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RE: Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members
7/8/2011 3:09:13 PM

By Kelleigh Nelson
July 8, 2011

“The Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to “create” rights. Rather they designed the Bill of Rights to prohibit our Government from infringing rights and liberties presumed to be preexisting.” – Justice William J. Brennan (1906-1997) U. S. Supreme Court Justice

I know that God is still on the throne and that only He is our answer through his son, the King of Glory, Jesus the Messiah. As for this country, my heart hurts and especially during July 4th celebrations for what we once were and what we've now become. I need to write about this...because whenever I think of what has happened to us, tears spring to my eyes. The fact is our electorate has purposely been dumbed down and most of them haven't a clue. Sadly that includes a lot of Tea Party folks, Oath keepers, We the People, and lesser known groups. I know that prayer is the only thing that will save us. I know that as a country we must get on our faces and plead with God for mercy. I know that the only chance we have of saving our republic and liberty is with God. I know that the enemy of freedom is satan (purposely not capitalized) and that this entity wants us in chains. I know that every day the chains grow stronger and tighter. I know that it may be too late when the rest of the sleeping giant awakes. And I know that in many hearts the knowledge of our bondage is known and rebelled against daily with every fiber of our beings. I know that many people believe it's too late. I also know that until my dying breath I cannot give up fighting for what my country once was, the greatest bastion of freedom ever known in world history.

I have a handful of good friends in Knoxville who know the truth of what is happening and the depth of the betrayal by our politicians and representatives. Throughout the country I have many other friends that also are aware of the vast conspiracy to destroy the greatest nation on earth and her people.

These friends know that both the right and left have been in bed together with the same agenda for decades. When you've found that those that claim they're on our side are actually working with the enemy, why would one want to keep them?

In 1966, Carroll Quigley wrote Tragedy and Hope. He was a professor in the History Department at Georgetown University and Bill Clinton's mentor. He wrote on page 1247 of his book, and I'll quote, "The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. The policies that are vital and necessary for America are no longer subjects of significant disagreement, but are disputable only in details of procedure, priority, or method .....Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but WILL STILL PURSUE, with new vigor, approximately the SAME BASIC POLICIES."

Now, this is what exists today in America. The above book had its first printing in 1966 and the powers that be (CFR, etc) were so horrified that he'd let out so many secrets that the book was not reprinted and Macmillan destroyed the plates. It wasn't until 1974 that Jack Meserole got permission from Quigley and reprinted it and sold it for his cost. Quigley laughed because he knew the noose was so tight around the necks of Americans that even with the truth of his book, nothing would change.

The thing that I'm trying to do and it's not to separate and fraction those that love freedom, but to weed out those that are in agreement with the enemy of freedom and liberty. To have any chance of saving this failing and all but lost Republic, we must find and vote only for those who are not owned...and have no allegiance to those that are connected with the enemy of liberty and freedom. The problem is the phony so-called "Christian" right and their influence in propaganda and brainwashing of America's electorate and they've been at it a long, long time through the Republican Party.

This is why nothing ever changes even when the Republicans have had control of the House, Senate, and White House. Voting for a Republican does not mean we are "safe." Rockefeller Republicans are the so-called moderates or cultural liberals. Take a look at Olympia Snowe, John McCain, Susan Collins, Scott Brown, Ben Nelson, and dozens of others. When Henry Kissinger and Newt Gingrich are called conservatives, what in heaven's name does the word even mean? Where are those that love the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and even have read it? I highly doubt there's more than a handful of politicians in D.C. today who have opened our constitution and refreshed themselves of our laws and liberties.

Americans that love freedom absolutely must take the time to do research on every single candidate for office as well as groups claiming they will help and asking for donations every time we turn around. We simply must investigate and vet each and every one of them and we absolutely must be involved in the primary elections. And we must above all things get on our faces and pray for our country. The very best thing we all should do is take the few minutes each day to read God's Word and I'd suggest in chronological order. The Manufacturer's Handbook has the answers to all of life's problems and the solutions for today.

