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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2012 10:01:24 PM

Hello Jim,

I have been trying to ascertain which side is right in the fracking debate. This is only provisional but from my research, everything tells me you are not right.

For one thing, to admit the fracking party is right would amount to say the victims of fracking are wrong and so, I would have sided up with the wrong side. Well in a way I have, since they are not rich and powerful. In a world where even murder has become honourable and the survival of the strongest has become a law, that almost is a sin in itself.

On the other hand, if I have sided up with them is because I will always take a stand with the abused - and so far from my research there has been at least abuse against them. Siding up with the abusers would amount to run with the wolves to kill the sheep.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

So here is what I have found so far:
So here is what I have found so far.

What is fracking and why is it controversial?



Who are the victims in fracking?

EPA Supplies Drinking Water to Fracking Victims

Victims of Contaminated Water from Fracking Receive Essential Holiday Gift

Who is behind fracking?

A (Long) History of Federal Investment in Fracking Technology

The Big Fracking Bubble: The Scam Behind the Gas Boom
It’s not only toxic – it’s driven by a right-wing billionaire who profits more from flipping land than drilling for gas.

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Jim Allen

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4/16/2012 10:23:52 PM
Thanks for the reply Roger. There are a lot of jobs and people with family involved in this industry. All the naysayers offer no alternative to supporting those families other than get a handout from the government. Is this direction you would choose? I hope not. We need to be seeking alternatives but we cannot throw out the baby with the bathwater. Unless everyone is ready to go back a 100 years or so. When everyone use whale oil for lighting because natural gas is bad. Think about what the alternatives are and the problems they would cause before vilifying an entire industry.



Great to hear the other side.

Often is one.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/17/2012 9:24:12 PM

An Epidemic And National Tragedy: Veteran Suicides

In one year more veterans will die from suicide than on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan combined since those wars began. Veterans kill themselves at a rate of one suicide per 80 minutes. It’s a national tragedy and one that needs a remedy right now.

Nicholas Kristof offered this compelling look into this dark spot on the military and on the country as a whole and offers a few explanations. One reason for the high rate of veteran suicides may be the significant injuries related to post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. According to Kristof, by most estimates about one in five veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq suffer from either or both PTSD and TBI. One study showed that by their third or fourth tours in Iraq or Afghanistan more than one-quarter of soldiers suffered from these health problems.

That means that being a veteran now roughly doubles a person’s risk of suicide. And for young men ages 17 to 24, being a veteran almost quadruples that risk.

Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Veterans Affairs Committee rightly described the issue as an “epidemic” that is not being adequately addressed. So far the Veterans Administration has established a suicide hotline and has designated suicide-prevention staff. There are efforts to chip away at the culture within the military as well–the so called “warrior” culture that dismisses mental health concerns. It’s a start.

But those measures hardly address the underlying problems that created this epidemic to begin with: unending wars and a military that is not adequately equipped to deal with the human cost of those wars. At what point do we decide that cost is simply too much to bear?

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Photo from isafmedia via flickr.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/18/2012 5:33:15 PM
Can any of these weapons be necessary in a world where food and healthcare for the poor are so terribly urgent these days?

5 real-life weapons straight out of a sci-fi movie

Forget the light saber; the flashy sword is but a part of the fictional Star Wars universe. These five crazy, futuristic, and veritably frightening weapons may sound like they come from epic sci-fi flicks, but they're no mere figments of the imagination — they actually exist.

From pain rays to guns that can turn people into zombies, these weapons are no longer the stuff of fiction

1. Speech-suppressing gun
If there were ever a weapon made to fit Big Brother's world to a T, this is it. Let's say someone doesn't want to hear any more of your opinions. All they have to do is point this weapon at you and pull the trigger. This gun was designed by Japanese researchers to silence people by messing with their heads, but how exactly does it work?

