The 235th

Mary Guariglia
Hi, Mary Guariglia here, born in Columbia, SC and grew up in Oceanside, NY on Long Island. For a good part of my life I resided and raised my Twin daughters in the gorgeous foothills of the White Mountains of Central NH. Now back to my hometown, I enjoy the amazing Atlantic Ocean that I am 10 minutes from and visit daily here on Long Island!
About this award POTW. I did not even know what the initials meant here, but knew it must be special. I have been very focused helping others by letting them know that I am a mentor and a coach for all who need that sort of help. It was not until I decided to check out the Adland Art Gallery that I also noticed the other neat features here. Kinda like I stopped to smell the roses and the roses woke me up to their wonder!
I found all sorts of great things like the POTW and other awards. I knew of events and forums and often join in and add my input to the MLM biz or health and nutrition ones.
I am so grateful for this life. I have many interests and careers of which Fine Artist, Videographer, Graphic Art, Textile Design, and Environmental Planning has been part of my long list of careers by education and choice. Also being very interested in multiple streams of income, I've been learning creative investing techniques over the past years.
However, I have come to realize that you can only focus on ONE thing at a time and to perfect that first, then take on the next challenge. I help others in their quest to be successful in a home-based business where they can "own their lives" if they choose to. I network with a positive group of like-minded people who are on the journey to success. A clean environment, mountains or ocean air is vital to my health. Health and fitness is very important to me. If you do not have good health, you can not enjoy life!
For the past three years now, AdlandPro has given me the opportunity to meet and help so many network marketers who have struggled in this industry of MLM! That feels good and I appreciate this website so much for that. I have been on other Biz and Social websites for networking and I find that AdlandPro is the best for the Friendliest, most Honest and Caring people I have met all over the net! And I have been around a lot in the past 3 years now.
Thank you AdlandPro and all my Friends here and my Friends to be in the future! I appreciate YOU!
Love, Peace and Joy!
Your Friend Mary