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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/12/2012 5:45:23 PM
Note: This message is available online at

Shifting Paradigms

The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most in this world prefer to look outward for divine wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence upon a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine. In all our wanderings away from the Divine, humankind has obscured its most compelling features through a persistent belief in limitations arising out of the controlling mechanisms of this hierarchy.

The Divine dances outside of the confines of any hierarchical structures. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all life within the universe. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each soul's innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is far beyond mental conception, yet humanity's tendency is to resort to the limiting language of the hierarchical paradigm to define and understand it.

The Hierarchical Paradigm: Searching for Connection and Wholeness

When people are unaware of their inner wisdom and wholeness, they tend to search for order and security outside themselves. Uncertain of their place within the hierarchical order of the world, they define themselves based upon their insecurities. Individuals thus become only pieces of their wholeness and like shards of glass from a beautiful vase, they bear little resemblance to their aggregate beauty. Within the hierarchy, many in high positions of power have taken advantage of our collective insecurities in attempting to guide the development of all humankind. They have obscured the direct connection between the individual and the Divine through a variety of means designed to intercede between our inner essence and our divine source.

Each individual can come to know themselves to be free of all forms of hierarchical control. This is not to imply that we should not trust others or join together in bonds of friendship and community. It is simply a reminder that relative truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to control. And even when the motive for their controlling behaviors may be of good will, it is still a form of control. When the revealers of "truth" within the hierarchy withhold and suppress information, they are usually positioning themselves to maintain or acquire more power rather than to disseminate empowerment to all.

The desire for connection and wholeness is a fuel that drives us to seek out and explore the hierarchical paradigm. This inner longing provides us with the motivation to seek help and guidance from a specific group within the hierarchy, and in so doing, cultivate a sense of belonging and connection. Furthermore, the hierarchical paradigm is a stage whereby we develop a sense of connection to some grand, encompassing vision. This is why the hierarchy nurtures prophets who point toward a greater vision.

Spiritual leaders are able to peer deeply beneath the surface reality of life and experience how intricately connected every life form is, and how the composite of all life is intelligent far beyond measure. These visionary leaders can thus interpret reality through their personal abilities to perceive and express life's dimensional depth and limitless intelligence. Yet no one is able to articulate life's full dimensional depth and breadth with the tools of language. They can only, at best, describe their interpretation or their impressions.

In actuality, all of us are able to peer beneath the surface reality of life and perceive a unique vision of the universe. We require only time and intention to develop our own interpretations. And this is precisely what many great spiritual leaders have taught. Life's deeper essence is not an absolute to be experienced by the chosen few, but an evolving, dynamic intelligence that wears as many faces as there are life forms. No group or people has the exclusive portal into the universe by which the Divine expresses itself in all its majesty. The portal is open and available to all, because the Divine is within all things.

Those recognized as great prophets each produced a vision of the universe beyond what was currently defined by the hierarchy. Because their interpretations were articulated with authority and depth of insight, they became a target of debate among various groups in the hierarchy. This debate then created a polarity of belief. A sympathetic constituency emerged to defend and embellish their leader's interpretation, while established groups held it in contempt of previously held beliefs. Invariably, the leader's vision became confined and shaped into dogma by followers who desired to create a new religion or sect. Thus, this infusion of fresh insight quietly receded into the hands of the hierarchy, where its deeper meaning was obscured by the very fact that it was incorporated into a rigid structure that both protected and promoted it.

The Transformation Paradigm: Inner Wisdom and Understanding

A new paradigm is emerging that promotes a clear connection of individual consciousness to the compelling features of the Divine without the intervention of a hierarchy. This is when the fables and myths of history step into the light and become known as they were originally intended. This is the time when language will be transformed into a new form of communication that breaks down all barriers of control. Personal transformation, through the awakening of inner wisdom and understanding, is the pathway into wholeness.

