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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/16/2014 4:31:46 PM

The Corbett Report updates

Link to The Corbett Report

Interview 955 – Lars Schall and Paul Zarembka Dissect the 9/11 Insider Trading

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 05:43 AM PDT

Today James talks to Lars Schall of and Dr. Paul Zarembka at SUNY Buffalo about Jim Rickards’ recent “revelations” regarding the 9/11 insider trading. We discuss the evidence that Rickards (who supports the official 9/11 narrative) leaves out of his analysis and where the economic analysis of 9/11 insider trading stands today.


Corbett Report Interview 051 – Paul Zarembka

Rickards calls CIA involvement in 9/11 trading “irrelevant”

Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 by Allen M. Poteshman

Detecting Informed Trading Activities in the Options Markets

Was There Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the September 11 Attacks?

SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options

Kevin Ryan on Stratesec and insider trading

Evidence of Insider Trading before September 11th Re-examined

Insider trading 9/11 … the facts laid bare

INSIGHT INTO THE 9/11 DEBATE: “Economists Are Scared”

EINBLICK IN DIE 9/11-DEBATTE: “Die Ökonomen haben Angst”

Terror Trading 9/11 (documentary)

9-11 Insider Trading and Germany’s Elusive Gold Reserves

Re: Deutsche Bank Alex Brown and 9/11 Insider Trading

9/11 Insider Trading Revisited

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Sibel Edmonds on “The Lone Gladio” (video)

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 05:02 AM PDT

FBI whistleblower, founder and author of the new spy mystery novel “The Lone Gladio” Sibel Edmonds sits down with James Corbett to discuss her book, how it was written, and how its fictional events and characters intersect with reality. From the power of self-publishing to subvert the traditional corporate media gatekeeper system to Operation Gladio and staged terror, this conversation covers it all.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/23/2014 8:58:01 PM
This is about Lee Wanta. This poor man has been working on this for years. Hopefully this will soon end.

Preston James VT (and Lon Gibby) 10-22-14… “Puppetgate, the Continuing Saga”

I sense that this is another “blockbuster” type article by Preston, in particular about how significant this “accidentally-recorded” conversation was (reported in the KP blog, here and here). A couple of points from this: “Veterans Today was given the original … Continue reading

Posted in apocalypse, cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast, prosperity package | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/27/2014 12:07:10 AM
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/27/2014 2:37:44 AM

Robert O’Dowd, VT 10-23-14… “Cure for Ebola Confirmed by Sierra Leone”

by kauilapele

veterans_today_robert_o-dowd_1Some of you have likely seen this. This is speaking of "nano" silver, not the oft used "colloidal" silver. Thanks to G for sending this.


Cure for Ebola Confirmed by Sierra Leone

STANDARD TIMESPRESS... Ebola Treatment Is Working According to Official In Sierra Leone, So Why Such Opposition?

(SIERRA LEONE) - A government official in Sierra Leone says that some people are recovering from Ebola because of a new treatment. The Minister of Information Alpha Kanu recently wrote in a letter that “this works; people are getting better.”

But efforts to get this information and the treatment itself to people have met with great opposition on the part of the United States FDA and others. At this point, every option to treat Ebola, both pharmaceutical and natural, remains experimental. So why is this one option being met with so much resistance?

The option that has Kanu’s enthusiastic approval is a nutrient that is not manufactured by a big-name pharmaceutical company. It is called Nano Silver, in a 10 parts-per-million solution, made by the non-profit Natural Solutions Foundation. But it has not been easy to get the product to the countries that need it most.

According to a statement by NSF’s Medical Director Dr. Rima Laibow, a shipment of the product was shipped to Sierra Leone on August 20. However, it didn’t arrive until “September 28, 5 weeks later while the disease spread and people suffered and died unnecessarily because international forces opposed the simple clinical demonstration of the nutrient.” The shipment follows a statement made by the World Health Organization on August 12, reported by Mashable, that acknowledges that there is not yet a proven treatment, but even unproven options should be made available to people afflicted with Ebola.

“In the particular circumstances of this outbreak, and provided certain conditions are met, the panel reached consensus that it is ethical to offer unproven interventions with as yet unknown efficacy and adverse effects, as potential treatment or prevention.”

