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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/4/2012 12:56:37 AM
I think they have to sign up as a member to be able to log in and vote I think
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/4/2012 1:35:56 AM
Hi Team,

I remember some time back I had trouble voting too. I left it go a few days and then it was ok. So maybe if they try again a day later, it will work. It has been ok from that point on. Strange things happen, I guess this is just one of those

I am so glad to see you all working together as a team, I saw some forgiveness in here and I think that is great. Then getting back to business. Who said that terrible storm didn't bring some love to this world. I got 2 phone calls making sure I was ok. Thanks gals.
Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/4/2012 7:26:38 PM

POTW Feedback

(please post any suggestions or feedback on what you believe will improve the POTW)

Can you tell me that you honestly would not

want something designed for free, has a visual capture,

personalized just for you, and will get more results

for the voting platform then the ordinary text messages and emails?

No text to write, images to try to layout and formate,

and only upload one time and hyperlink the image to the

the Forum or Thread.

How easy is that?

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/4/2012 8:58:54 PM
May I suggest "Voters Of The Week" again?

That was something we had in the past, when 2 voters who made comments are placed at the bottom of the Congrats bio of the winner. Their photos, names, profile links, and a link of their choice, such as a business posted at the bottom of the POTW winner's bio on the Congrats.

The most fair way of choosing 2 voters is to count back from the end of the comments in the election, with pre-chosen numbers, for example, 7th and 10th from last comments, or any 2 positions, those should be clearly stated on the ballot. Counting comments back from the last is better than starting at the beginning of comments, so people can't knowingly place their comment in the correct numerical order to be chosen as one of the VOTWs.
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/4/2012 10:31:41 PM
Hi Mark

Great Graphics I Like The Middle One,
Bogdan is going to want a new landing page when he gets back
Once the Look Of The New Page is decided on then he will add it
to the adlandpro community.There will be work to do to get the Right Adlandpro Modern
Looking page and for the members user friendly.

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