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RE: Truth tellers
10/8/2014 2:58:25 AM

I'm not sure exactly what's in this show, or how "shocking" the revelations are, but I found this here at BeforeItsNews. The first three paragraphs below the video are from that page. The rest is from the video notes. I felt this needed to go out right now.


Here are just some of the notes from the interview. This one contained so much explosive information that you’re sure to learn a lot that you don’t know. If you’re a patriot that is sick of the criminals getting away with everything then do something! SHARE this to your facebook walls, email lists, twitter so that their crimes will be exposed. It’s not enough that you learn this information. You MUST share it with as many others as posssible to create the chagne you want to see in the world!

In the latest Veterans Today Radio broadcast on 10-6-14, Gordon Duff goes over some of the hardcore information that he got from Edward Snowden. Gordon talks about how the US media has covered up all of this new Snowden information and only put out some “chicken feed” about the US spying on Germany. In fact, CNN was given the huge Snowden release on 9/11 being nuclear event first and suppressed the story. Veterans Today was the 3rd media outlet to get the information and was the only one to release it! Snowden literally brought the keys to the kingdom when he went to Russia and we have not heard all of it. Gordon covers some more of this information in this broadcast but you should also listen to the 6-4-14 episode of Veterans Today Radio for much more on 9/11. This information literally rocked the world and has been copied and heard by millions now. Unfortunately, this information has been suppressed by all mainstream media and most of the alternative media including the “tip of the spear” types.

Here are some brief notes of just some of this interview. I had to get this article out now so didn’t have time to include all of it. I hope all of you are spreading these interviews into all aspects of the alternative media because it’s being censored by many of the fakes that won’t touch it! Expose the fakes!

Published on Oct 7, 2014

Latest Intel briefing from the patriots at VeteransToday. Will add more information here within the next hour. Great stuff here!

CNN censored the Edward Snowden information that 9/11 was nuclear and done by Israel that Veterans Today (VT) has put out on earlier broadcasts (see 6-4-14 broadcast for first release). Snowden had REAL material and not the chickenfeed like the US spying on Germany put out by the mainstream media. He brought the keys to the kingdom to Russia!

Biden recently mentioned Turkey as helping ISIS because of the information from Gordon Duff.

US lied when they said two planes recently lost to a typhoon. One of those planes an F-16 is lying in pieces in Syria after being shot down by an American PAC2 missile! The same missile used in Israeli Iron Dome system. US has now ceased all air operations because of a plot by traitors within the US Military, Air Force a retired General affiliated with Fox News and some affiliated with Rupert Murdoch's Fox News. This plot was to allow a plane to be shot down and captured by ISIS so they could "Jimmy Carter" Obama and help Republicans win the upcoming elections. Daish (ISIS) wants one or more American pilots before the elections that they can threaten to behead. The other aircraft lost was an Marine Osprey flying a team into Iraq. Gordon has been told that the crew of these airplanes were recovered.

Now that ISIS has our one of our most advanced missile systems we can't offer air support to the Kurds and they are threatned to have 100,000 of them slaughtered now. During the Vietnam war, John McCain gave the North Vietnamese the information that allowed them to shoot down more American planes!

Gordon talks about the Presidio which is the home to psychological warfare command. This base in San Francisco was run by two men. One of them was a Colonel and the other a major. Both were "cutting edge" (men who stare at goat types). One of them was involved with "the temple of Set" and the "Church of Satan". (note you can easily find this man's name by googling both of those organizations). The other man is a retired General that works for Fox News. You can find out who is by searching google for "senior military analyst fox news retired general".

One of these men that run the "Temple of Set" in 1980 was accused of the sexual molestation of 150 children by the San Francisco Examiner who were brutally raped at "The Presidio" and other military bases! In 1986 this man had a search warrant issued on his home and it was said that 38 films were seized depicting violent sexual acts against children as young as 9. All of this evidence was covered up and no charges were brought. This man now helps run the NSA!

All of the "heroes" from the Bush Administration were treasonous. You'll never know the heroes.

One of Snowden's biggest Intel drops was only put out by VeteransToday and it was the 2003 Dept of Energy report that showed 9/11 was a nuclear event! Nobody in mainstream put it out even though some such as CNN was given it before VeteransToday.

