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Jim Allen

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
7/20/2010 2:58:28 AM

Hey Ken Congrats! Hope you enjoy your week!



Ken Wolff

My name is Ken Wolff. I have been an instructor most of my life. It started back when I was a child taking swimming lessons in Coquille, OR. I was not very good at swimming. I remember getting a lot of water up my nose and the chlorine burned my eyes. I was sort of a slow learner, but I was determined and stuck with it.

After a few years, I learned enough to become an instructor. After becoming an instructor I became a much better swimmer. I instructed swimming lessons through high school and college. In school I really was not a very good student. I would say that I was a slow learner. I had to spend twice as much time studying as the other kids to do half as well. Actually in high school I was more interested in playing. I did get in to sports so I studied just enough to stay eligible. I did much better at the University, actually graduating with high honors. I took a lot of PE classes to keep my GPA up there.

After graduating from Cal State University, Fresno, I spent a few years as an executive in a national youth organization. I was instructing adult volunteers in how to develop character in young kids. I enjoyed instructing so much that I entered a credential program and taught school for a while. I even became the coach of a girls basketball team. As much as I enjoyed teaching and coaching, I soon discovered that the classroom was too confining. What is more, is the amount of time that it took outside of class preparing lessons and grading papers.

No, teaching in a school was not for me. I needed to be free, to plan my own schedule and go where I wanted to go when I wanted to go there. I became a truck driver and found that I liked being able to go somewhere different every day. I really enjoyed the interaction with people. The pay was pretty good. I had a lot more time not being an executive or a teacher. My teaching was not over yet though. I joined the National Ski Patrol. In order to become a patroller, I had to take an Outdoor Emergency Care class.

Again I found that I was not a very good student. I had to study twice as hard to learn half as much. I actually failed the practical final, but I did not give up. I was persistent. I finally passed and took every opportunity to improve my skills. I became an Instructor of the Outdoor Emergency Care class. As the years have gone by I have taught a lot of ski patrollers to become instructors themselves.

Now, what does all this have to do with doing business on the Internet. I will tell you. I decided a few years back to start my own business. I had been a distributor in my parents business for years but had really not taken it very seriously. It was only when I saw their business going under as they got older that I decided that it was time for me to step up to the plate. I took every opportunity for training and did all the things that I was taught. However, progress was very slow. What it really was is that I was not very good at the business.

I really wanted to get good at this home based business thing. So I looked back on my life. The things that I did best in, I actually taught to others before I became good at them. Now I have looked long and hard at this business. I found that a lot of what I learned was not working for me. But I finally discovered a new approach that is already working better than what I was doing before. It is doing business on the Internet.

I know there are a lot of people out there that know a lot more than I do about it, but I am confident that I know tons more than most of the general population. Besides, I don't have to know it all. Nobody does. My mission in life now is to help people. If I can help anybody have a better tomorrow than they have today, I feel I am accomplishing what I was sent here to do. One more thing, I don't think God will take me away until I finish what he sent me here to do.

My list of things to do is so long that I think I will live forever.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

John Partington

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
7/21/2010 3:21:33 PM

Hi Barry,

Congratulations Ken enjoy your week in the spotlight.

Best Wishes


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Pauline Raina

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
7/21/2010 3:27:08 PM


Good to see you being honored as POTW !!!!


Mary Guariglia

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
7/21/2010 6:00:41 PM


Enjoy your week in the Light!!


Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
La Nell !

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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Ken Wolff, The 239th POTW!
8/1/2010 6:50:27 PM

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