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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2018 12:30:16 AM
Pompeo: North Korea ‘Handful of Months’ Away from Threatening U.S. with Nuclear Weapons


by JOHN HAYWARD24 Jan 2018

Speaking at an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) forum on the future of U.S. intelligence operations, CIA Director Mike Pompeo warned that North Korea could be a “handful of months” away from plausibly threatening the continental United States with nuclear weapons.

Pompeo warned North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is advancing at a “very rapid clip.” He added that U.S. intelligence fears Kim would aggressively use nuclear weapons as a tool to conquer the entire Korean Peninsula.

Pompeo repeated his recent warnings that “North Korea is ever closer to being able to hold America at risk,” but said the intelligence community is helping to hold them just shy of achieving their goals.

“I said that was a handful of months,” he recalled. “I said the same thing several months before that. I want everyone to understand that we are working diligently to make sure that a year from now, I can still tell you they are several months away from having that capacity.”

Later in his appearance, Pompeo clarified that he was not laying out a timeline where North Korea might be fielding nuclear missiles by the end of the summer, or anything quite so immediate. He said it was inappropriate to think in terms of timelines to landmark missile test launches. Instead, the real issue is reliability—“Can they reliably deliver the pain which Kim Jong-un wants to be able to deliver against the United States of America?”

He explained:

It’s one thing to be able to say, ‘Yes, it’s possible if everything went right, if the missile flew in the right direction, we could do it,’ as opposed to certainty. This is the core of deterrence theory. In the deterrence model, you have to be certain that what you aim to deliver will actually be successful. At the very least, you need to make sure your adversary believes that it is certain.

“That’s what Kim Jong-un is driving for. He is trying to put in our mind the reality that he can deliver that pain to the United States of America. Our mission is to make the day that he can do that as far off as possible,” Pompeo said.

He disputed the commonly reported notion that the intelligence community was caught by surprise when North Korea’s nuclear program surged forward. “We’ll never get the week or the month right on something that’s this complicated, but we can get the direction of travel and the capacity for the rate of change right, and we did,” he insisted.

During a question-and-answer session with AEI’s Marc Thiessen, Pompeo cautioned that he was not at liberty to divulge sensitive intelligence about North Korea, other than to say, “They have moved at a very rapid clip, make no mistake about it.”

“They’re testing capacity has improved. The frequency that they have tests which are more materially successful has also improved, putting them ever closer to a place where Americans can be held at risk,” he said.

Pompeo said the CIA believes Kim Jong-un to be a “rational actor,” and that his rational strategy is about more than achieving deterrence against conventional military action by the United States and its allies since the massive North Korean artillery threat to South Korean cities already provides such deterrence.

Pompeo said the CIA believes that Kim wants “more than just regime preservation,” which is why the Trump administration is so determined to prevent him from achieving nuclear ICBM capability. They suspect Kim will not be content to become merely the latest authoritarian ruler sitting on an inventory of nuclear weapons he would never dare to use.

Thiessen asked if Kim’s status as a “rational actor” meant limited military action to dismantle North Korea’s nuclear program is possible since a rational state would not respond in a manner that guaranteed its own destruction.

“I’m thrilled that you asked that. I’m equally happy not to answer,” Pompeo replied. “Let me say this, though: the American people should know we’re working to prepare a series of options to make sure that we can deliver a range of things, so the president will have the full suite of possibilities.”

“We are in a much better place today than we were twelve months ago,” he said. “We are still suffering from having gaps. Part of that is not the intelligence community’s fault per se. These are difficult target sets. I’ll concede that at the outset. But it’s completely inadequate for the CIA to say, ‘Well, that’s a hard problem.’ Of course it’s a hard problem. That’s why you pay us.”

He said the CIA’s top priorities in North Korea included analyzing its command structure, determining how sanctions affect various individuals and layers of North Korean society, and who might be helping the Kim regime mitigate the effects of sanctions.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2018 1:09:02 AM
The Doomsday Clock just ticked closer to midnight

, USA TODAYPublished 10:07 a.m. ET Jan. 25, 2018 | Updated 4:39 p.m. ET Jan. 25, 2018

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its "Doomsday Clock" ahead by 30 seconds. The organization says the clock is now closer to symbolic point of annihilation than it has been since 1953 at the height of the Cold War. (Jan. 25)

The decommissioned USS Independence was among the targets in the July 25, 1946, atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific. The damaged ship was towed to San Francisco for decontamination and scuttled five years later about 30 miles offshore.
(Photo: U.S. Department of Defense)

Scientists moved the hands of the symbolic "Doomsday Clock" closer to midnight on Thursday amid increasing worries over nuclear weapons and climate change.