When I see the fireworks in the sky and the American flags waving on the fourth of July, tears run down my cheeks for what we have lost and what we once were...the greatest nation on earth. I want her back and so should every God fearing and freedom loving American.

© 2011 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: MADE In the USA House Has No Time For Cabinet Secretaries But
7/11/2011 2:35:13 PM

The New Immigration Debate Does the Constitution really say that children of illegal immigrants are automatic citizens?

While 2010’s immigration debate centered on the controversial Arizona law, 2011’s promises to be focused on a different — and even more explosive — topic: birthright citizenship.

Kris Kobach, the recently elected Kansas secretary of state, is a lawyer and professor of law who specializes in immigration issues. The architect of Arizona’s SB-1070, he is the legal mind behind two new proposals to challenge the automatic granting of citizenship to any child born in the United States, regardless of the legal status of his parents. The first proposal is state-level legislation that would not affect the federal citizenship of an illegal immigrant’s child, but would deny him citizenship of that state. The second is a state compact, which has to be adopted by at least two states and approved by Congress to be enacted, that would deny the children of illegal immigrants citizenship at both the state and the federal level.

“They’re two routes to the same destination,” says Kobach. “They attempt to restore the original meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Not everyone on the right is lauding these initiatives, although there are different grounds for opposition. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, is concerned that redefining birthright citizenship before securing the border could lead to “a large, multi-generational population of illegal aliens.” Linda Chavez, chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, calls the efforts “a direct assault on the meaning of what it means to be an American.” Alfonso Aguilar, executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Values, says the backers of the legislation are embracing a “constitutional-activist position.”

On the left, there is no interest in — and some horror at — the prospect. In August, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called efforts to change the Fourteenth Amendment “just wrong,” a position that reflected President Obama’s, according to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs. In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Obama urged lawmakers to “take on, once and for all, the issue of illegal immigration.” But the solutions he offered — secure borders, law enforcement, and some version of the DREAM Act – indicate that he continues to think that changing birthright citizenship is an inappropriate solution.

Joining Kobach in the effort is Pennsylvania state representative Daryl Metcalfe, who founded State Legislators for Legal Immigration. Metcalfe reports that lawmakers from 32 states have expressed interest in at least one of the initiatives, although he concedes he has “no idea” how many states will ultimately pass the legislation. Kobach estimates that ten or more states will pass at least one of the initiatives.

If even one state passes the law that denies state citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants, there is likely to be a lawsuit. “Hopefully, it would eventually present the issue to the Supreme Court,” says Kobach, “so that we would have an authoritative statement from the court on whether ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ — whether those words have any meaning or not.”

To Kobach, it is “nonsensical” to understand “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” as meaning anything other than that at least one of the parents must be a citizen of, or at least legally residing in, the United States. Talking about United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court decision in 1898 that many view as having settled that all babies born in the U.S., regardless of parenthood, are citizens, Kobach points out that Wong Kim Ark was the son of Chinese immigrants legally living in this country at the time of his birth.

“There are two very powerful reasons why I think the majority of the Supreme Court would agree with us. And one is that every ounce of evidence of original intent says that our understanding is correct,” says Kobach, remarking that the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment intended that birthright citizenship be given only to children whose parents had no allegiance to a different country.

“The other factor,” he adds, “is that there is a long-standing rule of interpreting the Constitution that says there are no surplus words in the Constitution. And the way the liberals want to read the Fourteenth Amendment, they treat ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ as if they are surplus words meaning nothing.”

The New Immigration Debate
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Chavez argues that the position that “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” excludes the children of illegal immigrants “is clearly ahistorical and clearly conflicts with not just the historical debate, but consequent Supreme Court decisions.” Chavez compares today’s illegal immigrants to the gypsies present in this country when the Fourteenth Amendment was debated. Gypsies didn’t pay taxes, yet their children were considered citizens by the legislators.

While the state-citizenship legislation is likely to punt the question of birthright citizenship to the courts, Kobach says the state compact “tees up the issue for Congress.” State compacts must be approved by a majority of congressional lawmakers, although presidential approval is not necessary.

