By Aaron Kesel
It’s no coincidence that the FBI has conveniently lost text messages in two cases; one dealing with anti-Trumpers within the agency, and the other dealing with the Clinton investigation.
The FBI is claiming 5 months of texts from their employee Peter Strzok and lawyer Lisa Page are missing, yet the DOJ’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, contradicts this claim by stating his office received the “missing text” in August of last year.
As Zerohedge reported, is someone lying or just incompetent? Did Horowitz’s office *think* they had received the texts in question without actually verifying? Did the DOJ screw up and fail to read Horowitz’s letter before “losing” the text messages so that “leaky” Congressional investigators wouldn’t see them? Either way, this question needs answering.
In another separate case, you have more Clinton text documents going missing which is typical when the crime family is under any type of investigation as is evident from history.
Both Strzok and Page worked on probes (investigations) into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails and possible collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign briefly, Reuters reported.
The texts missing are for the period between Dec. 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017.
UPDATE: The text messages have been found and are being recovered according to the office of the Inspector General.
Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence agent, was discharged from Robert Mueller’s team after Mueller learned that Strzok had exchanged politically charged anti-Trump text messages with an FBI lawyer. The lawyer, Lisa Page, left Mueller’s team before the text messages were discovered.
“The Department wants to bring to your attention that the FBI’s technical system for retaining text messages sent and received on FBI mobile devices failed to preserve text messages for Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page,” Stephen Boyd, the assistant attorney general for legislative affairs at the Justice Department, wrote to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of HSGAC, Newsmax reported.
Other text messages between Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page discuss how hackers likely obtained an email exchange between then-President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The exchange was later covered up by the FBI after the incident was removed from Comey’s closing statement on Clinton’s email investigation, AP reported.
From the text messages between FBI Agent Strzok and DOJ/FBI Lawyer Lisa Page that are available, we see that FBI Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap helped create the statement that FBI Director James Comey delivered in July 2016 to extricate Clinton from her investigation.
Changing the original words, Comey used Preistap to remove the connection between then-President Barack Obama to the email account of Secretary Clinton.
The Hill‘s John Solomon revealed Comey’s original memo:
Ex-FBI Director James Comey’s original statement closing out the probe into Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server was edited by subordinates to remove five separate references to terms like “grossly negligent” and to delete mention of evidence supporting felony and misdemeanor violations, according to copies of the full document.
Comey also originally concluded that it was “reasonably likely” that Clinton’s nonsecure private server was accessed or hacked by hostile actors though there was no evidence to prove it. But that passage was also changed to the much weaker “possible,” the memos show.
This reporter’s leak in August entitled: “FBI REBELS? Leak Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails Were Offered To JOURNALISTS & Darknet For $500K; Given To FBI Covered Up” highlighted that the home-brewed server was hacked and that Comey’s statement was contradicted. Essentially, Comey and the FBI broke the law by lying in a federal statement to protect Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama.
The original Guccifer’s server was found to have mirrored Clinton’s server while emails were for sale on the darkweb for a whopping $500,000.
Further, anyone with a bit of computer knowledge could have “hacked” it from inside their own basement since Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and VNC (virtual network computing) ports were open,according to The Register.
The Associated Press admitted that a set of Clinton’s emails released by the State Department showed the government agency had to disable several security processes on their servers just to get it to accept email from Clinton’s private email address. Another email reveals that Clinton’s server was attacked 10 times and had to be shut down, Judicial Watch documents revealed.
Clinton herself admitted to a confidant that she suspected she had been hacked according to her top aide Huma Abedin. She reiterated that thought during a private speech, as transcripts published by WikiLeaks revealed.
“We were attacked every hour of every day and not only through the State Department system, but also through individual, personal accounts, just really fishing for anything they could get,” Clinton said in a private speech to employees of Deutsche Bank AG.
Maybe that’s why one of Clinton’s aides told a Platte River Networks employee, “Clinton didn’t need access to emails older than 60 days so the retention policy should be changed,” according to an FBI report.
Then there is the GOP operative Peter W. Smith, who sought Clinton’s emails and said he “discovered five groups of hackers two of which he alleged were Russian, on the darkweb that had copies of all 33,000 Clinton emails.” Smith, unsure of the authenticity of the emails’ hackers, eventually did send them to him and he told them to pass them on to WikiLeaks.
Smith was then found dead in a hotel near Mayo Clinic on May 14, according to death records from Olmsted County, Minnesota before receiving the documents and writing his own death note that he had taken his life due to “medical difficulties and an expiring health insurance plan.”
In September of last year, the Intelligence Committees in both the House and Senate claimed they possessed the so-called “Russian files” consisting of Clinton emails that ended up on Deep Web allegedly by hacking a server setup by Guccifer in Romania. The FBI later confirmed the existence of this server and the files contained on it in the fourth part of its report on Clinton’s email scandal.

Something to note is that Smith has a history of going after the Clintons and was one of the main forces behind the “Troopergate” scandal which stemmed from accusations that Bill Clinton was sexually harassing women, according to four state troopers who served on his security detail when he was governor of Arkansas.
