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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/9/2016 5:34:34 PM

EBT Card Outage?: It Is 8 Days Into June And Many Americans Are STILL Waiting For Food Stamp Money

Supermarket Bananas - Public Domain
Widespread reports continue to pour in from all over the nation of “glitches” with the food stamp system. It is eight days into the month and large numbers of people still have not received their benefits, and in other instances it is being reported that EBT cards are simply not working correctly. So what in the world is going on here? there are scores of reports of problems with the EBT system from people all over the nation. Could this simply be another example of government incompetence, or is something else at work here?

I had heard some rumblings about this over the past few days, but I had not really taken them seriously until I read an article from highly respected author Ray Gano

It interesting over the weekend I got several emails telling me about cell phones being down, internet being down, and get this, EBT cards not working and having no money associated to them.

This is a concern because when the US Government has payment failures, then there is possibly something happening that the press is not telling you about.

Now, we know that computers have problems and that states, counties and cities run on computers. But what is interesting is that since the beginning of 2016, The US government has had over 2,700 reports on showing that they have been late loading the money onto these EBT cards.

Folks, we are now going on 8 days where the Government has not paid the EBT payments so that people have food.

So I went over to myself, and I was stunned to see that reports of EBT outages continue to pour in every hour. Here are just a few of the recent comments that have been left by people that are still waiting for their food stamp benefits for June…

Heidi Lynn: I was supposed to get mine on the 5th and still nothing. Even ebt NJ site says $0 as well as my EBT card says $0. I’m on disability. I forgot to add I tried calling NJ Board of Services and was on hold for over an hour. I had to hang up to take dog out, etc. Does anyone know what’s going on yet?

Ann Wilson: Now that it’s been a whole week since I was supposed to get my June benefits, and haven’t, I’m planning on going to my Illinois FCRC office. I hope they will be able to fix this difficulty.

Jenn Johnson: I always get mine on time. I was due to get mine today June 7th and nothing. I am from kentucky. Why is there nothing on the news about this?

Jarrett Manhart: Havnt received mine either. They are never late. And my fone is off so i cant call em. Im on Wi-Fi down the street from me.

Sunny Nicole Jones: I haven’t gotten mine either! I’m glad it’s not just me though because then I would really be worried!

But when I went to confirm these widespread outages with articles from the mainstream media, I came up empty.

Either the mainstream media does not know what is going on yet, or it is being ignored.

If you have not gotten your EBT benefits for this month yet or you know someone that is in that position, please feel free to let me know. I want to get to the bottom of this. There are people all over the nation that are reporting problems with the food stamp system, but nobody seems to know exactly how widespread this issue is just yet.

Today there are well over 40 million Americans on food stamps, and a lot of them would start rioting tomorrow if you told them that their food stamp cards were being turned off permanently.

EBT cards are the modern equivalent of the bread lines of the 1930s. Instead of having to wait in long lines for food, the government just zaps money on to EBT cards each month, and those that are hurting are able to get something to eat.

But down in Venezuela, extremely long food lines are a daily reality for much of the population right now. The following comes from the Daily Mail

Venezuela was once South America’s richest nation, but a fall in oil prices combined with other economic problems has led to desperate citizens taking drastic measures.

Nearly half of Venezuelans say they can no longer afford to eat three meals a day, according to a recent poll by the local firm Venebarometro. The poll surveyed 1,200 adults at their homes during the first week of April and had a margin of error of plus or minus of about two percentage points

Those who can, cross the border into Colombia to buy, bring back and then use or sell food and other basic commodities.

Could you imagine not being able to provide three meals a day for your family any longer?

Close to half the population of Venezuela is already in that position, and the economic collapse down there grows worse with each passing day.

Most Americans just assume that nothing like that could ever happen here.

Most Americans just assume that the government will always have plenty of money to give out.

As I mentioned above, there are well over 40 million Americans that receive EBT benefits.

However, when you factor in all government programs, more than 100 million Americans get some form of money or benefits from the federal government each month.

So what would happen someday if suddenly the spigot was turned off?

What would those 100 million people do?

How would they survive?

Hopefully this current EBT outage is just a temporary technical glitch, and hopefully the government will get it fixed in short order.

But someday there will be a major crisis that will cause food stamp benefits to be cut off either permanently or for an extended period of time.

When that day arrives, what will that do to our communities?

Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below…

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

(The Economic Collapse)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/9/2016 11:20:22 PM

Assad: “Aleppo Is The Grave Of Butcher Erdogan’s Dreams”

JUNE 8, 2016

Op-Ed by Brandon Turbeville

In a recent address to the Syrian Parliament, Bashar al-Assad delivered one of his most powerful speeches to date. Tackling the issues of elections, democracy, Turkish ambitions, and the battle against the Western-backed jihadist invasion, Assad’s words have garnered attention from Syrians and, of course, Western governments and their propaganda outlets (more commonly called “news organizations” in the West).

This is because, five years on into a Western-backed invasion of jihadists and terrorists, Assad is standing defiantly in the face of the world’s greatest military power and refusing to back down to imperialist demands and the Anglo-American agenda for his country.

