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Glen Palo

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/14/2011 12:56:18 AM
As no one is talking right now, one might say I have the

I have changed direction in what I do and the more I learn the more I realize that my best gift is to pass on information, to blog, to learn a lot more about social media and to create my own business ( getting there ^=^)

Turning you back to the regular scheduled now have the floor

Great post Diane!

I have told my kids to do what they have a passion for. They will have a better chance of success.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Barry Scott

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/14/2011 7:07:36 PM
So far the discussion has been good, although mostly on a conceptual level. So I thought I would throw this out for discussion.


I nominate XYZ Company as the best company/business opportunity.

I chose XYZ Company for the following reasons:

STABILITY - XYZ Company has been in business for 25 years, control their own manufacturing processes and has the ability to quickly add new products if research warrants it. Stability is essential because, based on U.S. Small Business Administration studies, seven out of ten new businesses survive at least two years and about half survive five years. Therefore, to increase success rates for the long term, a business should have stability.

INTEGRITY - XYZ Company has integrity. Integrity is an essential factor because integrity directly impacts company stability. Specifically, the President is an industry recognized leader and the company has industry leaders on staff as product consultants and marketing trainers,

QUALITY PRODUCTS - XYZ Company has quality products. Without top quality products and/or services, the long-term survival of a company is at risk and so is your long-term income. You want people willing to buy your products whether they are part of the business or not. And you want a consumable product line that people can reorder on a periodic basis. XYZ Company products include stuff people use every day so there is no need for behavioral modification (buy online). The products are high quality, different and they WORK.

PRODUCTS ENDORSED AND USED ROUTINELY BY PROFESSIONALS - XYZ Company products are used by professionals such as doctors, dentists and veterinarians. There is no higher endorsement for your product line than having professionals use and endorse your products. After all, their professional reputation and integrity are at stake.

PUBLIC AND MEDIA RECOGNITION - XYZ Company is recognized in the industry and by the public which reflects the integrity of the company and it’s leaders. Public and media recognition is an important factor because it reflects the public acceptance of the company and products.

MARKETING SYSTEM - XYZ Company has a complete marketing system which is essential to long-term success and profitability. By complete, I mean a marketing system that covers all marketing channels, on or off-line which will enable a team member to use his personal strengths. XYZ Company marketing system is Turn-Key (no technical knowledge needed) and
Low cost
Pays you!
Proven contact information and closing system
Proven customer gathering system
Unique & Proven lead capture pages
Contact management
Proven Autoresponder series
Call center
Lead Generation
Multi-customized marketing sites
Video training
PreRecorded info lines
PreRecorded training lines
Printed Media (postcards, flyers)
Customizable PDF documents
Conference calls
Company experts available by phone or email

COMPENSATION - XYZ Company has a compensation plan designed to achieve long-term success and profitability. It is not be overly complicated and difficult to explain. The compensation plan has “up front” money built into it to enable new team members to create income from the start. The compensation plan includesp pay up front (fast start, leadership, car bonuses, etc.) , long term residual, a unilevel system for maximum income (pays on different levels) and a mid-range auto-ship cost (not too high… not too low).

These are the factors I used to join XYZ Company.

Hello Glen,

This is very good and is what I was hoping to comeback to.

Sorry I have been away, car door attacked me while I was riding my bike, nothing to serious neck and back hurt but I am back and getting better!

What I am going tom do is work on this and then tomorrow morning post the entire rules section, eligibilty, requirements etc... Based on what all of the productive feedback all the members who have provided to me in this forum.

Once it's posted, if I can get your feedback I will tweak the rules where necessary and I would like to have this Top Programs Forum up and running early next week.

Everyone has made excellent suggestions and I am sure you will all see some or all of your suggestions implemented in some way or another in this new forum. Please talke a look tomorrow and don't hesitate to throw suggestions at me.






RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/14/2011 8:53:22 PM

Truth to be told, MLM isn´t the best design or model.The best programs I am involved in includes some kind of product or SERVICE where you can purchase units or shares and where you more can get bonuses in affiliate commissions.Those aren´t some kind of ridicoulus "money games" but real business opportunities where I absolutely can get in profit and where I can earn real profit.The best of them is super and right now I am doing real fine in it, not to mention here, but another time:)

As no one is talking right now, one might say I have the

I could say this in a blog post and maybe that would be the wisest course, but the fact is people do read these threads so I am making an executive decision about where I write today.