The futures of the initiatives are uncertain, but supporters see tackling the issue as crucial. For Metcalfe, ending birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants’ children is as necessary as securing the border. “The fact remains that we still have people within our borders who are here illegally,” he says. “We as a state have to deal with those individuals as far as jobs they’re taking away from our citizens, and the benefits they’re illegally tapping into.”

Roy Beck, executive director of the immigration-restriction group NumbersUSA, also stresses the importance of changing birthright citizenship in the effort to halt or slow illegal immigration. “It is an incentive,” he says. “It’s a moderate incentive for people to come here illegally, and it’s a major incentive for illegal aliens not to go home.”

Advocates also argue that those who view the issue as too controversial are ignoring the global perspective. Almost no advanced countries, with the exception of Canada, treat children born to non-citizen parents within their borders as automatic citizens.

Krikorian thinks that any push to change eligibility for birthright citizenship must be paired with “pro-immigrant elements,” such as increased English-language education and better bureaucratic processing for immigrants. “I think it’s important for immigration skeptics to make clear that they’re not immigrant skeptics,” he says.

Kobach brushes off concerns that the initiatives aren’t politically viable. “There are a lot of politicians and political advisers who think they know what is politically advantageous to say and what is not,” he acknowledges, but he points out that many supposedly knowledgeable political strategists advocated amnesty in 2004 — and then backed off the proposal when it was clear the public didn’t favor it.

But Aguilar is adamant that the initiatives will “antagonize Latino voters.” And that could have a long-term impact. “It’s pretty clear that if we don’t win 30 to 40 percent of the Latino vote in the next election,” he says, “we’re not going to win back the White House.”

— Katrina Trinko is an NRO staff reporter.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: MADE In the USA House Has No Time For Cabinet Secretaries But
7/12/2011 4:46:45 PM

Obama's DeFacto Amnesty

by admin on July 5, 2011 · 1 comment

The Obama Administration is ALREADY giving some AMNESTY to illegal aliens right now, in spite of the DREAM ACT being voted down last Fall!

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano and Education Secretary Arne Duncan are testifying before the Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security. “These people do not pose a risk to public safety, they do not pose a risk to national security,” said Napolitano.

I can only ask: “On what planet is Napolitano living?”

The lame-duck Congress failed to pass the Dream Act late last year. Yet, Obama and his minions are already implementing partial amnesty for some illegals—despite the Congressional thumbs down!

The DREAM ACT gives incentives to young people (who are already living in our country ILLEGALLY!) with a citizenship of the United States if they go to college or join the military!

It is all a part of an AMNESTY SCAM on the part of the Obama administration!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to VOTE NO on the revived DREAM ACT that gives amnesty to many illegals!

According to the Heritage Foundation, they write:

“On immigration policy, the Obama Administration has not even waited for congressional action before charting its own legislative course. In May, Democrats reintroduced the DREAM ACT – which would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States before they were 16…”

“But rather than waiting for Congress to act, officials at Obama’s Department of Homeland Security have instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and attorneys to exercise ‘prosecutorial discretion’ for illegal immigrants who have attended school in the United States, meaning far fewer such illegal immigrants will be prosecuted and deported. The agency cited a shortage of resources, but the decision amounts to a de facto implementation of the DREAM Act.”

Back-door amnesty for illegal aliens is at the top of the current Obama agenda! The Houston Chronicle reports that a series of internal memos written by Gary Goldman, Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) chief counsel in Houston, ordered attorneys to review both new and pending cases, and dismiss any of them which did not meet ICE’s “top priorities.”

The dismissals numbered in the HUNDREDS just in Houston alone!

Jessica Sandlin, Texas Press Secretary for U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), stated: “It now appears that the Department of Homeland Security attempted to mislead the public and Congress on its policy of directing dismissals of cases against criminal aliens. After this failed attempt at stonewalling and obstruction of the public’s right to know, the truth is now coming out.”

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to VOTE NO on the revived DREAM ACT that gives amnesty to many illegals!

