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5/16/2011 12:32:28 AM
Important: Due to its great interest and relevance with our subject, I am reproducing a message recently posted by Robert Talmadge at Jill's Mountain of Love. I am afraid I missed it on the date it was posted.

I can only recommend you read the message through to the end for an in-depth knowledge and clear understanding of modern science's participation in the gestation of the current global situation. A follow-up of the links provided is also advised.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Hi Luis and all,

I wanted to explain my post on your series, here it is:

(NaturalNews) I have a timely and important message to share with you today. As explained in this important mini-documentary we've decided to release at this moment (link below), it is time that we tore away the false facade of "modern science" and exposed the core philosophical underpinnings that have enabled so much pain, suffering and destruction to be carried out in the name of "science."

The world of "science" has given us atomic weapons, GMOs, vaccines, toxic synthetic chemicals, pesticides and psychiatric drugs. It has used innocent people in deadly medical experiments ( and unleashed widespread genetic pollution on our world through the careless proliferation of genetically modified organisms ( But the scientists insisted they were creating a better world. "Better living through chemistry," they said two decades ago. And now, ageneration later, we are dealing with a collapse of life on our planet so large and so disastrous that it is being called the sixth great extinction of life on our planet (

How could science have paved the way for such destruction on the planet?

Watch The God Within mini-documentary to find out. It's available for viewing right now onNaturalNews.TV:

We denounce the core philosophical delusions of science

This new documentary, The God Within, seeks to answer the question of why science is so destructive and dangerous. It begins by denouncing the false philosophy fronted by famed physicist Stephen Hawking, who insists that human beings are biological robots with noconsciousness, no free will, no minds and no spirit.

In his own words, from his book The Grand Design:

"It is hard to imagine how free will can operate if our behavior is determined by physical law, so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion."

Like most conventional scientists, Hawking believes that human beings are not conscious beings. Thus, we are incapable of empathy; incapable of love, pain, suffering or making our own decisions based on free will.

This utter lack of recognition of the value of consciousness in living beings is the core principle of evil upon which most of modern science is built. It is the lack of empathy itself that gives rise to great evil.

Interestingly, this is precisely the conclusion of a member of the scientific community -- Cambridge University psychology professor Simon Baron-Cohen, who has written a new book in which he concludes that evil originates with a failure of empathy( He explains that psychopaths have "zero degrees of empathy," meaning they do not recognize nor value the thoughts and feelings of others.

This just happens to be the core principle of conventional science, which believes that feelings and thoughts are mere "biological ricochets" of brain chemistry, lacking any spirit, intention or consciousness. Thus, the core principle of conventional science as practiced today is psychopathic and delusional.

This is why so many offshoots of so-called "scientific" thinking -- the pursuit of GMOs, the mass-vaccination harming of innocent children, the widespread chemical poisoning of thenatural world -- are so blatantly psychopathic in nature. To unleash genetic contaminationupon the world through the use of seeds containing "terminator" technology is a dangerous act from a psychopathic industry operating without any empathy toward living creatures.

Modern science is psychopathic in its applications

A psychopath is defined as "A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse."

Yet this perfectly describes the behavior of many corporations operating under the label of "science." The GMO seed companies, pesticide companies, fluoride chemical companies,psychiatric drug manufacturers, chemotherapy makers and vaccine manufacturers are, in effect, "psychopathic" in their behavior. They all claim to be operating as "scientific" entities, however, and they aggressively attack those who disagree with them as being "unscientific." It is this perverted, criminal and amoral behavior -- and a total lack of empathy for living beings -- that qualifies much of today's "scientific" corporate behavior as inescapably psychopathic.

Drug companies are engaged in ongoing medical experiments involving the widespread suffering of animals. Vaccines are manufactured by harvesting the organs of diseased lab monkeys who are imprisoned in utterly inhumane living conditions. Vaccine manufacturers conduct medical experiments on children in developing nations. GMO companies run genetic crop experiments that harm the chain of life in our natural world. All of this is conducted under the umbrella of "science," and yet all of it is psychopathic in nature and utterly lacking the core philosophy of recognizing consciousness or a soul.

They teach disease and drugs in medical school, in other words, but they don't teachdoctors to value the life experience and consciousness of their patients. The idea that the patient even has a "spirit" or a "mind" is so alien to modern medicine that the entire conventional medical system utterly denies the existence of mind-body medicine... as if somehow the mind did not even exist.

This denial of the existence of the mind (and its interaction with the body) is a kind ofscientific insanity that has infected the minds of modern doctors and medical researchers. But it doesn't stop at medicine, of course: This delusion also runs rampant through the physics community.

