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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2016 5:05:23 PM
25.01.2016 Author: Martin Berger

Who is Really In Control of the United States?


In all 239 years of America’s existence, it has resisted waging war on other states for only 20 years. Sometimes it seems that the American government simply cannot contain the urge to go to war with some other poor state.

According to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, over the last year the world saw 40 armed conflicts in 27 different locations, and even if 39 can be labeled as “civil wars”, in 13 of them one of the parties received support from external forces. You’ve guessed it right, those “external forces” are more often than not the United States and its allies. Today the United States is directly involved in four military conflicts, while in a handful of other conflicts the fingerprints of Washington can be easily detected. The country that has suffered from American aggression the most is Syria – since the death toll in this Arab state has exceeded the mark of 240,000 people, which means that this conflict has claimed more lives than all the other 39 conflicts on Earth combined.

As it follows from a recent letter by US President Barack Obama to the President pro tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch that was made public, more than 16,750 American commandos are deployed today by the Pentagon in 12 warzones across the world. Additionally, according to the US Ambassador to NATO, Douglas Lute, there’s more than 60,000 American soldiers deployed in Europe today.

In an attempt to secure so-called “American hegemony” with bayonets, Washington has been wasting one third of all military spending in the world on expensive weapons, instead of spending this money on the social needs of the American people in a bid to improve their living conditions.

To justify the excessive military spending by the White House, despite the fact that the person that resides in it is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, in a desperate attempt to get even more funds allocated to the every greedy military giant, the United States Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter called for a new ground operation in Iraq and Syria. Moreover, he knows exactly who will go to Iraq, it will be “the storied 101st Airborne Division,” as Carter wrote in an article published in Politico. The soldiers of this division previously fought in Vietnam, Afghanistan, took part in the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and then until 2006 were based in Mosul.

It should be recalled that Barack Obama along with a number of other officials have repeatedly claimed that the US is not going to get involved in a new large-scale ground war, therefore there will be “no boots on the ground in Syria.” And during the address to the nation on December 7, Obama stated that “spilling American blood and treasure that ultimately will weaken us. It’s the lesson of Vietnam; it’s the lesson of Iraq”, yet it doesn’t seem that this lesson will be heeded any time soon.

However, Ashton Carter’s recent statement clearly shows us who’s boss in Washington, since it’s the arms manufacturing giants that have the final say on everything in today’s America, they are “pulling the strings”, leaving the role of an obedient puppet for whoever is sitting as US President. The statement made by the Secretary of Defense is particularly curious if one is to remember that in accordance with the US Constitution he’s not the commander of the US Armed Forces, in fact, the President is entrusted with this duty. And therefore it was Obama’s call to announce a major change of tactics in the fight against ISIL, unless, of course, he is just a puppet controlled by hidden puppeteers.

If you want to know who these puppeteers are, you won’t be looking for long. Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been pretty vocal in criticizing Obama’s strategy in the Middle East, calling for an all-out assault on Syria. Last November those Senators claimed that the US should triple its military forces in Iraq along with sending a similar number of troops to Syria. Graham went as far as offering a plan for the invasion of Syria, according to which up to 100,000 troops of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey were to be supported by roughly 10,000 American soldiers. Joint interventions of US and Arab troops in Syria have been proposed before, especially by John McCain, who enjoys close ties with Saudi officials that he uses to profit from via military contracts between the US and Saudi Arabia.

The hidden puppeteers are not simply convinced that they enjoy full control over the White House but over the world as well. They have created their own coalition against ISIL, carrying out military operations on the territories of sovereign states without any form of consent, in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter which clearly prohibits such courses of action without the decision of the UN Security Council. And it is unlikely these “strong-willed” US officials would care to obtain the consent of Iraq or Syria to launch a new military assault on them, assuming also that the UN and its Security Council are useless relics to be easily ignored.

Therefore, Americans and the international community should not be supporting the new lawless adventure of the US military puppeteers, and instead support the call of the news portal AlterNet: «There has to be a point where the painfully dull process of peace is more desirable than belligerently bombing the hell out of other countries. Where we build instead of annihilate—negotiate instead of obliterate. Where politicians boast about the wars they’ve ended instead of the never-ending ones they’ve started. And most importantly we opt not to destabilize yet another region creating more fertile ground for groups like ISIS to thrive. “

As for those warmongers in the United States, Britain, and among submissive American allies that are responsible for armed conflicts, chaos, poverty and hunger, they should eventually be punished by an impartial court, that would be established by the international community.

Martin Berger is a Czech-based freelance journalist and analyst, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.

First appeared:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/26/2016 5:23:00 PM

Video of Denver inmate dying at hands of deputies raises calls for federal investigation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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1/26/2016 5:59:35 PM
Miguel, this is a great article. Love the music at the end. Thankful for Russia

Better Earth

Why the fascist US can never defeat Mother Russia

Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
White-supremacist American imperialists have dreamed of defeating and dismembering Russia since at least the 1920's and early '30's when most of America's elite--consisting of the likes of John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mellon, Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK and RFK), and Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush)--decided to massively bankroll Hitler and the Nazi Party, with a view to eradicating the "mongrel" Soviet Union and the Jews of Europe along the way (as documented here, here, and here)--although theirattempted coup against FDR miserably failed (and FDR still pardoned his fellow patricians "for the good of the country." What else?)

