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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2016 4:51:22 PM

Israel says will seize West Bank land; demolishes EU structures


Palestinian Chief negotiator Saeb Erekat holds a map as he speaks to media about the Israeli plan to appropriate land, in Jordan Valley near the West Bank city of Jericho, January 20, 2016. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel confirmed on Thursday it was planning to appropriate a large tract of fertile land in the occupied West Bank, close to Jordan, a move likely to exacerbate tensions with Western allies and already drawing international condemnation.

In an email sent to Reuters, COGAT, a unit of Israel's Defence Ministry, said the political decision to seize the territory had been taken and "the lands are in the final stages of being declared state lands".

The appropriation, covers 154 hectares (380 acres) in the Jordan Valley close to Jericho, an area where Israel already has many settlement farms built on land Palestinians seek for a state. It is the largest land seizure since August 2014.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the move and Palestinian officials said they would push for a resolution at the United Nations against Israel's settlement policies.

"Settlement activities are a violation of international law and run counter to the public pronouncements of the government of Israel supporting a two-state solution to the conflict," Ban said in a statement.

The land, in an area fully under Israeli civilian and military control and already used by Jewish settlers to farm dates, is situated near the northern tip of the Dead Sea.

Palestinian officials denounced the seizure.

"Israel is stealing land specially in the Jordan Valley under the pretext it wants to annex it," Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, told Reuters. "This should be a reason for a real and effective intervention by the international community to end such a flagrant and grave aggression which kills all chances of peace."

The United States, whose ambassador angered Israel this week with criticism of its West Bank policy, said it was strongly opposed to any moves that accelerate settlement expansion.

"We believe they're fundamentally incompatible with a two-state solution and call into question, frankly, the Israeli government's commitment to a two-state solution," Deputy State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Wednesday.

In a development likely to further upset Europe, Israeli forces demolished six structures in the West Bank funded by the EU's humanitarian arm. The structures were dwellings and latrines for Bedouins living in an area known as E1 - a particularly sensitive zone between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.

Israel has not built settlements in E1, with construction considered a "red line" by the United States and the EU. It could potentially split the West Bank, cutting Palestinians off from East Jerusalem, which they seek for their capital.

"This is the third time they demolished my house and every time I rebuilt it, this time also I will rebuild it and I am not leaving here. If we leave they will turn the place into a closed military zone," said Saleem Jahaleen, whose home was razed.


Israeli officals did not respond to requests for comment on the demolitions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week the EU was building illegally in the area.

"They're building without authorization, against the accepted rules, and there’s a clear attempt to create political realities," he told the foreign media.

Netanyahu was scheduled to address the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday. He met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry there but it was not clear if the issue was raised.

The Palestinians want to establish an independent state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, areas Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East War.

There are now about 550,000 Jewish settlers living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem combined, according to Israeli government and think-tank statistics. About 350,000 Palestinians live in East Jerusalem and 2.7 million in West Bank.

Israel is hoping that in any final agreement with the Palestinians it will be able to keep large settlement blocs including in the Jordan Valley, both for security and agricultural purposes. The Palestinians are adamantly opposed.

The last round of peace talks broke down in April 2014 and Israeli-Palestinian violence has surged in recent months.

Since the start of October, Palestinian stabbings, car-rammings and shootings have killed 25 Israelis and a U.S. citizen. In the same period, at least 148 Palestinians have been killed, 94 of whom Israel has described as assailants.

Israeli Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said on Thursday he had revoked the residency rights of four Jerusalem Palestinians involved in two fatal attacks on Israelis, one in September and one in October, a spokeswoman said.

The measure, described as rare, was meant to deter others from carrying out attacks, Deri said in a statement.

(Reporting by Maayan Lubell, Luke Baker, Ali Sawafta; Nidal al-Mughrabi; editing by Luke Baker and Angus MacSwan)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2016 6:40:40 PM

War On Cash Escalates: China Readies Digital Currency, IMF Says "Extremely Beneficial"

Tyler Durden's picture

Remember when Bitcoin and its digital currency cohorts were slammed by authorities and written off by the elite as worthless? Well now, as the war on cash escalates, officials from The IMF to China are seeing the opportunity to control the world's money through virtual (cash-less) currencies.
Just as we warned most recently here, state wealth control is the goal and, as Bloomberg reports, The PBOC is targeting an early rollout of China's own digital currency to "boost control of money" and none other than The IMF's Christine Lagarde added that "virtual currencies are extremely beneficial."

By way of background, as we explained previously, What exactly does a “war on cash” mean?

