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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/14/2012 10:58:21 PM

Hi Team,

I'm looking forward to the honorary thread for Jill for Person Of The Year!

As far as qualifications for POTW...I think communication in public is important, social networking is a major part of being online, that's what being online is all about.

Using available services in the community should be part of the POTW eligibility requirements (having an active forum, profile & photo) if the winner is receiving a prize that has public recognition and monetary value and can also bring them more income, the ad to 80,000 subscribers is a big thing and the nominees should meet social community requirements, not just "be here" for the week or 2 weeks before & during their own election. Just "being here" and not communicating and not having a fully active forum isn't what I'd call a reason to be on the ballot and win a valuable prize.

The community doesn't want to see a ballot with 4 people who are just "being here" not doing anything, we want to see 4 nominees who all participate in forums and are responsible with their own forum and have filled in their profile and enjoy being here consistently, not just popping in because someone nominated them and told them they were nominated, or just nominated themselves and then popped out again.

Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/14/2012 11:52:39 PM
Hi Active Adkanders!

I agree that it would be good to have the next POTW the 1st week in January. We can all be thinking of and nominating qualified members including those who were recognized this year. I think the active Adlanders are unanimously in ageement with recognizing Jill Bachman with an honorary POTY Award!

We do not seem to need for any rule changes for the POTW. We do need to be more active in encouraging members to do the things necessary to qualify. Those are things we should all be doing anyway. Several people are doing great in spreading the word about the 100 volunteers list. Jim's post on Facebook comes to mind. Maybe we can all get more active in promoting that new program and keep it simple.

Merry Christmas everyone and enjoy your seasonal guests, and get ready for a prosperous New Year!


Hello Active Adlanders,

I should have asked this earlier, but being the silly season and we have a dirth of qualified candidates at the moment... " Would it be wise to delay the next POTW Awards till the first week in January, so that we have a larger pool of active qualified members?

Should we have qualification rule changes?

If so what rules/guidelines would be advised?

Just asking as I now have company for the holidays and sure many others will have or will be company over the next fortnight or so.


PS: During this time we can have the Honorary POTY Thread for Jill Bachman, as I did not receive any negative feedback on honoring Jill in this way.

Your Feedback/Input is expected and appreciated.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/15/2012 2:52:01 AM

I like your idea to wait until Jan 1 to start a new POTW. I also agree with Kathleen. When people get the Potw and have not bothered to do anything else until they hear it is "their turn" They are here for a little while and then bye-bye until they want something again. Darn that is upsetting. So lets treat ALP like it should be treated, like our home.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/15/2012 3:20:46 AM
I think it fitting and a wonderful thing to do to have an honorary thread for Jill, because she was special and so well thought of by many people!
This issue of eligibility requirement are indeed simple ...join, complete your profile and the most important requirement active one way or another.
It would seem so easy...yet for many it is turning out to be difficult.
I think it would be appropriate to make sure that a person is fulfilling all they are supposed to do, before they can be eligible.
I am personally hoping that in time and with good people like Kathleen, Dennis, Ken, Mark( just to name a few) who are doing all they can to help others, that in the New Year, things will change and become better.
We can look at the cup half empty or half this time, I am choosing to look at the cup as half full...

Have a wonderful evening

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/16/2012 12:57:01 PM
Jill was a great Adlandpro Member if we were all like Jill was we would be the better for it.

I don"t think jill should get POTY i think that the POTW should go to the active members that are still with us.
I do think that Jill should get a Higher Award and the first for Passed Members.
The thing is would Jill of won the POTY award if she was still with us.
I know it sounds bad but we can"t give out POTY awards to all our passed away friends every year.
But if Jill wins the POTY award it's good with me.As long as we don"t start following that trend.


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