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Trina Sonnenberg

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RE: My personal journey
10/18/2011 12:45:32 PM
Good stuff Roger, thanx for sharing. I really like your horse.
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Mr. D

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RE: My personal journey
10/18/2011 12:57:44 PM

Roger, Your Brush Work Is Outstanding

You know me…….

I have to play with everything

RE: My personal journey
10/18/2011 1:12:24 PM


Now somehow that one looks familar. lol You have such a beautiful world to paint from. All of these are good and I am happy to know you are having fun with your art.


RE: My personal journey
10/18/2011 1:17:00 PM

On Saturday I attended an Animal Portrait Workshop.

I decided against taking a photographic approach and opted to go for my first ever painting knife oil painting.

I took a lot of time sketching a plan, working from a photo but adjusting the angle of the horses head to look as if he was about to take off and run.

I selected a pallette of colours that changed the chestnut too a rich deep red and the lighter colour to vermillion. Highlights in white and blue.

My tutor made me promise to finish it. I did so yesterday but due to the thickness of the oil I have to wait a little to sharpen up the eye.

As the oil is still very wet the shine from the flash is a little deceiving.

I hope that you enjoy it. I enjoyed the process.

Size 19 inches x 38 inches.

Oil on box canvas

Title: Proud stallion

Quite a challenge Roger but I would say you passed with flying colors!! It is very beautiful. The knife is rather difficult as you use the thick paint. I understand about the glare when you photograph it as I have had this happen. It takes a while to dry when it is this thick also but the texture is awesome when it does.

Glad to know you are still taking some classes.


Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: My personal journey
10/18/2011 2:00:53 PM
Roger-I am sure you and this guy had a long and interesting conversation together for you to get this contemplative expression-he has to have something important to say!
This is very-very good.