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5/6/2011 5:30:58 PM

The Worst Mississippi River Flood Ever?

Please pray for those living along the Mississippi River. They are going to need it. The tornadoes that just ripped through the southeast U.S. are being called one of the worst natural disasters in American history, and now the flooding along the Mississippi River may top the damage done by those tornadoes. In fact, some are now projecting that this will be the worst Mississippi River flood ever recorded since the United States became a nation. You don't believe that? Well, Bob Anderson, an Army Corps of Engineers spokesman based in Vicksburg, Mississippi says that there has "never been a flood of this magnitude on the upper Mississippi". And you know what they say - "never" is a really, really long time. Hopefully everyone in the region has really good flood insurance. The flood that this is being compared to is the great 1937 Mississippi River flood. That flood was so nightmarish that it changed the whole way that the U.S. government approaches floods, but now this flood is surpassing the record levels set back in 1937 in many areas. This truly is a historic flood.

This is not a disaster that happens over one or two days and then is over. This disaster is going to literally take weeks to unfold. Residents of 8 states are bracing for the worst.

Many are rapidly filling sandbags and are trying to keep the flood waters at bay. Others are packing up and getting ready to evacuate.

The flood is so massive that it actually has caused some of the tributaries along the Mississippi River to actually start flowing backwards.

So how long is this flooding going to last?

At this point, the Mississippi River is expected to crest at 48 feet around May 11th.

But this disaster will last much longer than that.

Authorities are saying that the Mississippi River could stay at flood stage for more than a month.

The economic damage, the property damage and the loss of crops is going to be incalculable.

It is important to understand that this is just not another flood. This is literally a history changing nightmare.

Just check out this quote from Gene Rench of the National Weather Service....

"Right now the Mississippi river is in the process of going through what we call an epic flood, meaning it's more than historic, it's more than a 100 year flood, it's more like a 500 year flood."

A "500 year flood"?

That is some pretty strong language.

Part of the problem is that the Ohio River and the Mississippi River are both flooding at the same time. In a recent article on CNN, local farmer Bob Byrnedescribed the damage and noted that this is the first time he has ever seen both of those mighty rivers flood at the same time....

"We've seen the Ohio River rampage, water right up to the top of the levee. We've seen this one (Mississippi) on the rampage, but never the two together."

Byrne also said that the loss of wheat crops that he has already suffered comes to about $40,000.

Sadly, this flooding is going to cost the region billions upon billions of dollars.

But didn't we just see another disaster that is going to cost billions upon billions of dollars?

Yes we did.

The "tornadoes of 2011" absolutely destroyed big chunks of the southeast United States.

There was one mile-wide tornado with winds over 200 MPH that basically ripped Tuscaloosa, Alabama to shreds. There are parts of Tuscaloosa that look like they have been through a nuclear war.

What in the world is going on?

In just one 24 hour period last week, there were a whopping 226 active tornadoes in the United States.

Overall, there were approximately 600 tornadoes in the United States during April. That is the most tornadoes that have ever been recorded in a single month in all of American history.

Usually, there are only about 1,200 tornadoes in the U.S. during an entire year.

Meanwhile, the state of Texas is being ravaged by drought and wildfires. So far the wildfires down in Texas have scorched more than 2 million acres.

Why is all of this happening to us?

Could it be just a coincidence that so many "historic" natural disasters are happening all at once or is something else going on here?

Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts below, and please remember to pray for the millions of Americans that are suffering through these disasters right now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

5/9/2011 3:47:52 PM

Hello Miguel, I saw your post here a few days ago and wanted to come back and respond to the Deep South destruction.

Alabama has a really good Emergency Management program in force there and I believe the warnings were sufficient. The fact is that houses and especially mobile homes, pre-fabricated homes do not require the same rules as applied to buildings in other States. The best thing for people to do who live in a house trailer, etc. is to leave it for a safer place. Most homes do not have basements either because it is hard to keep them from getting moisture. I truly believe so many were killed because they simply had no where to go for safety by the time the tornadoes touched down.

I read where one man took his family to a low ditch outside their mobile home and he and his wife laid on top of the children. All were safe except for one of the girls was in a tree - unhurt but with a sheet wrapped around her. He was very smart to do this and save his family.

