Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
White-supremacist American imperialists have dreamed of defeating and dismembering Russia since at least the 1920's and early '30's when
most of America's elite--consisting of the likes of John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Mellon, Henry Ford, William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK and RFK), and Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush)--decided to massively bankroll Hitler and the Nazi Party, with a view to eradicating the "mongrel" Soviet Union and the Jews of Europe along the way (as documented
here, and
here)--although their
attempted coup against FDR miserably failed (and FDR still pardoned his fellow patricians "for the good of the country." What else?)

Captured German soldiers being lead to prisoner camps in Stalingrad, 1943.
Once Germany's massive rearmament got under way,
it was the German factories of Ford, General Motors, General Electric, and Alcoa that built most of the tanks and warplanes of Hitler's dreaded Wehrmacht, while Dupont and Standard Oil (now Exxon) supplied the synthetic fuel. For their part, Coca-Cola provided tons of Germany's favorite caffeinated soft drink to keep Luftwaffe pilots "coked up" for their long bombing runs.
IBM's punch-card record-keeping, in turn, made the Holocaust possible on an industrial scale: which by one estimate led to the deaths not just of 6 million Jews, but also 5.5 - 7 million Ukrainians, 3.3 million Russian POWs, 2 million Russian civilians, 3 million Poles, and 1.5 million Yugoslavs. What marked these non-Jewish populations for extermination was that they were all assumed to be either "pure blood" or "mixed blood" Slavs--whom Hitler lumped together with Jews as untermenschen (i.e. subhumans) in Mein Kampf. (Which the
Neo-Nazis of "Aryan" Ukraine often quote with approval in relation to Slavic Ukrainians and Russians to this day.)
The American Aryan imperialists took it for granted, of course, that the German Wehrmacht would roll right over their those Russian Orthodox "subhumans." But after months of house to house, even room to room fighting, it was the Nazis who surrendered at Stalingrad on February 2, 1943. At that point, the head of the US Office of Strategic Services, former wealthy Wall Street lawyer,
Allen Dulles, realized that Hitler would soon lose the war; and that it was now up to the United States, as the sole remaining capitalist superpower,
to don the invisible mantle of fascism as the only ideology tough enough to defend Godly Capitalism against Godless Communism with its demonic dream of economic equality. What poor peasant or worker would not vote for equal wealth if he had the chance?
That's why democracies are disastrous for the 1%, Dulles reasoned. Fascism is the only way. Make the masses feel exceptional--not equal. And if they still demand their own fair share, shoot em dead! The Nazis had that part down pat.
"So why not use these fellow Aryans?" Dulles thought. And he came up with a treasonous plan for the benefit of the 1% which he hid from the dying FDR.
That was to have the top Nazi generals, intelligence officials, scientists, and the like surrender to the Americans, rather than the Soviets. Then after their files were "scrubbed" clean of any atrocities they might have committed for the Third Reich (or their own amusement), they'd be shipped off in the "right" direction.
The best and brightest were sent to America to work in Intelligence or Defense or, in the case of Werner Von Braun, they were put in charge of our missile program. Whereas the worst of the worst were smuggled into South America to start fascist movements there. Or if they were really, really bad and high-profile figures too--like
Josef Mengele or
Adolf Eichmann, say--they might simply be told: "Just lie on a beach and enjoy your memories." The rest were placed in positions of power and influence in the Postwar German government or elsewhere.
Flash forward to today, and American imperialists have much to be proud of. Communism is dead, and so is
Arab nationalism, except in Syria under Bashar al-Assad. Sadly for me as a Christian, so too is
Liberation Theology in South America. Can you picture Archbishop Romero
being shot through the heart as he said Mass at the altar? His life's blood mixing with the Blood of Christ? Is there nothing that our fascist elites will not order their death squads to do? And laugh about it too?
Watch Hillary Clinton crack up at the breaking news of Muammar Gaddafi's mutilation-murder at the hands of our "moderate" terrorists.