Captured German soldiers being lead to prisoner camps in Stalingrad, 1943.
Once Germany's massive rearmament got under way, it was the German factories of Ford, General Motors, General Electric, and Alcoa that built most of the tanks and warplanes of Hitler's dreaded Wehrmacht, while Dupont and Standard Oil (now Exxon) supplied the synthetic fuel. For their part, Coca-Cola provided tons of Germany's favorite caffeinated soft drink to keep Luftwaffe pilots "coked up" for their long bombing runs.

IBM's punch-card record-keeping, in turn, made the Holocaust possible on an industrial scale: which by one estimate led to the deaths not just of 6 million Jews, but also 5.5 - 7 million Ukrainians, 3.3 million Russian POWs, 2 million Russian civilians, 3 million Poles, and 1.5 million Yugoslavs. What marked these non-Jewish populations for extermination was that they were all assumed to be either "pure blood" or "mixed blood" Slavs--whom Hitler lumped together with Jews as untermenschen (i.e. subhumans) in Mein Kampf. (Which the Neo-Nazis of "Aryan" Ukraine often quote with approval in relation to Slavic Ukrainians and Russians to this day.)

The American Aryan imperialists took it for granted, of course, that the German Wehrmacht would roll right over their those Russian Orthodox "subhumans." But after months of house to house, even room to room fighting, it was the Nazis who surrendered at Stalingrad on February 2, 1943. At that point, the head of the US Office of Strategic Services, former wealthy Wall Street lawyer,Allen Dulles, realized that Hitler would soon lose the war; and that it was now up to the United States, as the sole remaining capitalist superpower, to don the invisible mantle of fascism as the only ideology tough enough to defend Godly Capitalism against Godless Communism with its demonic dream of economic equality. What poor peasant or worker would not vote for equal wealth if he had the chance? That's why democracies are disastrous for the 1%, Dulles reasoned. Fascism is the only way. Make the masses feel exceptional--not equal. And if they still demand their own fair share, shoot em dead! The Nazis had that part down pat.

"So why not use these fellow Aryans?" Dulles thought. And he came up with a treasonous plan for the benefit of the 1% which he hid from the dying FDR. That was to have the top Nazi generals, intelligence officials, scientists, and the like surrender to the Americans, rather than the Soviets. Then after their files were "scrubbed" clean of any atrocities they might have committed for the Third Reich (or their own amusement), they'd be shipped off in the "right" direction. The best and brightest were sent to America to work in Intelligence or Defense or, in the case of Werner Von Braun, they were put in charge of our missile program. Whereas the worst of the worst were smuggled into South America to start fascist movements there. Or if they were really, really bad and high-profile figures too--like Josef Mengele or Adolf Eichmann, say--they might simply be told: "Just lie on a beach and enjoy your memories." The rest were placed in positions of power and influence in the Postwar German government or elsewhere.

Comment: "Under Operation Paperclip, which began in May of 1945, the scientists who helped the Third Reich wage war continued their weapons-related work for the U.S. government, developing rockets, chemical and biological weapons, aviation and space medicine (for enhancing military pilot and astronaut performance), and many other armaments at a feverish and paranoid pace that came to define the Cold War," Jacobsen writes. Her book is titled Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. See more:

Flash forward to today, and American imperialists have much to be proud of. Communism is dead, and so is Arab nationalism, except in Syria under Bashar al-Assad. Sadly for me as a Christian, so too is Liberation Theology in South America. Can you picture Archbishop Romero being shot through the heart as he said Mass at the altar? His life's blood mixing with the Blood of Christ? Is there nothing that our fascist elites will not order their death squads to do? And laugh about it too?

Watch Hillary Clinton crack up at the breaking news of Muammar Gaddafi's mutilation-murder at the hands of our "moderate" terrorists.

"We came. We saw. He died." She crows with Satanic glee--using the royal "We." What a monster of depravity! The man has just had his throat slit--after being sodomized with a bayonet, and she's downright giddy about it! She even wants to claim all the credit for herself. This Satanic atrocity! By linking his mutilation/murder to her trip to Benghazi. What would she have us think? That she gave "our" terrorists strict instructions to rape him with a bayonet first? She even mangles Caesar's famous line to drive her sick claim home

She does believe she's another Caesar. She's that demonically deranged. She wants to show the world she's got the biggest "balls" around--when she has none. Her pant suits fool no one.

Comment: His description of Killary Hillary Clinton is quite accurate, however history, when critically analyzed, paints a different portrait of Caesar, who actually bears much more of a resemblance to Putin:

Putin would never behave like that. Not in a million years! He's far too moral a man--too compassionate a man--too Orthodox a man--to brag that he somehow incited a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder a helpless man. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:40: it is the same as inciting a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder Christ Himself.

