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2/2/2011 4:59:18 PM
Since the end times are specifically addressed by it, I am posting SaLuSa's latest, 2-February-2011 message also on this thread.

SaLuSa 2-February-2011

The stirring in people’s consciousness is speeding up the awakening process, and it is helping to focus their minds on a solution to the problems of the world. You will already have noticed that corruption is beginning to be rooted out, and honesty in all dealings is being sought. It is all part of the new energies that are pressing to be manifested, that have been building up for a long time. Progress and change cannot be prevented even if they can be delayed, and the Divine Plan is assisted by Great Beings who are directing events. Their powerful energies are affecting the whole Earth, and there is no place for the lower vibrations to hide. They will be transmuted and in so doing the dark Ones are rapidly losing their control over you. They are confused and in panic as what they have worked for brought them in sight of victory, but has crumbled and is falling apart. Even so, they cling forlornly to the hope that something may happen to restore their power, but we can assure them that it is no longer possible. Their days are up and they are destined to complete failure.

The people will pick up the pieces but not to restore them, but to confine them to history where they now belong. Changes such as you are experiencing are inevitably going to test your resolve, but with a glorious future ahead it becomes much easier to last the full course. Our coming is still to be a pivotal point in the near future, and the pressure is increasing almost by the day for disclosure to come out. You will find that it is happening now, but not in the way that will be announced to all countries. However, once it is you will learn that every country has been contacted by Space Beings over the last century, and quite often in recent times. All will agree that our approach has been one of peaceful intentions, and we have made clear that the end times have to be prepared for and that we will not wait much longer. The war machine is one of the first groups that will need to be disabled, so that we can work safely with you. Our craft have been fired upon and chased through your skies, although that is in fact pointless as we have a far superior technology to avoid their attention.

We have also in recent times prevented the weaponisation of Space, and have previously warned the Big Powers that we would not allow it to happen. Time and time again our advice has been ignored, but it makes no difference. We have shown what we can do without involving any kind of confrontation, and we have easily stopped attempts to provoke another world war. It is now time for wars to cease and the energies put to better use, to bring peace and happiness to the people. The tiredness at repeatedly being placed in states of fear is evident, and if your governments do not respond soon then we shall. Our plan is to immediately lay down the foundations for peace, and the redeployment of forces of war and their removal from foreign countries. Freedom is to return in such a way that many laws intended to control you will be repealed. Treated fairly and with compassion we know that you will reach a new level of respect for others, and crimes against each other will drop quite dramatically. In an atmosphere of trust and a bright future to look forward to, people will live their lives more fully and open their hearts to each other.

We have often spoken of living to your highest ability in anticipation of ever increasing levels of awareness. See in others their potential to lift up into the higher vibrations, as the same opportunity exists for each soul. Encourage others to open their eyes to what is happening, and assure them that a wonderful future will arise out of all the changes. It is not about any particular religion but it is about God, the One God that is known by many names yet is the same to all people who are birthed in his/her image. It is Man who has distorted such an image by attributing human traits to God, instead of understanding that every soul is a part of God with the ability to express pure love. Look inside to see if you are aware of your divinity, and if so lead your life as one who is awakened. Treat all souls as reflections of each other when it comes to seeing the Light that they carry. Focus on their good points and drop the habit of being judgmental, as it is not given to any other individual to know the facts of their life. Each of you has your own life plan and it is quite unique, and is especially for you and your evolution.

There is so much lined up that is at breaking point, and we are pressing for progress to speed up. We feel the time is right to now move forward, and we urge our allies to be ever aware of opportunities when they present themselves. Do not allow circumstances to pull you down, and see every change as a prelude to much greater happenings that will bring you much happiness. Every step of the way will lead to fulfilment of your spiritual quest, and you will leave duality a much more experienced soul than when you first came into it. That is indeed the object of all the lives you have had, which have been planned with your objective in mind. Regardless of what you have done with your various lives, there is not a single soul that will not have benefited from their experiences.