It means governments are limiting the use of cash and a variety of official-mouthpiece economists are calling for the outright abolition of cash. Authorities are both restricting the amount of cash that can be withdrawn from banks, and limiting what can be purchased with cash.

These limits are broadly called “capital controls.”

Why Now?

Why are governments suddenly so keen to ban physical cash?

The answer appears to be that the banks and government authorities are anticipating bail-ins, steeply negative interest rates and hefty fees on cash, and they want to close any opening regular depositors might have to escape these forms of officially sanctioned theft. The escape mechanism from bail-ins and fees on cash deposits is physical cash, and hence the sudden flurry of calls to eliminate cash as a relic of a bygone age — that is, an age when commoners had some way to safeguard their money from bail-ins and bankers’ control.

Forcing Those With Cash To Spend or Gamble Their Cash

Negative interest rates (and fees on cash, which are equivalently punitive to savers) raise another question: why are governments suddenly obsessed with forcing owners of cash to either spend it or gamble it in the financial-market casinos?

The conventional answer voiced by Mr. Buiter is that recession and credit contraction result from households and enterprises hoarding cash instead of spending it. The solution to recession is thus to force all those stingy cash hoarders to spend their money.

* * *

And so now we see China pushing for the early unleashing its own virtual currency, as Bloomberg reports

Issuance of digital currency can help reduce costs, curb crimes and money laundry, facilitate transactions and boost central bank’s control on money supply and circulation, PBOC says in statement on website after concluding a seminar today.

PBOC has asked its research team, which was set up in 2014, to study application scenarios for digital currency and strive for an early rollout.

PBOC Statement

People's Bank of China digital currency seminar held in Beijing. From the People's Bank, Citibank and Deloitte digital currency expert, respectively, on the overall framework of digital currency currency evolving national digital currency, encryption currency issued by the State and other topics of discussion and exchange. People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan attended the meeting, the People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Chair Fan Yifei. Relevant research institutions, major financial institutions and advisory bodies of experts attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that with the development of information technology and mobile Internet, cloud computing Trusted controlled, secure storage terminal evolution, block chain technology worldwide payment undergone tremendous changes, the development of digital currency is central Bank of currency and monetary policy has brought new opportunities and challenges. The People's Bank attaches great importance from 2014 to set up a special research team, and in early 2015 to further enrich the power of digital distribution and business operations monetary framework, the key technology of digital currency, digital currency issued and outstanding environment, digital currency legal issues facing the impact of digital currency on economic and financial system, the relationship between money and private legal digital distribution of digital currency, digital currency issuance of international experience conducted in-depth research, has achieved initial results.

The meeting held that China's current economy under the new norm, explore the central bank issued digital currency has a positive practical significance and far-reaching historical significance. It can reduce the traditional distribution of digital currency note issue, the high cost of circulation, improve convenience and transparency of economic transactions and reduce money laundering, tax evasion and other criminal acts to enhance the central bank's money supply and currency in circulation control, better support economic and social development, the full realization of inclusive finance help. Future, digital currency issuance, circulation system also helps build our new financial infrastructure construction, further improve China's payment system, improve payment and settlement efficiency, promote economic quality and efficiency upgrades.

The meeting urged the People's Bank of digital currency research team to actively absorb the important results and practical experience of digital currency research at home and abroad, continue to advance on the basis of preliminary work to establish a more effective organizational guarantee mechanism, to further clarify the strategic objectives of the central bank issued digital currency and do key technologies, multi-scene digital currency research applications for the early introduction of digital currency issued by the central bank. Design of digital currency should be based on economic, convenience and safety principles, and ensure the application of low-cost digital currency, wide coverage, digital currency payment instruments with other seamlessly, enhance the applicability and vitality of digital currency.

The People's Bank in advancing digital currency research work with relevant international agencies, Internet companies to establish a communication link with the domestic and foreign financial institutions, traditional card-based payment institutions were widely discussed. At home and abroad to participate in discussions of attention to this work, and related research on expert theory, practice and exploration and development path with the people in the banking system conducted in-depth exchanges.

Which was raidly followed by yet another belessing from The IMF:


The International Monetary Fund extolled the potential benefits of virtual currencies and said they warrant a more nuanced regulatory approach, at a time when the future of bitcoin, the most well-known example, is in doubt.

“Virtual currencies and their underlying technologies can provide faster and cheaper financial services, and can become a powerful tool for deepening financial inclusion in the developing world,” IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in a statement Wednesday to accompany the report.