Indeed Putin's friends report that Putin felt extreme guilt over Gaddafi's mutilation/murder, having allowed himself to be fooled by those fork-tongued Americans into approving a UN Resolution which he believed only authorized NATO to keep Gaddafi from committing genocide against the people of Benghazi, but which was actually intentionally so vaguely worded as to give NATO carte blanche to do what it pleased--even to murdering Gaddafi in this sickest of ways.

Is it carrying a sense of responsibility too far, to blame himself for being deceived? Many psychologists might say so. But as a Christian psychologist myself, with over 40 years of training and experience (if that Biblical number tells you something), I would say that the depth of his guilt shows the depth of his compassion. And the depth of his compassion shows the depth of Putin's Orthodox faith.

Not that Putin is exceptional in this regard. Quite the contrary. He is a typical Orthodox man in the depth of his faith. That is the basis of his enormous popularity and power. He is just like them. He is Everyman.. And this is why the Orthodox faithful have such trust in him. He is a plain-spokenman of his word. And while that fact may have led him to assume too readily that Americans can be trusted to live up to their word as well, Putin is a quick learner; and will not be fooled by them again. Did not Jesus Himself warn him in Matthew 7:15 to beware of such men who: " come to you in sheep's clothing," but are "ravening wolves within?"

Putin thought Erdogan could be trusted as well. But after the Russian plane was shot down, he saw the "ravening wolf" in Erdogan too. And when it comes to meting out just punishment, Putin has as much Christian patience as anyone.

This is why the Satanic West can never defeat Holy Russia. Though the West has long since lost its Christian moorings, as Hillary Clinton shows so well, patience is not a weakness. Nor are modesty, humility, and compassion. These are Putin's personal qualities. (If you watch RT, you can see them). But they are not his uniquely. Though I'm not Russian, I would say from my dealings with many Russians over the years as a psychologist that these particular qualities typify devout Russian Orthodox men like Putin. That's why most Russians trust Putin—whether they themselves are Orthodox or not. They know the type. And men possessed of Orthodox virtues make for undefeatable Christian warriors: just ask Hitler. Whereas our generals drew the wrong lesson from World War II; and decided that the Allies would have beaten the Nazis single-handedly (or so the Serpent whispered in their ears) all the quicker if only our troops had embraced the Satanic "virtues" of pride, cruelty, and demonization-of-the-enemy. And we've been demonizing our troops ever since--with the results one can see.

But Russia also has a loving kind of weapon that has long protected it. It sees all of Russia as Mother Russia (In Russian: Россия-Матушка). Think about it for a sec. Germany has no motherland, just a fatherland. And the USA doesn't even have that. If one goes to a patriotic film here about, say, an American sniper blowing off the heads of defenseless "towel-heads," a bunch of tattooed ex-Marines may get up and shout: "USA! USA! USA!" But we have no motherland. France tried to plant the seed with the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. But a mother is supposed to open her arms to all her children--even brown ones. And the US government didn't want those brown "tired and poor" on our shores, so the idea of a motherland never really stuck. In fact, we've tended to exterminate or enslave all none-whites. Hitler even said he took his racial policies from us!

Russia, on the other hand, has always been a multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic land of abundant resources, stretching across 12 time zones. So it's always been natural to think of "her" as a mother. For what is a mother? One who feeds and shelters her children. And when they grow to adulthood, her sons and daughters, in turn, protect and care for her. Thus the concept of Mother Russia elicits feelings of love, loyalty and protectiveness that go far, far beyond post-Renaissance notions of the nation-state and the kind of patriotism a given nation-state--especially under the aegis of austerity--might arouse. Those who see Russia as their Mother will give back the very lives she once gave them to defend her.

The author is a licensed clinical psychologist and long-time activist for progressive causes, who lives and practices in New York

He wrote this article specially for Russia Insider

Comment: As Edgar Cayce predicted over 80 years ago, Russia has become the hope of the world and a beacon of light in the dark times that have been brought on by US/NATO western imperialism with the ruling psychopaths at the helm:
"In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2016 1:31:32 AM

It is I who thank you, Myrna for your kind words. And am posting another great, similar article below that you may like as well.


[quote] Miguel, this is a great article. Love the music at the end. Thankful for Russia

Better Earth

Why the fascist US can never defeat Mother Russia

Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
White-supremacist American imperialists have dreamed of defeating and dismembering Russia since at least the 1920's and early '30's when most of America's elite--consisting of the likes of John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mellon, Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK and RFK), and Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush)--decided to massively bankroll Hitler and the Nazi Party, with a view to eradicating the "mongrel" Soviet Union and the Jews of Europe along the way (as documented here, here, and here)--although theirattempted coup against FDR miserably failed (and FDR still pardoned his fellow patricians "for the good of the country." What else?)

