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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/20/2012 9:51:59 PM

There is No Spirit Mightier Than I: Enlightened by an Angel

Posted by Steve Beckow

Many, many people have been enlightened by angels. In fact it may not be an exaggeration to say that most Light is passed down from God by the angels to the human realm. Let’s listen to two experiences of enlightenment at the hands of angels. First Judge David Hatch describes his upliftment at the hands of an angel, in the astral realms:

“Imagine youth immortalized, the fleeting made eternal. Imagine the bloom of a child’s face, and the eyes of the ages of knowledge. Imagine the brilliance of a thousand lives concentrated in those eyes and the smile upon the lips of a love so pure that it asks no answering love from those it smiles upon.

“But the language of earth cannot describe the unearthly, nor could the understanding of man grasp in a moment those joys which the Beautiful Being revealed to me in that hour of supreme life. For the possibilities of existence have been widened for me, the meanings of the soul have deepened. Those who behold the Beautiful Being are never the same again as they were before. They may forget for a time, and lose in the business of living the magic of that presence; but when ever they do remember, they are caught up again on the wings of the former rapture.” (1)

Second, Alfred Lord Tennyson describes his profound enlightenment at the hands of a Seraph. I’ve never heard a more entrancing description than Tennyson’s and so I quote it at length.

“I stood upon the Mountain which o’erlooks
The narrow seas….

“A curve of whitening, flashing, ebbing light!
A rustling of white wings! the bright descent
Of a young Seraph! and he stood beside me
There on the [mountain] ridge, and look’d into my face
With his unutterable, shining orbs.
So that with hasty motion I did veil
My vision with both hands, and saw before me
Such colour’d spots as dance athwart the eyes
Of those, that gaze upon the noonday Sun….

“I felt my soul grow mighty, and my spirit
With supernatural excitation bound
Within me, and my mental eye (1) grew large
With such a vast circumference of thought,
That in my vanity I seem’d to stand
Upon the outward verge and bound alone
Of full beatitude. Each failing sense,
As with a momentary flash of light
Grew thrillingly distinct and keen. I saw
The smallest grain that dappled the dark Earth,
The indistinctest atom in deep air,
The Moon’s white cities, and the opal width
Of her small glowing lakes…

“… The clear Galaxy
Shorn of its hoary lustre, wonderful,
Distinct and vivid with sharp points of light,
Blaze within blaze, an unimagin’d depth
And harmony of planet-girded suns
And moon-circled planets, wheel in wheel,
Arch’d the wan sapphire….

“… my human brain
Stagger’d beneath the vision, and thick night
Came down upon my eyelids, and I fell.

“With ministering hand he rais’d me up:
Then with a mournful and ineffable smile,
Which but to look on for a moment fill’d
My eyes with irresistible sweet tears…

“‘There is no mightier Spirit than I to sway
The heart of man: and teach him to attain
By shadowing forth the Unattainable….’” (2)

I almost feel as if I should apologize for having cited so long a passage, but where else will you hear such sacred utterances as from a man who has just been illumined by a Seraph, a being from the most advanced realms of the angels, whom Archangel Michael described metaphorically as standing at the throne of God?

Not only did Tennyson derive his poetic skill from this encounter. But a poor shepherd named Caedmon was transformed into a poet by the touch of an angel.

“Caedmon was an illiterate herdsman, who did not even know the alphabet. One night he had a vision of an angel, and by that angel’s grace his poetic faculty came to life. Caedmon composed extemporaneously and even recited his hymns and poems in public.” (3)

Angels enlightened Moses, Mohammed, Isaiah, Ezekiel. They protected Elijah, Daniel, Jesus.

When Moses looked upon the burning bush, it was the sight of an angel in the midst of it that enlightened the prophet.

“And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.” (4)

If you were to ask me what my favorite film clip was of all times, it would have to be Moses, played by Charlton Heston, coming down from seeing the burning bush. You’ll have to add in your imagination the sight of the angel who enlightened Moses.

Mohammed was enlightened by Gabriel on the Night of Qadr and given the Koran to communicate to humanity.

“This is an inspired revelation. He is taught by one who is powerful and mighty.

