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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2016 11:31:58 PM

LEAKED REPORT: Iran Says Top ISIS Commander Was Aboard Captured U.S. Navy Boats


A leaked Ministry of Defense report reveals that the Obama administration is “completely destroyed” after their top-secret mission in transporting a top ISIS leader was uncovered and thwarted by Iran.

Following the Iranian capture of two U.S. Navy Riverine Command Boats last week, intelligence officials in Tehran discovered a plot to transport a “top level” ISIS commander into Syria from Saudi Arabia in order to replace the toppled terrorist leader Zahran Alloush.

Once this Islamic State terror leader was in route to Kuwait aboard one of the US Navy’s RCB’s, this report continues, an “overwhelming” force of Iranian Sepāh naval troops captured both this terrorist, the US Navy boats (including the American sailors aboard them) transporting him and nearly ignited an all out war when Iranian forces were forced to fire “warning missiles” against the US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman attempting to intervene.

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy overseeing this operation, this report notes, stated about this operation to capture this terror leader that the aircraft carrier USS Truman displayed “unprofessional moves” thus causing him to put Iranian naval forces on high alert and warning: “We prepared our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities, to strike if they made a hostile move”.

Upon the US Navy “backing down”, this report says, the captured Islamic State terror leader and the American sailors accompanying him were brought to Farsi Island whereupon Admiral Fadavi immediately contacted Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi.

The importance of Admiral Fadavi contacting Minister Ravanchi, this report explains, was due to his, Ravanchi’s, months long ongoing secret negotiations with Obama regime representative Wendy Sherman—who, shockingly, the Obama regime put in charge of these negotiations as her prior experience in international diplomacy was her being a social worker and the former director of State of Maryland’s office of child welfare.

Once Wendy Sherman was advised by Minister Ravanchi of Sepāh’s capture of this Islamic State terror leader and American sailors, this report continues, the Obama regime immediately “caved/relented” to all of Iran’s demands relating to “prisoner/detainee” swaps thus securing for the Iranians everything they had asked for, including the immediate release of seven Iranian nationals languishing in US jails and an agreement that the US would no longer pursue extradition of 14 Iranians for their alleged involvement in purchasing arms from the US to Iran.

Iran on its side, this report says, agreed to release the four dual nationality Iranian-American prisoners it held—the two most important being Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) spies Nosratollah Khosravi Matt Trevithick—the most important of them being Khosravi whom the Obama regime requested of Iran, and was granted, that his release be treated separately from the other three.

As an added “bonus/incentive” for Iran keeping “confidential/secret” the US Navy’s transporting of this Islamic State terror leader, this report further notes, President Barack Obama, also, lifted the American’s decades-old ban on selling aircraft and repair parts to Iran’s aviation on Friday (15 January) a full day ahead of the United Nations lifting of sanctions under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—and which Iran put into immediate effect by ordering billions-of-dollarsworth of European Union made Airbus aircraft instead of US made ones.

To how the American mainstream propaganda media has covered up this entire sordid affair including changing its date from 29 December to 12 January proving, once again, the Obama regimes direct complicity in directing the Islamic State terrorists in Syrian and Iraq, this report concludes, borders on the “absolute comical” as the many versions of what exactly they keep saying happened has kept changing by the hour/day/week (US Navy boats broke down/US Navy boats had navigational errors) and they have “deliberately decoupled” the capture of these US Navy boats with the firing upon the USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier by Iranian naval forces—but which Admiral Fadavi bluntly stated: “The incident [Iran firing missiles against the USS Harry Truman] occurred during Iran’s seizure Tuesday [29 December] of two US naval boats.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/20/2016 11:48:49 PM

The 21th Century: An Era Of Fraud


In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way. On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda.

In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have been destroyed if the President of Russia had not prevented it. Washington is also behind the current destruction of Yemen, and Washington has enabled and financed the Israeli destruction of Palestine. Additionally, Washington operated militarily within Pakistan without declaring war, murdering many women, children, and village elders under the guise of "combating terrorism." Washington's war crimes rival those of any country in history.

I have documented these crimes in my columns and books (Clarity Press).

Anyone who still believes in the purity of Washington's foreign policy is a lost soul.

Russia and China now have a strategic alliance that is too strong for Washington. Russia and China will prevent Washington from further encroachments on their security and national interests. Those countries important to Russia and China will be protected by the alliance. As the world wakes up and sees the evil that the West represents, more counries will seek the protection of Russia and China.

America is also failing on the economic front. My columns and my book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism, which has been published in English, Chinese, Korean, Czech, and German, have shown how Washington has stood aside, indeed cheering it on, while the short-term profit interests of management, shareholders, and Wall Street eviscerated the American economy, sending manufacturing jobs, business know-how, and technology, along with professional tradeable skill jobs, to China, India, and other countries, leaving America with such a hollowed out economy that the median family income has been falling for years. Today 50% of 25 year-old Americans are living with their parents or grandparents because they cannot find employment sufficient to sustain an independent existance. This brutal fact is covered up by the presstitute US media, a source of fantasy stories of America's economic recovery.