Watch The God Within to learn more on these topics:

We must not blindly follow science to our own destruction

That our world's top physicists such as Stephen Hawking fully embrace the frightening belief that human beings have no consciousness, no minds and no free will is a gigantic warning sign that the human race must not follow "science" blindly to its own self destruction.

"Science" has led us down the path of nuclear catastrophe, the depletion of natural resources, the chemical saturation of our agricultural lands and the ongoing collapse of food pollinators such as honey bees and bats. "Science" has irradiated our bodies, drugged our children, polluted our spaces with electromagnetic cell phone broadcasts, contaminated our water supplies and impoverished our genetic future with the incessant burden of DNA-damaging chemical contamination. "Science" is leading humanity to its own destruction while promising progress. "Science" has become the modern-day justification for theadvancement of evil -- the destruction of life on our planet for the sole purpose of furthering a corporate or political agenda (at the expense of protecting life).

Science has become evil, in other words. Through its lack of empathy and its failure to recognize the existence of the mind, it is carrying out agendas that go far beyond mere "crimes against humanity" and border on the demonic. In the name of "science," life is being destroyed across our planet, and yet, astoundingly, those poison pushers who profit from it proclaim that they are the saviors of our world! "People will starve if we don't grow genetically modified crops," they cry. Yet at the same time they refuse to let a farmer in India save his own seeds from one generation to the next. They have refused him the natural right to plant his own crops, year after year, without paying royalties to the monopolistic evilcorporation that has used scientific genetic engineering to cause seeds to self-terminate after one generation.

This is a template of absolute evil, carried out in the name of science. And it is being conducted by truly evil human beings who are quite literally psychopathic in that they have no capacity to value the lives or experiences of others. They are the demons who roam our world, destroying everything in their path while attacking those who dare to protect life. These demons must either be transformed or destroyed if we hope to have a sustainable future of life on our planet.

We must denounce the mindless, soulless "scientific" path

It is time that we, the citizens of our planet, denounced the mindless, soulless philosophy of the scientific community and embraced a wiser, more advanced philosophy that recognizes the reality of consciousness... not merely human consciousness, by the way, but the consciousness of all living things: Animals, trees and plants.

Only by embracing a new philosophy that celebrates the existence of consciousness, the mind, the soul and free will can we ever hope to achieve wisdom and peace as a species.

Only by valuing life can we ever hope to sustain it.

Only by recognizing the suffering in others can we ever hope to end it.

Only by abandoning the empty mindless underpinning of modern science can we ever hope to halt the destruction it has unleashed upon our world.

A philosophical shift is the next step in human advancement

The real solutions to our world's problems, you see, do not merely require banning GMOs or outlawing certain chemical pesticides. They require a wholesale philosophical upgradethat advances human understanding from the outmoded Newtonian era of understanding to the "quantum era" of human and animal consciousness. The next stage in our evolution, in other words, will not come from the realm of science at all but rather the realm of philosophy.

Without such an advancement in understanding -- and the subsequent core shifts in human values -- we will never achieve sustainable life as a species. If we follow "science" as our great leader and teacher, we will only follow it to our own self destruction. Because science has no soul. It has no spirit. It has no mind. It is an empty shell of mathematics that lacks meaning. It has nothing more to offer our civilization until we attain a deeper appreciation of empathy, consciousness and free will. Because only from that place can we hope to properly understand and apply the sciences in a way that protects life rather than destroying it.

Watch my mini-documentary, The God Within to see a more complete discussion of these ideas:

What's available now is Part One of the documentary (roughly 22 minutes). The next part of this documentary will be released on May 30th, 2011, at www.NaturalNews.TV and announced here on

Learn more:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/21/2011 12:19:20 AM

Solar storms may wreak havoc on Earth in 2013

LONDON (PTI): The intensity of solar storms is expected to peak in 2013 and may devastate critical infrastructure like satellite communications, navigation systems and electrical transmission equipment, a top scientist has warned.

Kathryn Sullivan, assistant secretary of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said countries should prepare for "potentially devastating effects" from solar storms which are caused by massive explosions on the Sun.

Solar storms, according to scientists, release particles that can temporarily disable or permanently destroy fragile computer circuits, the Daily Mail reported.

Dr Sullivan, a former NASA astronaut who in 1984 became the first woman to walk in space, told a UN weather conference in Geneva that "it is not a question of if, but really a matter of when a major solar event could hit our planet".

She is not the only expert to issue a warning about the threat posed by solar storms.

In February, astronomers warned that mankind is now more vulnerable to such an event than at any time in history -- and that the planet should prepare for a global Hurricane Katrina-style disaster.