The transformation paradigm is initiated simply by the recognition that rather than the dependency-inducing ways of the hierarchical paradigm, there are accelerated, independent pathways that bypass the hierarchy and lead to self-mastery. These new pathways lead to the divine wisdom and understanding that is present within all of us. This wisdom can be accessed through the practice of three principles of transformation: seeing the Divine in all, nurturance of life, and gratitude. The application of these life principles disengages individuals from the controlling elements of the hierarchy, thus initiating the transformation experience.

As there are relative truths, there are relative freedoms. As individuals evolve through the hierarchical process, an ever-increasing sense of freedom is gained, yet external forces continue to exert control through limiting language, confining belief systems, and more. These controlling influences lead to continued reliance upon the hierarchy as it unceasingly attempts to impose a sense of inequality between us. The underlying equation of the hierarchical paradigm is: individual + hierarchy = God connection. In the case of personal transformation it is: individual + inner wisdom and understanding = divine equality with all.

The Synthesis Paradigm: Integration

The time has come to integrate the dominant paradigm of the hierarchy with the liberating transformation paradigm. This integration occurs naturally once we have fully explored the two paradigms and develop a synthesis paradigm whereby transformation is attained by searching for connection and wholeness through our own inner wisdom and understanding. It is this combination of release from dependency on the hierarchy and transformation from within that initiates the synthesis paradigm.

Once we take responsibility for our own transformation and integration, it does not mean that the hierarchy is to be shunned or avoided. The hierarchy is quite benign as a manipulative force and merely represents one important stage in the journey toward wholeness. What is being set in motion now is the initial preparation for these paradigm shifts. More specifically, these paradigms will be simultaneously played out over the coming years. As always, it will be the choice of each one of us as to which paradigm we embrace in our journey.

All of the highest imaginings of humanity are yet unaware of our deepest foundation. We have sought the upper reaches of the building, yet remain unaware of the foundation's design. It is here, at the very core of existence that the Divine is bursting forth with its creative energy while simultaneously reintegrating with its invitation to wholeness. It is here that equality is realized, not in the lofty places of relative truth lodged in the hierarchy, but rather in the deepest part of the foundational plan of life's original source and ultimate destiny. The origin and destiny of existence is the tone of equality in life. Listen for this tone – this frequency of vibration – and follow it back into the very foundation from whence all things arise and return.

Consider these words as symbols only. Feel the truth that stands behind these words, and tap into this empowering energy force that reaches out for you. Know it as a tone or vibration – a resonance that waits for you around every corner in which your life will turn. It is a beacon of the Divine gathering itself into the form of language in order to usher you to a place from which you can experience the formless tone of equality – the bypass of limitation. It is the primal language of our divine source that bestows to you the freedom to generate your own deepest beauty in the expression of your highest truth.

For the full ten-page text of this empowering essay, click here
For a two-page summary on principles of transformation, click here
For a free, inspiring online course and community based on these principles, click here

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Manuel Polanco

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6/1/2012 6:53:20 AM
There's lost of information about this topic at a site named
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/4/2012 10:43:32 AM
There's lost of information about this topic at a site named

I will take a look, Manuel; thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2012 10:54:17 AM
Dear friends, today I am starting a series of articles by Steve Beckow that I find most important in the present juncture. And in the wake of the last article posted here, the first one looks especially interesting since of all possible subjects, it deals with new paradigms...

New Paradigm No Mystery

2012 JUNE 3
Posted by Steve Beckow

I used to say that the new paradigm remained a mystery to me. And then one day, one of my guides, I’m sure, socked me right between the eyes and it was no mystery any more.

How could the new paradigm be anything other than the divine qualities? Such a thing could not be.

We’ve been left to our own devices for millennia to arrive at a workable paradigm and we’ve only produced greed, separativeness, us against them, service to self, and submissiveness.

It’s time to admit we failed and accept the help of God-sent teachers. It’s time to cop to what the new paradigm could only be and that’s the qualities of the Divine.

Those are such things as love, compassion, humility, balance, joy, harmony, peace and so on. How could it be any other way? Honestly?

