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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 12:32:15 AM


BY ON 6/9/16 AT 12:10 PM

Supporters of the anti-Islam movement PEGIDA wave flags during a demonstration in Dresden, Germany, March 21. The refugee crisis has seen a spike in hate crime in Germany.

Germany urgently needs to improve its record on prosecuting hate crime amid a spike in racist violence driven by the refugee crisis, Amnesty International has said.

In a report published Thursday, Amnesty said that almost six anti-refugee protests were staged every week in Germany during 2015. In that year, authorities recorded 1,031 politically motivated crimes against asylum shelters, five times as many as in 2014 (199 crimes) and 16 times as many as in 2013.

But, the report said, “Federal and state authorities have failed to design and implement comprehensive risk-assessment mechanisms aimed at identifying the [asylum] shelters that are most at risk of being targeted for violence.”

It called on police to devise a framework aimed at assessing which individual refugees or refugee shelters were at risk and allocating police resources accordingly.

And Amnesty said that Germany’s current system for classifying hate crimes was insufficient, suggesting that the threshold to investigate possible hate motives behind a violent crime was set too high.

Marco Perolini, a researcher at Amnesty, said in a statement that questions had to be asked about the possibility of institutional racism in the German police force, highlighted by “botched” investigations into a spate of killings between 2000 and 2007 by a far-right group called the National Socialist Underground.

Investigations into the murders of eight men of Turkish descent, one man of Greek descent and a German police officer repeatedly failed to identify and follow up leads pointing to the racist motivation behind the attacks, Amnesty said, while relatives of the victims reported feeling victimized by the police.

“There are many factors that point to the existence of institutional racism with German law enforcement agencies. This question needs to asked, and it needs to be answered: real improvement in how law enforcement agencies tackle racist crime cannot happen unless those very agencies are prepared to examine their own attitudes and assumptions,” he said.

“This is not a time for complacency,” he continued, “but for law enforcement agencies to take a long, hard look in the mirror.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 12:40:41 AM

U.S. Demands Russia Stop Bombing Al-Qaeda … Is War On Terror Over? Can We Have Our Rights Back?

JUNE 9, 2016

By Brandon Turbeville

Demonstrating once again its longstanding support for al-Qaeda and other related terror groups in Syria, the United States has now, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, requested that the Russian military refrain from bombing al-Nusra targets.

The United States, however, is publicly claiming that it simply wants Russia to be more careful when it comes to selecting targets so that it does not hit “moderate rebels.” Russia’s argumentis that, if “moderate rebels” want to avoid being bombed, they should cease “intermingling” and working with terrorist forces who are considered “extreme” and are not part of the ceasefire.

“They are telling us not to hit it (Nusra), because there is ‘normal’ opposition next .. to it,” Lavrov said. “But that opposition must leave terrorists’ positions, we long have agreed on that.”

Sounds reasonable enough. Of course, it’s all predicated on the idea that there is such a thing as a “moderate rebel” in Syria which there isn’t, but that issue has been covered ad nauseum in my previous articles and has been demonstrated beyond reasonable debate to be a lie of propaganda coming from the West and the Western media outlets.

U.S. State Department Spokesman Mark Toner told reporters at a press conference in Washington that “This is a common refrain, common theme that we’ve been conveying to the Russians over the past weeks. We obviously all agree that ISIL and the Nusra Front pose a real threat to the security on the ground in Syria.” He added that airstrikes against the non-existent “moderate rebels” and non-existent intentional airstrikes on civilians make people “more supportive of these terrorist groups and that is a dynamic we’ve seen play out in Syria for years now because of the regime’s actions.”

Apparently Toner is living in a bizarre parallel universe where people not only support Daesh but where that support is actually increasing. He certainly doesn’t live in Syria where only an infinitesimally small portion of Syrians ever supported the “rebels” and where that support has continued to dwindle even amongst even the most impressionable of civilians. He certainly isn’t living in the same universe as the rest of us since his claim is that Assad is responsible for the bombing of civilians and the phantom support of ISIS. Nor is he even following his own logic since, according to his statement, the United States bombing campaign that has been aimed at the Syrian military, civilians, and civilian infrastructure would be considered a campaign that makes people “more supportive of these terrorist groups.”

Yet just to be clear, al-Nusra Front is not merely al-Qaeda linked, it is al-Qaeda. Nusra is nothing more than the Syrian branch of the al-Qaeda franchise, a fact that even the schizophrenic U.S. does not deny. Thus, when the United States requests Russia to refrain from bombing al-Qaeda, Americans should begin looking around and asking why the United States, after over a decade of war, terror, and the shredding of the Constitution, would demand that the organization that stands as the very basis for those acts would be spared from destruction? What happened to “never forgetting 9/11?” What happened to the civil liberties that disappeared under the guise that our government was protecting us from al-Qaeda? Can we have those back now if the war on al-Qaeda is over?