The FDA in the U.S. has cracked down on the Natural Solutions Foundation, as well as two other companies marketing natural products, for making disease claims that they have not authorized, as reported previously by The Inquisitr. NSF is pushing back. According to the FDA’s website, nutritional supplements, essential oils, herbs, and other natural products cannot claim to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” Those products must post a disclaimer declaring such, because according to the American government, “only a drug can legally make such a claim.” No matter how effective a natural substance may be, there is, in effect, a gag order on any and all companies marketing them, preventing them from saying so.

Most of the companies selling such products maintain that their products strengthen the body so that it can repair and heal itself. Apparently, that is what is happening in Sierra Leone. Alpha Kanu sent a letter to Dr. Rima saying that “[t]here is no illness that doesn’t have a cure.”

Just before the shipment reached Sierra Leone, Kanu reportedly made it clear that his government did not need FDA approval to offer it as a therapy option, according to Star Africa. The Honorable Alpha Kanu is a trained chemist, who believes that the people who are suffering in his country have the right to use any and all treatment options that are available to them. It is “a matter of choice,” he believes, resting “on the patients or their families, as to whether to administer it as treatment for Ebola.” The Information Minister worked with President Ernest Bai Koroma to get the nutrient into Sierra Leone.

The American FDA has a long history of suppressing information and companies that offer non-pharmaceutical, natural therapy options, according to Natural News. The gag orders regarding non-drug options for Ebola are simply the latest in a long string of actions aimed at maintaining the monopoly. Nano Silver 10 PPM is not a drug but a nutrient, and as such, is not subject to FDA approval.

Nutrients are not capable of being classified as “FDA approved.” Yet, Dr. Rima has collected links to dozens of studies verifying the effectiveness and safety of Nano Silver, including a declassified study by the U.S. Department of Defense from 2009 which found that silver nanoparticles neutralize hemorrhagic fever viruses, including Ebola and Marburg.

Kanu notes that, though the unproven drug Zmapp has been highly touted by drug companies as effective, his country has not yet been on the receiving end of that pharmaceutical option.

An article by Black Agenda Report accuses the drug companies of having sinister motives, saying that “the treatment and cure have been held up until now quite simply because of the need for pharmaceuticals to make profit.” Mohga Kamal-Yanni further elaborates.

“Large companies will not invest in research and development for rare and neglected diseases, due to the limited scope for profit. They will continue producing the medicines that can make the highest profits rather than the therapies that are desperately needed for public health.”

According to Kanu, a “philanthropic” Sierra Leonean who is based in Atlanta, Georgia, Imam Sheikh Massally has been credited with sending a shipment of the silver product to be tried for Ebola patients. “He sent the nutrient Nano Silver – this works; people are getting better. The supply is enough for 300 people and we are going to bring some more.”

Dr. Rima reports that it is not only Ebola patients in Sierra Leone who are benefiting from the silver nutrient therapy.

“High level, reliable sources tell us from at least 4 countries in Africa that Ebola victims appear to be recovering from this deadly infection coincident with them receiving the remarkable nutrient, Nano Silver 10 PPM. This is very hopeful news.

“Their own immune systems appear able to regulate disease-causing multiplication of the weaponized, patented, unleashed and otherwise deadly Ebola virus to maintain homeostasis. They are among those considered ‘lucky’ to have survived.

“Not one country, but several, are reporting these results. Nano Silver 10 PPM is helping people faced with the health disaster move from illness to health.”

Last week she wrote an open letter to the Dallas nurse who first contracted Ebola, offering the Nano Silver 10 PPM free of charge to her and any other person in the U.S. who tests positive for Ebola, for as long as they are able to provide it.

Questions must be asked. Why is the FDA so intimidated by the free sharing of information about a substance that could work? What harm is there in people choosing to take the product, even in conjunction with more traditional therapies? If there is a serious crisis threatening a large part of the human population, why does it matter who gets the credit? Would not true leaders be more interested in solving the problem and saving lives than in political agendas or lining the pocketbooks of certain interests?


