LISTEN and HOLD THIS IN THE LIGHT… “David will be okay!”

by kauilapele

David Wilcock interviewed by Project Camelot on 12-14-11... PLEASE LISTEN and HOLD THIS IN THE LIGHT... "David will be okay!"

I began listening to this tonight. It is absolutely astounding in my view, and well worth listening.

Here is the link to the interview.

A key point is at 15-17 minutes.

A summary was posted by chezanni at and is below.

December 14, 2011

Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviewed David Wilcock on American Freedom Radio. The interview is two hours long and ends with an amazing statement by David directed at the Cabal that it is time to step aside, that extra-terrestials will no longer tolerate their attempts to start a new war in the Middle East or WWIII.

He reports the drones in Iran and other places were hacked and stopped by the Galactics. The drones were a top secret operation of the military to instigate WWIII. The galactics have stated that NO war is allowed to start in the middle east, and that hostilities are to stop, and that the galactics are not here to invade or take over the planet. They are here to make sure we are kept safe from the Cabal and those who do not have our best interests at heart from enslaving us more than we have been.

David is very emotional, as he is clearly fearing for his life. He sends his love to everyone. As lightworkers it is very important that we use all of our skills to protect him at this time in his life.


What I have to say other than that
Is there is a lot happening during this call. David tells his story and Kerry Cassidy calls in other people to give information and suggestions to David to help his situation. Also Maxine an astrologer lets David know he will be fine.

David will be okay.

But we can still hold him in the High Light of the Christ.

Also one of the talkers (anonymous) tells something about what is key now. You put out the truth. And those who try to stop them from telling the truth are being dealt with... SEVERELY.

Now the darkness does not like the Light. And from anonymous it is clear that those of the dark have absolutely been given an ultimatum. They will be scrapped. They will be, in many cases, terminated. There are "terminators" working for the Light.

Dr. Bradley L. Duell, Ph.D. (Kau'ila)


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