Remember also Dear Ones, that the babes in arms are nevertheless old souls who have their reasons for incarnating at this time. Perhaps they are renewing links with those they have known previously, or simply desirous of being part of Ascension with Mother Earth. They will have already decided what they want to do in the future, and it is most likely they are already well advanced spiritually. Look into their eyes and it will tell you a lot about them, realise that they understand far more than you probably give them credit for. It is being realised that recent generations have been attracted to Earth not only because of Ascension, but because they have something to offer mankind beyond what would normally be expected of young persons. Listen carefully as many have much wisdom to impart.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I know that the Light is ever increasing upon Earth, which is a very good sign of the progress being made. Out of the darkness a grand Light beams out and reaches all around the Earth, moving into those areas of turmoil and bringing a more peaceful energy. Shine yours to wherever there is unrest and it will help bring in peaceful vibrations.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

2/2/2011 5:53:20 PM

Midwest buckles under storm, calls it a snow day

Monster blizzard paralyzes much of U.S.

The storm dumps up to 17 inches of snow and forces states to adopt extreme measures.

Dear Friend, I can attest to the coldness in Kansas!! So far we did not lose our internet but it is very cold. It was 0 degrees this morning. We had blowing snow yesterday and got up to about 16". We are under wind advisory until Thursday with a low tonight of -10. Even today with the sun shining the wind chill factor is -10.

Not spending much time at this pc as it is located on North East corner of room!!

It is warm in Lima?? Wish I was there. :-))



Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2011 12:30:02 AM

Dear Friend, I can attest to the coldness in Kansas!! So far we did not lose our internet but it is very cold. It was 0 degrees this morning. We had blowing snow yesterday and got up to about 16". We are under wind advisory until Thursday with a low tonight of -10. Even today with the sun shining the wind chill factor is -10.

Not spending much time at this pc as it is located on North East corner of room!!

It is warm in Lima?? Wish I was there. :-))



Dear Sara,

We are now having in Lima the hottest summer, yet some days it is being windy with the sky covered with dense, dark clouds; all this caused by "La Niña" this year. However, there is no rain to dissipate the accumulated tension. We have never had a rain worth the name here.

Love too,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/5/2011 4:00:57 PM
Since his messages keep showing traits specific of the end times, I will again post SaLuSa's latest (this time as of 2-February-2011) here on this thread as well.

SaLuSa 4-February-2011

Things are hotting up and there is a movement amongst people all across the world that is pushing them towards a new age. There are changes coming as a result and it is setting the scene for major changes, in line with the promises made to you. So although it is not apparent exactly where it is all leading, you will eventually see that the people are getting attention and their demands being met. It proves that people power is real, and that when sufficient people direct their energies in unison and for the same purpose, it brings results. Also as the levels of consciousness increase, more people are awakening to the truth of their reality. The chains of slavery are beginning to fall away, and suddenly there is an air of expectation that Man will once more become free. It is creating a focus for release from the dark Ones, and soon you will see events that clearly show that their time is coming to an end.

Most of the changes involve quite complicated plans, and include the cooperation of our allies. We will succeed because we have already made great progress, particularly where financial changes are concerned. However, it must take place with absolute precision to avoid causing hardship, and we do not expect much difficulty in getting world-wide support. Once the changes are achieved there will be a prompt return to normality, but with a system that works in everyone’s interest. Hitherto, the money markets were monopolized by the few and used to keep the people in debt, and that will all change.

We are paying great attention to the Middle East which is a model for what might happen to other countries. It has been a hotbed of confrontation for hundreds of years, and sought after for its wealth. Many countries have histories of being occupied by foreign troops, and once we can come into the open we shall assist in returning them to their native population. People must be freed of oppression and allowed to express themselves without interference, even if their ways appear alien to how others live. Respecting such sovereignty has been sadly lacking but as soon as it is accepted that You Are All One, things will be seen from a higher perspective. In previous lives your placement in different cultures and countries has been made for your advancement through selected experiences. It is therefore important that you are given absolute freedom to follow your desires. That is of course providing you do not hurt or interfere with another person in the process.