A massive solar eruption, they said, would send waves of radiation and charged particles to Earth, damaging satellite systems used for synchronising computers, airline navigation and phone networks.

If the storm is powerful enough it could even crash stock markets and cause power cuts that last weeks or months, experts told the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The chances of a disruption from space are getting stronger because the Sun is entering the most active period of its 11 to 12-year natural cycle.

The world witnessed the Sun's explosive power in February when the strongest solar eruption in five years sent a torrent of charged plasma hurtling towards the world at 580 miles per second. The storm created spectacular aurorae and disrupted radio communications.

Space storms are not new. The first major solar flare was recorded by British astronomer Richard Carrington in 1859.

Other solar geomagnetic storms have been observed in recent decades. According to NASA, one huge solar flare in 1972 cut off long-distance telephone communication in the mid-western state of Illinois.

Another similar flare in 1989 'provoked geomagnetic storms that disrupted electric power transmission' and caused blackouts across the Canadian province of Quebec, the US space agency said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/23/2011 10:06:33 PM

Mon May 23, 1:16 pm ET

Terrifying videos of Missouri twister, aftermath

By Liz Goodwin

Terrifying videos emerge of deadly tornado

Footage captures intense images of the record storm that killed at least 116 in Joplin, Mo. Aerial views of damage

Video has emerged of the terrifying twister that left at least 116 people dead and hundreds injured in Joplin, Missouri. The tornado is the deadliest single twister on record since 1955.

The tornado was six miles long and half a mile wide with winds between 135 and 165 mph when it tore through Joplin on Sunday evening, damaging at least 2,000 buildings and crushing cars. A door-to-door search for survivors is still under way, according to the Joplin Globe.

Storm chasers caught this terrifying video, below, of the tornado forming. You can watch lightning strike in the middle of the twister (HERE).

KMBC's Johnny Rowlands and NewsChopper 9 show an aerial view of the devastated town after the storm:

And ABC shows the upended cars in the wake of the mile-wide tornado, and airs video of people surviving the tornado in a convenience store:

(Joplin: Adam Wisneski/AP)

You can also see a slideshow of the tornado's impact here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/31/2011 10:48:16 AM
Did I read well??? A nuclear weapon hitting a Swiss Bank's headquarters on or around tomorrow???

Benjamin Fulford, May 31, 2011…Saudi Arabia… BIS… Chaos continues…

A Western military invasion of Saudi Arabia’s oil-fields is scheduled for this summer, according to CIA and MI6 sources. The aim of this invasion will be to try to grab control of the world’s oil supplies and simultaneously provoke Pakistan and then China into starting a World War, the sources say.

Meanwhile, Western intelligence officials say that “Al-Qaeda” is planning to hit the headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland with a Nuclear weapon on or around June 1st, citing a top “Al Qaeda” official as his source.

The leaks of these and other dramatic “planned events,” are probably posturing in preparation for the announcement of the new financial system.

However, the Saudi Invasion plan has been corroborated by a broad variety of sources within the BIS, the Rothschild family and the agency sources mentioned above, making it a high probability event. This move is an attempt by the money printing side of the leading Khazarian families to maintain control over the financial system of the West by seizing the world’s key oil resources. They know Pakistan has promised to protect Saudi Arabia and China Pakistan so clearly they are hoping this move will finally set off World War 3 and their long sought “end-times” battle between “Gog” and “Magog.” Such a war would stave off their imminent bankruptcy and loss of power.

The threat to nuke the BIS is from a group that claims to be opposed to these plans. We have been able to independently confirm that at least some of the members of this group are connected to both intelligence agencies and the international drug mafia. Below is the text of e-mails received from them and forwarded to various intelligence and police agencies:

There are 4 rogue nuclear devices which were removed from the Kursk Submarine back in 2000. Everyone must understand that the nuclear devices controlled by various militaries around the world are NOT at the disposal of our enemies. All of those devices are accounted for, every single last one of them, and all of the militaries around the world are sitting on the fence waiting to see how this will play out. So, one of the 4 devices was already detonated and caused the Japanese Earthquake. 3 remain. My information is that one ( or more ) will be detonated on June 1st, blamed on Al Qaeda in an effort by the Satan worshiping Obama Administration to start WW3. (May 25)

B.I.S. is about to turn to dust. This just came in directly from the new Al Qaeda #1.

(May 29th).

Firstly regarding the nuclear device which will be detonated imminently. The best lead we have is that an individual called Bob Swan can provide information leading to its discovery.

Our best information is that Bob Swan can be found at the following location :Flat 1, 2 The Mount. St. Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38OHR, England.

