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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/18/2012 2:24:42 PM
Members should open new forums if they intend to keep their forums open and have interesting topics.

I think every member should open at least one forum and actively participate in it, as a personal responsibility to themself and also as part of bringing in more traffic.

The Code Of Conduct says we can't send messages to people without their permission, so I don't see how we're supposed to offer advice to nominees thru messages here.

Public forums to promote people and also offer advice are a great idea! It's fun to see lots of promotional threads.

An offline friend asked me why we don't we make 4 promotional teams, one for each nominee...usually some are more popular than others, that's a good idea to make everyone feel like part of the action and possibly get more votes if they're lagging behind. That doesn't have to be an official idea, it's just something to think about.

There are a lot of good points in this discussion and good things are coming out of it. The pop up POTW on every page with a link to vote, a great landing page for the vote which is very attractive and has all of the information one needs to participate.

Lets give this a chance to work without making any more changes and opening more forums. If there are changes needed by individuals participating there are always direct messages to that individual that could be used. I have benefited from indirect coaching that may have been more appropriate in direct messaging.

I have nominated someone for the first time this week who I do not feel needs any coaching. I think it is good to work with new people in helping them to improve their marketing skills. Before being nominated a person should be ready. Coaching them during and after they have been nominated is too late. We have a lot of well qualified people that do not need a lot of coaching. I will be more active in the nominating process in the future. I will in the future make sure they are ready and want to be nominated before I do it.

Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/18/2012 3:45:35 PM
Hello Adlanders!

There is some great communication happening here. I am glad to see folks understanding this is masterminding for the greater good. Many of our members have talents and some have time they can offer to help support the effort. Making more people aware of the benefits this Original Network Marketing Community and Classified Advertising Site. A mouthful ain't it but this is what I see in this community. Despite the Blowhards and the Gordon Fishermen that try to detract from the originality and greatness this community represents.

That said:

I would like to announce that Dennis Clairmont has offered to become part of the POTW Team.

So Dennis and I will be working together to implement some of your suggestions and our own ideas that will help refocus attention to the Community and the POTW Awards.

The rewards of participation are great, in my personal opinion either option is a great opportunity to expand one's brand.

Please know we will be implementing the Voter of the Week Award, the formula has yet to be worked out but thanks Kathleen, for suggesting this and everyone that supported or recommended it. Some coordination with Bogdan will have to be done and worked out.

Attracting the other side of AdlandPro to the Networking side is an excellent idea and we should be considering ways to do that.

Here is what we can do:

1) Watch for new members to the community
A) Create a Invitation/Welcome Letter template that we can share with others. To include Invitation to become friends and to visit and join our personal forum. Links to helpful "How To Adland" forums where folks can learn to navigate and of course a strong suggestion to friend the POTW Team and Vote and Post in the POTW Awards forums. As a great way to meet folks and grow their friend lists.
2) Make sure our own forums are up to date and active One post a day is not hard to do in a few minutes of your time in the morning. Put it on your todo list we should have one right beside our keyboard, so we can check them off as we move through our day.

3) Click the FacebookTwitter! Buttons and share your posts, or send folks to an interesting forum posts. This will bring traffic and only takes a minute to Vote, Post and Share. If we all do this more often the more traffic and personal branding.

Please add your suggestions, let's keep the masterminding happening.


Ok Guys

Look at it this way I have read all the
Yea Buts and this night happen or maybe this will happen and how can this work


There is probably 70% of our new members who never reach community. They just posts ads and at least 100 a day never access community section.

We are offering to POTW winners free advertising. If we inform every new subscriber that they can get free ad sent to 80,000 subscribers through winning POTW they might

1. Join community and start activity in it
2. Bring some new users to help their campaign
3. Way more people might be aware of our community this way

I'm not saying that self nomination will send adlandpro racing past Facebook like a speeding bullet.But if we make people aware that the New Improved Adlandpro Person Of The Week Forum is open for YOUR NAME on the Ballet people will want to run.There are so many 1000's that use adlandpro that have no idea what the community is all about.
I can understand the training aspect needs work.Adlandpro is huge but we have to take 1 department at a time.
This is the POTW Department/Feedback

The POTW forum will get new feet in the door of the community if we let people nominate themselves.

All we need to do is add this info to there main forum or on the POP UP


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/18/2012 4:00:57 PM
OK I am back and spent a wonderful evening with the grandkids! So let me see if I can clear up what I was saying.

I like the new look of the POTW voting page.

Diane's input has been great...Good things are worth repeating so here it is:

I am in total agreement Dennis of taking one step at a time or in this case one department at a time and getting things running better with the goal of getting people on board and using the opportunity that is being given via the POTW, to help people understand that when they win they are

1. Getting more fans
2. building brand awareness
3. More sales
4. getting more subscribers

Self promotion is not a bad thing especially in contests and the reality is that it is a win win situation for the community as a whole, the person in the contest as well as for the person who nominates a person.