In the speech, Assad touted Syrian democracy by pointing out that an unprecedented number of voters turned out to vote despite the widespread warfare and the dangers of participation due to targeting of voters and polling stations by Western-backed terrorists.

Addressing the Syrian military’s push toward Raqqa, Assad stated that “Just like we liberated Palmyra and many other areas before it, we are going to liberate each and every inch of Syria from their hands because we have no other choice but to win.”

The Syrian president paid tribute to the many Syrian military soldiers who have fought bravely and those who have lost their lives in the battle against the Western proxy invasion. Assad also gave praise to Syria’s allies in the war – Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, and China – for their sacrifices.

Yet Assad’s statement was not all praise. He saved particularly harsh words for those powers that have funded the terrorists currently doing their best to destroy his country. For Recep Erdogan, whose government Assad labeled a “fascist regime,” the Syrian President issued a warning: “Aleppo will be the grave where all the dreams and hopes of that butcher will be buried,” he said.

Assad also addressed the failure of the Geneva peace talks and the recent failure of the ceasefire agreement which ended after “opposition” negotiator and leader of Jaish al-Islam, “Mohammad Alloush,” abandoned the talks. Assad said that, at no point, were the talks ever genuine on the part of the so-called opposition and that, after these groups failed to get what they wanted in Geneva, “their response was an open declaration of supporting terrorism and withdrawing from the cessation of hostilities agreement… this was what we saw of targeting civilians and hospitals in Aleppo.”

Lastly, Assad addressed the domestic issue and the question of corruption, nepotism, and Syrian governance as well as the possibility of reforms. He said, “If restoring security to Syria, achieving victory over terrorism, bringing back the homeland and reconstructing it is the outcome that stops the martyr’s blood from being spilt in vain, then fighting the harmful phenomena of corruption, nepotism and disregard for the law are the second part of that.” Notably, the reform process was already taking place in Syria before the 2011 Western-backed destabilization, albeit in a much slower manner than many Syrians had hoped.

Regardless, Assad’s speech represents a defiance of Western aims in Syria and a growing confidence that the terrorists’ days are numbered.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.comHe is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/9/2016 11:46:39 PM

Isis nuclear attack in Europe is a real threat, say experts

International think-tank on proliferation warns that a possible ‘dirty-bomb’ attack on a Western capital is ‘high’

Isis shows off its military hardware in a propaganda video from 2014

The threat of a terrorist attack using nuclear material is the highest since the end of the Cold War, with Isis actively trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction, according to a leading international think-tank on proliferation.

“Isis has already carried out numerous chemical weapons attacks in Syria; we know it wants to go further by carrying out a nuclear attack in the heart of Europe. This, combined with poor levels of security at a host of nuclear research centres in the former Soviet Union mean the threat of a possible ‘dirty-bomb’ attack on a Western capital is high,” said Moshe Kantor, the president of the desInternational Luxembourg Forum.

The warning from the organisation, whose members include former government ministers and senior officials from Russia and the West, comes amid deep apprehension that jihadists will attempt to carry outatrocities during the impending Euro 2016 football championship in France. The forum is not suggesting that a terrorist nuclear attack is likely tmayo take place during the tournament, but Dr Kantor pointed out that the Islamist cell which carried out the Brussels attacks two months ago were believed to be monitoring workers and security arrangements at a Belgian nuclear facility.

“Their previous documented attempts to gain access to a nuclear power station in Belgium are evidence of their intent,” he stated at an international conference in Amsterdam. “The terrorists don’t necessarily have to use a 'dirty bomb'. We are not just talking about stolen nuclear material, using conventional explosives in a nuclear plant, such as smuggling in a bomb, would have catastrophic consequences.”

Moshe Kantor, president of the International Luxembourg Forum (Reuters)

Former British defence secretary Des Browne, a member of the forum and vice-chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), said the threat of nuclear terrorism was a highly significant and complex issue which needed a unified international response. “It shouldn’t be a surprise that if terrorists get hold of nuclear material they will try to use it, we also know that they are seeking such material, there were reports, for example, of Isis getting hold of uranium isotopes when they captured Mosul,” he said.

Iraqi civilians recount horrors of battle for Fallujah

“It isn’t that hard to build a ‘dirty bomb’. They may not kill that many people with such a bomb, but the effect on the environment, the infrastructure and the psychological impact on people would be devastating. They can also use cyber warfare to target a nuclear facility.”

The meeting in Amsterdam marks the 30th anniversary of the Reykjavik summit between US President Ronald Regan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev which paved the way for a historic missile treaty between the US and the Soviet Union. It comes after a nuclear conference hosted by President Barack Obama in Washington earlier this year which focused on the threat of a terrorist attack using nuclear material by Isis and other extremist groups following the Paris and Brussels attacks.

The President’s deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, said: “We know that terrorist organisations have the desire to get access to these raw materials and to have a nuclear device.”

Around 2,000 metric tons of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium, that is being used internationally in civilian and military programmes, could be turned into a nuclear bomb if stolen or diverted, said the White House. But fewer than half of the 50 countries attending the summit had even agreed to secure their sources of radiological material.