He stood on the uppermost horizon; then, drawing near, he came down within two bows’ length or even closer, and revealed to his servant that which he revealed.

His own heart did not deny his vision. How can you, then, question what he sees?

He beheld him once again at the sidrah-tree, beyond which no one may pass. (Near it is the Garden of Repose.)” (5)

“We revealed the Koran on the Night of Qadr. … (6)

On that night the angels and the Spirit by their Lord’s leave come down with His decrees.

That night is peace, till break of day.” (7)

Daniel was enlightened by angels who surrounded the throne of Sanat Kumara, also known as the Ancient of Days. A thousand thousand angels stood around Lord Sanat.

“I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheel as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.” (8)

Just to show you how lucky this generation is, this is the same Sanat Kumara who graces us with his presence on our radio shows. How much luckier can a generation get?

I’m pretty sure that this same “Raj,” as he prefers to be called, is the King of kings and Lord of hosts whose Seraphim servants illumined Isaiah:

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple … and one [Seraph] cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

“… Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

“Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

“And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

“And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.

“Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.” (9)

I can ask him next time he appears on An Hour with an Angel. Last time we asked him if he was Quetzlcoatl and he acknowledged he was. But serving him are the same angelic hosts who minister to all the holy ones. And these same angels are here now serving us as we approach the end of a cycle and Ascension.

Angels serve many functions but the one that we probably appreciate most is that they grant us what all of us seek – the bliss, wisdom, and certainty that go with enlightenment. It is they who take us that further step along our journey that leads ultimately to the final goal – when God meets God in a moment of final and absolute enlightenment.


(1) Judge David Patterson Hatch (“X”), Letters from a Living Dead Man. Elsa Barker, med. New York: Mitchell Kennerly, 1914. Ebook downloaded from, 28 August 2008, 169-70.

(2) Alfred Lord Tennyson in Marghanita Laski, Ecstacy in Secular and Religious Experiences.Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1961, 401-2.

(3) Swami Chetanananda in They Lived with God. Life Stories of Some Devotees of Sri Ramakrishna. St. Louis: Vedanta Society of St. Louis, 1989, 373.

(4) Exodus 3:2.

(5) Koran, 112.

(6) Koran, 27.

(7) The night of glory; i.e., the night of his enlightenment.

(8) Daniel 7:9-10.

(9) Isaiah 6:1 + 5-10.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/23/2012 9:41:13 PM

Up and Down the Ladder of Consciousness: The Story of Life

Posted by Steve Beckow

I was saying earlier that the Bible was a formulary of enlightenment motifs and that what it primarily illustrated was the journey up the mountain to freedom and down the mountain to serve.

How could I have forgotten that chief motif that illustrates the sacred ascent and descent – Jacob’s ladder? Were there not angels ascending and descending on it?

Have we not been called so many times “physical angels”? And are we not ascending the stairway to heaven?

And are not angels such as Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphiel, and Uriel descending Jacob’s ladder to assist us physical angels with our climb?

Here are Sheldan Nidle’s higher-dimensional galactic sources on our true form:

“Many of us are surrounded by a glowing aura. Because of this, and our ability to transform easily into our Light Body, many of your ancestors viewed us with awe.

“Greet us now, not in this belief, but merely as your Space Family. Know by what you see that you gaze upon simply what you really are. Like us, you are Physical Angels. Soon, you once again will take on your true form.”(1)

And SaLuSa said the same:

“You are special Beings of a highly evolved state, except that very few of you are aware of it. You are slowly but surely beginning to understand your spiritual history, even although the idea that you are Angels is quite astonishing to you. The fact that you already have a link to your higher consciousness means that you will sub-consciously know when you are being offered truthful information.” (2)

Archangel Michael, in An Hour with an Angel on March 26, 2012, explained what is meant by the term:

“You spend time during this process of Ascension incorporating, inviting in, all of your glorious aspects. So, do not forget to invite your own angelic self to be with you. This is not your higher self.

