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3/11/2011 3:23:57 PM

Hello Miguel,

I watched this on TV this morning and also the coverage by the Chinese Network, it was so devastating. I have been to Japan and they are so dilligent about keeping things clean. This is going to take a lot of cleanup from so much destruction.

My son and family live on West Coast USA but they should be fine, the coast line is really high where they are but they have warned people to stay out of ocean.

His wife's family live in Okinawa and they were fine but they have friends in Tokyo and they cannot get in touch with them.

I did hear they have evacuated people from surrounding area of nuclear plants as a precaution.

May we keep our Japanese friends in our prayers.


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3/11/2011 5:21:49 PM

Hello Miguel,

I watched this on TV this morning and also the coverage by the Chinese Network, it was so devastating. I have been to Japan and they are so dilligent about keeping things clean. This is going to take a lot of cleanup from so much destruction.

My son and family live on West Coast USA but they should be fine, the coast line is really high where they are but they have warned people to stay out of ocean.

His wife's family live in Okinawa and they were fine but they have friends in Tokyo and they cannot get in touch with them.

I did hear they have evacuated people from surrounding area of nuclear plants as a precaution.

May we keep our Japanese friends in our prayers.


Yes Sara, the Japanese are so used to earthquakes and tsunamis that they know exactly what to do when these earthly scourges hit their country. But going beyond these providences, the exponential growth in the frequency and the intensity of these calamities makes me think we really are in the so-called end times; not the end of the world of course, but of this age. Remember that these anomalies have their origin in the volcano activity and this in turn grows with solar activity; and that they for their part, by influencing the people behaviour, may be behind the increase in the current global unrest.

I remember a year and a half ago I mentioned in one of Bogdan's forums how worried I was about the coming calamities. At the time, someone (not Bogdan) refuted me back by saying my fears were groundless, that in fact nothing bad would be coming any longer because they had received personal assurances from a certain mysterious source (or maybe a channeler, I don't remember well). Then just two months after that, the Haiti and Chile monster earthquakes hit this part of the globe and soon afterwards the BP oil spill occurred in the Caribbean Gulf with devastating consequences for a good portion of our continent and, maybe, of our planet.

Scarcely one year after that, most people around the world now seem to have forgotten those calamities and to be oblivious of the fact that we are right in the middle of a cosmic assault of unprecedented proportions where the solar flares alone are provoking so intense a seismic activity that it is ten times as frequent and as devastating as it used to be until only a few years back.

I know I am not being too reassuring, but my point is, when the people, even those supposedly good and intelligent and cultured people, will understand that all other things in the world are unimportant in the face of this fact alone? When will we cease to behave like 'there is nothing to worry about, so let's keep dancing and having fun like nothing is happening at all'?

No pun intended, but I am afraid we need to keep
in our prayers not only the Japanese friends but all the people in the world.

Thank you,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/11/2011 5:35:54 PM
More on Japan Earthquake and Tsunami


Ship carrying 100 carried away.

NOTE: I have taken this material from Bogdan Fiedur's forum 'Interplanetary Changes will enable Resource-Based Economy'

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2011 12:31:28 AM

Boom! Sun unleashes yet another huge solar flare…

Here it is… Another blast of Solar Fun!! Get ready for exposures and an uplifting ride. Especially if you like roller coasters. At least for awhile. At least we know, as SaLuSa just said, “It is the storm before the calm…”

Boom! Sun unleashes yet another huge solar flare

By Tariq Malik Managing editor,
updated 3/10/2011 12:42:26 PM ET

The sun unleashed another major solar flare Wednesday, a solar storm so powerful it could spawn dazzling northern lights displays that could be visible even from New York City.

The solar flare erupted at 6:23 p.m. EST, letting loose a wave of charged particles that is aimed straight at Earth and should arrive in the next few days.

When it does, it could supercharge the Earth’s aurora borealis – also known as the northern lights – when the particles interact with the planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere.

“This flare could make the northern lights visible as far south as Washington state, central Idaho, northern Wyoming, the Dakotas and east to Chicago, Detroit, N.Y.C. and Boston,” explained’s skywatching columnist Joe Rao. “Of course, we have to hope that the subatomic particles emitted by the flare arrive at the Earth’s vicinity during the nighttime hours and, of course, that skies are clear!”

Predicting the effects and arrival time of solar storms is very difficult, however, so while the light storm could reach Earth Thursday night, it’s not certain it would be visible so far south. Also, bright city lights could render the sky show difficult or impossible to see.