Posted by STANDARD TIMESPRESS on 10:22 pm. Filed under Breaking News, NEWS, YOUR HEALTH. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Ebola Cure

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/28/2014 4:16:54 AM

Montague Keen Message 10-26-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica53Montague’s Message for Sunday 26 October 2014

My dear, it is our dearest wish to guide and support humanity through the many changes that must happen before the New Age begins. I am very aware that many in your world do not want to prepare. They are in fear. They still cling to their 3D beliefs and way of life. It is necessary to understand that when the Cabal is removed, then all the infrastructure it controls goes with it. It cannot be otherwise. This is a fact that all must come to terms with. Forewarned is forearmed.

Whenever you embark on a journey, you first prepare. This is the greatest journey that mankind has ever faced, so you must prepare for all eventualities. You need to eat, drink, and breathe to survive. This is why I encourage you to get involved in the Centres of Learning which we are setting up, where information on how to create all the necessities of life will be available to all. We are bringing all those who have done the research, together, to teach humanity how to cope in the New Age of Enlightenment that is about to begin.

The Cabal does not want humanity to survive and will sabotage much before they retreat from your planet. They despise humanity. They see you as useless eaters, who are but slaves. This slavery is coming to an end. You are now seeing the final attempts of the Cabal to try to hold on to power. The rush to create police states has begun; their use of false flag events to bring them about, have become obvious to those who are awake. This is not the time to sit back and do nothing, as this gives the Cabal permission to continue its final attempt to create its dream of a New World Order.

Those within the Cabal want to live life on Earth without restrictions. They want their way of life brought out into the open, without the need to hide what they do, in order to survive on planet Earth. Their need for human blood has always been kept hidden from you. Now, evidence is emerging that they feel the need to come out into the open about it. They feel that it is time that you, humanity, understands them. Their need for constant war is becoming very obvious. The brainwashing of young men to fight their wars is deplorable. Armies wear all the insignias of blood sacrifice without ever questioning what they mean. They are told that they must be proud to become a blood sacrifice. They are injected with viruses and so spread them far and wide. They are instrumental in killing off their own species, yet they are blinded to this fact. Those who believe in the propaganda regarding vaccination and are administering them, are also instrumental in killing off their own species.

Those who rule your world, use you in different guises, to kill your fellow man. You cannot continue to close your eyes to all this, as time is running out. You need to wake up. Refuse to be conned by those who are firmly locked into 3D lives, who are like the proverbial mouse on the treadmill, always running but never getting anywhere. This is how they look, from this side of life, when we observe life on Earth.

Every day, more obstacles are being put in your path, requiring you to put more effort into everything, that never gets you anywhere. The Cabal is wearing you down, so you may agree with its demands more easily, being too exhausted to struggle. Survival becomes more difficult every day. You must win this battle of light and dark, for it is in your power to create on Earth a way of life that is everything you could possibly wish for. This is why you are on the Earth at this time. You have returned. You are coming together in order to ensure that life on Earth continues in peace and harmony.

The people of Atlantis were conned, and so it fell, but the memory of that fall was never erased from the consciousness of Man. Those souls have returned to Earth to ensure that it will not fall into the same trap. You need to learn the lessons of the past and refuse to make the same mistakes. It will be tough. I never said it would be easy, but you will succeed.

Some suggest that I expect too much of Veronica. She has lived many lives, even before planet Earth was created. She chose this path before returning to Earth. This is the reason that she is attacked on many levels. Some are being used to falsify facts in order to distract from her work.

[ I, Veronica, ask you to go to our web site. Find MESSAGES on the homepage. Read the report of a séance dated 19 June 2011. It has been on my website all this time. It refutes Kelly's version of events.]

Let us come together, with both sides of life working together to shine a light on all that is corrupt. Learn to see others as fellow human beings without labels, all working towards a brighter future for all humanity. Try to see the light in everyone, then connect with it, for your future depends on it. Prepare for the future. We plan to have twenty Centres all over the world. The first one has to be in Ireland. The reason for this will become clear when we disclose the truth about Ireland and reveal its importance. "Ireland is the key that will unlock everything."

Important connections were made, last week, that will bear fruit. All will come together when the timing is right.

Always, your adoring, Monty


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