The answer to these questions is simple: The United States does not want to destroy al-Qaeda, because al-Qaeda is the CIA’s Arab Legion. Indeed, al-Qaeda and ISIS are nothing more than proxies wholly controlled, organized, and directed by Western intelligence who are being used for geopolitical proxy wars and for justification of the dismantling of any shred of civil liberties back home. If the collusion (at best) between the United States and al-Qaeda is not abundantly clear to onlookers by now, it is difficult to imagine what else would be able to convince them of what is now painfully obvious.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 11:20:23 AM

Islamic State video shows Assyrian temple blown up in Iraq

June 9, 2016

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamic State insurgents have posted a video showing a 3,000-year-old temple being blown up at the Assyrian city of Nimrud in northern Iraq, in their latest assault on some of the world's greatest archaeological and cultural treasures.

The United Nations confirmed in a statement on Wednesday evening that satellite imagery showed "extensive damage to the main entrance" of the temple of Nabu, the Babylonian god of wisdom.

Nimrud was a 13th century BC Assyrian city, located 30 km (20 miles) south of the modern city of Mosul, which the hardline Islamic State militants seized control of in June 2014.

The date of the Islamic State video was unclear and Reuters could not independently verify its authenticity.

It also showed scenes of bulldozers razing the ancient Gate of Nergal, part of the historic Nineveh city wall in Mosul, which was reported earlier this year.

A bearded man in the video said that the destruction was meant to prevent Muslims from returning to idolatry. The group considers all pre-Islamic culture idolatrous, along with any religion outside its own radical interpretation of Sunni Islam.

As well as destroying Assyrian and Roman-era sites in northern Iraq, it blew up temples and other ancient buildings in the desert city of Palmyra in neighboring Syria. It is also suspected of raising funds from selling artifacts.

The latest evidence of destruction comes as the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are preparing an offensive to retake Mosul with support from the U.S.-led coalition.

In the last two years archaeologists say Islamic State has inflicted incalculable damage to historic sites which they say form part of the world's shared history.

(Reporting by Saif Hameed and Isabel Coles; Writing by Maher Chmaytelli)

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 11:29:47 AM

RUSSIA: We're going to respond to a US ship entering the Black Sea

USS Porter Navy Ship
U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Porter sets sail in the Bosphorus, on its way to the Black Sea in Istanbul, Turkey, June 6, 2016. REUTERS/Murad Sezer

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign ministry said Moscow would respond to a U.S. naval ship's entry into the Black Sea with unspecified measures, saying it and other deployments were designed to ratchet up tensions ahead of a NATO summit, the RIA news agency reported.

Russian state media reported that the USS Porter, a U.S. naval destroyer, entered the Black Sea a few days ago on a routine deployment, a move it said raised hackles in Moscow because it had recently been fitted with a new missile system.

U.S. Navy officials told reporters on Wednesday the U.S. military would also have two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean this month ahead of a July NATO summit in Warsaw as Washington sought to balance Russian military activities.

"Of course, this does not meet with our approval and will undoubtedly lead to response measures," RIA cited Andrei Kelin, a senior Foreign Ministry official, as saying about the USS Porter's movements.

He also said the deployment of U.S. aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean was a show of force which in his view deepened a chill in ties between Moscow and Washington caused by Russia's actions in Ukraine and Syria.

"As regards the overall situation of course there is a definite increase and stoking of tensions in our relations," he was quoted as saying.

"It is all being done on the eve of the Warsaw NATO summit. It is a show of force."

(Reporting by Andrew Osborn and Jack Stubbs; Editing by Alexander Winning)

Read the original article on Reuters. Copyright 2016. Follow Reuters on Twitter.

(Business Insider)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 4:49:16 PM

Big bang formed crater causing 'glow in sky': explosion was heard 100 km away

By The Siberian Times reporter
07 June 2016

Startling new details emerge of the most mysterious of Siberia's newly created giant permafrost holes.

Since the crater was formed in a 2013 blowout, the crater's size rapidly increased at least 15 times during the next year and a half. Picture: Vladimir Epifanov

First accounts of the gaping fissure in the earth - found by reindeer herders, who were almost swallowed up by the crater - reported that it was around 4 metres in width and 'about 100 metres' deep.

Scattered over a radius of one kilometre were lumps of displaced soil, sand and ice which had erupted from the earth.

Now we can reveal significant new details about this remote crater on the Taimyr peninsula in Krasnoyarsk region, some 440 kilometres from dozens of other newly-formed giant holes.

