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Rajaram S.K.

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1/27/2016 1:55:01 PM

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Sri Sai Ram.

Heavy Rains and Floods in Tamil Nadu

You may be aware of the natural disaster in Chennai, India’s fourth-largest city of 9 million people, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai and surrounding areas have been paralyzed due to flooding from a record rainfall—the heaviest in more than a hundred years—that has cut off more than 3 million people from basic services for days. It is reported that thousands have been forced to leave their submerged homes, offices and schools, and nearly 300 people have died. As flood waters receded in some parts of rain-ravaged Chennai, the impact of the devastation has slowly begun to unfold. Many have lost their home, belongings and even beloved ones. With no power, transportation, telecommunication, food and potable water, the people of Tamil Nadu have been impacted beyond imagination..........

S.K. Rajaram
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2016 2:05:45 PM

North Korea a 'threat to the world': Kerry

Published: January 27, 2016

US Secretary of State John Kerry (left) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meet in Beijing on January 27, 2016 PHOTO: AFP

BEIJING: Nuclear-armed North Korea poses an “overt threat, a declared threat to the world”, US Secretary of State John Kerry said in Beijing Wednesday following Pyongyang’s fourth nuclear test earlier this month.

Washington is pushing for a strong United Nations response to the North’s latest atomic blast — which Pyongyang said was a miniaturised hydrogen bomb, a claim largely dismissed by experts — with enhanced sanctions.

North Korea leaders should face trial for crimes against humanity: UN

But China, North Korea’s chief diplomatic protector and economic benefactor, is reluctant, despite the pair’s ties becoming strained in recent years as Beijing’s patience wears thin with its neighbour’s ambitions for nuclear weapons.

The two powers — both permanent members of the UN Security Council — had agreed to mount an “accelerated effort” to try to resolve their differences on a new resolution, Kerry told a joint press conference with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi.

But he acknowledged that they had not agreed on the “parameters of exactly what it would do or say”.

“The United States will do what is necessary to protect the people of our country and our friends and allies in the world,” Kerry added.

Wang said that China also backed a new Security Council motion, but added that it “should not provoke new tension in the situation”.

Beijing’s ties with Pyongyang were forged in the blood of the Korean War and analysts say its leverage is mitigated by its overriding fear of a North Korean collapse and the prospect of a reunified, US-allied Korea directly on its border.

China has a “particular ability… to be able to help us significantly to resolve this threat”, Kerry said, noting that as the North’s main provider of trade and aid it could apply pressure through “movements of ships” and “various resource exchanges”.

Wang said he rejected “all groundless speculation or distortion of China’s position”, re-iterating that Beijing was committed to the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

China regularly calls for calm in the region, and for the resumption of the long-stalled six-party talks, which bring together the two Koreas, China, the US, Russia and Japan.

Dealing with nuclear North Korea

“The goal is to take the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula back to the right track of negotiation”, Wang said.

“Sanctions are not an end in themselves.”

As Kerry arrived in Beijing on Tuesday, the state-run China Daily ran an article headlined: “Experts have low hopes for Kerry’s China trip.”

Before Wednesday’s meeting, the official news agency Xinhua issued a commentary blaming the US’s “uncompromising hostility” and “Cold War mentality” for the situation on the Korean peninsula.

Washington’s actions, such as flying a nuclear-capable B-52 bomber close to the inter-Korean boder, were heightening the North’s “sense of insecurity and thus pushing it towards reckless nuclear brinkmanship”, it added.

Wang and Kerry’s discussions — which lasted for nearly five hours — also addressed the strategically vital South China Sea, where Beijing has built up artificial islands capable of hosting military facilities in disputed waters.

China asserts ownership over virtually the entire area, putting it at odds with regional neighbours the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

Washington has called Beijing’s land reclamation projects a threat to freedom of navigation and has sent military ships and planes to demonstrate that it will not accept a change to the status quo.

The two countries must avoid “a destabilising cycle of mistrust or escalation” in the area, Kerry said, adding that the two sides had agreed to explore the possibility of a “diplomatic way forward” on the issue.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2016 4:28:05 PM
Ken Ham's Ark Encounter to Host Millions of Visitors in 40 Days, 40 Nights Opening
Ken Ham's Ark Encounter to Host Millions of Visitors in 40 Days, 40 Nights Opening

January 26, 2016|9:29 am
Ark Encounter
Real-life replica of Noah's ark while still under construction, Williamstown Kentucky, January 16 (PHOTO: FACEBOOK/ARK ENCOUNTER)

Answers in Genesis opened an online ticketing system at the top of the year to help manage the millions of requests they have been receiving to tour the life-size re-creation of Noah's Ark known as Ark Encounter.

With more than 1.4 million visitors expected, tickets will be sold for separate daytime or evening visits during the first 40 days of opening, starting July 7. The 40 days and 40 nights theme reflects the number of days and nights it rained while Noah and his family were on the Ark, as documented in Genesis 7.The Ark Encounter will be located in northern Kentucky (south of Cincinnati). Workers at the Williamstown site are busy constructing the internal exhibit areas of the Ark now that the external shell is largely complete.

The main attraction is the largest timber frame structure in the world, standing at 510 feet long in accordance with the dimensions specified in the Bible. The Ark Encounter's vast size is getting a lot of attention not only across the United States, but around the world.