“If you want to think in the way you do, in terms of layers, think of your angelic self as above your higher self and pull them all in—to your core, to your heart, to your feet, to your toes. Because our purpose in speaking of this is for you to acknowledge and to know your own being as well.” (3)

Perhaps we can also glimpse the really subtle sub-text in what Archangel Michael is saying. We are ourselves Starseeds and Hybrids. And we are our higher selves. And we are our angelic selves, higher than our higher selves. And we are God, from which all emanate. One is all and all is One.

The secret sub-text then is, yes, all are One, but also one is All.

And each of these realizations has its own stage of enlightenment. When we see that we are God, we’ve achieved jnana or wisdom. When we see that all is God, we’ve achieved vijnana or spotless wisdom.

The higher-dimensional beings, right up to the Divine Mother, the first among created beings, speak in ways that we’ll understand – not in mystical, lofty terms. So they, especially in communications designed to reach the widest possible audience, will not go into the deeper mysteries but simply point at them in passing. The Divine Mother herself acknowledged this in An Hour with an Angel, on May 7, 2012:

Steve Beckow: When you use the word “the Father,” are you referring to the conditioned Brahman? And if you are, could you tell us about your aspect as the transcendental Absolute?

My purpose in this was to coax “her” to tell us about the greatest mystery of All – her aspect as the Transcendental Absolute. But alas, it was truly not an appropriate subject for a radio show.

Divine Mother: Many who listen do not understand these terms.

SB: Yes, I realize that.

DM: And part of my desire is to make myself very clear, that people do understand. So, ensure, beloved, that you do make these terms very clear for your readers and listeners.

SB: I will. But if you would just confirm for me that you are speaking about the conditioned Brahman rather than the Transcendental Absolute, I can do the rest.

DM: Yes, that is exactly what I am speaking of. (5)

To return to Jacob’s ladder of consciousness evolving and serving, here we have another excellent example of a Biblical motif designed to imprint on our minds an image of the manner in which life works. We mount the ladder of consciousness to fulfill our divine missions to know our true essence so that God may have the pleasure of meeting God in a moment of our enlightenment.

And once we’ve known ourselves completely, we then go back down the ladder of consciousness, back down the mountain, to assist others to climb it.To return to Jacob’s ladder of consciousness evolving and serving, here we have another excellent example of a Biblical motif designed to imprint on our minds an image of the manner in which life works. We mount the ladder of consciousness to fulfill our divine missions to know our true essence so that God may have the pleasure of meeting God in a moment of our enlightenment.

Jesus speaking of going in by the door, of laying down our burdens and following him, of being laborers in the harvest, in fact all of his parables and homilies are only about this journey up the mountain, up the ladder, up the staircase, and down again, to freedom and back again to service.

One might say that Jesus also spoke of becoming a pillar in the temple and going no more out. By that he meant not needing to be reborn into the physical, what he meant by the term “eternal life.” But he did not mean that we do not leave the temple to serve. Why, he did himself, as he indicated, when he said: “I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” (6)

He left the temple and came forth from the Father to walk down the mountain, climb down the ladder, descend the staircase, and serve. And when he was finished, he walked back up the ladder of consciousness again, climbed the mountain, and ascended back to the realm from which he came.

Always there is this journey up and down the staircase of heaven, a journey which never ends.

Always we’re serving the Divine Plan of God knowing God in a moment of enlightenment through facilitating all of creation to know itself in moments of enlightenment.

Enlightenment is the purpose of life and all our efforts are either to experience enlightenment ourselves or assist others to.

And all the efforts of messiahs, angels, ascended masters and even galactic coalitions and higher universal councils are all and only to serve that Plan, as Archangel indicated when he said: “our purpose in speaking of this is for you to acknowledge and to know your own being.” (7)

I’d better stop here or stop somewhere because this is the eternal song, the Bhagavad-Gita or Song of God, the Song of Songs. And beginning to sing it, one cannot stop.

One is wafted to bliss by singing the Song of songs. The heavens lift their voices in praise of God because God is all, God is bliss, and God is everlasting love and peace. And soon the Earth will also lift its voice in praise of God.


(1) Spiritiual Hierachy and Galactic Federation, May 7, 2002, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at

(2) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010, at

(3) Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at .