The facts of our existance are so different from what is reported that I am astonished. As a former professor of economics, Wall Street Journal editor and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, I am astonished at the corruption that rules in the financial sector, the Treasury, the financial regulatory agencies, and the Federal Reserve. In my day, there would have been indictments and prison sentences of bankers and high government officials.

In America today there are no free financial markets. All the markets are rigged by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. The regulatory agencies, controlled by those the agencies are supposed to regulate, turn a blind eye, and even if they did not, they are helpless to enforce any law, because private interests are more powerful than the law.

Even the government's statistical agencies have been corrupted. Inflation measures have been concocted in order to understate inflation. This lie not only saves Washington from paying Social Security cost-of-living adustments and frees the money for more wars, but also by understating inflation, the government can create real GDP growth by counting inflation as real growth, just as the government creates 5% unemployment by not counting any discouraged workers who have looked for jobs until they can no longer afford the cost of looking and give up. The official unemployment rate is 5%, but no one can find a job. How can the unemployment rate be 5% when half of 25-year olds are living with relatives because they cannot afford an independent existance? As John Williams (shadowfacts) reports, the unemployment rate that includes those Americans who have given up looking for a job because there are no jobs to be found is 23%.

The Federal Reserve, a tool of a small handful of banks, has succeeded in creating the illusion of an economic recovery since June, 2009, by printing trillions of dollars that found their way not into the economy but into the prices of financial assets. Artificially booming stock and bond markets are the presstitute financial media's "proof" of a booming economy.

The handful of learned people that America has left, and it is only a small handful, understand that there has been no recovery from the previous recession and that a new downturn is upon us. John Williams has pointed out that US industrial production, when properly adjusted for inflation, has never recovered its 2008 level, much less its 2000 peak, and has again turned down.

The American consumer is exhausted, overwhelmed by debt and lack of income growth. The entire economic policy of America is focused on saving a handful of NY banks, not on saving the American economy.

Economists and other Wall Street shills will dismiss the decline in industrial production as America is now a service economy. Waitresses, bartenders, part time retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services have replaced manufacturing and engineering jobs at a fraction of the pay, thus holding down inflation. This is how neoliberal economists describe the collapse of effective aggregate demand in the US, or they blame it on China.

It is unclear that the US economy can be revived. To revive the US economy would require the re-regulation of the financial system and the recall of the jobs and US GDP that offshoring gave to foreign countries. It would require, as Michael Hudson demonsrates in his new book, Killing the Host, a revolution in tax policy that would prevent the financial sector from extracting economic surplus and capitalizing it in debt obligations paying interest to the financial sector.

The US government, controlled as it is by corrupt economic interests, would never permit policies that impinged on executive bonuses and Wall Street profits. Today US capitalism makes its money by selling out the American economy and the people dependent upon it.

In "freedom and democracy" America, the government and the economy serve interests totally removed from the interests of the American people. The sellout of the American people is protected by a huge canopy of propaganda provided by free market economists and financial presstitutes paid to lie for their living.

When America fails, so will Washington's vassal states in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan. Unless Washington destroys the world in nuclear war, the world will be remade, and the corrupt and dissolute West will be an insignifiant part of the new world.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2016 2:46:35 PM

Cthulhu-geddon: Thousands of dead squid wash up on beach in Chile

Published time: 17 Jan, 2016 05:42

© Anne Margaret Eley / Facebook

Thousands of dead squid have washed up on the Chilean shores of Santa Maria Island over the past week. The reason for a mass die-out of these large cephalopods is so far a mystery.

The mass death has prompted health concerns locally as around 10,000 decomposing squid bodies have invaded a beach on the small island, causing something of a stench, according to Latin Correspondent

Technicians from the Chilean National Service for Fisheries and Aquaculture (Sernapesca) have collected samples of the dead squid and water for analysis in specialized centers.

Experts say the phenomenon may have been caused by higher than usual seawater temperatures, but have not ruled out pollution either.

The arrival of dead fish and mollusks on Santa Maria’s beaches at this time of year is not unusual, but this is the first time it has reached biblical proportions.

Experts and local police are working to evaluate the scale of the situation and determine whether it could cause a sanitary emergency.

Heavy machinery was brought in by the Chilean government to remove the dead squid on Wednesday, five days after they began to appear.

The delay has been blamed on the country’s poor emergency response structure.

Equipo de emergencias de la gobernación, rumbo a la Isla Santa María con maquinaria para eliminar varazón de jibias

Varamiento masivo de jibias en la isla santa maria región de Chile

“God help us that the children do not get sick from the smell,”
said one resident in an interview with Reuters.

Deputy Police Chief Mario Grandon said that the squid have been rotting for nearly a week.

“Experts are coming here to determine whether the incident could cause sanitary emergency, which is probable, given the quantity of squid that have washed up here,” he said.

Rodrigo Valencia of the National Fishing and Agriculture Service says preliminary evidence suggests the squid died and washed up on shore due to a phenomenon called “upwelling.” This refers to a situation when dense, cooler and usually nutrient-rich water moves towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water.