Captured German soldiers being lead to prisoner camps in Stalingrad, 1943.
Once Germany's massive rearmament got under way, it was the German factories of Ford, General Motors, General Electric, and Alcoa that built most of the tanks and warplanes of Hitler's dreaded Wehrmacht, while Dupont and Standard Oil (now Exxon) supplied the synthetic fuel. For their part, Coca-Cola provided tons of Germany's favorite caffeinated soft drink to keep Luftwaffe pilots "coked up" for their long bombing runs.

IBM's punch-card record-keeping, in turn, made the Holocaust possible on an industrial scale: which by one estimate led to the deaths not just of 6 million Jews, but also 5.5 - 7 million Ukrainians, 3.3 million Russian POWs, 2 million Russian civilians, 3 million Poles, and 1.5 million Yugoslavs. What marked these non-Jewish populations for extermination was that they were all assumed to be either "pure blood" or "mixed blood" Slavs--whom Hitler lumped together with Jews as untermenschen (i.e. subhumans) in Mein Kampf. (Which the Neo-Nazis of "Aryan" Ukraine often quote with approval in relation to Slavic Ukrainians and Russians to this day.)

The American Aryan imperialists took it for granted, of course, that the German Wehrmacht would roll right over their those Russian Orthodox "subhumans." But after months of house to house, even room to room fighting, it was the Nazis who surrendered at Stalingrad on February 2, 1943. At that point, the head of the US Office of Strategic Services, former wealthy Wall Street lawyer,Allen Dulles, realized that Hitler would soon lose the war; and that it was now up to the United States, as the sole remaining capitalist superpower, to don the invisible mantle of fascismas the only ideology tough enough to defend Godly Capitalism against Godless Communism with its demonic dream of economic equality. What poor peasant or worker would not vote for equal wealth if he had the chance? That's why democracies are disastrous for the 1%, Dulles reasoned. Fascism is the only way. Make the masses feel exceptional--not equal. And if they still demand their own fair share, shoot em dead! The Nazis had that part down pat.

"So why not use these fellow Aryans?" Dulles thought. And he came up with a treasonous plan for the benefit of the 1% which he hid from the dying FDR. That was to have the top Nazi generals, intelligence officials, scientists, and the like surrender to the Americans, rather than the Soviets. Then after their files were "scrubbed" clean of any atrocities they might have committed for the Third Reich (or their own amusement), they'd be shipped off in the "right" direction. The best and brightest were sent to America to work in Intelligence or Defense or, in the case of Werner Von Braun, they were put in charge of our missile program. Whereas the worst of the worst were smuggled into South America to start fascist movements there. Or if they were really, really bad and high-profile figures too--like Josef Mengele or Adolf Eichmann, say--they might simply be told: "Just lie on a beach and enjoy your memories." The rest were placed in positions of power and influence in the Postwar German government or elsewhere.

Comment: "Under Operation Paperclip, which began in May of 1945, the scientists who helped the Third Reich wage war continued their weapons-related work for the U.S. government, developing rockets, chemical and biological weapons, aviation and space medicine (for enhancing military pilot and astronaut performance), and many other armaments at a feverish and paranoid pace that came to define the Cold War," Jacobsen writes. Her book is titled Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. See more:

Flash forward to today, and American imperialists have much to be proud of. Communism is dead, and so is Arab nationalism, except in Syria under Bashar al-Assad. Sadly for me as a Christian, so too is Liberation Theology in South America. Can you picture Archbishop Romerobeing shot through the heart as he said Mass at the altar? His life's blood mixing with the Blood of Christ? Is there nothing that our fascist elites will not order their death squads to do? And laugh about it too?

Watch Hillary Clinton crack up at the breaking news of Muammar Gaddafi's mutilation-murder at the hands of our "moderate" terrorists.

"We came. We saw. He died." She crows with Satanic glee--using the royal "We." What a monster of depravity! The man has just had his throat slit--after being sodomized with a bayonet, and she's downright giddy about it! She even wants to claim all the credit for herself. This Satanic atrocity! By linking his mutilation/murder to her trip to Benghazi. What would she have us think? That she gave "our" terrorists strict instructions to rape him with a bayonet first? She even mangles Caesar's famous line to drive her sick claim home

She does believe she's another Caesar. She's that demonically deranged. She wants to show the world she's got the biggest "balls" around--when she has none. Her pant suits fool no one.

Comment: His description of Killary Hillary Clinton is quite accurate, however history, when critically analyzed, paints a different portrait of Caesar, who actually bears much more of aresemblance to Putin:

Putin would never behave like that. Not in a million years! He's far too moral a man--too compassionate a man--too Orthodox a man--to brag that he somehow incited a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder a helpless man. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 25:40: it is the same as inciting a lynch-mob to mutilate and murder Christ Himself.

Indeed Putin's friends report that Putin felt extreme guilt over Gaddafi's mutilation/murder, having allowed himself to be fooled by those fork-tongued Americans into approving a UN Resolution which he believed only authorized NATO to keep Gaddafi from committing genocide against the people of Benghazi, but which was actually intentionally so vaguely worded as to give NATO carte blanche to do what it pleased--even to murdering Gaddafi in this sickest of ways.