"The challenge will be how to reap all these benefits and at the same time prevent illegal uses, such as money laundering, terror financing, fraud and even circumvention of capital controls.”

* * *

However, as we detailed previously. there are three enormous flaws in this thinking.

One is that households and businesses have cash to hoard
. The reality is the bottom 90 percent of households have less income now than they did fifteen years ago, which means their spending has declined not from hoarding but from declining income.

While corporate America has basked in the glory of sharply rising profits, small business has not prospered in the same fashion. Indeed, by some measures, small business has been in a six-year recession.

The bottom 90 percent has less income and faces higher living expenses, so only the top slice of households has any substantial cash. This top slice may see few safe opportunities to invest their savings, so they choose to keep their savings in cash rather than gamble it in a rigged casino (i.e., the stock market).

The second flaw is that hoarding cash is the only rational, prudent response in an era of financial repression and economic insecurity. What central banks are demanding — that we spend every penny of our earnings rather than save some for investments we control or emergencies — is counter to our best interests.

This leads to the third flaw: capital — which begins its life as savings — is the foundation of capitalism. If you attack savings as a scourge, you are attacking capitalism and upward mobility, for only those who save capital can invest it to build wealth. By attacking cash, the central banks and governments are attacking capital and upward mobility.

Those who already own the majority of productive assets are able to borrow essentially unlimited sums at near-zero interest rates, which they can use to buy more productive assets. Everyone else — the bottom 99.5 percent — is reduced to consumer-serfdom: you are not supposed to accumulate productive capital, you are supposed to spend every penny you earn on interest payments, goods, and services.

This inversion of capitalism dooms an economy to all the ills we are experiencing in abundance: rising income inequality, reduced opportunities for entrepreneurship, rising debt burdens, and a short-term perspective that voids the longer-term planning required to build sustainable productivity and wealth.

Benefits To Banks and the Government of Eliminating Physical Cash

The benefits to banks and governments by eliminating cash are self-evident:

    1. Every financial transaction can be taxed.
    2. Every financial transaction can be charged a fee.
    3. Bank runs are eliminated.

In fractional reserve systems such as ours, banks are only required to hold a fraction of their assets in cash. Thus a bank might only have 1 percent of its assets in cash. If customers fear the bank might be insolvent, they crowd the bank and demand their deposits in physical cash. The bank quickly runs out of physical cash and closes its doors, further fueling a panic.

The federal government began insuring deposits after the Great Depression triggered the collapse of hundreds of banks, and that guarantee limited bank runs, as depositors no longer needed to fear a bank closing would mean their money on deposit was lost.

But since people could conceivably sense a disturbance in the Financial Force and decide to turn digital cash into physical cash as a precaution, eliminating physical cash also eliminates the possibility of bank runs, as there will be no form of cash that isn’t controlled by banks.

So, when the dust has settled who ultimately benefits by this war on cash - government and the central banks, pure and simple.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2016 1:50:16 AM

Oregon governor blasts federal response to refuge standoff


A bumper sticker on a private truck is seen in front of a residential building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon, January 5, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

(Reuters) - Oregon's governor blasted the federal government's response to the occupation of a wildlife refuge by a group of armed men saying the situation was "absolutely intolerable" and costing the state about $100,000 a week.

Governor Kate Brown, a Democrat, said she had been asked by federal officials to limit her public comments about the protest which began on Jan. 2 at the remote Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and that she had no wish to escalate the situation.

"But I will say this ... The situation is absolutely intolerable and it must be must be resolved immediately. The very fabric of this community is being ripped apart," Brown said on Wednesday at a news conference.

"The residents of Harney County have been overlooked and under-served by federal officials' response thus far."

The takeover at Malheur was the latest flare-up in the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion, a decades-old conflict over the U.S. government's control of millions acres of land in the West.

The occupiers have declared their move is in support of two local ranchers who were returned to prison this month for setting fires that spread to federal land. The ranchers' lawyer has said the occupiers do not speak for the family.

Law enforcement officials have so far kept their distance from the buildings at the refuge, 30 miles (48 km) south of the small town of Burns in rural southeast Oregon's Harney County, in the hope of avoiding a violent confrontation.

One of the occupiers was arrested last week after he drove a government vehicle to a local supermarket.

Brown called the situation a "spectacle of lawlessness" which must end and said she had conveyed her very grave concerns to the U.S. Department of Justice and the White House.

"Federal authorities must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrongdoers accountable," the governor said. "And until Harney County is free of it, I will not stop insisting that federal officials enforce the law."

The chair of the local Native American tribe has also called on the federal government to remove the occupiers.