The clock is now two minutes to midnight. “Because of the extraordinary danger of the current moment, the Science and Security Board today moves the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds closer to catastrophe," said Rachel Bronson, president of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. "This is the closest the Clock has ever been to Doomsday, and as close as it was in 1953, at the height of the Cold War.”AP

Each year, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a non-profit group that sets the clock, decides whether the events of the previous year pushed humanity closer or farther from destruction.The symbolic clock is now the closest it's been to midnight since 1953. It was also two minutes to midnight in 1953 when the hydrogen bomb was first tested.

"We've made the clear statement that we feel the world is getting more dangerous," said Lawrence Krauss, chair of the Bulletin's Board of Sponsors and director of Arizona State University's Origins Project. "The danger of nuclear conflagration is not the only reason the clock has been moved forward."

The announcement was made in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club.

Scientists blamed a cocktail of threats ranging from dangerous political rhetoric to the potential of a nuclear threat as the catalysts for moving the clock closer toward doomsday.

The statement explaining the resetting of the time of the Doomsday Clock notes: “In 2017, world leaders failed to respond effectively to the looming threats of nuclear war and climate change, making the world security situation more dangerous than it was a year ago — and as dangerous as it has been since World War II.

"The greatest risks last year arose in the nuclear realm. North Korea’s nuclear weapons program appeared to make remarkable progress in 2017, increasing risks for itself, other countries in the region, and the United States," the statement continued.

"Hyperbolic rhetoric and provocative actions on both sides have increased the possibility of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation."

Lawrence Krauss (left), director of the Arizona State University Origins Project, and Robert Rosner (right), professor at the University of Chicago announce that they have adjusted the so-called 'Doomsday Clock' to two minutes to midnight at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on January 25, 2018. (Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo, EPA-EFE)

"On the climate change front, the danger may seem less immediate, but avoiding catastrophic temperature increases in the long run require urgent attention now. The nations of the world will have to significantly decrease their greenhouse gas emissions to keep climate risks manageable, and so far, the global response has fallen far short of meeting this challenge,” the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said.

"Today’s Doomsday Clock announcement must serve as an urgent wake-up call — and could be the last one we get," said Derek Johnson, the executive director of Global Zero, a group that wants to eliminate nuclear weapons.

“Last year, the Clock ticked forward largely in response to candidate Trump’s alarming campaign rhetoric. But the reality of a nuclear-armed President Trump running loose in the world is worse than we feared, and that is clearly a central factor in this decision," Johnson said.

The closer to a setting of midnight it gets, the closer it's estimated that a global disaster will occur. The farthest it's been from midnight was in 1991 as the Cold War ended when the clock was 17 minutes to midnight.

The clock has been maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists since 1947. The group was founded in 1945 by University of Chicago scientists who had helped develop the first nuclear weapons in the Manhattan Project.

The scientists created the clock in 1947 using the imagery of apocalypse (midnight) and the contemporary idiom of nuclear explosion (countdown to zero) to convey threats to humanity and the Earth.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2018 9:57:46 AM

Earthquake rocks Japan - Ring of Fire on alert

JAPAN has been rocked by an earthquake as the Pacific Ring of Fire remains on alert following a geologically chaotic week for the region.

Japan earthquake

Japan has been struck by an earthquake registering 5.1

The earthquake registered 5.1 magnitude at struck at a depth of 37 miles off the east coast of Honshu.

The Japan earthquake struck 46 miles from the town of Miyako, which is home to more than 50,000 people.

Morioka-shi, home to nearly 300,000 people, is 73 miles from the epicentre.

It comes after a week of chaos in the region, with a volcanic eruption sparking a fatal avalaunche in earlier this week.

Japan earthquake

The 5.2 earthquake struck Japan off the coast of Honshu

And the same area of Japan was struck by another earthquake three days ago.

The 6.2 magnitude quake struck off the coast of Honshu at a depth of 24 miles.

No damage or injuries were reported.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is the most geologically active area in the world with more than 90 per cent of earthquakes occurring here, as well as 22 or the 25 biggest volcanic eruptions in history.

The volatility on the Pacific Ring of Fire this week has increased fears for the Big One: a major earthquake in a highly-populated area on the US west coast or in Japan.

And countries across the blog stretching from Chile in South America to New Zealand are preparing for more chaos and possible aftershocks and tremors after weeks of eruptions and quakes.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2018 10:14:14 AM

Flu Season From Hell Keeps Getting Worse

Now your kids are spreading it. More than 50,000 deaths are expected before it finally ends.
Updated on

Children returning to school after the winter holidays appear to be sharing more than just their new toys. They are driving influenza infections to levels not seen since the swine flu pandemic of 2009, public health officials said. By the time this flu season is over, experts said, more than 50,000 Americans will be dead.