Clinton wasn’t charged for her negligence despite an abundant amount of evidence that she intentionally broke the law, kind of like Marc Rich, subject of FBI leaked documents between fugitive Rich and Bill Clinton’s pardon.
Clinton gave her aides direct instructions to remove classification tags – copy, then send classified materials and told her maid to print out classified information, proving she knew that “C’ was for classified not a subset showing a thread of emails as she claimed.
In the email exchange between Clinton and staffer Jake Sullivan from June 17, 2011, Clinton advised her aide on sending a set of talking points by email when he had trouble sending them through secure means. Part of the exchange is redacted, so the context of the emails is unknown, but at one point Sullivan tells Clinton that aides “say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.”
Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”
The keywords are “no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”
Abedin, Clinton’s top aide, regularly forwarded classified government emails to her serial-sexting spouse, Anthony Weiner, so the disgraced former pol could print them out for her, Comey testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
That must all be the “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” that Comey cited.
Here’s one more: according to the FBI’s final report of Clinton’s case, all the employees at Platte River Networks had access to Clinton’s server and, in turn, classified information they weren’t authorized to view.

Adding onto everything else, the FBI reportedly agreed to help in the destruction of evidence by offering to destroy the laptops of Hillary Clinton’s aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson as part of immunity deals offered during the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.
Fortunately, we learned that none of that evidence was destroyed and agents refused to break the law and commit obstruction of justice through destruction of evidence, despite that they were ordered to do so according to Washington D.C. attorney, Joe DiGenova.
Weiner’s computer was discovered later in the case and allegedly had 10,000 emails in a file entitled “life insurance.”
What were Abedin and Weiner keeping evidence of on their jointly shared laptop – blackmail and life insurance against whom? Why was Abedin printing out classified information? Just another two questions that need to be answered in this long saga.
What’s worse is that agents rebelled within the FBI and included cases of hacking in their report on Clinton’s reckless mishandling of classified information, contradicting their director by noting that the server was scanned multiple times and a [redacted] Bill Clinton staffer was hacked. Agents also stated anonymously that at least five foreign intelligence agencies breached Clinton’s server.
That may be because many viewed Comey as a corrupt dirty cop during the investigation, according to several personal and online sources.
This brings us to the current day. For months I have been stating the Clinton investigation into emails and the Foundation was reopened and that the FBI was reinvestigating not just Hillary Clinton but Bill Clinton as well. This information came from several sources that have come forward alleging massive corruption within the walls of the federal bureau by high-ranking officials as we are now seeing come out now.
Then in late December under the behest of President Donald Trump’s executive order shortly before Christmas, Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler’s assets were frozen. Gertler runs Glencore, which was founded by Marc Rich. Marc Rich is one of the FBI’s most wanted criminals, pardoned by Bill Clinton in the last hours of his presidency.
This was spawned from the Paradise Papers leak exposing the corrupt questionable deals Dan Gertler made, The Guardian reported.
When I received this information I knew this was proof the FBI was going after the Clintons and they would soon announce the probe publicly. So subsequently I put out a tweet on December 30th. Shortly after in January, the email probe and “Fraudation” probe were announced. The Clintons are now under massive federal investigation, not only for Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State but for pay-to-play deals using the Clinton foundation as a vehicle for their unethical practices to enrich themselves.
Less than 48 hours after the probe was announced, the Clinton’s secret service facility behind their house caught fire in the attic. Were corrupt agents burning evidence? We don’t know for sure but considering that electronic devices were offered to be smashed under an immunity deal (although that didn’t happen), it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Fires don’t just happen after an announcement of an investigative probe; and that wouldn’t be the first time that a strange event occurred during an active investigation of the Clintons.
The Clintons themselves have an overwhelming history of documents vanishing during investigations and committing obstruction of justice at the drop of a hat completely with impunity.
The Clintons under Bill’s presidency violated federal record keeping laws; and it was none other than James Comey who limited the scope of the investigation from looking into Clinton administration officials, while Cheryl Mills was also involved in the original email scandal Project X email gate.
It’s not just Whitewater; it’s several investigations where documents have turned up missing, exonerating the Clintons and clearing them of guilt, despite these huge violations and obstruction of justice.
Maybe that’s why Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom called the Clintons “a crime family”– they have had way too much “luck” during investigations.
In 1999, investigators looked into then-First Lady Hillary and President Bill Clinton’s scandals, which included Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals. It was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed emails were mysteriously “lost” due to a “glitch” in a West Wing computer server.
During the Project X email scandal, career White House staffers and contractors found that someone close to the First Lady had basically turned off the White House’s automated email archiving system.
The first notable case is the Whitewater land scandal fiasco, which started in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. The allegation is that the Clintons used the Rose Law Firm and the Arkansas Financial Department Authority, as well as Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan owned by Susan and Jim McDougal, to scam Arkansas residents.