Brown said the standoff was costing Oregon about $100,000 per week, mostly in additional law enforcement costs, and that she has asked her finance officials to "scour the budget" so they could subsidize the expense to Harney County.

"We will be asking federal officials to reimburse the state for these costs," she said.

(Reporting by Daniel Wallis in Denver; Editing by Alan Crosby)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2016 10:08:10 AM

Snyder emails reveal state's role in evolution of Flint water crisis

Yahoo News

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In an effort to offer answer mounting questions about who is at fault for the contamination of Flint’s drinking water, Governor Rick Snyder broke with his exemption from Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act and released emails he sent and received regarding Flint during 2014 and 2015.

The 274-page trove (PDF) published Wednesday evening offers new insight into the evolution of the Flint water crisis from the state’s perspective, including efforts to deflect and later begrudgingly acknowledge state responsibility.

In one noteworthy email dated September 25, 2015, Snyder’s then-Chief of Staff Dennis Muchmore offers an answer to perhaps the biggest question that has loomed over Flint for the past two years: who decided to switch the city’s water supply from Detroit to the Flint river?

According to Muchmore, it was former state Treasurer Andy Dillon who made the fateful call.

“I can’t figure out why the state is responsible except that Dillon did make the ultimate decision so we’re not able to avoid the subject,” Muchmore wrote to Snyder, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and other top gubernatorial staff.

Muchmore’s finger-pointing email came one day after Pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attishareleased a report showing a rise in lead levels among Flint children over the period of time since the river water switch.

On September 29, nearly a year and a half after Flint residents began expressing concerns about the quality of their tap water following the April 2014 switch to the Flint river, Snyder acknowledged the city’s lead problem for the first time.

But the governor had hardly been in the dark about the situation before that point. The newly-released emails reveal behind-the-scenes discussions between the Snyder and his staff about the Flint water issue dating back several months.

An email chain from January 22, 2015, shows Snyder staffers planning to two separate meetings to discuss “the flint water topic” internally and with Flint officials.

On February 1, before Snyder was slated to announce the state’s plan to award Flint $2 million in “Distressed Cities” grants “for water system improvements,” Press Secretary David Murray sent the governor a particularly insightful briefing that now provides new clues as to what Snyder actually knew about the Flint situation at that time and how the state chose to respond

Among the attached documents intended to get the governor up to speed, is a copy of a Facebook post by Flint Mayor Dayne Walling about a letter he’d recently sent to Snyder asking him to “quickly implement” his proposed “Flint Water Improvement Plan,” to ensure that “Flint’s water is 100% safe.”

In the Facebook post, Walling calls on Flint residents to do their part in urging the governor to enforce the plan as well, writing,“access to clean, safe, affordable water is a basic human right.”

“The struggle with our water has gone on for far too long,” reads Walling's Facebook post. “The state must take action and do its part.”

The briefing points out that Mayor Walling reiterated his requests for state and federal assistance, as well as a personal visit from the Governor to Flint, in a guest column at the Flint Journal.

Murray notes that the governor has also received a letter from state Rep. Sheldon Neeley, a Flint Democrat, who wrote that his constituents are “on the verge of civil unrest.”

An attached backgrounder provided by the Department of Environmental Quality pins the river water idea on the city of Flint and attempts dispel concerns about water safety in light of a recent public notice that high levels of total trihalomethanes, or TTHM, in Flint tap water violated the legal limit.

Samuel Smith is happy to receive a case of bottled water and a new water filter at his home on Mallery St. in Flint, Mich., as volunteers accompanied by Michigan State Police and Gennessee County Sheriff's Deputies bring residents water filters and bottled water on Tuesday Jan 12, 2016. Volunteers and police carrying bottled water, filters and lead test kits knocked on doors in Flint on Tuesday, seeking to help residents in the Michigan city that's confronting a water crisis. (Dale G. Young/The Detroit News via AP)

TTHM, a byproduct of treating the river water’s organic matter with chlorine, “is a chronic health threat,” reads the DEQ document.

“Over the long term (measured in decades), continued exposure can contribute to some unknown health problems,” which is why the EPA calls for quarterly testing and requires that a public notice be issued only if “the standard for [TTHM] is exceeded over several consecutive quarters of testing,” as it did in Flint's case.

Slideshow: Water crisis in Flint, Michigan >>>

While this means that “people who use the system are exposed to TTHM for several months before the public notice is required,” the DEQ explained, “it’s not like an eminent threat to public health.”