(4) See the sections at and following.

(5) “Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2011,” at

(6) John 16: 28.

(7) Archangel Michael, ibid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 1:01:08 AM
I am posting this with some reservation as in this series of articles by Steve Beckow there are things that I may not always agree with, yet as a whole are fascinating

The Judgment and the Second Death Explained

Posted by Steve Beckow

There is no Judgment Day – thank heavens!

Please allow me to go over a couple of terms used recently that readers have either commented on or asked questions about. They were used in a recent article. (1) I recall the Divine Mother saying back in May 2012 that, if we use spiritually-technical terms, we should be sure to explain them. (2)

But before I do, can I make sure that we agree on one feature of language? Language consists of symbols upon which we freely and arbitrarily bestow meaning. People will make words mean anything they want and use them any way they want.

We may want people to be consistent in their use of language, but there is no method known to us to enforce consistency. The French Academy tried and I’m not sure how successful they were.

That point is important when we consider two terms that are used on the spirit planes to describe discrete events. The first is the “Judgment” and the second is the “Second Death.” I’ve been asked to explain the two.

We’re all familiar with the Biblical notion of the Judgment Day. There’s no such event known to people who transition to the other side. But there is an event upon which some people have bestowed the name of the “Judgment.” (3)

That event happens after we transition. It’s one of two full-life reviews. The first life-review usually happens when we are about to transition or immediately after we do. It consists of a rapid-fire review of our life’s events, which helps us to understand the flow of our lives and allows us a measure of completion with its events.

The second full-life review, the one referred to as the “Judgment,” happens much later, after we’re well-adapted to life on the spirit planes. It consists of a lengthy examination of our life’s actual events, gleaned from the Akashic records, as compared to our life’s blueprint, soul contract, or lifeplan. We look at the events of our lives and see where we achieved our goals and where we didn’t and we usually do so with a guide or counsellor assisting us.

At times, the Judgment can be painful but it’s always educational and helps us to complete with our most recent life. After it, we may choose to do some work on the other side to repair some of the mistakes we made. But once we’ve carried out the review and repair work, we usually move on from our connection with our last life.

For many people, the Judgment takes place in the First Subplane of the Mental Plane. We know the Mental Plane as the Fifth Dimension. For a very few, it takes place on the Astral Plane, which we know as the Fourth Dimension.

Following the Judgment, we pass through what many spirit communicators call the “Second Death,” (4) the second term I wanted to explain. And here we see the arbitrary use of language. Many readers will associate the “second death” with Jesus’s statement: “He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” (5)

This use of the term is not equivalent to spirit’s use of the term and there’s no stopping a person from using the same term to refer to either event or both events.

Jesus’s use can be explained as follows. If a person overcomes and transcends (“kills”) the ego, they won’t be hurt by the death of the body. The first death is the ego death; the second death is the death of the body. He who transcends the ego will be enlightened and leave the body consciously (and thus “not hurt”).

But the Second Death on the spirit side of life involves the shedding of the astral body, leaving us in the mental body. I’ll get to our Ascension in a minute, which is a totally-new development in the ascension process. But up until this time in cosmic history, an ascension involved leaving one body behind and finding oneself in a higher or more refined body.

It also usually involved leaving one plane and entering another.

The Second Death happens after the Judgement and actually sees the traveller move from the first subplane of the Mental Plane to the second. But in actuality it completes the leaving of the Astral, the first subplane of the Mental Plane being much like a vestibule. (6)

Having said that, when we ascend on or before Dec. 21 (according to the sudden school), our Ascension is an entirely novel development in creation because for the first time we’ll be ascending and we won’t be shedding a body. We’ll transform our physical bodies from carbon based to crystalline based. This has never been done before.

Moreover, our Ascension, I’m led to believe, won’t involve a Judgment, as with the transition from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimensions on the spirit side of life.

Underneath all of this is the realization – and for me this is a deep and subtle realization – that God created life and the world and can do with life and the world anything that He/She/It pleases.

By God’s command, new processes are birthed and this Ascension that we’ll go through is one of those new processes, established by Divine Dictate, Divine Will, and Divine Plan.

