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Ken Wolff

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/3/2010 5:20:27 AM

Thank Barry.

And thank you to every body on AdLandPro. Here it is August 2nd and I just discovered this honor. I am very humbled to say the least. I used to be very active here and recognize AdLandPro as a wonderful community of like minded entrepreneurs. I know that some of you who are like me are active in a number of other forums. I will be honest with you. I did experience some problems here and downgraded my level of membership and activity. This honor in my absence is something I have not seen before. All of the recipients of this award have been right on top of things in responding to all of the congratulations. I apologize for not being there when I should have been.

However, please allow me to say that I am happy to receive this award for my participation in the past and more importantly for my future contributions to this community. In my absence I have learned a lot that I am sure you will all be interested in. No...not now....a little at a time, as I work my way back into being an active member here and show that I am deserving of this award....or not.

Warm regards.

Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/3/2010 5:24:58 AM
Thank you Roger!

I will of course accept your invitation to be friends. I am so sorry that it took me this long to notice your message. I like the links in your signature. I can tell we are on the same path.

See you at the top my friend,

Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/3/2010 6:01:27 AM
Hi Arve,

I could give you all kinds of excuses as to why I did not respond to your congratulations. I am not going to do that. I do want to say thank you for your creative message. I would respond with some kind of graphic myself but lost all of my resources in another computer crash. I will get up to speed soon.

Sorry that I missed my week of fame but am enjoying all of the messages late as it is.

Ken Wolff

PS I am at a Global Shaklee Convention in Anaheim and will get to all of the messages slowly over the next week.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/3/2010 6:04:47 PM
We Are At The Shaklee Global Convention in Anaheim, CA USAThank you John,

Responding to all of the wonderful messages is going to be a bit of hit and miss as we will be in and out of Internet Service areas. I do so much appreciate your recognition of this great honor POTW. I can not imagine how I deserved it but will work hard to earn the respect that the award represents.

Have a wonderful day,

Ken Wolff

Elaine and I are visiting our Resorts of Distinction home base in Lytle Creek, California USA today. Pre-Shaklee Global Convention in Anaheim

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/3/2010 10:02:23 PM
Thank You Chris!
I may be a couple of weeks late in responding but no less heart felt thank you to you for your recognition of this great honor!
Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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