Secondly, An informant from the USA Navy Air Craft Carrier Carl Vincent, Recently docked at Manila Bay, Philippines, the ship which allegedly dumped Osama Bin Laden’s dead body at sea, has informed Mi6 Agent Peter Stevens that the entire operation in Abottabat, Pakistan was a fabrication. According to multiple sources including the NSA, FSB, and family, confirm that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead since Dec13, 2001. The current United States Administration is little more than a fraud that does the bidding of Their Rothschild Masters and are on the verge of initiating WW3 unless something is done. (May 30)

A CIA source dismissed these warnings as bluffs and said they were not to be taken seriously. However, it is very clear Japan was attacked with a sea-bed nuclear weapon that triggered an Earthquake and Tsunami and these sources did warn us beforehand that Japan was the imminent target of nuclear terror. The warnings were dismissed at the time.

It is also worth noting many attacks can be prevented by issuing warnings beforehand so even if nothing happens, it is worth passing on these messages.

It is further worth noting the sudden change in tone between Obama and the UK Government following his visit last week. The President who returned a bust of Winston Churchill given by the UK and who was snubbed from royal wedding invitation list was suddenly kissing British ass big time and talking about Anglo Saxon solidarity.

There has also been a sudden change in the general attitude towards Israel with Obama and practically everybody else (except for Canada’s shame, the Zionist slave and arch-traitor Harper) has been twisting the Israeli’s arms into finally reaching a peace agreement with their neighbours. This is a sign of a clear loss of power by the radical right wing Zionist lobby.

On a different note, G8 meeting last week failed to discuss, as originally planned, replacing the US dollar with a new currency controlled by the IMF. This plan was endorsed by Treasury Secretary Geithner and other Federal Reserve Board Crime Syndicate members but has now apparently been quietly trashed along with DSK’s career. Instead, the dollar is now expected to be purged of fraudulent book entries before becoming commodity-backed and melded into the new financial system

David Wilcock’s Comments on Ben’s Article

I do hope Ben’s posting of these potential problems can help stop them. The tone this week is rather somber and depressing, as I’m sure others will be saying.

There are a lot of positive signs going on, and it can be difficult to find them amidst the crush of negative news. I was very hard at work in the recording studio all week for the audio version of Source Field Investigations, and am beginning to develop my latest article.

There are some really intriguing data points that need to be mentioned… and now that I’ve caught my breath I am very much looking forward to getting this all out there!

- David

Comment by dwilcock on May 31, 2011 @ 1:06 am

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6/1/2011 6:05:11 PM

European food outbreak soars; mystery deepens

'Extraordinary' outbreak takes dire turn

Officials scramble to find the source as a deadly E. coli strain sickens hundreds more in Europe. Victims in 9 countries

By DAVID RISING and MARIA CHENG, Associated Press 29 mins ago

BERLIN – The number of people hit by a massive European outbreak of foodborne bacterial infections is one third higher than previously known and a stunningly high number of patients suffer from a potentially deadly complication than can shut down their kidneys, officials said Wednesday.

The death toll rose to 17, with German authorities reporting that an 84-year-old woman with the complication had died on Sunday.

Medical authorities appeared no closer to discovering either the source of the infection or the mystery at the heart of the outbreak: why the unusual strain of the E. coli bacteria appears to be causing so many cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome, which attacks the kidneys and can cause seizures, strokes and comas.

"This particular strain we're dealing with now seems to be unique," said Dr. Hilde Kruse, program manager for food safety at WHO Europe:

Germany's national health agency said 1,534 people in the country had been infected by EHEC, a particularly deadly strain of the common bacteria found in the digestive systems of cows, humans and other mammals. The Robert Koch Institute had reported 1,169 a day earlier.

The outbreak has hit at least nine European countries but virtually all of the sick people either live in Germany or recently traveled there.

The Robert Koch Institute said 470 people in Germany were suffering from hemolytic uremic syndrome, or HUS, a number that independent experts called unprecedented in modern medical history. HUS normally occurs in 10 percent of EHEC infections, meaning the number seen in Germany could be expected in an outbreak three times the size being currently reported.

That discrepancy could indicate that a vast number of cases haven't been reported because their symptoms are relatively mild, medical experts said.

But they also offered another, more disturbing theory — the strain of EHEC causing the outbreak in Europe could be more dangerous than any previously seen.

"There may well be a great number of asymptomatic cases out there that we're missing. This could be a much bigger outbreak than we realize right now," said Paul Hunter, a professor of health protection at the University of East Anglia in England. "There might also be something genetically different about this particular strain of E. coli that makes it more virulent."

