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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2017 4:07:41 PM

Viral Video: Man Calls Las Vegas Shooter a “P*ssy” as Bullets Rain Down

October 2, 2017 at 12:48 pm

(ANTIMEDIA) Las Vegas, NV — Another tragedy has befallen America at the hands of a psychopathic mass shooter. While modern country singer Jason Aldean was performing in front of thousands on Sunday night as the headlining act of the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas, rapid-fire pops and blasts abruptly intertwined with the melodies emanating from the stage.

The screams of fandom evolved into shrieks of terror as the music went silent. Innocent concert-goers fled in horror as Stephen Paddock fired down into the crowd of partiers and families from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. At least 58 people lost their lives, and 515 more were injured during the incident as gunfire poured on the audience like a rainfall of fire and lead.

While most attendees were understandably terrified as the bullets fell down from the desert sky, a video going viral shows one young man who stood in defiance of the terror and shouted obscenities into the blacked heavens towards the madman pulling the trigger. With arms extended, the unnamed man rose above the guiltless, who were taking cover on the ground and bellowing out that the shooter was a “pussy.”

Maybe the man’s daring was alcohol-induced, it’s possible he’s just insane, or perhaps he was just infuriated and fearless. Whatever the reason for his reaction during such a stressful event, it is quite a sight to witness. You can watch the video for yourself below:

Creative Commons / Anti-Media

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2017 4:52:29 PM

Cop presses rifle to head of handcuffed & tasered suspect in alarming bodycam video

Published time: 3 Oct, 2017 09:48

A police officer who pressed a muzzled rifle against the head of a handcuffed suspect has resigned after an Internal Affairs investigation found he used “unreasonable force.”

Body camera footage showed Grand Rapids, Michigan police officer Kevin Penn press his rifle against the head of a suspect – who had been tasered and handcuffed on the ground – during his arrest late on the night of August 19.

On the night in question, police were responding to a report of an armed robbery, and believed the suspect may have been in possession of a handgun. The suspect was tasered by two officers after reportedly failing to comply with their orders.

The Internal Affairs report, obtained by MLive under a Freedom of Information request, found that Penn acted with “unreasonable force” and removed the rifle only after urged to do so by fellow arresting officer James Smith.

"The suspect is moving his head and you can see the muzzle of the rifle actually moving the skin/scalp on the suspect's head, forcing his head down," the Internal Affairs report said.

Bodycam footage from both Penn and Smith show the suspect crying out in pain while lying on the ground after being tasered. “That hurts bro,” said the suspect as Penn tells him a gun is pointed to his head.

Yes it does,” replies Penn.

The report concluded that officer Penn should have released the pressure of the rifle on the suspect’s head when he complained of pain.

The investigation was launched by Grand Rapids Police Chief David Rahinsky after several police sources alerted Internal Affairs about Penn’s actions, according to MLive. has reached out to the Grand Rapids Police Department for comment on the inquiry.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2017 5:09:57 PM

5 arrested after explosives found in apartment building in 'chic' Paris neighborhood

Edited time: 3 Oct, 2017 10:10

The neighbor alerted law enforcement to suspicious activity early Saturday in the chic 16th arrondissement, according to police cited by AP.

An explosive device was found and deactivated, according to a judicial official.

Counter-terrorism prosecutors have opened an investigation.

One of the five suspects was under government surveillance for radicalism, Interior Minister Gerrard Collomb said.

When asked how someone under surveillance could carry out an attempted attack without being detected, Collomb said radicals usually have "friends, networks that can carry out the act." Those people don't show outward signs of radicalization, but are "ready to help"

Collomb said the incident proves the threat against France remains "extremely big."

“Blowing up a building in a chic neighborhood of Paris — is this not a sign that no one is safe? This doesn’t happen just in suburbs in working class neighborhoods,” he said.

He went on to stress the importance of a new counter-terrorism law which is expected to gain parliamentary approval later on Tuesday.

“We are still in a state of war, even if the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) group has seen military defeats,”Collomb said.

However, critics of the proposed law say it infringes on individual liberties and puts France in a permanent state of emergency.

Discovery of the explosives occurred on the same weekend that two women were stabbed to death by a man reportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar” in the French city of Marseille. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/3/2017 5:28:07 PM

Nuclear clouds & flames: More sabre-rattling from N. Korea, threatening ‘suicidal’ Japan

North Korea vowed to make “nuclear clouds” over Japan, which had called for more pressure on Pyongyang over its nuclear and missile programs. It has also said that in case of a nuclear war, Japan will be immediately “engulfed in flames.”

The North described the behavior of the Japanese authorities, in asking the international community to exert "maximum pressure" on Pyongyang, as “little short of mad,” North Korean state media, Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), stated on Monday. The agency also accused Tokyo, and its ally Washington, of “straining the situation on the peninsula” by countering the actions of the communist state.