It is good to report that so far none of my family and friends were hurt real bad. Some had no damage while others had a little. I finally got to talk with my friend who lives in Tuscaloosa which was right in the line as the tornado went from there to Birmingham. She lost 3 neighbors and there was a lot of damage. They live on Black Warrior River and all have boats and docks along there. She said a lot of boats were underwater. She & husband had been helping neighbors and cleaning up around them.

Just thought I would share a true story with you and friends.

Have a great week!!



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5/10/2011 12:39:13 AM
Dear Sara,

Thanks again for your continued feedback. This time you have provided a personal touch to information that is usually impersonal in these articles. Anyway, I still wonder, along with the authors of these articles, why were those tornadoes so deadly (that is, so vicious) and, generally speaking, what is happening in the world this year with a weather that seems to have gone mad everywhere. Fragments of these articles keep coming to my mind:

"The truth is, even if you did everything you were supposed to do, unless you were in an underground bunker, you weren't going to survive," James Spann of the ABC affiliate in Birmingham, Ala., told the New York Times.


In just one 24 hour period last week, there were a whopping 226 active tornadoes in the United States.

Overall, there were approximately 600 tornadoes in the United States during April. That is the most tornadoes that have ever been recorded in a single month in all of American history.

Usually, there are only about 1,200 tornadoes in the U.S. during an entire year.

However, the real difference lies in the fact that never has our planet suported this kind of weather on such a global scale. And since everything is related as far as earthly phenomena are concerned (regardless of what the modern scientists may think about this) I am including in this deadly account the giant earthquakes of the last year and this year and such other phenomena as the volcano eruptions, etcetera. It is this fact, among other markers of
our time, that makes me believe the end times have really started for this planet and, not this year but already in 2010.

Love too,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/10/2011 1:05:30 AM
Dear Friends,

I cannot believe that this atrocity has been committed against innocent people in distress by an organization that, among other things, is supposed to fight injustice. The suffering of those poor souls I can feel as if I had suffered myself. How can we wonder why is there so much social unrest these days when such an outrageous crime can be commited and go umpunished. Also, I fear the karmic fate that may descend on the European countries involved.

So sorry about this, really.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

NATO Units Left 61 African Migrants to Die of Hunger and Thirst

'Dozens of African migrants were left to die in the Mediterranean after a number of European and Nato military units apparently ignored their cries for help, the Guardian has learned.

A boat carrying 72 passengers, including several women, young children and political refugees, ran into trouble in late March after leaving Tripoli for the Italian island of Lampedusa. Despite alarms being raised with the Italian coastguard and the boat making contact with a military helicopter and a Nato warship, no rescue effort was attempted.

All but 11 of those on board died from thirst and hunger after their vessel was left to drift in open waters for 16 days. "Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard," said Abu Kurke, one of only nine survivors. "By the final days, we didn't know ourselves … everyone was either praying, or dying".'

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2011 2:45:43 AM
Dear Friends,

I had previously copied the following from a post by Myrna Ferguson at Jill's Mountain of Love forum with a view to present it at the main thread of this forum (Is the New Age Really Coming?) but on second thought I have realized it rather belongs to this thread.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Jill I thought I would get this on the mountain asap. it is so very important

David's November interview with Fulford is finally revealed! The Powers that Were are threatening to set off the New Madrid Fault with HAARP as a last-ditch effort to avoid their defeat. We can stop them -- and here's how.


For two years before the Japan disaster, Benjamin Fulford was on record saying the Powers that Were had planned to attack Japan with an earthquake weapon -- and set off the nuclear reactors.

This is a matter of public certainty, as he announced these plans in two different videos as well as in numerous updates. This is the main reason why the Internet exploded with articles about HAARP in the aftermath of the Japan disaster.

These same negative groups are now apparently trying to set off the New Madrid Fault, which runs parallel with the Mississippi River -- as there are some fifteen different nuclear reactors along the fault line.

Apparently the floods are a precursor to this -- in an attempt to lubricate the fault line and increase the likelihood of it happening.

I believe this is all happening now because these groups are very, very close to defeat -- and are using this as a final attempt to blackmail and coerce the rest of the world into backing off of the attack.

The defeat has been going on for some time -- and I am now releasing an interview I did with Fulford last November that goes into detail about how the global community is ganging up on the "Old World Order" and demanding they stand down.

much more

Also 2 videos (I just listened to the 1st one, it is wonderful, please listen)

I feel the Ho'oponopono prayer is needed along with this video. We need to heal the Madrid Fault Line. NOW OnlyLOVE can do it.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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