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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2012 10:29:52 AM
Dramatic Rise in "Suicides By Economic Causes" in Europe

Just under two weeks ago, a 77-year-old Greek retiree shot himself outside the building in Syntagma Square where Greece’s parliament meets. In the past six weeks, ten people in Italy, all of whom ran their own businesses, took their lives. Some European newspapers are calling the upsurge “suicide by economic crisis”: The New York Times cites these statistics:

In Greece — where one in five and half of youth are unemployed — the suicide rate among men rose more than 24 percent from 2007 to 2009.

In Ireland, suicides among men rose 15 percent in the third period. In County Cork, 190 people committed suicide from 2008 to March 2011 during the downturn; 40 percent were unemployed and most were men.

In Italy, suicides have risen by 52 percent, to 187 in 2010 from 123 in 2005.

Researchers point to government austerity measures, imposed at a time of recession, as a key culprit. David Stuckler, a sociologist at the University of Cambridge, who was one of the authors of a study published in The Lancet about a significant increase in suicides across Europe, says that “Austerity can turn a crisis into an epidemic.” Unmarried men are most at risk, especially if their family and government support is weak and, says Stuckler, alcohol abuse is often a contributing factor.

In Italy’s industrial northeast, suicides are up 40 percent, especially among self-employed business owners. As the Irish Times says, once upon a time economists “chanted the ‘small is beautiful’ mantra.” Two weeks ago, self-employed builder Giuseppe C left this note for his girlfriend:

‘SWEETHEART, I’M sitting here crying my eyes out. I got up a bit early this morning, I wanted to say bye bye to you, but you were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you. Today will be a horrible day. I ask you all to forgive me.’

Then he parked his car in front of the central tax collection office in Bologna in northern Italy and tried to burn himself to death. He was pulled from his car by a Romanian worker and two traffic policemen and died at a hospital a week later. Giuseppe C had an unpaid bill of 105,000 euros and had been summoned for a “technical hearing” at the tax office.

Compounding the feeling of no light at the end of a very dark tunnel is that, in Italy, it is often the government that is behind in paying its debts to businessmen in desperate straits, says the New York Times:

National legislation aimed at curbing public spending has caused state and local administrations to rack up billions of dollars in outstanding bills with creditors, putting a squeeze on many small businesses.

“That is the madness of this crisis, that people kill themselves because they haven’t been paid by public institutions,” said Massimo Nardin, a spokesman for the Padua Chamber of Commerce.

Government agencies in Italy are an average of 180 days late in paying their bills.

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Photo by Valerio Pirrera

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/16/2012 6:06:18 PM
Natural Gas Fracking: The Fossil Fuel Industry's New Low

Care2 Earth Month: Back to Basics

This year, Care2 decided to expand Earth Day into Earth Month, since there is so much to explore when it comes to the environment. Every day in April, we’ll post about some of the most important topics for the environment, exploring and explaining the basics. It’s a great tool to help you get started with helping the environment — or help explain it to others. See the whole series here.

Just when we thought the fossil fuel industry had explored every last option for exploiting and polluting the planet, they surprised us with a newer, more devious practice. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial method for extracting natural gas from hard to reach fissures beneath the Earth’s surface, has emerged as the newest and most sinister threat to our health and environment.

Many have lauded the cheap price of natural gas as the answer to America’s ongoing energy problems, but few realize the price that’s paid in order to extract this energy at such a rapid pace. During the fracking process, gas companies inject fluid into the ground as a means of forcing the gas out at great speed. Fracking fluid millions of gallons of water, often from water-stressed areas, that end up in waste-water pools contaminated with oil, drilling mud, and chemicals, including benzene and other carcinogens.

In 2010, two oil field companies recently acknowledged that they are using diesel fuel in their injection fluids, prompting a U.S. House of Representatives investigation into the matter. However, there are dozens of gas companies who refuse to reveal the chemicals in their fracking fluids, saying these toxic cocktails are “proprietary information.”

That might be true if there was no chance a human being’s health would be jeopardized by this virtual inoculation practice. Sadly, this is far from true.

As Care2′s Jennifer Mueller reported, the natural gas industry uses hydraulic fracturing injection wells, also known as “fracking,” in 31 U.S. states, but only ten of these state governments have rules in place to regulate the process. As a result, millions of gallons of ground water risk contamination from fracking, yet the industry is forced to take no precautions to protect human or environmental health.

In addition to creating flammable drinking water, shale fracking operations have been linked to increased smog, asthma and pulmonary diseases, and dangerous levels of arsenic, methane, benzene and toluene.