While the year’s flu activity is actually starting to cool in some regions, it remains high across most of the country and is gaining in other areas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Mortality rates, which trail infections, spiked sharply, with seven additional children dying from the infection over the past week, said CDC Director Brenda Fitzgerald. Thus far, 37 children have died as a resistant strain of the virus dominates the season. The government said that number may double before its over.

“This rapid increase in cases that we have been seeing is after the winter holidays, and while it’s among all ages, it’s higher in children,” said Dan Jernigan, director of the influenza division at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. “It looks like a big part of the later January activity is flu transmission from kids returning to school.”

There are several unique, worrisome aspects to this season’s outbreak: It’s hitting everywhere at once; it’s continuing rather than peaking quickly; and it’s affecting a broader range of older Americans than in the past. The entire continental U.S. reported widespread flu every week for the past three weeks, Jernigan said.

“We often see different parts of the country light up at different times, but for the past three weeks the entire country has been experiencing lots of flu, all at the same time,” he said, adding: “We have several weeks to go.”

The season is shaping up to be similar to the epidemic of late 2014 and early 2015, which entailed 710,000 hospitalizations and 56,000 deaths, according to the CDC. The agency is expecting similar numbers this year, Jernigan said.

Activity levels vary in different states, however. Hospitalizations in California are running at four times the level seen in 2014 and 2015, while Minnesota’s rate is double. In New York, the numbers are starting to surpass the national average.

An additional, unexpected finding is the flu’s impact on middle-aged Americans, who typically withstand it pretty well. While hospitalization rates are predictably highest among the elderly, younger baby boomers aged 50 to 65 are in second place, Jernigan said. This is especially bad news for them, given a new study linking the flu to increased risk of heart attacks.

“Baby boomers have higher rates than their grandchildren right now,” he said. “Those folks are ones who really would benefit from having a higher vaccination coverage.” And not only for their own benefit, or even their families. These Americans are at the peak of their careers with many in managerial roles, Jernigan explained. When they’re home sick in bed, it can negatively impact their businesses.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2018 10:43:24 AM

Earthquake news: California hit by quake SPIKE in 3 days - Ring of Fire experts on ALERT

CALIFORNIA has been rocked by an earthquake measure 5.8 magnitude, with a 5.0 shock following just minutes later in a day of seismic activity along the Ring of Fire which has put Californians on alert for the Big One.

The first shock measured 5.8 magnitude with a second 5.1 shock following shortly afterward.

The most recent quake happened at 5.24pm GMT, or 9.24am local time, while the previous quake , at 4.39pm (8.39am local time), with a higher magnitude of 5.8.

The aftershock of the latter tremor was unintentionally posted as a separate earthquake on the US Geological Survey (USGS) website as separate 5.1 and 5.3 quakes, before being amended.

The error was likely caused by another entity such as a tsunami warning agency recording the phenomenon, and a duplicate posting being made.

The USGS told the LA Times it had received a few reports of the 4.39pm 5.8 quake being felt, but said it was unlikely to have affected many people because it occurred far off the coast.

Geophysicist Paul Caruso said: "People may feel a little shaking, the chandeliers moving in the house. We wouldn't expect any severe damage."

The 5.1 shock also occurred about 100 miles off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

The National Tsunami Warning Centre said there is no danger of tsunami as a result of today’s quakes.

California earthquake: THREE quakes strike within minutes as Ring of Fire activity soars

California earthquake: THREE quakes strike within minutes as Ring of Fire activity soars

It follows the which rocked California this morning, and was .

That quake was more keenly felt by California residents as its epicentre was on land, 5km north east of Trabuco Canyon in California.

It hit at 10.09am GMT, 2.09am local time, and affected up to 10 million people across the state.

Tremors were felt in San Diego and the Los Angeles area, with people shaken awake by the violent tremors, with one person saying there was huge “jolt”.

Map showing the 4.1 magnitude earthquake that hit California earlier today

Map showing the 4.1 magnitude earthquake that hit California earlier today

It came less than 24 hours after a number of smaller tremors 6km from Aromas measuring between 2.6 and 3.6.

The number of tremors in close proximity this week has .

The name refers to a hypothetical earthquake of magnitude 8 or greater that is expected to happen along the San Andreas Fault.

It stems from a 1990 made-for-TV movie that depicts a huge earthquake that destroys all of Los Angeles.

The Ring of Fire, which runs along the Pacific Ocean, has seen activity soar this week.

There have been a swarm of quakes in the area this week, with nine tremors of various magnitudes picked up.

New data has revealed the fault line running through Los Angeles’ exclusive shopping district of Beverly Hills is at risk if 'the Big One' hits.

More than 80 earthquakes have struck the Gulf of Alaska since a major 7.9 magnitude shock on Tuesday.

The initial shock put the west coast of the United States along with Alaska, Canada and Hawaii on a tsunami warning.


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