Firstly, respected scientist Dr Vladimir Epifanov, the sole leading expert to so far visit the site, said: 'There is verbal information that residents of nearby villages - at a distance of 70-100 km - heard a sound like an explosion, and one of them watched a clear glow in the sky. It was about one month after the Chelyabinsk meteorite.'

Taimyr crater in March 2013

Taimyr crater in March 2013

Taimyr crater in March 2013

First accounts of the gaping fissure in the earth - found by reindeer herders - reported that it was around 4 metres in width and 'about 100 metres' deep. Pictures: Sergei Lapsui and Stanislav Yaptune

Locals wrongly suspected it was another exploding space object falling from the sky, it is believed. This is the first known account of the explosive sound, and a bright light in the sky for which - as yet - there seems no explanation.

Secondly, since the crater was formed in a 2013 blowout, the crater's size rapidly increased at least 15 times during the next year and a half, according to previously unreported scientific data.

It is expected to be even wider now but no recent scientific surveys have been made to the remote site.

Our pictures show the so-called Deryabinsky crevice in snow soon after it was formed, when the hole was some four metres in width, and the latest known pictures which illustrate how it is now a lake, some 70 metres in diameter.

Taimyr crater in Autumn 2014

The height of the northern wall from the water level was measured as six metres, and the water depth 12 metres. The southern wall 10 metres in height, and the depth 18 metres: but it was not possible to measure the deepest point. Picture: Vladimir Epifanov

Thirdly, so rapidly is the landscape around the crater changing that experts predict the walls of the crater lake will soon collapse it will merge with a nearby long-established lake.

Whatever the original cause of the explosion heard over a vast area, the collapse is seen as being due to melting permafrost, and the walls of the crater caving in.

The height of the northern wall from the water level was measured as six metres, and the water depth 12 metres. The southern wall 10 metres in height, and the depth 18 metres: but it was not possible to measure the deepest point. As previously stated, the original hole was estimated as 100 metres deep.

Russia is monitoring by satellite the sites of potential new eruptions across huge swathes of the permafrost north of Siberia, amid suspicions that climate change has stoked a new natural phenomenon.

When this Taimyr hole first appeared, and many more in Yamal peninsula, known to locals as 'the end of the world', there were varied claims as to the cause: theories ranged from meteorites, to stray missiles, and a manmade prank to outlandish claims that this was the work of aliens.

Dr Vladimir Epifanov

Novosibirsk scientist Dr Vladimir Epifanov is the sole leading expert to so far visit the site. Picture: Taimyr Museum of Local Lore

There was also the theory that the trigger was an explosive cocktail of methane or other underground gas. One account when it the Taimyr hole first appeared stated: 'It is not like the work of men, but it also doesn't look like natural formation.'

Scientists now appear to agree that other recently-formed Siberian holes were caused by climate warming releasing previously frozen gases, but there is a claim that a different process is at work in the Taimyr crater.

On the Yamal peninsula, the main theory is that the craters were formed by pingos - dome-shaped mounds over a core of ice - erupting under pressure of methane gas released by thawing of permafrost caused by warming temperatures.

Pictures highlighted by The Siberian Times in recent years show this dramatic new permafrost phenomenon on land, but it is also clear that underwater mounds in the Kara Sea are leaking methane gas with potentially hazardous consequences for energy exploration in the area.

One theory is that huge and sudden methane releases from these leaking sea-floor hillocks cause the phenomenon known as the Bermuda Triangle which has led to shipping and air tragedies in the Altantic.

First pictures from inside the 'crater at the end of the world'

Exclusive new pictures INSIDE mystery Siberian crater

Solved? How scineitsts say mystery craters were formed in northern Siberia

Startling changes revealed in mystery craters in northern Siberia

Yamal hole

How did the famous Yamal crater change from July 2014 to September 2015. Pictures: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region governor's press-service, Vasily Bogoyavlensky, Vladimir Pushkarev Picture: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region governor's press-service

Land-based Yamal craters were previously pingos, or mounds with an ice core common in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, says leading authority Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky.

Warming over a number of years caused melting and the vacant space inside the ice humps was filled with natural gas, mainly methane, which eventually triggered eruptions, he believes.

Dr Epifanov has a different explanation for the Taimyr eruption, suggesting it originated at a depth that means it could not be linked directly to climate change, namely the degradation of gas hydrates some 500 metres below the surface, releasing methane which accumulated at a depth of 100 metres.

He sees the process of degassation as being normal in permafrost regions.

Dr Epifanov is from the Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, in Novosibirsk.

The Siberian Times thanks Larisa Stryuchkova and 'Neizvestny Norilsk' ('Unknown Norilsk') Magazine for the reports and images.

(The Siberian Times)

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