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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/8/2012 11:19:33 PM
Hi Ken

I Spoke to Bogdan about how we can do this to add to the New members 100 friends.
If it's on everyone"s main page it might go out not to only the New signups but to the whole over 80,000 adlandpro members to add the volunteers to there list of friends.So if this happens you may end up a friend to every member in adlandpro since 1998.
Your friend list could jump from myself 1700 friends to 100,000
We shall see once we get the 100 volunteer list to 100 volunteers and add this feature.This is why i would like to place inactive members in sleep mode.This way we can not sent messages to them once in the sleep mode.
The members in sleep mode will get a weekly email to wake up and sign into adlandpro once logged in sleep mode will shut off and you can send messages to them again.
The Plus and Gold members will Love this Feature because there Direct Contact sends will all be opened.This will result in more people signing up for the Plus and gold memberships because of the high response rate.
More income to adlandpro the more Owner and Staff can pay to add more features pay higher commissions to there affiliates.In a whole Business minded people will want to be a member of adlandpro because when they place ads people will see them.Everything we make better for the adlandpro community can benefit us very highly and it"s because of this POTW forum we come up with these plans like these and dare to run with the ball.


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/9/2012 1:23:19 AM

Hi Dennis,

At this rate, it could take forever to get to 300-400 volunteers. Right now, it looks like the inexperienced non-profile volunteers are going to outnumber the experienced members, if more experienced members don't start volunteering for this.

I think the sooner the inactive members are put into sleep-mode, the better for everyone. That should be the priority so then more upgrades & use of paid services could go into high gear sooner. Then paid messages will be going to people who actually log in and read them.

As I see it, the inexperienced non-profile volunteers are just anticipating having a group of 100 sudden new friends. Are they aware that they are not supposed to spam all those new friends and they should be able to answer questions about how to use the services here?



Hi Dennis,

I wonder if you'd get more volunteers from the active members if you put a link at the POTW election, for the 100 Friends thread. There are already a lot of links in the ballot area but maybe highlight it or something.

I'm glad you stated that the most active volunteers will be at the top of the 100 Friends volunteers list, because in the thread for 100 Friends, I noticed lots of people I didn't recognize, and clicked on them and many of them don't have their profiles filled in, don't have active forums, and only made 1 post...the one at the 100 Friends thread, even though lots of them have been members for over a year. Some of those volunteers need advice immediately, I don't know if they are in the position to give advice to new people yet. I'm in the process of inviting them to my friendship list today.




Hi Pat

I sent you a message filling you in about the 100 Friends.
Take a look if it's for you or not.
The new members will have a chance to accept the 100 friends or pass.
If you volunteer you'll be added to the list.
You could end up with 1000"s of new friends everyday new people join adlandpro.
Make sure it's what you want the most active in adlandpro are the ones that will be at the top of the list.


Hi Kathleen

My Answer may be way outside the box but here it goes.

Jim would have to add the link in the POTW Forum.
The most active will be the first to be the first 100 on the list when it gets to 300 or 400 Volunteers we'll still pick the most active.This was all in the plan from the beginning.
Bogdan wants activity in the adlandpro community this is a way to deliver it.This will keep new members active with 100 new friends to hang out with and this will keep the long time members active to stay on the Volunteer list.I think the long time members need to be rewarded for there faithfulness to the adlandpro community in a way it is a reward to have a huge list of friends and also help the new members settle in and keep them active.

We can opt out of the list at any time that is also an option.
Down the Road we can add another feature and place inactive members in a sleep mode.
With an automatic weekly wake up email sent out by adlandpro
There are things in the works that will help us all and benefit the whole adlandpro community.
A good way to check activity is who"s Voting in the POTW forum and posting that voted.

Thank you all for supporting these features this community will begin to out advertise out socialize out do other communities that have been biting little by little at us for year.
Together with members owner and staff with new modernized features working as a team we can be unstoppable.
In these few weeks the difference in the adlandpro community has been amazing.More activity and signups the change is great and will get great to extreme..
The thing is we have to spread the word all over the internet once it hits the search engines first pages the Dam will burst the a wave of new signups to the adlandpro community thus more friends.As a 100 friend volunteer you could gain 1000"s of new friends on your friend list very fast.So are you Ready????


Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
12/9/2012 2:18:59 PM
Hi Kathleen

We are asking for active members of the community.Those that have volunteered most are active because they volunteered.The new members do not need non active friends.This is why some of the volunteers will drop off the list as we go.The thing is we need to build to the 100 asap.I figure it'll take a week.Once we reach 100 we keep those people for a set time period.Activity is the Key here.If someone wants friends added on auto pilot they"ll need to keep Adlandpro active.

The most important is let"s get the list started tell your close Friends those you think would make good friends to the new signups.Friends that will help these new members settle in adlandpro.Be warned that these new members are here to advertise so we can not nit pick them because there doing what they think adlandpro is made for.

I have to say this to show a clear picture and it's not pointed in anyway at anyone.
I've been in adlandpro since 2004 and have never told anyone to stop sending me messages.If this happens just delete these spam messages.Do you know that the Spammers are getting Spammed by the Social members of Adlandpro.It's not all 1 sided.The Social side of adlandpro are those who Rant about Spam.Do the spammers Rank about a message sent to post Pictures of there Dog?This was still sent to them and of no interest to them but they say nothing.Darn guess what i'm the worse spammer these days with all those POTW messages.Those poor Spammers must get sick of Me lol.

Yes the faster we set the sleep mode in motion the higher the view rate will be for Direct Contact Massages.Only in Adlandpro we can be the first.Once the Online Marketers hear of these Features added to adland more views for your buck no wasted money of ads never being seen.I would buy that anytime if i was advertising a product or program.

In the 100 Volunteer Forum i don't want to bombard the Volunteers with Rules.
It's best to keep it as simple as can be.Many members don't understand tons of rules and back off.These people make great friends for New members because the rule book is only secondary friendship is first and foremost to them.Let's see who volunteers and later on we'll check the activity rate.


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/13/2012 2:35:15 PM
Hello Feedbackers

We are over the 1/2 way mark.We have 56 volunteers for the 100 Friends
My count is 56 So if you have a friend you want to see volunteer Please give them this Gift of Friends on auto pilot.I just sent out another Direct Contact massage asking for Volunteers.
The 100 Mark is getting closer this should be a great feature once it's added to Adlandpro

I know i'm drifting of the POTW Discussion but once we get this organized I'll focus more on POTW.Thanks all for the help lets get to that 100 this week.


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Potw Team

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/14/2012 3:59:00 PM
Hello Active Adlanders,

I should have asked this earlier, but being the silly season and we have a dirth of qualified candidates at the moment... " Would it be wise to delay the next POTW Awards till the first week in January, so that we have a larger pool of active qualified members?

Should we have qualification rule changes?

If so what rules/guidelines would be advised?

Just asking as I now have company for the holidays and sure many others will have or will be company over the next fortnight or so.


PS: During this time we can have the Honorary POTY Thread for Jill Bachman, as I did not receive any negative feedback on honoring Jill in this way.

Your Feedback/Input is expected and appreciated.