Life may seem very chaotic, but it provides what you attract to yourselves which is necessary for your advancement. The challenges often come thick and fast and if you successfully overcome them, life eventually evens out and settles down. This is more likely to happen when you enter the last stages of your life. However, you do not all undertake the same degree of testing, but whatever you do it will be within your capability to be successful. Sometimes you will get lucky but all experiences are intentional and karma can be viewed as either negative or positive. There is a misconception sometimes that it is a form of punishment, and that is far from the truth. You elect to have certain experiences that enable you to overcome your weaknesses. It is quite amazing to consider that so many people are involved in each of your lives, yet they intertwine and cross paths as planned. You all learn from each other, and none more so than the dark Ones.

Those of you who feel settled in your lives are most likely far along the path to Ascension. To all intent and purposes your life plan has been completed, and you will spend the last period tidying up and concentrating on your goal. You have the ability to help others along, and in the midst of turmoil can be a steadying influence. Certainly in some areas where they catch the main thrust of Mother Earth’s changes, we are allowed to lessen any affects. This will apply more so when we have made contact with you, and we can work together. There will be much earth surface work to do, and this is where you can be of great help. The seas and skies are more our domain, and in fact we already do quite a lot of cleaning up.

We note that already there is much more compassion being shown to your animal world, and there are some wonderful groups doing excellent work. Animals will often move out of danger areas well before they are threatened, so Man is well advised to observe unusual movement patterns. You may be surprised to learn that animals are moved around between planets, and also kept on board our Mothercraft where we have created ideal conditions for them. Such craft are so large that they are in fact the cities of the skies, and you would hardly realize that you were on one. They are so complete and with technologies that supply all of our needs, so that we can travel for several years and be self-supporting.

If you are ambitious to be a Space Traveler, you will be able to do so once you have reached a certain spiritual level such as the state of Ascension. In a short time your consciousness is going to grow quite rapidly, and it will be due to the uplifting energies reaching your Planet. Make friends with your ego and you will find life becoming easier, and you will become more in harmony with all other life. Ego tends to boss you around, and keep you to the old paradigm that will have no place in the future. You can change your approach to life if you wish, by doing your best as you would imagine an Ascended Being to be. Set your sights high and do not worry if at first you seem unsuccessful. With a strong intent to do well you will be helped, and by that same intent attract it to you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and tell you that we monitor all of your news, and we are well aware from one minute to the next as to what is going on. Better still we also know what is in the minds of the dark Ones, and they cannot fool us as hard as they try. As we have now told you on several occasions their time is up, and they will have less and less affect on us. Even now their activities are being curtailed and we do that with full authority. We have the greatest authority one could work with, and that is your assurance of success. The Divine Plan is the key to it, and has mapped out your whole journey.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2011 10:57:22 AM

Multiple Quakes on one Day (2-21-11)!!

New Zealand Quake Fractures Country’s Largest Glacier

February 22, 2011
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (AP) – The earthquake that struck Christchurch has caused some 30 million tons of ice to break off from New Zealand’s biggest glacier. Tour guides at the Tasman Glacier in the Southern Alps say the quake caused the ice to “calve” from the glacier, forming icebergs in the terminal lake. Tourists of Glacier Explorer boats say the icefall caused waves of up to 3.5 meters in height which swept up and down the lake for 30 minutes.The glacier is about 120 miles (200 kilometers) from Christchurch on the west coast. -AP/Dynamic