President Vladimir Putin refused to attend the Washington meeting with the Kremlin claiming it was an American attempt to take over the system of securing radioactive material. It was revealed last autumn that four attempts by Russian-linked gangs in Moldova, a former Soviet state, to sell nuclear material to terrorists, including Isis, has been foiled. Evidence laid before the courts by Moldovan authorities showed that the smugglers had tried to exploit a breakdown in cooperation between Russia and the West on security issues.

Pakistani President Nawaz Sharif cancelled his visit to Washington after an Islamist terrorist bombing killed 72 people (Getty Images)

Pakistani President Nawaz Sharif also cancelled his Washington visit after an Islamist terrorist bombing killed 72 people. His country, which has a nuclear arsenal, and figures in the military and security establishment that are sympathetic to jihadists, is viewed by analyst as a prime source for a terrorist device.

President Obama had repeatedly stressed the danger of nuclear terrorism and his emphasis on nuclear disarmament was an important factor in him winning the Nobel peace prize. Months into his presidency, he said in a much publicised speech in Prague that nuclear weapons were “the most dangerous legacy of the Cold War”.

But in Amsterdam, Dr Kantor held that the current impasse on nuclear arms control was due to the stance of Washington. “The United States’ refusal to discuss limits for its missile defence programme is a bottleneck for talks, which impedes the entire process of controlling nuclear weapons and heightens the threat of a nuclear incident. If we take the matter seriously, there should be no ’sacred cows’ either among defensive or offensive weapons,” he argued.

In a video message to the conference, Mr Gorbachev, said: “We cannot be satisfied with the current situation, the window to a nuclear-free world first opened in Reykjavik, is being shut and locked before our eyes...The danger of nuclear weapons proliferation has grown to a large extent for this reason.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 12:06:24 AM

US To Give Israel Largest Military Aid In History

JUNE 8, 2016

By S.M. Gibson

While her speech today at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum included some vague criticism of ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, as usual that will have no impact on US policy, as National Security Adviser Susan Rice centered the speech on pledges of a record military aid package being agreed to soon.

The aid package, which Rice reiterated would be the “single largest military assistance package – with any country – in American history,” is expected to be between $37.5 and $40 billion over the next decade, which Rice said proved increasing aid to Israel isn’t a partisan issue in the US, but “an enduring American interest.”

The US had initially offered a $40 billion deal which required the Israeli government to promisenot to lobby the US Congress for more money during the 10-year plan, but this was rejected by Netanyahu. Other offers, in the realm of $35 billion but without the restrictions, have similarly been spurned.

Getting Israel to agree to accept the record package remains the focus on Obama’s side, while many are warning Netanyahu that waiting Obama out and trying to get more from his successor risks alienating many Democrats, particularly in Netanyahu’s deal comes from a Republican president.

Initial reports suggested Netanyahu was looking for a deal in the realm of $45 billion, though much of the discussion is based around the assumption of always demanding at least a bit more than was offered, no matter how gaudy the package already is.

This article (US To Give Israel Largest Military Aid in History) by Jason Ditz originally appeared on and was used with permission. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2016 12:22:10 AM


BY ON 6/9/16 AT 9:05 AM

Updated | Al-Shabab militants claim to have killed scores of Ethiopian soldiers in its latest attack on an African Union military base in Somalia.

A spokesman for the Somali militant group, Abdiasis Abu Musab, told Reutersthat militants rammed a suicide car bomb into the base in Haglan, central Somalia, which is used by Ethiopian troops who are part of the African Union mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM. The Al-Shabab spokesman claimed that 43 soldiers had been killed, as well as “several” militants, though the group has been known to inflate casualty figures in the past. The Al-Shabab spokesman later revised the death toll to 60 soldiers and 16 militants.

AMISOM stated via its Twitter account that there was an "attempted" Al-Shabab attack on a joint AMISOM-Somali National Army base in Halgan. "The enemy was successfully repelled," said AMISOM, ading that the militants were now on the run with allied forces in pursuit and that a cache of weapons had been reclaimed. AMISOM spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Joe Kibet told Reuters that 110 Al-Shabab militants were killed in the attack and that the death toll given by Al-Shabab was a "falsehood."

The Al-Shabab spokesman claimed that the bomb destroyed the gate and parts of the base, and that the militants drove out the Ethiopian troops before withdrawing. Somali officials and residents told Voice of America that Al-Shabab also targeted a Somali government base in the attack, but that in both cases the militants were repelled.

Al-Shabab, which is aligned with Al-Qaeda , has attacked three other AMISOM bases since June 2015. The group attacked a Burundian base in Leego, about 62 miles northwest of Mogadishu, in June 2015, killing more than 50 soldiers. The militants also besieged a Ugandan base in September 2015, killing around 20 soldiers. In January, Al-Shabab militants overran a Kenyan base in El Adde in the Gedo region, near the border with Kenya. While Kenya’s defense ministry never confirmed a casualty count, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud claimed that up to 200 soldiers may have been killed in the attack.

This article has been updated to include a statement from AMISOM, comments from Lieutenant Colonel Joe Kibet and a revised death toll from Al-Shabab.


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