(note by Glenn) - Most of the fake alternative censored this Edward Snowden material also such as Alex Jones who won't report on it!

The Ebola spreading now is not weaponized but is serious and is happening because of ease of travel now.

Huge news - 40% of Congress has been now caught taking bribe money through the latest Snowden releases. 40% of Congress should be arrested immediately!

North Korea labs being used by Germans and British companies doing horrific experiments. Cuba is being used as a base where the "dead" people go to run their empire.

Jim Dean talked next. He talked about the cease fire has now become a hoax. Kiev wants a low level war going on so they re arm. They are getting ready for yet another campaign against East Ukraine. The West fails to speak out against any atrocities done by Kiev government. Kiev lied when they said they paid off their gas debts - they only paid the national gas company - not Russia. Western media lied as they always do and said they paid Russia.

Growing pushback against the sanctions on Russia in the EU. EU was forced by US to do the sanctions.

In Germany, alternative media is growing fast and exposing the fraud of their fake mainstream media. They are fighting back unlike the US.

Good signs in recent elections in Latvia and Bulgaria that are fighting back against against the crime syndicate running the west.

In Sweden the new government has recognized that Palestine is it's own state. The US of course has rebuked this. Sweden has responded by saying Sweden does not take advise on foreign affairs from the US!

Obama was the first President to reward political "bundlers" jobs in his administration. Holder's $77 million job was the most open bribe ever.
(Much more covered! Plus update from Preston James!)

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RE: Truth tellers
10/10/2014 9:28:20 PM

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RE: Truth tellers
10/11/2014 3:06:04 PM
Dear readers,

This video is so informative of how we are brain washed. This video applies to everything we do.

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RE: Truth tellers
10/12/2014 11:52:35 PM

Montague Keen Message 10-12-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica51I will add here, that the statement, "Rebuff all attempts to hold you in the dark control," is something to keep in the front, as we progress through this time of transition from the old paradigm age to the New Paradigm age. Some of this has come to the front with the Kingdom of Hawai'i. In particular things which "look great" are place in front of us to distract or mislead (listen to the Monday and Tuesday Kp Radio Shows to hear Lanny Sinkin describe some of these).

" Scare tactics are being used to influence all decisions that affect your very existence. The unseen battle is raging all around you. Propaganda is at an all time high. Everything possible is being used to keep control of your world. They have the technology and are using it against you: health, banking, laws; it is all being used to destroy the conscious human being.

"You must also be prepared for the collapse of the cabal and what that entails. It will be necessary for you to learn a new way of living life on Earth. Look at what the cabal controls: the production of food and supply of water, banking, just about everything that is necessary for life on Earth as you have lived it up to now... Veronica and I have communicated on this subject for many years now. She will follow my instructions regarding the laboratories that will produce natural medications that will be needed when all drug-based medicine is no longer being produced. Your whole way of life will change.

"Hard work and planning will have to go into life in the new age of peace and love. Once everything is in place it will be as paradise on Earth. You are the chosen ones as you chose to prepare your planet for its bright new future. When all that is corrupt is removed, you will be left with a clean sheet. You will be guided by your friends from other planets, and of course, the spirit side of life...

"It is important that you are fully aware that many are being taken over by a virus which invades the brain. This virus is not of the medical type. It is being used to work for the cabal, especially to attack those who work towards peace and harmony. People are unaware of this virus which attacks the brain. They become unwilling victims, to be pitied rather than blamed. Humanity is being attacked on many levels that you are not yet aware of.

"Deal with the present, look to the future, and know that you will make it happen. Rebuff all attempts to hold you in the dark control. It is time to release yourselves from bondage. Taste freedom and enjoy all that freedom - real freedom - will bring. You have taken the first steps towards your goal. You will succeed. You now see through all the LIES, false alarms, emergencies, and the rest. These no longer have the desired impact."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 12 October 2014

Charles de Montesquieu

You will have cause to remember these words as you proceed towards 2015. Be aware and informed so that your decisions are arrived at only after all options are studied. Scare tactics are being used to influence all decisions that affect your very existence. The unseen battle is raging all around you. Propaganda is at an all time high. Everything possible is being used to keep control of your world. They have the technology and are using it against you: health, banking, laws; it is all being used to destroy the conscious human being.

