Hello My Friends, Sorry that it has taken me so long to get back by to meet and greet everyone. It seems that all of my Doctors have a bunch of children and grandchildren that they are trying to educate, and you all know that with my soft heart, I simply have to help out with the Contributions. I do think though, that I might have finally found the Right Doctor... Why just yesterday, I was feeling kind of poorly, so I went right in to my Doctor's office. Since he was so sharp, and doesn't miss a thing, he noticed right off that I had a cucumber up my nose, a carrot in my left ear and a banana in my right ear. "What's the matter with me Doctor?", I asked anxiously. The Doctor didn't miss a beat as he replied, "You're not eating properly." Seriously though folks, I do appreciate all of the kind Words of Support and Congratulations, and Barry, as I've said before, I appreciate all of the Time and Effort that you personally put into providing this Wonderful Forum for us all. I just wanted to stop by and let you all know how much I appreciate your Friendship and kindness over the past 5 years. I've got an early appointment tomorrow morning, so I must leave you now, but let me assure you that I will be back as soon as possible soon to Thank each and every one of you personally my Friends.  May God Bless You All, Phil