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Flag of Jim Allen

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10/20/2011 10:03:36 PM

Due diligence is not a strong trait in most people today. If the pretty face on the magic box, you drink coffee with in the mornings, says its so then its so. Plain and simple. Now you and I know along with many others that ain't so and some personal study and research is called for. Unfortunately we have a mostly ignorant electorate by design, very few will do their due diligence unless their personal situation is threatened.

Then whomever is handing out cash is the one to vote for, it seems. IE: Harry Reid, How the HELL can this guy win re-election time after time? Because he brings home the PORK! The ignorant electorate, many kept that way by their UNIONS, TV Announcer and even their TEACHER on purpose are now threatened and they are waking up to find what many of us have been sharing for some time.

Thus far for naught as we are considered radicals for seeking and finding the information, the Bald Face Facts and sharing them.

Turns out we were not far off base. Islamist/Fascists/Communists are taking over the world.

Many hold high office or hold positions of authority. We are being attacked from the inside out. Peter and I have been writing about this for years. Just look through the older pages of our forums.

Most or much of the information being shared today we shared years ago. We really got busy when this Manchurian Candidate came to light on the political scene. Too bad no one was listening. Let's hope they are now, or at least enough to unseat him in 2012.

Otherwise there is no more Freedom, Liberty and Creator given Unalienable/Inalienable Rights. IMHO

Hello Jim,

I wonder how many lies is it going to take before people are really going to wake up and see that the Free world as we know it is under a very real threat and manipulations that has been going on all around us for decades.

How many have heard of the New World Order and know what this all about?
How many have heard of the Illuminati and Elite group of Satanic Thugs all heavily in Free mason/Occultic backgrounds whom control the rest of the world?

There is a lot of information on Youtube and all you have to do is search and you will be shocked, disgusted and astonished by what you see. Please do your own dilegence.

Here is 3 short videos to share:

Illuminati Satanic 2012+ UFO event, Bill Cooper and silenced NWO researchers


Part 2

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Person Of The Week
10/26/2011 4:54:51 PM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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10/26/2011 5:38:00 PM
Hello Jim,
I agree with you on so many of your points. The part that troubles me (not that you are wrong or anything like this) so many of us could see something awful was wrong in this new Govt and Obama but we had trouble understanding, comprehending and then connecting all the dots to see whom is the Power over all this evil.

I did not completely connect the dots until several weeks ago. I knew that Satan is behind it as is the father of lies and a deceiver and would deceive the world that he does not exist which he is still accomplishing to lots of people

I just did not see how he was completely accomplishing all even when I knew through my bible he would try and bring about a One World Order / New World Order in the monetary system, Religion and Government

I was busy lifting this rock and that rock e.g.
FDA approved drugs when anyone could see that they had harmful side effects..
Vaccines that harm, maim and kill babies, children and adults
Obama is not natural born citizen...
has a different agenda than what the people petitioned against or his own party etc.
I could see so much of the negatives that was going on but had not put them altogether under
The all the talk of terrorism - 911 towers falling I knew was not right they were deliberately set to fall in a controlled demolition

Foreclosures...bailouts....etc etc
The bad economy - our national debt, other countries national debt

And all the other news brought up.

The scales are off my eyes and I all these pieces have been put together and know what I know

It may take some time for most people to connect the dots too but all we can do is put out as much information along with whom is behind it all



Due diligence is not a strong trait in most people today. If the pretty face on the magic box, you drink coffee with in the mornings, says its so then its so. Plain and simple. Now you and I know along with many others that ain't so and some personal study and research is called for. Unfortunately we have a mostly ignorant electorate by design, very few will do their due diligence unless their personal situation is threatened.

Then whomever is handing out cash is the one to vote for, it seems. IE: Harry Reid, How the HELL can this guy win re-election time after time? Because he brings home the PORK! The ignorant electorate, many kept that way by their UNIONS, TV Announcer and even their TEACHER on purpose are now threatened and they are waking up to find what many of us have been sharing for some time.

Thus far for naught as we are considered radicals for seeking and finding the information, the Bald Face Facts and sharing them.