An investigation was started when the Clintons invested and lost money in the Whitewater Development Corporation. An entire article could be dedicated to the Whitewater scandal, but what is important here is that documents for the Whitewater investigation turned up missing and were later discovered at the Clintons’ home.
Ben Shapiro of Breitbart noted in his own article on Hillary’s long history of hiding documents:
In 1996, a special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the FBI demonstrating that documents sought in the Whitewater investigation had been found in the personal Clinton quarters of the White House. The First Lady’s fingerprints were on them. The documents had gone mysteriously missing for two years.
Mark Fabiani, special White House counsel, immediately stated that there was no problem, according to the Times: “He added that she had testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the documents during the two years they were missing and did not know how they ended up in the family quarters.” Hillary remains the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI. Those weren’t the only missing Whitewater documents later found in the Clinton White House.
The next notable case, which is also connected to Whitewater is Vince Foster. Foster worked alongside the Clintons as a top Rose Law Firm attorney who had worked intimately with then First Lady Hillary Clinton throughout their career together.
One day before Foster decided to somehow commit suicide with two bullets and hide the gun, William Jefferson Clinton – the man who pardoned infamous criminal Marc Rich during his last day in office – also fired the FBI director at the time William Sessions.
After Foster’s “suicide,” documents went missing from his office. Secret Service officer Henry O’Neill testified that he witnessed aides removing documents.
Several years later, more documents pertaining to Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster again vanished, this time from the National Library including a document from Ken Starr’s investigation that proves that the “suicide” of Vince Foster was actually a murder.
Were these the documents that Sandy Berger stole and stuffed his socks with?
In those documents is the smoking gun that shows that Vince Foster sustained not one but two bullet wounds. One to the neck and one to the head, an impossible suicide scenario. In addition to that, experts have called Foster’s suicide note “a forgery.” One of my rules is once, twice, okay, but three times is not a coincidence — it’s a criminal conspiracy. Conspiracy, as in the legal definition of criminality, not a theory – none of this is a theory when it’s well sourced.
In 1996, the day before the Whitewater documents were found at the White House, a two-year-old memo emerged that was written by a former presidential aide. According to the New York Times, it proved that Hillary Clinton “had played a far greater role in the dismissal of employees of the White House travel office than the Administration has acknowledged.”
According to Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, Hillary’s top lawyer and top aide, Cheryl Mills, “helped orchestrate the cover-up of another major scandal, often referred to as ‘Project X Email-gate.’” Over the course of several years, the Clinton Administration allegedly withheld 1.8 million email communications from Judicial Watch’s attorneys, as well as federal investigators and Congress. In addition, Judicial Watch says that when a White House computer contractor attempted to reveal the emails, White House officials “instructed her to keep her mouth shut about the hidden e-mail or face dismissal and jail time.”
2015–2016 EMAIL GATE:
Where do I start about the botched investigation of Hillary’s private email server? The obstruction of justice is so broad, it’s insane. She used “bleach bit” software the day after being subpoenaed, smashed several BlackBerrys and iPads with hammers, was tipped off by the DoJ and DoS into the investigation, according to WikiLeaks, etc. Clinton’s close ally, Terry McAulife, gave a donation to the wife of the Deputy Director of the FBI. Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch towards the end of the investigation. The list goes on…

How can anyone in their right mind claim this isn’t evidence of a criminal conspiracy? You would have to be born yesterday, dropped on your head and brainwashed to believe that this much good luck happens to one family. Nine freaking times, maybe more, evidence has been destroyed, lost or hidden. Is there anyone brave enough to take down the Clintons? Any reasonable prosecutor could use all this evidence to indict both Clintons under the RICO statute for organized crime.
But then there is the video of Hillary Clinton admitting to Peter Paul in her own words why she used a private server… remember that previously they turned off the archiving mechanism as well. Additionally, to put the nail in the coffin, isn’t it an intriguing fact that Cheryl Mills was involved in both email scandals?
“As much as iv been investigated and all that why would I ever want to do email?” – Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons themselves during investigations on more than one occasion have had documents just vanish, stolen, disappear, etc. – always getting lucky; but has their luck finally run out? What about the Russian collusion investigation? As of yet there has been no evidence of collusion or evidence that Russia hacked the election. What’s in the FBI agent’s missing text messages?
We have more questions than answers; and now with more missing evidence conveniently not archived by the FBI’s server, even more questions left with a void of answers. With a new FBI director, Christopher Wray, not protecting the Clintons; and a former undercover FBI agent Marc Ruskinconfirming 9,000 pending sealed indictments are real, are we finally about to witness a massive takedown of corruption including the Clintons and their henchmen? As this article articulates, several sources indicate YES.
So grab a large bucket of popcorn; this is going to be a long, historic year… never in U.S. history has there been 9,000 sealed indictments, while several credible sources express there are potentially more sealed indictments to come in the months ahead. What do these indictments entail? One can almost surely guess they involve major ongoing investigations including the Clinton Foundation investigation.
Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and*****ute. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.