“It was caused by an upwelling, due to a drop in oxygen levels, which led to the death of these creatures,” Valencia said.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2016 4:29:02 PM

New BJS study finds high rates of campus sexual assault

Yahoo News

Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Bureau of Justice Statistics released a new study Wednesday that offers some insight on the prevalence of sexual assaults on college campuses.

During the 2014 to 2015 school year alone, the study found that 10.3 percent of female undergraduates had been the victim of a sexual assault, which they defined as rape or sexual violence. The BJS surveyed 23,000 students from nine different universities for the comprehensive report — 15,000 female and 8,000 male.

The findings also showed that across the nine schools, rates of sexual assault were “significantly higher among nonheterosexual than heterosexual female students.”

In a statement provided to Yahoo News, Scott Berkowitz, president and founder of the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network or RAINN, called the findings “alarming,” and pointed out the “huge variation in rates of sexual violence” between schools.

“The rate at the worst school was nearly five times higher than at the best,” Berkowitz noted. “This demonstrates that rape isn’t a normal part of the college experience, but rather a horror that can be prevented with strong action from campus leadership and by holding more perpetrators accountable.”

Berkowitz also said the study’s results “show the importance of Congress passing the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, which will ensure that every campus implements a consistent annual survey.”

The mandatory sex assault survey is just one aspect of the legislation, which aims to improve the process for investigating sexual assaults on campus. Nearly two years after it was first introduced by a bipartisan coalition of senators including Democrats Claire McCaskill and Kirsten Gillibrand and Republicans Mark Warner and Marco Rubio, the bill known as CASA is still pending in Congress.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/21/2016 4:36:58 PM

Chemistry teacher defies Taliban in Pakistan university attack


An army helicopter arrives at Bacha Khan university in Charsadda, about 50 kilometres from Peshawar, northern Pakistan on January 20, 2016 following an attack by militants (AFP Photo/Aamir Qureshi)

A chemistry teacher who tried to shield his students by opening fire on Taliban militants during a deadly attack at a Pakistani university was known as "The Protector" even before his death in a hail of bullets Wednesday.

Lecturer Syed Hamid Husain, a 32-year-old assistant professor of chemistry at the Bacha Khan university in Charsadda, ordered his students to stay inside as Taliban gunmen stormed the school near the city of Peshawar on Wednesday, leaving at least 21 people dead.

Students told of how the father-of-two opened fire on assailants as they rampaged across campus, giving the young people time to flee before he was cut down by gunfire.

"We saw three terrorists shouting, 'Allah is great!' and rushing towards the stairs of our department," one man told reporters.

"One student jumped out of the classroom through the window. We never saw him get up."

He described seeing Husain holding a pistol and firing at the attackers.

"Then we saw him fall down and as the terrorists entered the (registrar) office we ran away."

Geology student Zahoor Ahmed said Husain had warned him not to leave the building after the first shots were fired.

"He was holding a pistol in his hand," he said.

"Then I saw a bullet hit him. I saw two militants were firing. I ran inside and then managed to flee by jumping over the back wall."

"They fired directly at" the professor, sociology student Muhammad Daud told AFP, describing Husain as "a real gentleman and a respectable teacher".

Students and university officials paid tribute to the slain academic Wednesday, saying he had been nicknamed "The Protector" even before his death.

"He would always help the students and he was the one who knew all their secrets because they would share all their problems with him," 22-year-old geology student Waqar Ali told AFP.

"He was referred to by students as 'The Protector'."

- 'Remember, kiddo, I have a pistol' -

Husain had been the father of a three-year-old boy and a daughter who had recently celebrated her first birthday, a university administration official told AFP.

He had spent three years studying in the UK for his PhD, the official said.

Mohammad Shazeb, a 24-year-old computer science student, told AFP that Husain was fond of gardening and used to joke with the students that they should learn gardening for when they are unemployed.

"He had a 9mm pistol and used to tell us stories about his hunting trips," Shazeb said.

Husain also never missed a game of cricket with the students, he said, adding: "When someone would go to bowl to him, he would joke: 'Remember kiddo, I have a pistol'".

Tributes were also paid online to the slain teacher, whose funeral was held in his home village of Swabi Wednesday evening.

"Martyr of #education: Prof Hamid who was killed by terrorists in #BachaKhanUniversity#Pakistan," tweeted journalist and academic Raza Ahmad Rumi.

Pakistan's President Mamnoon Hussain expressed his grief and condolences to the man's family.

Police said at least 21 people had been killed in the university attack, with security forces killing all four gunmen. It was not clear if they were included in the toll.

A faction of the Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, though the umbrella group's main leadership has condemned it as "un-Islamic".

Teachers in northwest Pakistan were given permission to carry firearms in the classroom after Taliban militants massacred more than 150 people, the majority of them children, at a school in the city of Peshawar in 2014.

The attack on an army-run school in the city, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) from Charsadda, was the deadliest in Pakistani history, and saw heavily armed militants go from room to room slaughtering students and staff.

Teachers' associations had objected to arming staff, saying it was not their job to fight off militants.

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