Is it carrying a sense of responsibility too far, to blame himself for being deceived? Many psychologists might say so. But as a Christian psychologist myself, with over 40 years of training and experience (if that Biblical number tells you something), I would say that the depth of his guilt shows the depth of his compassion. And the depth of his compassion shows the depth of Putin's Orthodox faith.

Not that Putin is exceptional in this regard. Quite the contrary. He is a typical Orthodox man in the depth of his faith. That is the basis of his enormous popularity and power. He is just like them. He is Everyman.. And this is why the Orthodox faithful have such trust in him. He is a plain-spokenman of his word. And while that fact may have led him to assume too readily that Americans can be trusted to live up to their word as well, Putin is a quick learner; and will not be fooled by them again. Did not Jesus Himself warn him in Matthew 7:15 to beware of such men who: " come to you in sheep's clothing," but are "ravening wolves within?"

Putin thought Erdogan could be trusted as well. But after the Russian plane was shot down, he saw the "ravening wolf" in Erdogan too. And when it comes to meting out just punishment, Putin has as much Christian patience as anyone.

This is why the Satanic West can never defeat Holy Russia. Though the West has long since lost its Christian moorings, as Hillary Clinton shows so well, patience is not a weakness. Nor are modesty, humility, and compassion. These are Putin's personal qualities. (If you watch RT, you can see them). But they are not his uniquely. Though I'm not Russian, I would say from my dealings with many Russians over the years as a psychologist that these particular qualities typify devout Russian Orthodox men like Putin. That's why most Russians trust Putin—whether they themselves are Orthodox or not. They know the type. And men possessed of Orthodox virtues make for undefeatable Christian warriors: just ask Hitler. Whereas our generals drew the wrong lesson from World War II; and decided that the Allies would have beaten the Nazis single-handedly (or so the Serpent whispered in their ears) all the quicker if only our troops had embraced the Satanic "virtues" of pride, cruelty, and demonization-of-the-enemy. And we've been demonizing our troops ever since--with the results one can see.

But Russia also has a loving kind of weapon that has long protected it. It sees all of Russia as Mother Russia (In Russian: Россия-Матушка). Think about it for a sec. Germany has no motherland, just a fatherland. And the USA doesn't even have that. If one goes to a patriotic film here about, say, an American sniper blowing off the heads of defenseless "towel-heads," a bunch of tattooed ex-Marines may get up and shout: "USA! USA! USA!" But we have no motherland. France tried to plant the seed with the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. But a mother is supposed to open her arms to all her children--even brown ones. And the US government didn't want those brown "tired and poor" on our shores, so the idea of a motherland never really stuck. In fact, we've tended to exterminate or enslave all none-whites. Hitler even said he took his racial policies from us!

Russia, on the other hand, has always been a multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic land of abundant resources, stretching across 12 time zones. So it's always been natural to think of "her" as a mother. For what is a mother? One who feeds and shelters her children. And when they grow to adulthood, her sons and daughters, in turn, protect and care for her. Thus the concept of Mother Russia elicits feelings of love, loyalty and protectiveness that go far, far beyond post-Renaissance notions of the nation-state and the kind of patriotism a given nation-state--especially under the aegis of austerity--might arouse. Those who see Russia as their Mother will give back the very lives she once gave them to defend her.

The author is a licensed clinical psychologist and long-time activist for progressive causes, who lives and practices in New York

He wrote this article specially for Russia Insider

Comment: As Edgar Cayce predicted over 80 years ago, Russia has become the hope of the world and a beacon of light in the dark times that have been brought on by US/NATO western imperialism with the ruling psychopaths at the helm:
"In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2016 1:38:42 AM

Putin’s Truth, the ultimate secret weapon against the Khazarian Mafia?

Has the Russian Federation discovered the greatest new weapon of covert war ever devised? And is that effective new weapon which is the deployment of hard core real truth, now rapidly eroding the Khazarian Mafia's World hegemony?

by Preston James

[ Note: This article builds on past articles on this subject. For those who haven’t read those, reading this article is likely a waste of time and it will be difficult to fit this information into their heads.

This is a long article and is written as a two-tiered piece. Those short of time can read the bold print and pass over the rest, and then finish with the conclusion. Many thanks to my sources, some still living but most passed. None of the novel information included is associated with Veterans Today in any way. I do not enjoy writing this type of article for a number of reasons not appropriate to be discussed here. But I do feel an obligation to get this information out. ]



During the last 100 years, the world has been overtaken by the largest organized crime syndicate that has ever existed: the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This KM worldwide crime syndicate is a well-organized hierarchy that is evil to the core.

A small collection of two-faced liars form its evil core and run most Western governments, and are controlled by several demon-infested, near to death, wrinkled-up old men who sit at the top of its hierarchy — a pyramid of ultimate evil power that functions as the world’s largest parasite on humanity.

