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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/28/2010 2:43:36 PM

Hi Roger,

Okay, I give up. This is for the Admins, or whoever thought that it would be cute, or a great idea, to destroy the enjoyment of this Community for me, and for anyone else not interested in being bombarded with ADS, by blocking access to the Profiles and the Forums everytime one visits, with a constant PopUp Advertisement. I guess my About Me isn't clear enough when I say in part...

"Quite simply, I'm just not looking for that next great deal, that next great money-maker, or that newest and greatest Program any longer."

Can I get rid of the annoying Pop-Up that attacks me every time I try to visit a Profile or to make a post into a Forum, either by Blocking it or destroying it, or whatever it takes. I love Adland just like a second home, and I'll miss my Friends terribly if I have to leave, but either it's going to have to go, or I will. It's just not worth the harrassment. I realize the bottom line is that you're in this to make money, but this is just too much for me. Can you help?

Have A Lovely Day,


Hello Phil and Patricia,

I can understand your frustration, but you might be not realizing that this business in order to operate, has to collect income. Companies like facebook and several others, are owned by secret establishments and they can go for ever without income. e.g. Twitter doesn't sell any obvious advertising and is in business for at least 4 years. Google was able to compete with Microsoft and Yahoo for 5 years without any obvious income before it went public. Unfortunately or fortunately to you and me our business is not owned by those secret establishments and we have to produce income each month to be in business and provide this service.

The pop-up is for a new product which if promoted can help us and yourself with producing income during bad economy period.

If you want to get rid of this pop-up, there are two ways to do it. Use link within pop-up and sign-up for it. There are there free and paid options.

You can choose free one, or paid one if you want to help us during slow economy.
Even if you use free one and actually use the idea you are helping us and yourself as you can earn income which we split between you and us.


Phillip Black

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/28/2010 4:50:12 PM

Hello Bogdan & Admins.,

As I said,

"I realize the bottom line is that you're in this to make money,"

I realize that I should have said, the only reason is to make money, just like everyone else, however, I totally understand what you're saying, and I do not blame you. Actually, I appreciate your honesty.

Thanks for your suggestions. I will try to sign up under the free option, and if that stops the annoying atempts to sell me something that I really don't need, and have absolutely no use for, then I will appreciate it. Otherwise, I guess I can always exercise my third option and that would be to say, "Goodbye, it's been grand."

Thanks Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/28/2010 5:05:33 PM

Hello Phil and Patricia,

I can understand your frustration, but you might be not realizing that this business in order to operate, has to collect income. Companies like facebook and several others, are owned by secret establishments and they can go for ever without income. e.g. Twitter doesn't sell any obvious advertising and is in business for at least 4 years. Google was able to compete with Microsoft and Yahoo for 5 years without any obvious income before it went public. Unfortunately or fortunately to you and me our business is not owned by those secret establishments and we have to produce income each month to be in business and provide this service.

The pop-up is for a new product which if promoted can help us and yourself with producing income during bad economy period.

If you want to get rid of this pop-up, there are two ways to do it. Use link within pop-up and sign-up for it. There are there free and paid options.

You can choose free one, or paid one if you want to help us during slow economy.
Even if you use free one and actually use the idea you are helping us and yourself as you can earn income which we split between you and us.


BOGDAN!!! Thank you! I keep clicking on the ad but thought it was going to cost me $34.95 a mo. which I knew I could not afford. I followed your advice above and signed up for free at 20% of sales. The popup is GONE!

Here is the link to my page, well ad - Top Networking



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/28/2010 5:41:56 PM


Thank you so very much for explaining the Pop up.


Phillip Black

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/28/2010 5:56:54 PM

Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your suggestion. Signed up under the free option at 20% Income, and the PopUp seems to have disappeared.

By the way, Facebook has never really been a viable option with me, not because of any "Secret Societies" or other conspiracy rubbish, but simply because I don't care for their Politics. Never cared much for the Hammer & Sickle, and I don't look good in Red, or now would that be "Pink". Just signed up over there because of "Friends", not just from Adland, but from elsewhere as well, who insist on going over there so they can play a bunch of silly Games & such. Of course, I don't have time for "Games", but that's the only place I can connect with some of my friends.

Thanks Again,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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