If you’re like me, when you really see that God simply thinks and life changes, it brings home how illusory this all is. Life conforms to whatever God wishes it to conform to.

We are all dream characters in God’s own Dream. And when He/She/It decides to make a change in the Dream, much like when the Red Queen wanted to make a change in Wonderland, presto, holy figures on universal councils make that change. And all that is irresistible.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m just impressionable, but the whole thing utterly astounds me. This reality is malleable and God is the worker of the clay. I obey His/Her/Its dictates and, in the end, there’s no choice involved. I’m a mere puppet with God pulling the strings, playing all the parts and speaking all the lines.

I find this knowledge humbling until I realize that I too am God. Then I’m completely overwhelmed and fill with bliss.


(1) “The Reality of Ascension on the Spirit Planes,” Sept. 26, 2012, at For an earlier article, see “What is Ascension Like on the Spirit Side of Life?” at

(2) Steve Beckow: When you use the word “the Father,” are you referring to the conditioned Brahman? And if you are, could you tell us about your aspect as the transcendental Absolute?

Divine Mother: Many who listen do not understand this or these terms.

SB: Yes, I realize that.

DM: And part of my desire is to make very clear, that people do understand. So, ensure, beloved, that you do make these terms very clear for your readers and listeners.

SB: I will. But if you would just confirm for me that you are speaking about the conditioned Brahman rather than the Transcendental Absolute, I can do the rest.

DM: Yes, that is exactly what I am speaking of. (“Transcript of the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel, May 7, 2012,” at

(3) See “The Judgment” at

(4) See “The Second Death” at

(5) Revelation 2:11. The saying is similar to an Eastern one: “Die before you die.” Die to the ego before the body dies and you will be enlightened. The ego does not actually die but the masters used the metaphor of death to indicate transcendence over the ego.

(6) The first subplane of the Mental Plane is regarded as not the Mental Plane proper, but more of a vestibule. The second subplane is regarded as the Mental Plane proper.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2012 5:46:08 PM
Here, Steve Beckows makes some metaphysical precisions regarding the Highest Powers

The Divine Mother is All We Can Know

Posted by Steve Beckow

All knowledge is aimed at knowing the Unknowable, the One, the All that is. But in fact knowledge can’t be used to know the Unknowable, as we shall see below.

The farthest that knowledge can reach is to That which is within the realm of the material. Not the One, but the Second that the One created.

That Second has been variously termed by ancient sages the Divine Mother, the Holy Spirit, Shakti, Prakriti/Procreatrix, Aum/Amen, the Word of God, the Logos, the primal energy, the universal creative vibration – the list of names goes on. (2)

The Divine Mother is not a female. “She” is beyond gender. There being a Divine Mother, posited by the sages, they also created the One being the “Holy Father.”

The Father is also not a male. The distinction between the two is between movement (Mother) and rest (Father), (3) stillness and silence (Father) and activity and sound (Mother). Here is Sri Ramakrishna making this distinction:

“That which is Brahman [what I call the Father] is also Kali, the Mother, the primal Energy. When inactive It is called Brahman. Again, when creating, preserving, and destroying, It is called Sakti [the Mother]. Still water is an illustration of Brahman. The same water, moving in waves, may be compared to Sakti, Kali. … She is formless and, again, She has forms.” (4)

When God moves, it is called the Mother; when God is still, is is called the Father. But moving or still, God is only one.

Everything that one can see, touch, feel, smell, and in any other way experience is the Mother. We cannot see, touch, or feel the Father. The Mother then is all that can be known; the Father can’t be known.

The Father lies outside the world of form. The world of form is a dream the Father is having, a make-believe world, a world of illusion, something the One has thought up and can change by thought.

However the actual activity that sees change materialize into forms is that of the Mother. She’s the glove and he’s the hand that operates the glove, unseen.

All the while we’re talking to the Mother, it’s the Father who actually responds. She’s the “voice of one crying in the wilderness” of the Father. She’s the “voice in the silence.” But all along he’s the actual speaker.

To say that the Mother is knowable is actually a somewhat glib way of speaking. To know the Mother absolutely is to penetrate through to the Father and That is unknowable. So I’m being a little loose in my speaking simply to make the matter as simple as possible.