Ken Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis, said in a statement to The Christian Post that he's "eagerly looking forward to the educational and evangelistic opportunity the Ark will be for so many thousands of guests expected to visit daily during the first 40 days and nights."

"Today, we don't need another Ark to save animals and people from a global Flood," Ham said in the statement. "But we do need another kind of Ark, to take people on what we are calling a 'voyage of discovery.'"

The Ark Encounter will be able to accommodate about 16,000 guests per day, but tickets have gone to pre-sale because research has shown that more people than that could be expected during the first few weeks of opening, because of the summer.

For the first 40 days, guests can purchase daytime tickets for 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. or night time tickets for 5 p.m. – midnight, a method hoping to alleviate the crowds. The day and evening times will also offer some differing experiences. Tickets are $40 for adults, $28 for children and $31 for seniors.

So far, over $88 million of the $92 million needed for the construction has been raised through bonds, donations, and memberships.

A decision is still pending on whether the Ark Encounter will be able to participate in the state's sales tax rebate program for tourist attractions, which is currently being litigated.

It is anticipated that thousands of new jobs will be created outside of the Ark theme park, and new hotels and other businesses are under development near the Ark site as well.

The Creation Museum in Petersburg, 40 miles from the Ark site, has been visited by over 2.5 million guests since opening in 2007. In the past two years, the museum unveiled a world-class $1.5 million exhibit of an allosaurus dinosaur skeleton, and it hosted the famous Bill Nye/Ken Ham evolution-creation debate (estimated to have now been watched by upwards of 15 million people).


For more information about the life size replicated Ark, visit


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/27/2016 4:54:02 PM

The US Government Has An Internet Killswitch — And It’s None Of Your Business

Posted ago by

Source: | Original Post Date: January 13, 2016 –

The Supreme Court has refused to hear a petition concerning the Department of Homeland Security’s secretive internet and cellphone killswitch program.

On Monday the Supreme Court declined to hear a petition from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) that sought to force the Department of Homeland Security to release details of a secret “killswitch” protocol to shut down cellphone and internet service during emergencies.

EPIC has been fighting since 2011 to release the details of the program, which is known as Standard Operating Procedure 303. EPIC writes, “On March 9, 2006, the National Communications System (‘NCS’) approved SOP 303, however it was never released to the public. This secret document codifies a ‘shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during national crisis.’”

EPIC continues, “In a 2006-2007 Report, the President’s National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (‘NSTAC’) indicated that SOP 303 would be implemented under the coordination of the National Coordinating Center (‘NCC’) of the NSTAC, while the decision to shut down service would be made by state Homeland Security Advisors or individuals at DHS. The report indicates that NCC will determine if a shutdown is necessary based on a ‘series of questions.’”

Despite EPIC’s defeat at the hands of the Supreme Court, the four-year court battle yielded a heavily redacted copy of Standard Operating Procedure 303.

The fight for transparency regarding SOP 303 began shortly after a Bay Area Rapid Transit (“BART”) officer in San Francisco shot and killed a homeless man named Charles Hill on July 3, 2011. The shooting sparked massive protests against BART throughout July and August 2011. During one of these protests, BART officials cut off cell phone service inside four transit stations for three hours. This kept anyone on the station platform from sending or receiving phone calls, messages, or other data.

In July 2012, EPIC submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the DHS seeking the full text of Standard Operating Procedure 303; the full text of the predetermined “series of questions” that determines if a shutdown is necessary; and any executing protocols related to the implementation of Standard Operating Procedure 303, distributed to DHS, other federal agencies, or private companies.

After the DHS fought the FOIA releases, a district court in Washington, D.C. ruled in EPIC’s favor, but that ruling was later overturned by the court of appeals. The appeals court told EPIC the government was free to withhold details of the plan under the Freedom of Information Act because the information might “endanger” the public. In 2015, the digital rights group asked the Supreme Court to review the ruling by the federal appeals court.

With the Supreme Court’s refusal to address EPIC’s petition, the issue seems to have reached a dead-end. The American people are (once again) left in the dark regarding the inner-workings of another dangerous and intrusive government program. It is only through the hard work of activists and groups like EPIC that we are at least aware of the existence of this program — but knowing bits and pieces about the protocol is not enough. In order to combat such heavy-handed measures, we need to have access to the government’s own documents. Hopefully, there is already a whistleblower preparing to release these details.

What we do with the information we do have is up to each of us as individuals. We can sit back and watch the United States further devolve into a militarized police and surveillance state — or we can spread this information, get involved locally, and create new systems outside of the current paradigm of control and exploitation.

Written by Derrick Broze of

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/28/2016 10:30:21 AM


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Om Sri Sai Ram.

Heavy Rains and Floods in Tamil Nadu

You may be aware of the natural disaster in Chennai, India’s fourth-largest city of 9 million people, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai and surrounding areas have been paralyzed due to flooding from a record rainfall—the heaviest in more than a hundred years—that has cut off more than 3 million people from basic services for days. It is reported that thousands have been forced to leave their submerged homes, offices and schools, and nearly 300 people have died. As flood waters receded in some parts of rain-ravaged Chennai, the impact of the devastation has slowly begun to unfold. Many have lost their home, belongings and even beloved ones. With no power, transportation, telecommunication, food and potable water, the people of Tamil Nadu have been impacted beyond imagination..........

You are always welcome in this forum, dear Rajaram - I am only sorry I did not see your post before. MG

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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