This particular thread has been about a few things from friendship, to getting people involved or I should say more involved with Adland and lately about an idea that was put forward about helping people find businesses that are working, that are ethical and have been proven.

The fact is regardless of why any person is on Adland, whether it be social or advertising, we are indeed being social in the context of talking about what we feel or how we think about any topic, in this case business.

The reason that I feel that creating a way for people to find good and ethical businesses is because of what I experienced when I first came on line to find a way to make money from at home businesses and all the other keywords one can think of when people are searching for ways to make money.

Like many people I did not know my ass from a hole in the ground...(oops should I have said that? well I did and it is the truth.) when it came to creating that secret wealth on line and I know many who are still in that boat today.

When I came to Adland, it was like a mecca to be honest, it was busy and so many people who were inviting and helpful and I got caught up in the excitement and the pull to wanting to know more and to actually make money.

Anytime a person said, join this or join that, I jumped in with both feet, not my brain mind you, but with both feet and I sunk to the bottom...glugg glugg glugg.

There were a few new programs going around at that time, all of them were MLM's and yep you had to pay. I was never told anything will make money, find a couple of people to join in and wow You will be set for really? Well I did and yep I paid and yep I got a few people to join..never having sold anything, I had no concept of what to do, but like a good little puppy who believed, I spent money hand over fist and I sunk...glugg glugg glugg

why am I saying any of this. simple. I know for a fact there are many business models and many businesses where a person can make a decent living. I also know that not all businesses are for everyone, there is no such thing as one size fits all.

By creating a business list and yes it will change according to trends, interests and ya even where you are at in your life, where you can see what is working and yes not working, then you wont have to sink to the bottom and go glugg glugg glugg!

If you are on Adland for the business end of the community and especially if you are NEW to wanting to make that living then heed these words... Learn everything that you need to know to become good at whatever you do!

Ask questions, do your homework, find people who you can trust who will teach you the ropes and when you see any business on any list, don't just take it all as gospel, but ask your own questions and keep asking until you are satisfied.

For myself, times have changed and instead of thinking with my feet, I decided to grow a

I have changed direction in what I do and the more I learn the more I realize that my best gift is to pass on information, to blog, to learn a lot more about social media and to create my own business ( getting there ^=^)

Turning you back to the regular scheduled now have the floor

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Glen Palo

116 Posts
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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/14/2011 11:12:36 PM

Hello Glen,

This is very good and is what I was hoping to comeback to.

Sorry I have been away, car door attacked me while I was riding my bike, nothing to serious neck and back hurt but I am back and getting better!

What I am going tom do is work on this and then tomorrow morning post the entire rules section, eligibilty, requirements etc... Based on what all of the productive feedback all the members who have provided to me in this forum.

Once it's posted, if I can get your feedback I will tweak the rules where necessary and I would like to have this Top Programs Forum up and running early next week.

Everyone has made excellent suggestions and I am sure you will all see some or all of your suggestions implemented in some way or another in this new forum. Please talke a look tomorrow and don't hesitate to throw suggestions at me.



Take care of yourself and your neck and back.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Did you see this awesome online system? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Jim Allen

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/15/2011 3:49:56 AM
Back to the old tried and true basics, Kathleen.

When I first came online 12 years ago I was a successful outside salesman tired of the road. One of my first experiences was the dreaded "MLM" with a new and unusual product that was ahead of its time. VoIP was in its infancy, and I was hooked on the concept. But, I had a terrible sponsor, that loaded the deck with the dead weight of family members that weren't even involved in the opportunity but were placeholders, looking for the free ride. This became old soon.

Then someone told me I had to build a list, so I built and bought leads to do so. I had a 50,000 person list one that size back then, put me in the black. But my AR provider got slammed for spam and lost it all. Now I export all my leads to a .csv file type lesson learned.

Coming from a sell it or go home offline mentality and work history I was quite aggressive.

