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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/4/2012 2:57:45 PM
Hi Mary,

Barry is in hospital on and off in recent weeks. I'm not quite sure how long this will take.

If there is anyone wanting to take over the POTW for the time being, let me know.
We can skip one week to offer full congratulatory period.

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/4/2012 3:01:54 PM
Thanks for the update Bogdan. Sometimes there are other factors involved that we all might not know about.
RE: POTW Feedback
9/5/2012 3:36:59 AM

Bogdan, I truly am sorry to hear that Barry is ill and I wish him the very best.

There really does need to be a back up plan though, so this does not happen again. This makes at least four times that I can remember and I know first hand about losing your time as the featured winner because I never got any of my week when I won POTW and at the time you said there was nothing that could be done about it. The previous week's winner got her week plus mine, for a total of two weeks, and no offer was ever made to skip a week for me.

I think Kathleen would be a good one to fill in as needed since she already has previous experience. Just a suggestion.

Hi Mary,

Barry is in hospital on and off in recent weeks. I'm not quite sure how long this will take.

If there is anyone wanting to take over the POTW for the time being, let me know.
We can skip one week to offer full congratulatory period.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/5/2012 4:32:03 AM

I'm not offering to do it.

Do people want to participate in voting?

Is everyone who's on Facebook willing to click the Facebook logo to share the weekly poll to their Facebook account?

This is the only community election, and it would be easy to get a lot more voters if everyone would do that one simple thing, click the Facebook logo near the upper right of each week's poll thread.

I wonder if the 4 nominees even do that during the week they're on the ballot, if they have a Facebook account, it would be helpful at least if the nominees would do that. It would be even greater if everyone who votes and is on Facebook would do that. Even better to also click to share on Twitter if voters have Twitter accounts.

People demanded to have the electronic ballot back during the year I had the write-in election, and then when it was back, they quickly lost interest.

I think their demand to have the electronic ballot was more interesting than actually clicking it.

Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/29/2012 7:23:04 PM
Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for the update on Barry. Sorry to hear of his health issues. I wish him the best and a speedy recovery.

This may explain why I have not received an answer to my request for help in voting. I received a notice that I had already voted. I have not voted yet. I think I know what the problem is and sent an explanation.

I like Kathleen's suggestions about promoting the POTW on Facebook and Twitter. I will do that. I also think it would be good to add some people to fill in in situations like this. There are several people who have been active in this forum over the years that could step up to the plate.


Hi Mary,

Barry is in hospital on and off in recent weeks. I'm not quite sure how long this will take.

If there is anyone wanting to take over the POTW for the time being, let me know.
We can skip one week to offer full congratulatory period.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team