This KM Hierarchy is run by a collection of the world’s biggest two-faced liars and criminally insane sociopaths, whom the KM has promoted into the highest positions of all the largest governments.

It appears that the leaders of the new Russian Federation have broken free of the control of the KM hierarchy, and appear to be the good guys.

Is this KM World Hierarchy of control some kind of special disease, a genetic predisposition within the twelve “key bloodlines”, or is it based on a genetic aberration picked up as an “infection” later on by participation in occult “soul transferring” rituals? Or could it be a combination of both?

Were these Two-faced liars selected into the Khazarian Mafia’s hierarchy to be molded into leaders because they were sociopaths in the first place and were selected to be groomed and taken through various initiations in order to climb the KM’s hierarchy of power? Or were they specially “bred” in the first place, and if so, what is their genetic origin and why do they display such an apparent predisposition toward evil?

We don’t have the definitive answers to these questions, but it appears that it is a combination of both. Anyone with a high level of intelligence and a lack of conscience (lack of soul) or apparent sociopathy and the ability to be remarkably two-faced can be selected and recruited into the KM Hierarchy to be groomed and prepared to be a major Cutout.

But these “selected ones” must pass each level of initiation, and be able to conceal their criminal sociopathy by being a skilled two-faced liar and deceiver and be willing to go through the increasingly evil rituals along the way.

ISIS777When they have reached the higher steps in this hierarchy, we know these recruits then must participate in occult rituals which are incredibly evil. These rituals extract what is left of their souls and replace it with an entity, a cosmic parasite to which they became “hived”. This explains their abject loyalty to the few top leaders of the KM Hierarchy.

Are these top controllers of the KM Hierarchy fallen angels (Nephilim, the fallen ones) or, as some insiders have called them, cosmic or alien ET parasites cloned and hived to an evil master Alien ET or an evil AI system run by him? Could this master evil mind best be referred to as a cosmic interdimensional Dragon or Draco being, as some have referred to it, while other insiders refer to it using the age-old term, Lucifer?

In order to best understand what the World is dealing with, is it best to look at this powerful dark side influence as a human parasite?

Is it a communicable parasite, which seems to always infect and take over most world leaders, and has the ability to infest individuals who are willing to give up their basic humanity and human values in order to gain power, status and riches?

Do these leaders who have become criminal sociopaths and evil to the core function as though they have lost their ability to be human, or to function as normal humans? And were they perhaps born different than most — maybe already infected with a bloodline gene that makes them un-human and inhuman too?

Why is it different inside the highest echelons of the Russian Federation? Why is it that Putin and his advisers seem to tell the truth about most issues, and use truth as a weapon against the evil of the Western nations, which have all been hijacked by the largest organized crime syndicate (the Khazarian Mafia)?

There have been numerous recent articles which mention the new Ryussian ultra high tech defensive weapons such as the advanced electronic warfare “Defensive Shield” deployed during the Su-24 flyby of the USS Donald Cook. This system temporarily turned off the ship’s Aegis radar system, rendering it defenseless. But it appears that the most powerful weapon that Putin and the Russian Federation have is actually the hardcore truth they are now disseminated to the world.

ISIS15Truth appears to be the ultimate Psyops against this KM evil, and it looks like the leaders of the Russian Federation have figured this out and are now deploying it in spades.

It looks like the leaders of the Russian Federation discovered that truth is their ticket to prosperity by exposing the fact that all the controlled Western Mass Media and its News Cartel, and all the governmental systems have been based on the KM’s Hierarchy’s big lies, false-narratives and propaganda — and that this deployment of Truth via the Internet can actually erode the KM’s World Hegemony and deconstruct it.

Putin and his advisers know that the KM has been trying to destroy Russia as a sovereign nation and to keep it enslaved for 1,000 years in a secret blood feud against Mother Russia. Putin also realizes that the KM has been using ISIS, NATO and Israel to surround the Russian Federation and choke it off economically.

Putin is aware that the TTIP and TPP free trade agreements are attempts to undermine Russia’s economy. He is aware that the USG is violating the Agreement of Cooperation to end the Cold War, which it signed with the new Russian Federation when it emerged. This Agreement of Cooperation has a main provision that neither nation will mess with any nation that borders each other.

That Agreement of Cooperation was negotiated by Lee Wanta on behalf of President Reagan, and was perhaps the best action Reagan ever initiated for America. The purpose of this agreement was to end the Cold War and take down the Iron Curtain, to remove KM/Zionist-based Bolshevism from Russia forever and to make sure a cold war between America and Russia would not reoccur, along with decreasing the chances for a hot nuclear WW3 between the two.

It looks like the KM has other ideas and refuses to let go of their 1,000-year blood feud obsession to retake or destroy Russia. And that is one of the main purposes of the KM using Cutouts to create ISIS, and also using Secretary of State “Hillary Clinton” and her assistant Victoria Nuland (married to a Kagan) to institute the coup d’état by funneling 5 billion USD through the US Department of State to fund this coup in the Ukraine.

