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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/7/2011 6:39:43 PM
Hello Kathleen,

ooh you meany LOL you started talking politics in here - I do want to respond to you my reasons for Ron and against Newt but feel it not appropriate in this thread because this seems to be of different topic.
I will catch you over on the correct forum and share my views. :)

I remember when I was living back in Nebraska and our friends posting in here came up against this same deleting, blocking and banning. My response to one of the problems was very clear to me because it was a spiritual matter - Jezebel is the anti christian spirit that cannot handle freedom and truth, it must dominate by guile and manipulation etc. Unfortunately this spirit is present in so many places.


Hi Amanda,

I think we who've posted in Michael's forum on Ron Paul are a great example of not agreeing and also not resorting to personal attacks. I really like you as a person, and always enjoyed your poetry, and I also really like Donald Trump (not going to change, LOL! and not a fan of Ron Paul, probably won't change unless he does, somewhat. I don't plan on stopping liking you either unless something happens to change that :)

I also liked other peoples forums on poetry, art, photos, pets, cooking, gardening, and most topics...and when people are online, it's about trying to get a sense of other people, without really knowing them, and hoping things go normally, and expecting situations within normalcy.

People will always think their own thoughts, and people say/write things we all don't like sometimes, we can't stop people from thinking, and if they don't know us, don't remember we all have families and offline stuff going on, and just think we're an online presence to be somehow conformed into their own way of how they think things should be...that's when things don't go well. Tons of complete strangers who have no clue of everyone else's life, can't really get a real reality-grip on online typing, some people gloss over, some people don't write much, some people obviously play to the audience who's reading the Forum Post History, and some people try to control an entire group in several ways, and that's what happened, the controllingness of one person became more & more obvious, everywhere in every way.

Dozens of onliners are not going to be controlled, especially not by a complete stranger, hundreds or thousands of miles from most of us, with different opinions, experiences, different era of upbringing from some of us, different location of upbringing, many past and current life differences, and especially different knowledge of marketing issues. Most of us wouldn't even allow ourselves to be controlled like that by a person in our real life, we definitely didn't like it every day online while trying to advertise and chat, and then it spilled over to other sites. Out-of-control control-freakishness, everywhere, all the time, that's a personality issue within the person, not an Adlandpro issue, not any site issue, it's the person issue.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/7/2011 6:46:40 PM
Hello Rick,

I have enjoyed reading your contributions you have shared with some of the same threads we have participated in.

I know it too me a little while to realize whom you were because I think you used a different photo previously - but all the same it was easy to check your profile to see you were who I thought you were..


Hi Friends,

As some of you already know I stopped being active in the ALP Community about five years ago over the toxicity present. I was somewhat burnt out and being honest probably had contributed to this as well. More recently I returned to test the waters and have found that all is well for the most part here. I was confronted and was put through a rigorous inspection as to my true ID even though my forums have been here all along.

Recently I found that many of my posts were missing and apparently took flight with the same member that gave me the problems on my return. I have not been all that active over at ALP Facebook and checking there I found that Sara Blow had blown the coop here and was Blowing over there. Meanwhile a group of people over there were licking her wounds and fawning over her. Looking over the situation I found that the majority of those causing havoc 5 years ago were doing the fawning. It was disgusting all the way from Greece to LA. Couldn't handle the two face nature of the discussion and have left that group.

I have noticed that things are easier over here now to navigate and I suspect that the fresh air here will help the community.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/7/2011 7:49:21 PM

Here are the lyrics to a song by The Carpenters, I'm not posting the video because Karen Carpenter's fantastic performance would then be the focus, and her greatness would actually distract from the meaning I want to post here:

Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in many ways
We've got a lifetime to share
So much to say
And as we go from day to day
I'll feel you close to me
But time alone will tell
Let's take a lifetime to say
"I knew you well"
For only time
Will tell us so
And love may grow
For all we know
Love, look at the two of us
Strangers in many ways
Let's take a lifetime to say
"I knew you well"
For only time
Will tell us so
And love may grow
For all we know