Perhaps even more frightening than the air, water, and soil contamination, is the fact that natural gas fracking is literally causing our planet to break apart at the seams. Just recently a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research team has linked oil and natural gas drilling operations to a series of recent earthquakesfrom Alabama to the Northern Rockies.

The natural gas industry and its high-power lobbyists are doing their best to convince the public that hydraulic fracturing is safe and necessary. There’s even a pro-fracking documentary gathering funding on Kickstarter. But neither claim could be further from the truth. The facts demonstrate that fracking is an unsafe and unregulated process that puts people in direct danger of serious health problems.

Learn more about how fracking could be affecting you and the ones you love by reading all of Care2′s coverage on the topic. You can also take action to ban hydraulic fracturing in your community by signing the petition below.

Related Reading:

Shell Tries To Greenwash Fracking In South Africa

EPA Chief Tells Congress “There’s No Proof Fracking Is Dangerous”

France Becomes First Nation To Ban Fracking

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Image via ProgressOhio/Flickr

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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4/16/2012 6:18:13 PM

I'm sorry to admit that I am associated through some business with a senior manager in that awful process of Fracking.

He is very protective of the science and claims that it is the worlds need to have this method to keep industry alive.

There are always arguments on both sides but this is too much for me.

I hope that pressure from the public increases and reverses this process.


Jim Allen

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4/16/2012 6:34:49 PM
My family on my mother's side have been in the oil industry since the early days. They work in the industry are not outsiders trying to find someway to jettison us back to the dark ages. With that experience and knowledge of the industry not one says fracking is bad. This article states it but provides little proof of it claims. Which is typical.

Just like those against many of today's mainstays to our way of life, short on facts, long on suspicions. IMV

Natural Gas Fracking: The Fossil Fuel Industry's New Low

Care2 Earth Month: Back to Basics

This year, Care2 decided to expand Earth Day into Earth Month, since there is so much to explore when it comes to the environment. Every day in April, we’ll post about some of the most important topics for the environment, exploring and explaining the basics. It’s a great tool to help you get started with helping the environment — or help explain it to others. See the whole series here.

Just when we thought the fossil fuel industry had explored every last option for exploiting and polluting the planet, they surprised us with a newer, more devious practice. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a controversial method for extracting natural gas from hard to reach fissures beneath the Earth’s surface, has emerged as the newest and most sinister threat to our health and environment.

Many have lauded the cheap price of natural gas as the answer to America’s ongoing energy problems, but few realize the price that’s paid in order to extract this energy at such a rapid pace. During the fracking process, gas companies inject fluid into the ground as a means of forcing the gas out at great speed. Fracking fluid millions of gallons of water, often from water-stressed areas, that end up in waste-water pools contaminated with oil, drilling mud, and chemicals, including benzene and other carcinogens.

In 2010, two oil field companies recently acknowledged that they are using diesel fuel in their injection fluids, prompting a U.S. House of Representatives investigation into the matter. However, there are dozens of gas companies who refuse to reveal the chemicals in their fracking fluids, saying these toxic cocktails are “proprietary information.”

That might be true if there was no chance a human being’s health would be jeopardized by this virtual inoculation practice. Sadly, this is far from true.

As Care2′s Jennifer Mueller reported, the natural gas industry uses hydraulic fracturing injection wells, also known as “fracking,” in 31 U.S. states, but only ten of these state governments have rules in place to regulate the process. As a result, millions of gallons of ground water risk contamination from fracking, yet the industry is forced to take no precautions to protect human or environmental health.

In addition to creating flammable drinking water, shale fracking operations have been linked to increased smog, asthma and pulmonary diseases, and dangerous levels of arsenic, methane, benzene and toluene.

Perhaps even more frightening than the air, water, and soil contamination, is the fact that natural gas fracking is literally causing our planet to break apart at the seams. Just recently a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research team has linked oil and natural gas drilling operations to a series of recent earthquakesfrom Alabama to the Northern Rockies.

The natural gas industry and its high-power lobbyists are doing their best to convince the public that hydraulic fracturing is safe and necessary. There’s even a pro-fracking documentary gathering funding on Kickstarter. But neither claim could be further from the truth. The facts demonstrate that fracking is an unsafe and unregulated process that puts people in direct danger of serious health problems.

Learn more about how fracking could be affecting you and the ones you love by reading all of Care2′s coverage on the topic. You can also take action to ban hydraulic fracturing in your community by signing the petition below.

Related Reading:

Shell Tries To Greenwash Fracking In South Africa

EPA Chief Tells Congress “There’s No Proof Fracking Is Dangerous”

France Becomes First Nation To Ban Fracking

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Image via ProgressOhio/Flickr

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Jim Allen III
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Roger Macdivitt .

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4/16/2012 7:42:57 PM


Great to hear the other side.

Often is one.



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