Within a distance of 100 feet, a directional mic perched on top of the gun picks up whatever it is the target is saying. The boxy, directional speaker that makes up the bulk of the weapon then plays the sound back with a 0.2-second delay, effectively inducing delayed auditory feedback, a phenomenon caused by the echo of your own voice that interrupts your thoughts and renders you speechless.

[Related: Palm-Sized Star Trek Tech May Be Closer Than You Think]

While it's true that the weapon could be used to ensure silence in places like the library, it could also be used to silence protesters, important political figures, and other people who actually have important things to say. Talk about an Orwellian nightmare come true!

2. Vomit ray

This weapon could also prevent you from speaking your mind, but it's because you're going to be too busy to talk while you're throwing up your lunch. Back in 2007, the U.S. Navy signed a contract with a company called Invocon to develop a weapon that uses radio frequency (RF) to affect a person's sense of hearing and equilibrium. Anyone hit by these waves (which, by the way, can pass through walls) is expected to throw up and experience severe motion sickness — effects that were proven when the company demonstrated the weapon on a very unlucky individual.

In the same year, the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology department awarded $800,000 to a company called Intelligent Optical Systems (IOS) to develop the LED Incapacitator. It's a fancy flashlight that emits rapid pulse of different-colored lights to induce headache and dizziness, with vomiting as one of the possible aftereffects.

Want to make your own puke-inducing weapon? A couple of hardware hackers built one for $250, called it Bedazzler, and even posted instructions you can follow online. Part of Bedazzler's official page reads: "Yes this project does indeed cause: Nausea, dizziness, headache, flashblindness, eye pain and (occasional?) vomiting! So don't use it on your friends or pets." Although if you're building the Bedazzler because you're probably an evil overlord in training, we doubt you're going to take that advice.

Mobile pain ray3. Pain ray
More formally known as the Active Denial System (ADS), the pain ray is a weapon developed by the U.S. military that can — wait for it — cause excruciating pain by emitting high-powered waves similar to those from a microwave oven. Developed by the Pentagon, the system is composed of huge, vehicle-mounted plates. It was deployed to Afghanistan in June 2010 and pulled back just a month later without having been used.

It's unclear whether the military's plans to develop a rifle version of the system ever panned out. However, a smaller version of the pain ray called Silent Guardian was developed by defense technology company Raytheon and is currently available for use by law enforcement agencies.

While the ADS reportedly never saw action in the battlefield, it went through 10,000 trial exposures involving real people. The test subjects reported feeling like they were on fire a few seconds after being targeted, but the agonizing pain vanished as soon as they stepped out of the beam's way. The weapon was only designed to inflict pain and not actually burn anything, but around 0.1% of the test subjects reported blisters caused by second-degree burns. Double ouch!

New weapons could turn you into a zombie4. Mind-control gun
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin recently admitted that the country's government created a gun that can put people in a zombie-like state... at least for a short while. Or so we hope. Russia's mind-control gun attacks a target's central nervous system with electromagnetic radiation and is designed to be used for crowd control. While the government's keeping mum about the details, previous studies about the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain reveal that one of its possible effects is implanting thoughts and suggestions into a target's mind.

Good thing these scary zombie guns are confined to Russia and have not yet appeared in the United States, right? Well, in 2008, a U.S. company called Sierra Nevada Corporation announced that it was going to start producing the Medusa ray gun — a weapon that uses rapid microwave pulses that your brain perceives as extremely annoying sounds.

Soon after the company introduced Medusa, independent scientists came out to warn people that the weapon can't produce sounds annoying enough to disperse crowds unless it shoots strong microwave pulses that can literally fry your brain. Yikes. At least the Russian government was able to successfully test its zombie gun on real people (though to be fair, we're not exactly sure if any brains got fried in the process).

5. Self-guided bullet

The U.S. Sandia National Laboratories developed a new kind of bullet that could turn anyone into a sharpshooter in a heartbeat. The four-inch projectile has small fins on its tails similar to a dart that can steer it straight toward the target. As long as you shine a laser beam to what you want to hit, the sensor on the bullet's nose can follow it, even in the midst of strong winds and even if the target is up to a mile away. The self-guided bullet was designed for DARPA's Exacto program and will be used by the military and law enforcement agencies.

