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Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
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RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Guariglia, The 234th POTW!
6/12/2010 3:32:05 AM
Hi Barry,

Thank you for your Congrats to me! I am quite shocked! I feel my friends here were very attentive to actually stop to vote in their busy days! I know how that is.

I appreciate it all and the POTW Award! SO far -very fun!

Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Guariglia, The 234th POTW!
6/12/2010 3:37:42 AM
Thank You Sara!

What a scream. You picked my Clown painting who is called "All Knotted Up" like I feel sometimes and he is having fun with that challenge!

I do appreciate you and pulling me out in this arena and I am grateful to Barry and Bogdan for this wonderful biz site of AdlandPro. I really like it and it keeps working for me!

Looking forward to being more involved as life unfolds. Love the Art Gallery and it's wonderful feeling of Beauty and Peace-something we all need all the time!

Thank You dear Friend, You are greatly appreciated for all that you do here for us!
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Guariglia, The 234th POTW!
6/12/2010 3:40:47 AM
Hi Christie,

Thank you I appreciate this so much. It is fun and the fun is just beginning!

You also have a fabulous weekend!

God Bless,
Your Friend,
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Guariglia, The 234th POTW!
6/12/2010 3:43:04 AM
Hi John,

Thank you kindly! What a fun way to go..especially when you never expected even the nomination much less pulling it through to the end!

I appreciate that!..and You!
Your Friend,
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.
Mary Guariglia

126 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: It's Time to Congratulate Mary Guariglia, The 234th POTW!
6/12/2010 3:45:02 AM
Hi Joyce,

You are a riot! You got me singing that song now too! What fun! Isn't it all about enjoying what we do? If you do not love what you do, Why do it?

Thank you for your support, dear friend. I really appreciate it and you!

Your Friend,
Mary Guariglia 516-536-0750 “Our Character is our Fate." - Heraclitus.