Dense Band of Seismic Waves Registering on Global Seismographs

February 22, 2011 – There is a dense band of seismic waves still registering in the telemetry data on the world’s seismometers. We believe tectonic plates are still inordinately stressed by the series of disturbances which began 48 hours ago. It is our assessment that more quakes and unrest can be expected. Seismically stressed regions included the South Pacific and Kermandec and Tonga volcanic arc, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, the Philippines, South America, the Yucatan and Central America, Eastern China, and the Caribbean.
Colombia rattled by 4.5 magnitude quake
February 22, 2011 – COLOMBIA - An earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale hit Colombia early Monday, originating about ten miles outside of the town of Sipi in the northwest department of Choco, W Radio reported Monday. The seismic activity began about 42 miles below the earth’s surface. Colombia is almost continuously hit by tremors, with about five earthquakes of 2.5 magnitude occurring every day, according to the director of the Institute of Geology and Mining Marta Calvache. -Colombia Reports

6.3 quake strikes South Island of New Zealand

6.3 quake strike South Island of New Zealand- RAW FEED – 1.23pm: Christchurch -NBR reporter Chris Hutching reports from the central “The roads are running with water. It’s like rivers everywhere. Fill of grey liquifaction silt. The shakes are happening every minutes. There are constant aftershocks.”"When the first earthquake happened there was a bit of liquifaction on my front lawn. When I came home today water had erupted in seven places. It was gushing out of my front lawn like a river. My front lawn is covered in two feet of grey liquifaction silt. “My chimney survived the first quake. It’s buggered now. Most of it’s gone.” “All the power’s off.” People are being evacuated from the city centre, Mr Hutching said. Cracks have appeared in the ground a foot wide and eight feet deep. “People are distressed. People are running everywhere. Some of them are weeping. This is like something you could never imagine”. “The main access roads are still all full of water. “Cars are driving through like it’s a flood area. All of this water has been pushed out of the ground. It’s just incredible.” -NBR
A strong earthquake killed at least 65 people in New Zealand’s second-biggest city of Christchurch on Tuesday, with more casualties expected as rescuers worked into the night to find scores of people trapped inside collapsed buildings.

High tide destroys 400 homes along coast of Angola

February 21, 2011 – ANGOLA, Luanda - At least 400 houses were destroyed on Saturday by high tide in Kilombo ward in Luanda island. Angop (AGENCIA ANGOLA PRESS) advised that waves which reached in excess of two metres ( 7 feet) were recorded in the region, and swept onto shores far beyond the norm, destroying over 400 homes. According to the spokesman of the National Civil Protection in Luanda the ‘rogue’ waves may have been caused by undersea tremors, though no evidence of that was recorded seismologically. -Angencia Angola Press

Tectonic plate agitation ripple across global seismographs

February 21, 2011 – CHILE - Increased tectonic plate agitation has shown up as a dense band of waves across most of the world’s seismometers. It could be another major quake precusor. Of particular concern is the pressure exerted on the Nazca plate by this latest episode. The citizens of South America should stay alert for any potential seismic episode. This may be just a realignment or it could be a sign of mounting stress- so it’s no prediction. Ironically, Chile is off-line according to the USGS but here are seismographs for Brazil (left) and Venezuela (right) below:

Egypt Earthquake

February 21, 2011 – EGYPT – An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale shook up residents at the entrance to the Suez Canal early Monday morning. The National Institute for Astronomical and Geophysical Research reported that tremors from the 3 a.m. quake lasted for 27 minutes, but caused no damage. -Israel National News

Massive swarm of tremors rattle Iceland along the MAR

February 21, 2011 – ICELAND - The event that has rattled tectonic plates across the planet in the latest global seismic reading of the 22:00 -23:00 GMT event continues to result from the on-going divergent dynamism between the North American and Eurasian plate. Now we can see the violent force of this dynamism in play along the massive Mid Atlantic Ridge that runs through the country of Iceland. A massive swarm of at least 60 tremors have shaken the region mostly along the Reykjanes peninsula within the span of four hours.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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