I am unsure of anything else that I could add here that might be of value, except to maybe say thank you to everyone including you and Jim and what you are doing is very appreciated.

Have a great day!
Now I have to agree with Mary Evelyn on having mixed emotions on self nominating! I think it should be OK to do it but I do not think that it should be promoted as some hot new thing. I would rather see more people getting involved with the nominating process including coaching the newbies and communicating with some of the oldies that don't quite get it.
I may have misunderstood Kathy when she said maybe we should start all over. Maybe pick people and do away with voting. I like what we have going. I like that we can all have different opinions and still get along. I am not putting down anybody's suggestions. I am just saying that I am not agreeing with them. Also it has been said if we do make any changes that we do it a little at a time.

One of the suggestions that I think should happen was the voter or voters of the week and Kathleen's suggestion of counting back from the last post is a good one. that may in and of itself get some regular voters to come more often.

The only other thing that I was trying to say was that if you had something bad to say, rather than say it here in the feedback forum to say it directly to the person it was aimed ad directly in a personal message.

Hope that helps,


Mary Evelyn,

There have been some great changes already and all I am saying is lets keep it simple and make it fun. Lets go with what we have now. Sorry if I was not clear. Nothing new there. I often do not make myself clear. Too often we say one thing and somebody thinks we said something else. I will try to clear it up later, but for now if it does not make sense...just ignore it. LOL....I have to go on an emergency service call helping my son...he is a contracter and it is a roofing job likely to be done in the rain....I have always said we can't do it now it is raining, or no need to do it now it is not raining....that does not work for my son so I have to go help him as he could not find anybody else that wanted to make some overtime on the weekend....Be back later.
Make it a great day.

Ken, I don't understand what you're saying here. Without making any more changes to what and what forums? Not trying to be difficult, I truly do not understand your point.


Lets give this a chance to work without making any more changes and opening more forums. If there are changes needed by individuals participating there are always direct messages to that individual that could be used. I have benefited from indirect coaching that may have been more appropriate in direct messaging.


Come on guys get real.The Adslandpro New and old members are not going to show up to be coached.
If your going to nominate yourself your going to see and learn if your eligible or not

1. Getting more fans A:They have there fans in Adland and other communities

2. building brand awareness A:Once they win a POTW they are branding

3. More sales A:POTW win will secure a trust = more sales

4. getting more subscribers A:They will bring in friends/business associates from other communities into Adlandpro

What i'm finding here is the same old group are doing the nominating
We are nominating ourselves year after year.
We need new Blood running in the POTW
We need to modernize Adlandpro
We need Lass BS in the Forums
We need outsiders joining thyis community
We need business people buying Adlandpro Products
This is just the Tip of the Ice Burg for me
We can not wonder what may happen on the road
First we have to repave the road and fill in these speed bumps if Adlandpro is going to get anywhere near other communities.
I don't care if i'm a small fish in a big pond We don't need a deserted pond Gathering Moss.

People want success if adlandpro ends up an old warn out community it will fail faster than it's failing now.
If we can bring in new members and have them partake in the POTW by self nomination this is what we need to do.

Modernize,New Members,New ideas,New Adlandpro Look,New Money,Newer Updated Products and Features.Products that people will buy.
A POTW win in this kind of community can be a great lift to anyone doing business.It can be like a seal of Approval.

What's in it for you,you ask I can not post it here because that's for another forum


Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/18/2012 4:28:43 PM
Good Morning,
All these suggestions are great. I agree with Dennis good job and Congrats

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/18/2012 5:17:26 PM
Good morning everyone and how is your Sunday going?

Number one, it is good to see people being proactive and productive in a way that will help everyone, so that is very heartening.
Number two - It's great to see Dennis being "officially" part of the planning and making changes to get Adland on a better course and I think it safe to say that for everyone who is taking the time and the effort to delve into the issues and come up with a plan that is workable for all, really need to take a bow!

Three - as I have said so many times and I'm sure to some it may be boring, the social landscape has changed so much that what worked in the 90's, will not work today.

People go to social communities to share, to have fun and to build "their personal brand" via topics of interest. Understand why each of the big communities work is important in creating a plan for Adland. There are many "smaller" communities that are doing well and thrive because they have learned the lessons from their bigger cousins and they do not try to reinvent the wheel. They go to what works and they target people to a specific way of doing things. To me this is not about remaking Adland into a Facebook, but rather a thriving community that will meet the needs of the people who come in... I guess I would compare it to living in the city versus living in the suburbs..there is a place for everyone.

I am off topic and for that I apologize, but I felt it important to say this here.

Contests! What an amazing thing to do and people love them, but what to do to get people wanting to enter. The reality is that it takes just one person and then another and then another to get people involved and there has to be a prize at the end that will have people go..yipee and spread the word...the power of social media!

Keep things simple - do not reinvent the wheel

Make it easy for people to come in and vote, make it easy for people to see the prize and make it easy for people to navigate.

The nuts and bolts can get a bit hairy, but can be fun also..well kind of

Just my thoughts on this matter...

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