In fact the only way we know the Mother is by her effects – by what she produces, which is itself the known world, the world of matter, mater, Mother. And when I say “the world of matter,” I don’t mean only this Third Dimension or Physical Plane. I mean all the worlds, everything short of the Transcendental Absolute, because all of these worlds are “material” or Mother-made. The material they are made of is simply more and more refined the higher in dimensionality we go.

As our enlightenment deepens and we move from knowledge of the Self or Child to knowledge of the Mother and then knowledge of the Father, our sense of individuality, our sense of “knowing” lessens and then leaves when the time comes to know the Father.

Here’s the first enlightenment – the sight of the Child, Self, Christ or Atman, as described by Jan Ruusbroec:

“In the abyss of this darkness in which the loving spirit has died to itself, God’s revelation and eternal life have their origin, for in this darkness an incomprehensible light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God, in whom a person becomes able to see and to contemplate eternal life.” (5)

“It is Christ [the Self, Child or Atman], the light of truth, who says, ‘See,’ and it is through him [eventually] that we are able to see, for he is the light of the Father, without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.” (6)

In the next level of enlightenment, we see the Mother. She appears to devotees in whatever form we worship her. We may see her as the Light that informs all of creation. Here’s that experience described by the poet William Wordsworth. This enlightenment probably led to the birth of his best poetry:

“Such was the Boy — but for the growing Youth
What soul was his, when, from the naked top
Of some bold headland, he beheld the sun
Rise up, and bathe the world in light! He looked –
Ocean and earth, the solid frame of earth
And ocean’s liquid mass, in gladness lay
Beneath him:– Far and wide the clouds were touched,
And in their silent faces could he read
Unutterable love. Sound needed none,
Nor any voice of joy; his spirit drank
The spectacle: sensation, soul, and form,
All melted into him; they swallowed up
His animal being; in them did he live,
And by them did he live; they were his life.” (7)

Or we may know the Mother in the form of our chosen ideal (Ishta) – say, Krishna, Jesus, or the guru – whom we see and then who enters into us and becomes one with us. Here is Da Free John seeing the Mother as the Virgin Mary – a form that Linda Dillon also prefers.

“Standing in the garden, with an obviously discernible form, made of subtle energy but without any kind of visibility, was the Virgin, Mary, Mother of Christ! … Just as her Presence was not physical, but subtle, her communication to me was internal….

“I told [Swami Nityananda] … how the Shakti appeared to have taken over independently of … any … source. He blessed me, told me that I belonged to Her now, and that I should leave [the ahsram] and let the Mother guide me. …

“I took … flowers to the temple of the Mother Shakti near the Ashram. There is a sculpture of her benign, multi-armed, and omnipresent image there. I looked into her face and saw that she was the same one who appeared to me in the form of the Virgin…. As I left I felt her assure me that I was her child and she would guide me.” (8)

Or we may know the Mother as an experience of consciousness, like waves of consciousness as Ramakrishna saw her:

“‘I felt as if my heart were being squeezed like a wet towel. I was overpowered with a great restlessness and a fear that it might not be my lot to realize Her in this life. I could not bear the separation from Her any longer. Life seemed to be not worth living. Suddenly my glance fell on the sword that was kept in the Mother’s temple. I determined to put an end to my life.

“When I jumped up like a madman and seized it, suddenly the blessed Mother revealed Herself. The buildings with their different parts, the temple, and everything else vanished from my sight, leaving no trace whatsoever, and in their stead I saw a limitless, infinite, effulgent Ocean of Consciousness.