Has the Russian Federation figured out that dispensing truth is like throwing water on the wicked witch of the west, or pulling the curtain back to expose the wrinkled up old Oz running the big lie machine that has been keeping most of the world mind-kontrolled?

Has President Putin become a master chess player who has learned how to deploy truth to expose the KM Hierarchy’s big lies, false-narratives and propaganda to the world and be able to do it in such a way that it penetrates and overrides the KM’s Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) Mind-kontrol?

The answer to this question appears to be an obvious YES.

Putin has deployed major Russian Federation air power in defense of his long term ally Syria at the request of President Assad, who was voted into office in an honest election with over 80% of the vote. And we now know for certain that Assad never used poisonous gas on his citizens, but ISIS did, and it was supplied by the John McCain-associated KM/NeoCon faction in the Pentagon.


Russian Federation Air Power has been decimating ISIS and has completely checkmated the KM while exposing the KM’s massive lies to the whole World. Neither the KM, USG nor the Israeli Likudists ever expected Putin to come to the aid of his long-term ally Syria. But immediately after President Assad officially requested help from the Russian Federation, Putin ordered this massive assistance by Russian Air Power. And now because the KM ordered Erdogan to have his Air Force attack and shoot down a Russian Su-24 in Syrian air space, a clear act of war by a NATO member, Putin has deployed the incredibly advanced S-400 system and his electronic warfare Defensive Dome.

Putin’s heroic checkmating of the KM’s ISIS in Syria has created a situation where the grim truth of what ISIS really is has been exposed in a crafty, engineered fashion.

And we now know for certain that ISIS secretly stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and is a large KM mercenary force run by Israel and paid for by the USG and Saudi Arabia, and supported by Turkey and NATO.

The same folks who are responsible for ISIS are also responsible for the staged Ukrainian coup d’état and the placement of the puppet Poroshenko as the Ukrainian KM/Zio-run dictator, with the ultimate goal of creating a new Israeli homeland to replace Israel, which they now know is doomed to be returned to the Palestinians.

The reason Israel is now doomed, because they have now been exposed for being responsible for the attack on America of 9-11-01 and their evil abuse, tyranny, land-theft and mass-murder of Palestinians and Apartheid against them is now turning the world against Israel.

And it is this same KM/PNAC/Top NeoCon dual citizen bunch of tribalists that were responsible for the 9-11-01 attack on America, its cover-up and all the numerous Gladio-style false-flag mass-shootings in gun free zones, some real and some virtual only like Sandy Hook.

As you trace back the money and control for ISIS, it will lead to the Kagans, the Institute for the Study of War, and the American Enterprise Institute, funded by the Kochs and other Zios and fully under the control of the KM.

It will lead ISIS being financed by large Wall Street Banks using funds provided by oil ISIS has stolen. This stolen oil is transported through Turkey who gets a large cut, then shipped to Israel at a large discount.

This revenue from stolen oil along with KM opium profits, sex trafficking profits and human organ trafficking profits (taken involuntarily of course) provides the money needed to keep the oil derivatives afloat, at least for the time being.

And if you want to dig deep enough all roads lead to the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) set up in 1934 and used as a KM slush fund to receive drug trafficking profits and other criminal profits and to dispense vast sums for supporting terrorism and civil wars, coup d’états and revolutions around the World to keep the KM in power everywhere.

Putin’s checkmate of the KM and its ISIS in Syria has now created the emergence of serious truth which is rapidly neutralizing KM power all over the World.

And such truth is even finding support inside America, with the former head of the DIA coming forth and admitting that the USG allowed ISIS and even supports it, and numerous former CIA officers coming forth and also admitting this.

Do you think it is just a coincidence that Putin has formed a strong working alliance with the Eastern Orthodox Church leaders and a joint commitment to build strong character and and morality in young Russians? This has been one of the most surprising actions of Putin and he has the full support of his political advisers and the Russian People. And he has outlawed public displays of homosexuality and other forms of perversion and is providing aid and tax breaks to Christian families.

And yet, despite the obviousness of this truth, America’s CMMM just keeps broadcasting and publishing the continuing stream of Big Lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the KM puppets who run the Congress and the USG. This creates plausible set of rationalizations for the USG puppet actions on behalf of their master controllers and blackmailers the KM and Israeli agents inside America (PNACers, top NeoCons and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors who are agents of KM espionage inside America.

But everyday less and less Americans believe much of this CMMM mind-kontrol because the geopolitical changes admitted in the CMMM just plain no longer support these CMMM (KM scripted) Big Lies, false-narratives and propaganda.

How interesting it is that the truth now emanating out of the Russian Federation’s top leadership is functioning as a light in the darkness and appears to be neutralizing the criminal power and Hierarchy of Control of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) all over the World.


Is this the ISIS chain of command?