The DEQ also offered a number of benign explanations for the Flint water’s unusual color, taste, and smell, noting that The Safe Drinking Water act, “and the program here in Michigan, work to ensure that water is safe to drink. The act does not regulate the aesthetic values of water. **include screenshot of explanations for water discoloration.”

Assurances of the Flint river water’s safety continued until September 25, after which a series of emails between Snyder, Wyant, Muchmore and other officials show progressive recognition of the state’s role in the escalating crisis.

“Simply said, our staff believe they were constrained by two consecutive six-month tests. We followed and defended that protocol,” Wyant wrote in an email to Snyder on October 18. “I believe now we made a mistake...optimized corrosion control should have been required from the beginning.”

Michigan Governor Apologizes for Flint Water Crisis (video)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2016 10:51:45 AM

Ex-Oklahoma officer gets 263 years for rapes, sex assaults

Associated Press

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New Trial Sought For Oklahoma Ex-Officer

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A former police officer convicted of raping and sexually victimizing women while on his beat in a low-income Oklahoma City neighborhood was ordered Thursday to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Jurors had recommended that Daniel Holtzclaw be sentenced to 263 years in prison for preying on women in 2013 and 2014. District Judge Timothy Henderson agreed, said Holtzclaw will serve the terms consecutively and denied his request for an appeal bond.

Holtzclaw waived his right to remain in custody in the county jail for 10 days, instead opting to be taken directly to prison. Defense attorney Scott Adams said Holtzclaw will appeal.

"It is what it is," Adams said. "It wasn't a surprise."

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater had strong words for Holtzclaw, who was convicted last month on 18 counts, including four first-degree rape counts as well as forcible oral sodomy, sexual battery, procuring lewd exhibition and second-degree rape. Holtzclaw was acquitted on 18 other counts.

"I think people need to realize that this is not a law-enforcement officer that committed these crimes. This is a rapist who masqueraded as a law-enforcement officer," Prater said after the sentencing. "If he was a true law enforcement officer he would have upheld his duty to protect those citizens rather than victimize them."

The Associated Press highlighted Holtzclaw's case in a yearlong examination of sexual misconduct by law officers, which found that about 1,000 officers in the U.S. lost their licenses for sex crimes or other sexual misconduct over a six-year period.

Those figures are likely an undercount, because not every state has a process to ban problem officers from law enforcement. In states that do decertify officers, reporting requirements vary, but the AP's findings suggest that sexual misconduct is among the most prevalent complaints against law officers.

During the monthlong trial, 13 women testified against Holtzclaw, and several said he stopped them, checked them for outstanding warrants or drug paraphernalia, and then forced himself on them. All of the accusers were black. Holtzclaw is half-white, half-Japanese, and the son of a longtime Enid, Oklahoma, police officer.

Holtzclaw's attorney had described the former college football star as a model officer whose attempts to help the drug addicts and prostitutes he came in contact with were distorted. Adams also attacked the credibility of some of the women, who had arrest records and histories of drug abuse, noting that many didn't come forward until police had already identified them as possible victims after launching their investigation.

Holtzclaw's victims included a teenager and woman in her 50s. Three accusers delivered victim-impact statements Thursday, and at least one other was in the courtroom.

Jannie Ligons, whose complaint in June 2014 launched the investigation of Holtzclaw, said she has been under stress because of the case and the fear of being sexually assaulted again. "My daughter and sisters are frightful when a police car pulls up behind them," Ligons said.

The Associated Press does not identify victims of sex crimes without their consent, but she was among two women who spoke publicly about the case and agreed to be identified.

Another woman, who was 17 at the time of the assault, said her "life has been upside down" since Holtzclaw raped her on the front porch of her mother's home.

"It's been hard on my family. It's been hard on me," she told the court. "Every time I see the police, I don't even know what to do. I don't ever go outside, and when I do I'm terrified."

Several of Holtzclaw's victims have filed civil lawsuits against Holtzclaw and the city in state and federal court.

Thursday's hearing was delayed by a few hours as Holtzclaw and attorneys met with the judge over the defense's request for a new trial or evidentiary hearing, but after hearing testimony from another officer, Henderson rejected the request and moved on to witness statements.


The AP's "Betrayed by the Badge" series:

AP: Hundreds of officers lose licenses over sex misconduct:

AP: Officer sex cases plagued by lax supervision, policies:

AP: Broken system lets problem officers jump from job to job:

AP investigation into officer sex misconduct, by the numbers:

A look inside AP's investigation on officer sex misconduct:


This story has been corrected to show that the district attorney's first name is David, not Scott.

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