Those of you who are awake and aware must reach out to those who need a helping hand to wake up. There has never been a greater need for humanity to come together than now. Put aside all differences, whether religion, politics, or race. You must stand together as one against the destruction of your planet and life as you know it. Together, you can achieve great things. It is important that you are aware of all the ways that you are being attacked so that you can protect yourselves. You must also be prepared for the collapse of the cabal and what that entails. It will be necessary for you to learn a new way of living life on Earth. Look at what the cabal controls: the production of food and supply of water, banking, just about everything that is necessary for life on Earth as you have lived it up to now.

Veronica and I have communicated on this subject for many years now. She will follow my instructions regarding the laboratories that will produce natural medications that will be needed when all drug-based medicine is no longer being produced. Your whole way of life will change. It will be necessary to ensure that there is clean air to breathe, pure water, and food without chemicals. All the illness is caused by the chemicals which your bodies have not been able to tolerate.

Hard work and planning will have to go into life in the new age of peace and love. Once everything is in place it will be as paradise on Earth. You are the chosen ones as you chose to prepare your planet for its bright new future. When all that is corrupt is removed, you will be left with a clean sheet. You will be guided by your friends from other planets, and of course, the spirit side of life. Knowledge will be shared by all countries and humanity will become ONE; with all contributing in friendship, love and peace. This is the future you are working towards. Our Centres will provide information, advice and guidance. Humanity cannot be left floundering, unsure of what to do.

Our grateful thanks go out to all who have donated to the purchase of our first Centre. Know that your contributions will be used to create a better life for all.

It is important that you are fully aware that many are being taken over by a virus which invades the brain. This virus is not of the medical type. It is being used to work for the cabal, especially to attack those who work towards peace and harmony. People are unaware of this virus which attacks the brain. They become unwilling victims, to be pitied rather than blamed. Humanity is being attacked on many levels that you are not yet aware of.

All this is balanced by the many beautiful souls who have awakened and come together for the good of humanity and your planet. They have put aside all contrived differences and they look to a better future for all in a world without war or strife of any sort. A world where TRUTH will prevail.

You will learn your true history and you will come to understand life on Earth in all its complexity. All that was hidden will be open to you, for it is necessary to know the TRUTH. Those who surreptitiously took control of your world for their own evil ends will have to face the consequences of their actions. They have killed with impunity and they have showed no respect for human life. All this will change, and each one of you will have a hand in bringing about this change.

Deal with the present, look to the future, and know that you will make it happen. Rebuff all attempts to hold you in the dark control. It is time to release yourselves from bondage. Taste freedom and enjoy all that freedom - real freedom - will bring. You have taken the first steps towards your goal. You will succeed. You now see through all the LIES, false alarms, emergencies, and the rest. These no longer have the desired impact.

The ley line work must continue. You are doing sterling work on the ley lines. The new ley lines need to be welcomed and embraced. You are becoming familiar with how your planet works and are happy to assist it through these difficult times.

It will not be long, my dear. We are almost there. Truth will triumph.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica

The only reason I shared information on my attacks is to make you aware of the signals coming from your body when it is under attack. I was not aware of these signals, otherwise I could have removed myself from danger. People from other countries have contacted me about their attacks. It is important to share such information. It was by no means a display of fear. If I had allowed fear to take hold, I would have gone in the ambulance to the hospital in Dublin. I KNEW that I must not agree to that, so I trusted my instinct.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone for your kind wishes.

With love, Veronica

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RE: Truth tellers
10/16/2014 4:10:52 PM
The more I read about the US government the sicker I get. What we have been told, what is truth are 2 different things.

Is there Something “Fishy” in Hong Kong?… Caleb Maupin, NEO 10-15-14… “Hong Kong: Does the US really want “Democracy in China?””

Another NEO article questioning the behind the scenes intentions of the “Occupy Hong Kong” movement. I found to be a very interesting read. Perhaps this is another example of an opportunity to learn “actual history”, and who/what was really behind … Continue reading


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