And we now see the emergence of the new alternative direct trading systems that do not use the US Petro Dollar. And then we now see the emergence of the BRICS and the AIIB which are new gold and silver backed banking systems which in time may surpass the strength of the US Petro Dollar.

The world has gotten quite tired of the KM using the US Petro Dollar to gain whatever it wants just by printing or issuing as many USD as it needs, while the rest of the world has to actually work for its earned value.

It was Putin and his advisers who have worked hard to get this stark truth out to those leaders who have themselves woken up from the evil bondage of the KM.

These leaders who have joined BRICS understand the KM spell. They want to extricate themselves and their nations from this evil spell of KM counterfeit money power, KM pernicious usury and KM debt-slavery.

Should we view these new financial firewalls such as the BRICS, the AIIB, and the numerous direct trading arrangements as further evidence that Truth is a strong antidote to the KM system of lies that has kept it Fiat Counterfeit money-power system in power so long?

Many of the World’s leaders are now awakening from their KM spell and is working with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China to build strong financial and economic firewalls against the US Petro Dollar which is the building block of the KM’s World Hegemony.

Even the top European leaders who have been victims of this KM parasite (whatever it is) have now become bifurcated. Take the case of Angela Merkel (Hitler’s alleged daughter) who has been a loyal KM agent and quickly accepted their will to bring in many thousands of Mideast immigrants which is 100% contrary to the will of the German People.

Despite still functioning as a KM puppet the emergence of Putin’s truth has bifurcated her. That is part of her mind is now able to function rationally and this has led her to be involved in negotiations to establish strong direct trading between Germany and the Russian Federation. Apparently a large Volkswagen factory is going to be built in Russia.

The Russians love German automobiles and trucks and the US-driven sanctions against Russia have hurt German Auto, truck and parts manufacturers a great deal while also denying Germans the Russian produce they desire.

If ISIS is supposedly radical Islamic extremism, why has it never attacked Israel or even threatened to do so?

You would think that would be its first objective if it was legitimate. But now we know for sure that it isn’t.

The obvious answer is that ISIS is run at the top by a KM retired American General aided and abetted by Senator John McCain, head of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a host of KM related puppet organizations that control the USG, the Congress and much of the Pentagon. These are the PNACers and top NeoCons who seem to have lost their vesouls a long time ago if they ever head one at all.

ISIS%%%What will it take to break the back of the KM and rout it out from its hegemonic position of world control?

It seems that the new Russian Federation under the direction of President Putin and his top advisers have found the correct formula.

And it is truth deployed by the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, and forced to the forefront by the crafty checkmate that the Russian Federation has now placed the KM into in Syria.

Stay tuned because everyday the KM’s Fiat counterfeit and “expandable at will” US Petro dollar and its monetary hegemony is being eroded. The handwriting is on the wall; it just cannot last much longer. And as it fails, will the KM deploy DHS to try and beat back We The People from exerting control and determining what the new system will be inside America?



It is now obvious that Putin and his advisers understand that truth is the ultimate weapon for weakening and deconstructing the KM and its evil Hierarchy of Control over the World. Putin’s clearly effective deployment of such truth is now creating a spontaneous emergence of populism all over the world that looks as if it is strong enough to bring the KM and its hierarchy to ashes once and for all.

Some doubt Putin’s genuineness and view him as a crafty opportunist who dispenses truth as bargaining chips to gain concessions from the top KM controllers, in order to gain a better economic position in the world for the Russian Federation.

I doubt that Putin is a phony sociopathic con man, but certainly Putin can show this to be clearly false by releasing all the Russian Intel (which is vast) that shows how, on behalf of the KM, Israel ran the attack on America on 9-11-01, aided by the “Israel-first”, Israeli-American dual citizen traitors, aka the PNACers and top NeoCons.

Plus, we know that Putin is not addicted to the KM Oil Cartel because of his willingness to lower the price of crude down to what it is really worth. We know that Russia now has various types of “Zero Point Energy”, Ether-based energy systems. Some call “Free Energy”.

If Putin moves ahead with the commercialization of these systems as expected, this would drive another wooden stake through the heart of the KM Oil Cartel, which some view as the economic power base underpinning the KM. Without Big Oil, the US Petro Dollar would quickly fail, ending its hegemony as the World’s Reserve currency. Certainly the KM’s ability to use Big Oil for the last 100 years to control the World’s energy usage has been its strongest bulwark in its Hierarchy of Control over the world.

The KM has had these Free Energy systems ever since they stole Tesla’s work. But they also have been able to back-engineer the crashed and recovered Alien ET anti-gravity craft (AGCs). They have suppressed all this by harassing, threatening and murdering numerous inventors all over the world, as they maintained their grip on energy consumables.

Now for the first time the KM’s ability to exercise adequate suppression of free energy systems is limited. The odds are quite high we will see these new systems rolled out soon, perhaps by a new coalition of the Russian Federation and Iran working together.

As Gordon Duff has reported, testing of one such new device is now underway. Hopefully we will be the first to report on its success or failure.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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