“’As far as the eye could see, the shining billows were madly rushing at me from all sides with a terrific noise, to swallow me up! I was panting for breath. I was caught in the rush and collapsed, unconscious. What was happening in the outside world I did not know; but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother.’ On his lips when he regained consciousness of the world was the word ‘Mother’”. (9)

Or as everything that is in the material world, as Ramakrishna’s Vedantic guru, Totapuri, saw her:

“Suddenly, in one dazzling moment, [Totapuri] sees on all sides the presence of the Divine Mother. She is in everything; She is everything. She is in the water; She is on land. She is the body; She is the mind. She is pain; She is comfort. She is knowledge; She is ignorance. She is life; She is death. She is everything that one sees, hears, or imagines. She turns ‘yea’ into ‘nay’; and ‘nay’ into ‘yay’. Without Her grace no embodied being can go beyond Her realm. Man has no free will. He is not even free to die. Yet, again, beyond the body and mind She resides in her Transcendental, Absolute aspect. She is the Brahman that Totapuri has been worshipping all his life.” (10)

Once we pass the experience of the Mother, we pass beyond the knowable. When we reach the experience of the Father, we move into the cloud of unknowing, as one sage called it. Perhaps none has described the unknowable and unknowing better than Pseudo-Dionysius:

“I pray we could come to this darkness, so far above light! If only we lacked sight and knowledge so as to see, so as to know, unseeing and unknowing, that which lies beyond all vision and knowledge. For this would be really to see and to know: to praise the Transcendent One in a transcending way, namely through the denial of all beings. …

“Now as we climb from the last things up to the most primary we deny all things so that we may unhiddenly know that unknowing which itself is hidden from all those possessed of knowing amid all beings, so that we may see above being that darkness concealed from all the light among beings. … As we plunge into that darkness which is beyond intellect, we shall find ourselves not simply running short of words but actually speechless and unknowing.” (11)

“The fact is that the more we take flight upward, the more our words are confined to the ideas we are capable of forming; so that now as we plunge into that darkness which is beyond intellect, we shall find ourselves not simply running short of words but actually speechless and unknowing. … The more [the mind] climbs, the more language falters, and when it has passed up and beyond the ascent, it will turn silent completely, since it will finally be at one with him who is indescribable.” (12)

So only the Mother can be known. The Father can only be known through unknowing. But she’s the One who leads us by the hand to the Father. (13)

The knowledge of her is more precious than rubies because it’s the most that can be achieved and it fits us for all further knowledge. The knowledge of the Father cannot be achieved. We cannot obtain it, earn it, secure it, etc. The distance we can go to “obtain” it is infinitesimal. Beyond the few steps we take, God closes the yawning chasm that remains, as Bernadette Roberts explains: “At a certain point, when we have done all we can [to bring about an abiding union with the divine], the divine steps in and takes over.” (14)

All enlightenment past this point is the gift of grace and beyond all effort. Only the Mother as the Father can bestow that unknown and unknowable knowledge.

Therefore the Divine Mother, who created all we see, hear and know, is all that can itself be known. The Father is unknowable and can only be known by an act of unknowing, after all knowledge has been abandoned and left behind.


(1) “An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy,” at

(2) “On the Nature of the Divine Mother or Holy Spirit,” at

(3) The distinction that Jesus made in A. Guillaumont et al. The Gospel According to Thomas. New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1959, 29.

(4) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Nikhilananda, Swami, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 634. [Hereafter GSR.]

(5) John Ruusbroec in Wiseman, James A., John Ruusbroec. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1985, 147.

(6) Ibid., 74.

(7) William Wordsworth in Marghanita Laski, Ecstacy in Secular and Religious Experiences. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1961, 399.

(8) Da Free John, The Knee of Listening. Original Edition. Clearlake, CA; Dawn Horse Press, 1984; c1973, Original Edition, 126-30.

(9) Paramahansa Ramakrishna. GSR, 14.

(10) Nikhilananda in ibid., 31.

(11) Pseudo-Dionysius, Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 138-9.

(12) Ibid.,139.

(13) “On the Nature of the Divine Mother,” ibid.

(14) Bernadette Roberts, “The Path to No-Self” in Stephan Bodian, ed. Timeless Visions, Healing Voices. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991, 131.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2012 2:26:30 AM

What is a Starseed? A Walk-in?

Posted by Steve Beckow

Janis Galbreath has just circulated some very useful definitions from the Starseed Hotline, which, in this small world we live in, probably came from the pen of Sierra Neblina. I found them quite helpful.