If anyone really READS the posts on RealScam with all the words thrown at me (about a business issue!), when only one person and I had previous communications, Scratchycat, and if anyone really looks at all of it objectively as a big picture including this community, and RealScam, and Adlanders In Facebook..."so much to say, only time will tell us so." Time DID tell us so, as we went "from day to day" for years before this situation at RS. People should read it as if they've never had any previous communications with me OR her, and see how it looks as it snowballed long after I'd stopped going there. I feel Adlandpro close to me every day for years, and so do most of us. We have loyalty, that's what all the people on scam-discussion sites don't get, they keep talking about not liking the advertising or admin, but they are not in here feeling day to day feeling Adlandpro within our thoughts and we talk about it in the real world, and our relatives and friends have heard of Adlandpro, because it's part of who we are, every day, we feel it close to us. Adlanders In Facebook: Do all of you feel this place close to you? I think you do, where are you?

RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/7/2011 8:06:40 PM

Hi Rick and friends. Rick as I read about your "inspection" reminds me of what I have thought for a long time and that is, I doubt we will ever know just how much damage was done behind the scenes, but more and more is slowly leaking out.

To be honest, there are some people here who I doubt I could ever be friends with, because, I guess you could call it a personality conflict, but I can still be cordial to them and I will, if they let me, but unfortunately there are a few here who won't even let you be cordial and I witnessed that recently, but not to me, to someone else.

Tell your sweet Marilyn she is missed here and a lot of us would love to see her back, only if it was just occasionally. Tell her to at least think about it and tell her I said hello. :)

Hi Friends,

As some of you already know I stopped being active in the ALP Community about five years ago over the toxicity present. I was somewhat burnt out and being honest probably had contributed to this as well. More recently I returned to test the waters and have found that all is well for the most part here. I was confronted and was put through a rigorous inspection as to my true ID even though my forums have been here all along.

Recently I found that many of my posts were missing and apparently took flight with the same member that gave me the problems on my return. I have not been all that active over at ALP Facebook and checking there I found that Sara Blow had blown the coop here and was Blowing over there. Meanwhile a group of people over there were licking her wounds and fawning over her. Looking over the situation I found that the majority of those causing havoc 5 years ago were doing the fawning. It was disgusting all the way from Greece to LA. Couldn't handle the two face nature of the discussion and have left that group.

I have noticed that things are easier over here now to navigate and I suspect that the fresh air here will help the community.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The Hypocrite In Chief Is At It Again
12/7/2011 8:48:16 PM

Here's a song I will post, you'll see Bobby Brown giving his message at the end...I totally agree. He may not be everyone's favorite, I may not be everyone's favorite, but we worked hard and don't deserve name-calling for achieving success. One of the first things I said at RealScam was, "Go get your own success because you're not taking mine away"...know why? It comes from hard work, from inside, someone said to me yesterday..."I gotta do what you did, hold a magnifying glass over one business until it catches fire." That's right, that's what I did, so simply stated. That's my new favorite statement now.

Here's Bobby Brown with My Prerogative: (lyrics below)

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Now why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative

They say I'm crazy I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty, but I don't give a damn
Gettin' girls is how I live

Some messy questions, why am I so real?
But they don't understand me
I really don't know the deal about no brothers
Trying hard to make it right
Not long ago, before I win this fight, sing

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
Tell me why I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
It's my prerogative

It's the way that I wanna live
I can do just what I feel
No one can tell me what to do
'Cause what I'm doing I'm doing for you

Don't get me wrong
I'm really not souped
Ego trips is not my thing
All these strange relationships
Really gets me down
I see nothing wrong in
Spreading myself around

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
Tell me why I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative

It's my prerogative
I can do what I wanna do
I can live my life
And I'm doing it just for you

Tell me, tell me
Why can't I live my life?
Without all of the things
That people say

Yo, Teddy kick it like this
Oh no no I can do what I wanna do
Me and you together together
Together together together

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative

Everybody's talking all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live?
I don't need permission
Make my own decisions
That's my prerogative
It's my prerogative

I can't have money in my pocket
and people not talk about me?
I can do want I wanna do
I made this money, you didn't


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