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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 8:42:09 PM
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 8:46:30 PM
If everyone wants I can do my Radio Shows on people who want help or just to help give them a new approach, my shows have always been a great help to people and it goes out live to Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and yahoo, MSN, and many other online avenues. I am here to help in any way i can, just ask.

Kathy Hamilton
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 11:51:30 PM
I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/23/2012 10:46:41 PM
Hi Kathy, I like the idea of having your help with blog talk radio. I have been a member of blog talk all this time since I was on your show. It is a great tool but like anything else...if you do not use it isn't worth much. LOL. I think we could put on a great show and I would be happy to line up some great guests. Let's talk about this on skype. ken.wolff1
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/23/2012 10:59:10 PM
I have been thinking of a way to put this to use. Here is my suggestion.
If Kathy is okay with it, which I think she may be. Let's add this as one of the rewards of being a POTW Award Winner. An interview slot on the radio show. To be advertised via the various vehicles that ALP has. Its newsletters and via banner or text ads, maybe even a press release on the the New POTW.

With that said this is where Ken's offer would come into play as well. Another bonus for winning either the POTW or Voter of the week Award.

I have long thought that to get the community involved go to a little league ball park and look at the fences and the uniforms the teams wear. These are Community Sponsored events and they Community Business members offer members rewards. Modernize the concept and we could have 1-3 Community Sponsored Rewards for POTW Winners, feature the rewards of winning and seems to me we have a workable concept. The reward would need to be some kind of service or benefit the sponsor can reward the winner with. Just a thought...

I am on Skype too jallen3d

Hi Kathy, I like the idea of having your help with blog talk radio. I have been a member of blog talk all this time since I was on your show. It is a great tool but like anything else...if you do not use it isn't worth much. LOL. I think we could put on a great show and I would be happy to line up some great guests. Let's talk about this on skype. ken.wolff1

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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