Turns out we were not far off base. Islamist/Fascists/Communists are taking over the world.

Many hold high office or hold positions of authority. We are being attacked from the inside out. Peter and I have been writing about this for years. Just look through the older pages of our forums.

Most or much of the information being shared today we shared years ago. We really got busy when this Manchurian Candidate came to light on the political scene. Too bad no one was listening. Let's hope they are now, or at least enough to unseat him in 2012.

Otherwise there is no more Freedom, Liberty and Creator given Unalienable/Inalienable Rights. IMHO

Hello Jim,

I wonder how many lies is it going to take before people are really going to wake up and see that the Free world as we know it is under a very real threat and manipulations that has been going on all around us for decades.

How many have heard of the New World Order and know what this all about?
How many have heard of the Illuminati and Elite group of Satanic Thugs all heavily in Free mason/Occultic backgrounds whom control the rest of the world?

There is a lot of information on Youtube and all you have to do is search and you will be shocked, disgusted and astonished by what you see. Please do your own dilegence.

Here is 3 short videos to share:

Illuminati Satanic 2012+ UFO event, Bill Cooper and silenced NWO researchers


Part 2

Flag of Jim Allen

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Person Of The Week
10/26/2011 6:38:15 PM

I rarely celebrate a death but this B....... deserved all he got.


Hey Roger, not sure it was the right way to handle him. Execution without a trial of a world leader?
Would that be okay to happen in your country?

Not in mine but our president seems to be setting a precedent for assassinations to take place as long as you have drone or two..

I think a few prayers are in order. Granted he was a bad man, but we climbed into bed with someone we don't know and woke up with the Muslim Brotherhood in charge.

And the UN NATO effort did their bidding for them.


NWO is closer than you think and it is no NESARA.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Jim Allen

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Person Of The Week
10/27/2011 2:27:55 AM

Looks like Villaraigosa will be the next Democratic mayor to send cops after occupiers

posted at 9:52 pm on October 26, 2011 by Allahpundit

Kasim Reed in Atlanta, Jean Quan in Oakland, now this guy. Time for a pool: Which left-wing up-and-comer will be next to deploy city police against the tip of the 99-percent’s spear?

And don’t bother saying “Rahm.” I’ve already got my money on him.

“I respect the protesters’ right to peacefully assemble and express their views,” Villaraigosa said. “City officials have been in a continuous and open dialogue with the organizers of Occupy L.A. However, the protesters must respect city laws and regulations, and while they have been allowed to camp on City Hall lawns, that cannot continue indefinitely.”…

In an interview Wednesday, the mayor said county health inspectors recently visited the encampment and expressed concerns over the cleanliness of the camp. In addition, the demonstration is hurting the city’s lawn and trees…

Meanwhile, about a dozen protesters showed up at Wednesday’s City Council meeting to ask lawmakers to allow them to stay. Protester Alex Everett, 26, said he came because he was alarmed by Councilman Bill Rosendahl’s comments to KABC that it was time for protesters “to move on.”

Everett, who moved out of his house and into a tent outside of City Hall two weeks ago, said he thinks many protesters would not leave without a fight. He said if police move in to clear out the protest, like Oakland police did Tuesday, “it will be violent.”

Villaraigosa wants city officials to draft new restrictions on park use — even though, according to the Times, current law already bars people from camping in parks after 10:30 p.m. I assume that he’s looking for as much legal cover as possible, even to the point of redundancy, before he moves in simply because he knows how ugly things are likely to get. With good reason, per the boldfaced part above. Why not adopt Mike Bloomberg’s tough, smart, savvy approach of letting the protesters ignore the rules instead?

Jeff Emanuel at Red State has started compiling a list of the “Occupy” movement’s greatest hits, but I think things are about to become a lot more civil and mellow. An honest-to-goodness Friend of Barack has stepped up to offer guidance to the protesters; here he is in action in Chicago, via Rebelpundit. With his steadying hand on the wheel of the movement, calmer days must surely be ahead.

Bill Ayers Teaches Radical Theory At #OccupyChicago

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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