Could futuristic laser battles actually happen?Waiting for visible laser guns? Keep waiting
Many sci-fi fans are salivating for the day when handheld laser pistols become commonplace. Movies like Star Wars showcase powerful visible laser weapons in all shapes and sizes — from massive, ship-mounted cannons to tiny blasters that can fit in your pocket. Unfortunately, the chances of these types of firearms becoming a reality rests somewhere between slim and none.

There are several reasons why sci-fi laser weapons will never be possible. For starters, all current weaponized laser technology uses wavelengths of light that are invisible to the human eye. They can cause damage to a target, but you'd never be able to actually see the damaging rays the weapons generate. Second, since lasers travel at the speed of light, even if a visible laser weapon were conceptualized, you'd never actually be able to see the distinct glowing bars that are so common in futuristic firefights. On top of all that, lasers capable of doing damage to a target need massive power supplies, making the idea of a personal, portable laser weapon absolutely ludicrous.

Fascinating yet horrifying
Most of the weapons in this list may not be created to inflict fatal wounds, but they sure have terrifying implications. We know we don't want to experience awful pain, be turned into a zombie, or have our right to free speech taken away. Still, these creations represent fascinating advancements in science and technology. Let's just hope they don't fall into the hands of someone who has dreams of global domination.

[Image credits: U.S. Department of Defense]

This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/20/2012 12:19:11 AM
Dead and Deformed Sea Creatures Point to BP Oil Spill

Fishermen and scientists operating in the northern Gulf of Mexico are noting huge numbers of deformed sea creatures, including eyeless shrimp, clawless crabs and fish damaged by lesions, along with high rates of dolphin stranding in the Gulf near the area of the BP Oil spill of 2010. Fishing industry workers are also observing declining numbers of key species two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and the release of some 4.9 million barrels of oil followed by the application of hundreds of thousands of gallons of chemical dispersant.

Disturbing images in the video report below from Al Jazeera English show the deformed sea creatures and scientists’ concern for damage to species health, biodiversity and the food chain:

Dolphin Strandings Skyrocket, Ill Health Observed

Comprehensive physicals of 32 live dolphins from the northern Gulf of Mexico area, Bataria Bay, showed that many of the dolphins examined are “underweight, anemic, have low blood sugar and/or some symptoms of liver and lung disease. Nearly half also have abnormally low levels of the hormones that help with stress response, metabolism and immune function.” In addition, NOAA has declared and unusual mortality event (UME) because more than 675 dolphins have stranded themselves in the norther Gulf area, up from an average of 74 strandings per year.

NOAA reports, “NOAA and its state and federal partners are researching multiple ways Gulf dolphins may have been exposed to oil, including through ingestion, inhalation or externally. Dolphins could have routinely ingested oil from sediments or water while feeding or by eating whole fish, including internal organs and fluids such as liver and bile, which can harbor chemical contaminants.”

Earlier this year the FDA assured us that Gulf seafood was safe to eat. However, there are other concerns beyond simple immediate human consumption needs. The number, health, and population numbers of the species affects the food chain and ultimately the balance of the entire ecosystem.

Besides the known toxicity of oil, the dispersant Corexit is also suspected to harm life when used in vast amounts. One year after the spill, scientists found that Corexit, which was supposed to degrade soon after application, was still present in the water three months after application. Some 771,000 gallons of the dispersant Corexit were used to break down the oil into smaller droplets.

The news comes as BP announced that is has finalized a $7.8 billion settlement agreement with some 100,000 plaintiff individuals and businesses from the Gulf area harmed by the oil spill and its aftermath. It is one of the largest class action settlements in U.S. history. One thing we can be sure of: no amount of dollars will help the the shrimp, dolphins and other species that are suffering the dire consequences of the disaster two years on.

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Image of eyeless shrimp. Still from Al Jazeera video via YouTube (embedded above)

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