Powerful sun storm

The mega sun storm registered as a Class X1.5 event– one of the most powerful types of flares – and erupted from a region on the sun near a sunspot called 1166.

It is the second solar flare of this magnitude to occur in the last month. A Class X2.2 storm erupted from the sun on Feb. 14 and was the most powerful solar flare in more than four years.

Space weather trackers classify solar flares in three classes: C, M and X. The weakest types of solar flares are Class C storms, with Class M tempests registering as medium strength, but still powerful, according to a NASA description. The Class X storm is the most powerful type of flare.

In addition to radiation, solar flares can kick up massive eruptions of charged particles and magnetic plasma in what scientists call a coronal mass ejection.

According to, a website that monitors space weather and skywatching events, Wednesday’s flare may only be the beginning. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting similar events for upcoming days.

“After four years without any X-flares, the sun has produced two of the powerful blasts in less than one month: Feb. 15th and March 9th,” wrote. “NOAA forecasters estimate a 5 percent chance of more X-flares during the next 24 hours.”

When aimed in Earth’s direction, strong solar flares can potentially disrupt satellites and power grids, as well as pose a hazard to astronauts on spacecraft. They can also spark dazzling shows of the northern lights.

“An X1/2B flare certainly has the potential of producing bright auroras across southern Canada and the northern United States,” Rao said.

NOAA space weather officials measure aurora activity using a scale called a planetary K-index, which rates activity levels from zero to nine. Aurora activity from this latest solar flare could reach a K-7 on that scale, Rao explained.

That suggests northern lights activity could be visible across much of Canada and the uppermost states in the United States, according to a NOAA graphic.

A more active sun

The sun has been extremely active over the last month.

In addition to the major X2.2 class flare on Feb. 14, a powerful storm on Feb. 24 unleashed what NASA scientists called a “monster prominence” – a huge tendril of magnetic plasma – from the surface of the sun.

Between Feb. 24 and Feb. 28, NASA’s twin Stereo satellites observed an intense coronal mass ejection erupted from the sun’s far side, flinging an enormous tongue of plasma out into space. That storm, however, occurred on the opposite side of the sun from Earth, so it posed no threat to satellites, spacecraft, communications and power grids or other terrestrial infrastructure.

Another major storm erupted on March 7 from the region near a sunspot called 1164. That solar eruption kicked up material at a super-fast rate. The plasma wave was measured at a speed of about 1,367 miles per second – about 4.9 million mph – making it the fastest coronal mass ejection seen since 2005, according to

NOAA officials said the charged particles from that sun storm event should be reached Earth by Thursday.

The sun is currently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. The current sun weather cycle is known as Solar Cycle 24.

You can follow Managing Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter@tariqjmalik.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/12/2011 12:34:53 AM

We Are in the Times of the Tsunamis…

Currently I sit watching the news as potential tsunami waves head our way. These are the result of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake off the north coast of Japan. This is a physical tsunami (CNN News article).

However, it has been quite clear from a number of sources, that we are in the midst of a series of tsunamis that are occurring all over the world. These tsunamis are of different forms.

  • The tsunami of popular uprising in the United States, against those who are trying to take away peoples rights as citizens and workers.
  • The tsunami of revolution occurring in North Africa and the Middle East.
  • The tsunami of Solar Energy arriving daily from the sun.
  • The tsunami of Cosmic Energy arriving each moment upon this planet.

When a tsunami wave strikes the shore and flows along the surface, anything that is not firmly attached to the Earth will be lifted by the water and carried off. Also there are many things below the surface that are uprooted and revealed. Such is identical to what is happening here, now. The dark is being lifted up, or uprooted, so all may see it. It is being carried away.

The dark ones, because of the Grand Tsunami of Light coming in now, are exposing themselves in various ways for what they really are. In fact, it is almost effortless for all of us Lightworkers. These dark ones are coming out with their books, talking about their misdeeds, on television, or radio, pulling blatantly illegal political stunts to try to get their way, and making it clear that they are working not for the people, but rather the corporation. What a show.

As mentioned three posts ago (From this point on…),

“Cosmic Higher Influx Energies… are with us in an “exponentially” increasing way that encourages and supports and REQUIRES our Light Seed input in an Individualistic way…

“Flows have visibly significantly altered…, relieving releasing old pressures, old timelines FOREVER, and significant shift for the ages is announced… a splendid confirmation of the shifts are here and Gaia will never be the same and we are on the tip of the first grand roller coaster hill.

“Next month, after further steps of Light have been ascended, the so called downhill ride for the Light Team, begins.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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