Star Seed – Souls having lived or originated on other planets, other galaxies, on spacecraft, or in other dimensions and interlocking world spaces, who have volunteered to assist in bringing in the New Age of Reason and assist Earth through her next phase of evolution. They inhabit their human body from its birth. Some are born knowing their identity and purpose, others are to be activated, or wake up, at a later time. The timing of the moment of birth is deliberate. Souls agreeing to come to Earth together find corresponding genetics that fit their soul’s mission. A lot of experiments have been put in motion through bloodlines just for this purpose, in order to house the star seed operation. There are many variations of these experiments with star seed, and there are many combinations of astrological star codings, from planet placement to blood/genetic requirements, to match galactic agendas. One may have astrological markings through star seed codes, but without the bloodline to enhance the markings, it gets more difficult for a star seed to resonate to galactic agenda, but not impossible.

Star Seed are programmed, so to speak, to aid in the activation of their brothers and sisters in collective advancement through moral, ethical and mental/spiritual guidance. When a star seed is called upon to gather in “unison of purpose,” that is when others seem to witness miracles or magic in motion, because of their combined galactic heritage. Most star seed that are truly activated from all levels seem to hold their optimism about the missions that they have chosen. Another trait of star seed is to totally rejuvenate their bodies through meditation or other modes of healing. Others not yet activated into their knowing can and do turn sometimes to darker agendas of behavior. True power of star seed comes from knowing their total journey. There seems to be a constant among star seed, which is that a guidance system seems to oversee their stay on Earth and assist when truly needed.

Walk-Ins- Advanced souls choosing to volunteer, through a combination of galactic agendas, to assist Earth through her next stage of evolution. They do not go through the birth process; they trade places with someone already in human form through a prearranged agreement with that soul. If a Star Seed or Light Worker have no other way to complete their soul mission, then they might agree to leave the body and make a trade with a Walk-In. Many advanced galactic civilizations have used these Walk-In experiments at the pinnacle of evolutionary change in order to match celestial agendas. This is not to be confused with being possessed of spirit, that is another matter all together. These Walk-Ins that are being placed in human form are guided in deliberate fashion and in accordance with “free will” at cosmic levels of agreements.

The silver cord of life force is traveled upon to imprint the new consciousness of the Walk-In and agreements are made to fulfill certain family concerns left unfinished by the soul walking out. After a period of adjustment, then certain behavior patterns immerge and drastic changes start to take place such as weddings, divorces, re-location, change of occupation, even sexual preference may change. Walk-ins can be permanent, which means that the original soul will not return. Temporary Walk-Ins can use a human body for short periods of time while the original is gathering new instructions while residing in other realms before returning back to body. So a Walk-In can be permanent or temporary.

Lightworkers – Advanced souls originating on Earth, who have evolved to the point of developing special abilities and talents, which are needed for elevating the planet and her inhabitants. They were born to the body they occupy. They seem to be drawn to Star Seed missions and want to be involved with their agendas. They are the angelic worker bees of mission control. Many will choose to have astrological star codings, although they will not be star seed, but by frequency they seem to resonate to healthy lifestyles and empower mental, moral, ethical, spiritual behavior wherever they go. Their home is the Earth and they want to keep it sustainable for all forms of life. When their mission is through, they will be returning to Earth; not to the stars.

Indigos - Extraterrestrial souls born to human bodies having more than two strands of DNA. They have unique abilities because of their DNA. They are the result of advanced extraterrestrial blood experiments that have gone through many genetic changes in order to foster their interdimensional talents. This is a large group of souls that chose to come to earth via spacecraft, mostly from the Pleiades, and beamed down as human embryos that would match their missions through genetic codes. Most Indigos now on the planet were born after the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. They require innovative parenting and should not be medicated for ADHD as children.

Both their astrological and blood codings will match every time, no exceptions. Indigos also have the ability to pick up signals from ET beacons, such as the one found by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shephard during 1961 referred to as “postcards from the rim”. These ET beacons emit both light and tone signals, along with a mathematical language, which can translate like a 3D film of the Galaxy. Many monoliths are out in space, devised by a group of ET races, and now Indigos seem to resonate to their intergalactic messages.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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