“Inciting tensions on the Korean peninsula is a suicidal deed that will bring nuclear clouds to the Japanese archipelago,” KCNA said in its article.

The agency also warned that if it comes to a nuclear war, “the Japanese archipelago will be engulfed in flames in a moment,”adding that it is “self-evident.”

Earlier the communist North vowed to “sink” Japan, which is “no longer needed to exist near us,” according to KCNA.

In September, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said “not dialogue, but pressure” is necessary “to make North Korea abandon all nuclear and ballistic missile programs” in an address to the United Nations General Assembly.

The US, one of the key Japan’s allies in the region, is dismissive of the opportunity for talks with North Korea. On Monday, the White House said that “it is not the time to talk” as it does not support any conversations except those on the fate of the Americans who have been detained by the North.

Despite the US secretary of state’s earlier statement that Washington is “probing” Pyongyang to see if it is interested in dialogue and has “lines of communications” with it, US President Donald Trump apparently does not share the approach.

“He [Tillerson] is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man,” the president tweeted on Sunday. “Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done!” another post added.

The US and North Korea have recently been embroiled in a war of words, threatening each other with military action, while Russia and China have been calling for a peaceful solution to ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula. A ‘double-freeze’ plan to suspend military activities was designed by Moscow and Beijing, but has been rejected by Washington.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 12:48:57 AM



Michael Brown asserts, 'We need to get on our faces before the Lord'

Published: 1 day ago

Concertgoers in Las Vegas flee Sunday night during a shooting in which more than 50 people were killed and more than 400 injured.

America is reeling again. Families have been ripped apart and individual lives have been torn apart. One day we’re reeling from devastating hurricanes, the next day we’re torn apart by racial divisions, the next day we’re ripped apart by the worst mass shooting in our history. The pain is palpable, the shock tangible. Can America still be healed?

At the time of this writing, no one knows what motivated Stephen Paddock to launch his murderous attack during an outdoor, country music concert in Las Vegas. What we do know is that he was “one of us” – not a terrorist from a foreign country and, to our knowledge, not shouting “Allahu Akbar” (although ISIS statedthat he was a recent convert to Islam and claims him as one of its soldiers).

As his brother Eric said, “He was just a guy. Something happened, he snapped or something, he was just a guy. He has no political affiliation, no religious affiliation, as far as we know. This wasn’t a terror attack.”

He added, “Mars just fell into the Earth. We’re completely dumbfounded.”

And who can imagine the loss and shock of the surviving victims and the families of those killed? Who can make sense of this? And can anyone with a conscience claim that the people mowed down at this country music concert were worse sinners than the rest of us? That they specially deserved to be slaughtered in cold blood? God forbid.

I’m sure that gun control will be a hot topic in the days ahead.

Does the Second Amendment guarantee our right to own assault rifles or machine guns, weapons that can murder 50-plus people and injure hundreds of others in a matter of minutes?

But to focus on this now is to miss the point, just as it was a mistake to focus on questions of global warming during the hurricanes (although these are certainly debates we will have).

No, we must ask bigger questions at a time of such agony: Why are these tragedies occurring? Where is God in the midst of this? How can America be healed?

During the devastating hurricanes, some claimed these natural disasters were judgments from God while others claimed that they were the result of man-made global warming. Some even suggested that they we were being judged because we elected Donald Trump as our president (really!).

What I sensed in my own heart as I prayed was the voice of appeal, the voice of mercy, the voice of the Healer ready to mend and restore. It was God saying to us through the storms, “America, you need Me!”

Today, as I look at the bodies of the bloodied victims lying lifeless on the concert grounds, as I see others running in terror and still others falling wounded, I hear that same voice, except this time calling out more loudly, “America, you need Me!”

It’s the same voice I hear as our nation is torn apart by racial strife and division, the same voice I hear as our inner cities are ravaged by gangs, the same voice I hear as baby parts are thrown into dumpsters behind abortion mills.

God is calling out to us, “America, you need Me!”

There is no political solution.

There is no social band aid that can be applied.

There is no law that can be passed that will heal our sickly land.

Instead, we need to get on our faces before the Lord acknowledging our own sins and shortcomings, not pointing the finger at others but rather at ourselves. And whatever our views on climate control and gun control and immigration reform and President Trump and social justice may be, we need to implore the only one who can heal our land. What else is needed to get our attention?

Like it or not, our nation was founded on biblical principles, with God at the center of our nation, and America can only be great if America is good. Without Him, our condition is terminal. With Him, there is hope – but we must act now.

Let us do, then, what millions of Jews did this past weekend in the celebration of Yom Kippur, fasting and confessing sins and asking for mercy. And let us make whatever changes we must make in our own lives and families to stand in right relationship with God and our neighbor.

But let us also look to the cross where the Savior paid for our sins and struck at the root cause of our rebellion and pain.

It’s not too late for America to be healed, but our condition is certainly critical.

Copyright 2017 WND


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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