The attempt to engage in large-scale dismissals was initiated by a June 2010 memo issued to all agency personnel by ICE Director John Morton, who warned that ICE had limited resources which would allow for the removal of only 400,000 illegals per year!

The Houston Chronicle reported: “Nationally, the numbers of cases dismissed increased about 40 percent during the 2010 fiscal year, which ended September 30th, over the previous year, according to an analysis of immigration court data by the Transactional Record Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. In Los Angeles, judges dismissed one in four cases, an increase of 200 percent over the previous year. Las Vegas also had a roughly 195 percent increase, and Dallas, Atlanta and Arlington all reported a more than 50 percent, the TRAC data shows.”

The rejection rate in some jurisdictions is extremely high. For instance, in New York City, the immigration courts turned down 70 percent of the requests. Oregon and Los Angeles turned down 63 percent; Miami turned down 59 percent.

On June 17th, ICE head John Morton issued his latest memo with a list of considerations under which “an exercise of prosecutorial discretion may be warranted for a given alien.” It contains 19 separate items administration attorneys can use as factors to push for dismissals, along with eight other “positive factors (that) should prompt particular care and consideration.”

The December, 2010 DREAM ACT vote was 55-41. Making it five short of the 60 needed to advance the bill. However, the DREAM ACT was disliked by a MAJORITY of Americans, 54 percent of whom opposed its passage, compared to 38 percent who supported it.

Regardless of the vote, the Obama Administration continues to implement it agenda. Its agenda must be STOPPED COMPLETELY!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to VOTE NO on the revived DREAM ACT that gives amnesty to many illegals!

Yet the DREAM ACT comes back to the Subcommittee this coming Tuesday. That’s why we must fax every Member of Congress!

Education Secretary Arne Duncan commented: “This could be a piece of a solution to a number of the challenges our country faces,” who falsely contended the laws’ passage would reduce the federal deficit by $1.4 billion over ten years.

Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), countered that assessment. “Millions of Americans who have lost their jobs in the past few years dream of going back to work, but the DREAM ACT will not make this dream come true for them.”

Next week’s legislative push has absolutely nothing to do with solving the immigration problem. It is ALL about shoring up a vital Democrat constituency who must be placated in time for the 2012 election!

Please, your voice to our Congressmen will tell them that we simply cannot permit Mr. Obama from denigrating our United States citizenship! Illegal immigrants are literally STEALING American jobs from the job force. And many are outright criminals!

Mr. Obama’s amnesty scam cannot fool the American patriot, like yourself.

Many states are passing or considering Arizona-type immigration laws.

HALTING AMNESTY for illegal immigrants is crucial for the security of the American borders.

Will you help us to “seal the borders” by STOPPING THIS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!

Every Member of Congress needs to hear from you.

YOU are a “voice of reason” while the Obama administration is NOT!

Make your voices be known today in the form of a FAX to United States Congressmen!

Thank you for helping to defend our United States’ borders!

I must hear from you today…

Please FAX your Congressman NOW!!


Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts

P. S. De facto amnesty has already been implemented by this corrupt Obama administration. That is why we must FAX our Congressmen today! Please fax for the sake of our great country!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of Congress to tell them to VOTE NO on the revived DREAM ACT that gives amnesty to many illegals!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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7/16/2011 2:42:29 AM


Not sure how long ago this guy was testifying before congress, but it was a while back as Fred Thompson is in the hearing. He is now selling reverse mortgages to the elderly. What a sell out. But Mr. Johnson is right on target.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members
7/17/2011 2:31:57 AM
Is 2012 when this comes true? Were they off by 4 years?

The following are videos that YouTube deemed the most important non sponsored linked video. Each one came from the first entry on the top right position. Could all these be leading up to 2012? Just saying the wrong guy was in charge and GW threw a monkey wrench into his dad's NWO Dreams?

What If ??? - NWO Soldier Episode # 1

U.S. Soldiers - Recieve Letters To Quit NWO Army

Warning Signs! - a short film. SHARE IT!!!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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