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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/9/2011 3:45:36 AM
Hello Peter & co.

It might be strange that I'm posting in this thread since I myself have asked to close it some time ago. Guess what, my prospective change somewhat since then, yet I'm still believing that this thread should be left to die.
I don't claim to be immune from making mistakes and it is of course up to you how you take my message, but below I would like to post for you a definition of the Troll from wikipedia.

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4] The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".

While the word troll and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels subjective, with trolling describing intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context. For example, mass media uses troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[5][6] The "trollface" (pictured right) has become a well-recognized icon of Internet trolling. It was drawn by deviantArt user Whynne and uploaded to the site in 2008. Whynne claims that the drawing was an attempt at recreating a comic character named "Rape Rodent".[7]

The "trollface" or "coolface", is sometimes used to indicate trolling.[1]
More on trolling here.

This is what I have learned first hand and in my opinion whenever you are responding to trolling, you are just putting gasoline on the fire. Troll can only feed on negative energy. When you show distress, troll is happy. When you stop feeding negative energy to the troll, troll has to find another object of their aggression so they can elicit negative energy or they feel miserable. They can't stand positive energy because they feel insignificant.

Also remember that trolls contribution to the society is to continually test hot buttons of individuals they are targeting to put them off the track. They might be used and supported by hidden agents e.g. competition, your enemies or just themselves to see if they can build carrier on your mistakes or create more traffic to their trolling nest.
They need badly attention.

So in my view if you want to use your energy for the positive area, start working on your business, improve your marketing, meet your friends or have a drink and laugh in a good company.

Don't react to trolls. If you use your energy for positive areas, trolls will run away as they can't survive in such an environment. They will keep hovering over you if they smell the blood, but if you don't give them reason for that, they will go somewhere else. They can't create anything on their own, they just feed on others.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/9/2011 3:49:59 AM

Trolls also get stomped by 3 billygoats, according to the childrens story, the troll who lived under the bridge and told the goats they'd have to pay a toll to cross, ended up getting butted by the biggest goat and drowned in the moat. Drowned after being stomped by all 3.

Trolls online are the same as the troll under the bridge, just sitting there waiting.

Obviously having no family or loved ones, if they did, they'd have an offline support system reminding them not to be ridiculous.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/9/2011 3:51:50 AM
What I have noticed after I learned Bobby Brown's character was through Gone Country and of course after his divorce from Whitney Houston and all the bad press..I have not read anything negative on Bobby, he got himself cleaned up and seems to have been drug free.

Whereby Whitney is still getting negative media from the few mags I flip through while waiting my turn at the grocery cash-out line.. Such a great place to catch up with the celeb antics cause I don't buy the mags.. LOL...and seems to still be suffering from drug addiction and meltdowns. It would seem that Whitney was the 'bad apple' in their relationship..



Hi Amanda,

Thanks for that info! I realize that Bobby Brown had some serious issues during his marriage to Whitney Houston, and he has made some big mistakes in his life. I've always liked that song "My Prerogative" it's a very hypnotic tune and great lyrics. There's no way to separate great talent from human mistakes, but sometimes in peoples' future life, they try to get on a better path.

I'm going to post more music with my statements here soon, music really IS part of our lives, and there are good messages and calming/positive factors in favorite songs.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/9/2011 4:05:56 AM
Hello Peter,

No it will not affect our long term friendship, like you say we have been friends for several years and I respect you... However, there have been times lately that I could 'slap you over the head with a wet noodle', and I am sure you could do the same to me when we do not see eye to eye.


Amanda, You're so right when you say we're adults and should know how to disagree to disagree in a civilized manner. We've been friends for years and in the past we've disagreed and remain friends. I have no doubt we'll disagree again since our beliefs on certain issues are very different and I'm confident it won't affect our friendship.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/9/2011 7:27:45 AM
Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your post it's much appreciated and I loved the definition of Troll. Sorta suits the subject of this thread to a T.

When I reopened this thread I wrote :
This thread has been locked for a while but I decided to temporarily reopen it to express my thoughts on recent happenings and the changes I see in the community as a direct result IMO.
so basically it was to show the positive changes in the community as a result of the forced departure of scratchycat/Sara Gardner/ the blow.

I had a good laugh this morning when I read an email from a good friend with a link to scratchycat's latest thread in her new home and believe it or not this thread was the topic. And I naively thought RS considered itself a scam buster site/board?? Guess admin there will now have to redefine the agenda and goals of that site now that she's part of them (hmmmm, maybe they should add trolling and gossip allowed :) ). Wonder when they'll realize they're being used and they are just the latest props for her to hide behind.

Your suggestion to let this thread die is accepted cos it never was my intention to keep it open on an ongoing basis. Just as a platform to express my views on the healthier atmosphere here in Adland since she was blown away by her own actions and her house of cards came crumbling down. So I'll leave it open over the weekend and lock this thread again on Monday morning.

We never know what the future will bring and I just might open it again in the future if the need arises.

Hope you had a great birthday Bogdan.





Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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