Maybe I still am, but, Frank Kern just came back to the online world selling "Old School Direct Selling Strategies and Methodology, can you Believe It? I just left one of his recent conferences and this is what he selling now.

Would you believe that in the early days I was told by my sponsors and trainers that my old school methods won't work online?

Me neither but that is what I was told. So I spent the next few years trying the SEO, PPC, and Adwords strategy none of which supplied me a profit to support myself on, much less my family. Was this time wasted? Not really, it was disappointing for sure but not wasted. I learned enough to tweak my web pages and started building my lists.

Now Frank Kern, comes out and says the methods and strategy I spent years learning to be successful offline needs to be brought online! His latest training is $997 USD Damn!

You don't have to spend that kind of money to get that information, it is available practically FREE if you know how to research your market, know what they are buying and what their hot buttons are.

But people are lazy and will give Frank $997 USD to teach them 100 year old marketing strategy and techniques. Hmmm has the Internet become too competitive? It must have folks are going to their local markets offline! and bringing those folks back online. This is something I am learning now and putting into practice.

Interesting to say the least. But the fact is you have to know what the customer wants and needs before you can sell them something. FACT

I have sold, floors, doors, windows, air and water. All in the clients home. But I did my prep work, I knew what type of neighborhood it was. Blue collar, middle class was always the easiest to sell to. Why? Because I am a blue collar, middle class type of guy.

I did a very thorough inspection, answered their questions along the way. All the time I was probing them and asking questions myself. Loading up on ammunition for the close.

I commented on their furnishings, pictures on the wall, the boat in the garage anything to break the ice. Found what they were emotional about, became their knowledgeable friend and sat down at the kitchen table. Asked for a glass of water and that the husband and wife sit with me while I shared the results of my inspection, etc. I am going to stop here as this is the start of a valuable e-book already.

I guess my point is the business is important but people do business with people they Know, Like and Trust.

Learn how to be that person and you will do well. I promise. If you need help pay attention here, in the new forum Barry is setting up and in my own forums here on Adland. Listen to Diane, Glen, Kathleen and Mattias, oops and me too. You will learn something valuable I am sure of it.


Hi Diane,

Most people are looking for additional income, so talking about the income will get their attention. Also, most people don't want to pay for an autoshipment of products or have real products piling up in their house, so digital products are usually more popular in MLMs. Lots of people also may not have an interest in the products, they may be more interested in the income plan, it depends. The most-sold and most-promoted digital products are about marketing and how to earn online, especially those written by successful high-earning marketers, so those may be of more interest to newbies because lots of experienced marketers already do things their own way and gather advice along the way, and have watched the successful rich people BECOME successful and rich over the last few years and basically have some understanding of whatever they write and sell. It depends on the customer. I've watched and listened to some marketing videos and taken notes, and purchased real books and bookmarked pages, basically it's all about saturating the internet or all forms of media with advertising and being unique, and becoming expert at something, whether it's writing articles or gaining a large following. I haven't seen any digital products that say anything much different than that...reach the largest audience, and stay in contact with our referrals, and be consistent with promotions, and I learned this in mail order that a lot of internet marketers don't do...always put part of the income into higher amounts of advertising, and make backend offers. Great backend online offers include sharing our advertising sources with our downline so they'll get more business and if they upgrade in those also, it keeps our advertising self-funded. People forget that ad sources ARE ALSO sellable services, and there are tons of ad sources out there that also have MLM structures, so pulling our MLM groups into our ad sources that also pay in an MLM way is a fantastic multi-stream income decision, especially if the downliners also do that.

As far as real-life products, the question is...would someone buy it in the real world if it wasn't attached to a money-making business? Is it something that people want and need and would buy on a regular basis?

Online marketers do a lot of ad-saturation, and newbies approach their relatives and real-life friends or co-workers. I told someone a couple years ago to get online and get name-recognition in networks, but she didn't do it, she kept trying to sell vitamins to everyone in the real world. It only takes a few months of consistent advertising and networking online to gain name-recognition, if people put their name at the end of their ads, and maybe with their photo, that makes a huge difference in response rates over anonymous advertising.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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