There are hundreds of different E. coli strains in the environment — every person naturally carries the bacteria — but only a very small percentage are dangerous.

German Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner said scientists were working nonstop to find the source of the germ that is believed to have been spread in Europe on tainted vegetables — and where in the long journey from farm to grocery store the contamination occurred.

"Hundreds of tests have been done and the responsible agencies ... have determined that most of the patients who have been sickened ate cucumbers, tomatoes and leaf lettuce and primarily in northern Germany," Aigner said on ARD television. "The states that have conducted the tests must now follow back the delivery path to see how the cucumbers, or tomatoes or lettuce got here."

German authorities initially pointed to cucumbers from Spain after people in Hamburg fell ill after eating fresh produce. After tests of some 250 samples of vegetables from around the city, only the three cucumbers from Spain and one other of unknown origin tested positive for E. coli.

But further tests showed that those vegetables, while contaminated, did not cause the outbreak. Officials are still warning all Germans to avoid eating raw cucumbers, tomatoes or lettuce.

Some experts said it might be impossible to ever identify what caused the outbreak, as much of the tainted fresh produce may already have disappeared from markets.

"As in many foodborne disease outbreaks, the culprit may never be identified and the epidemic just fades away," said Brendan Wren, professor of pathogen molecular biology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

To identify which E. coli strain is responsible, scientists must grow the suspect bacteria in a laboratory, which can take up to two days. Once that's done, tests to characterize the strain may take another day or two and those tests can only be done in specialized labs.

"These are complicated molecular tests and it's not something you can do in one day," Hunter said.

In the Czech city of Brno, lab workers wearing white coats and latex gloves meticulously snipped hundreds of pieces off of cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables from Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark as well as eastern and central Europe to be tested before allowing them into the Czech market for sale.

"None of the samples has tested for the bacteria so far," said lab chief Pavel Alexa.

"It all takes up to four days to do the basic research to determine if a sample is suspicious," Alexa said. If the sample is suspicious, it takes days more to isolate the strain of E.coli responsible, he said.

Spanish officials said, meantime, that they were considering legal action after Europeans swore off Spanish produce in droves after the initial report. And in Germany, farmers' association president Gerd Sonnleitner said the call for people to avoid raw vegetables had cost local farmers an estimated euro30 million ($43 million) so far.

Germany typically sees a maximum of 50 to 60 annual cases of HUS, which has up to a 5 percent fatality rate according to the World Health Organization.

More than 60 percent of the EHEC cases in Germany have been women — 88 percent over the age of 20 — and nearly 90 percent of the HUS cases have been women over the age of 20.

Experts suspect the outbreak may be mainly striking women because they are the ones most likely to be eating fresh produce.

It remains unclear why most of those affected are adults and not children or the elderly, who are normally more susceptible to this illness, said Kruse, the food safety expert at the WHO.

"We should be open to whatever the investigation shows, but adult women are more likely to be exposed to vegetables than other populations," she said.

Last week, Reinhard Burger, head of the Robert Koch Institute, said it was also possible more women were affected because they were predominantly the ones handling food in the kitchen.

The World Health Organization said cases of the E. coli illness have been reported in nine European countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K. All but two cases are either people in Germany, or people who had recently traveled to northern Germany, the organization said.

U.S. health officials say two people who had recently traveled to Hamburg and are now back in the United States have the bug. The agency did not say where in the U.S. the two travelers are, but said it is working with state health departments to learn more about the cases and identify others.

An American tourist who traveled to the Czech Republic from Germany was hospitalized in Prague, officials said.

In addition, Sweden has reported 15 cases of HUS, followed by Denmark with seven, the Netherlands with three, the U.K. with two and Spain with one, according to the European Center forc Disease Prevention and Control.

The Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment said that the five people in the Netherlands all recently visited Germany and four have serious kidney problems as well as stomach complaints.

It's "extraordinary" to see so many cases of the kidney complication from a foodborne illness, said Dr. Robert Tauxe, a foodborne disease expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "There has not been such an outbreak before that we know of in the history of public health."

He added that the strain of E. coli in the European outbreak has not been seen in the United States, where there have been several high-profile foodborne outbreaks in recent years, but none with such a high death toll.

There's little precedent in Europe, either. In 1996, an E. coli outbreak in the United Kingdom caused 216 cases and 11 deaths.

The World Health Organization said 86 percent of those sickened in the current outbreak were adults, and two-thirds were women. It said it was unusual that more children weren't affected.


Kirsten Grieshaber and Juergen Baetz in Berlin, Karl Ritter in Stockholm and Jan Olsen in Copenhagen contributed to this report.

>>> More here:

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