The fact that we may not feature the divine qualities in our lives is no longer an excuse to stall on the matter. The divine qualities remain what our lives need to be about from this moment forward whether or not we’re doing such a good job of incorporating them in our lives or not.

In fact they don’t need incorporating. Divine is who we are. Divine is where we come from. We just have to drop the wretched ways we’ve had of being up till now.

And what would that new way of being be? I prefer to call it “adult” above anything else. By “adult” I mean what Eric Berne meant by “adult” and distinguish it from what he meant by “childish” and “parental.” (1)

By “adult” I refer to the divine qualities. By “adult” I mean service to others rather than service to self. I have to tell you that, as long as I wear the green eyeshades on this site, these pages are closed to all lightworkers who do their work out of a sense of service to self.

Lightwork is not to prove what a good boy am I. It’s to serve the Divine and the Divine Plan. To gain access to these pages, one has to be an adult. And I have lost some good friends over the matter, I can assure you. And will lose more.

Lightwork is not about gaining recognition or being seen as irreplaceable or central to the success of an effort. Those are the ways of the ego, whether recognized or not.

From time to time people tell me that someone has published an article I’ve written under their own name and what do I wish to do about it? Nothing. As long as the word gets out, who cares? You can take anything you want from this site and even sell it to make a living. As long as the word gets out, I do not care.

The new paradigm has nothing to do with the glorification of self, except if that self be the Supreme Self. It has everything to do with the glorification of That.

But to say “That” is only to say what and who we are anyways. We are all That. What in heaven’s name is unitive consciousness except a recognition of that?

Everything that’s transpiring, everything that’s happening – and not happening – is only to have us wake up to that fact.

So take off your muddy boots, muddy with the dirt of egotism, weighed down with the precipitate of service to self, heavy with attachment to wearying pleasure and endless rounds of seeking magic moments and the greatest high.

Let go of identification with the India-rubber world of the Third Dimension and open yourself to the downy-soft world of the New Age now arising around us and within us. We each have the key to the jail door behind which we sit.

It all begins by dropping that which has us live in the extremes of pleasure and sensation and allowing ourselves to come to rest right in the middle, right in the center, where we live in reality anyways.

It has us accept that life lived as an adult qualifies us to be of service, not showmanship, not a good line, not a winning number.

I am tired of a life lived for self. I have not another day to give to it. And I request that those who join me not do so to persuade me to come over to their ways if they still live for self. No, please, come over to this other way.

Recently a friend posted a video and allowed himself to be seen exemplifying this attitude. Hey, let me not even name him, so little does he care for recognition. But just drink in his manner as an illustration of what I’m talking about right now. I assert that one can see how one is doing by measuring up to this man’s spiritual accomplishment.


(1) See Eric Berne, Games People Play. 1964.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2012 11:03:31 AM
Here is another article by Steve Beckow - actually the first in a series - that looks fundamental to me. You will see why as soon as you begin to read it.

What Role Do the Universal Laws Play in Life? – Part 1

2012 JUNE 1
Posted by Steve Beckow

In this series I’d like to look at the role of the universal law in the fulfilment of the purpose of life. In this article, I’d like to look briefly at the purpose of life and then the coded terms in which the verities, including the universal laws, have been discussed up till now.

The purpose of life, in my view, is for God to meet God in a moment of enlightenment. The Formless Transcendental (the One without a second, the unconditioned Brahman), being all there is is unable to know itself for lack of any circumstance in which to do so. Therefore it created illusory life forms to journey from unconscious awareness of their identity as God to conscious awareness, through countless lifetimes in matter.

Their aim was to reach a point where they realized their true identity as God in a moment of enlightenment at which point God meets God and the purpose of life is fulfilled. We are those life forms.

All of life was designed. It has design features such as the longing for liberation, reincarnation, the Adam Kadmon template (the human form), and so on.

It has natural laws that keep us from going off the rails and destroying the place. These universal laws keep us moving generally and gradually forward, with allowable detours perhaps, so that all has a cosmic orderliness if seen from a high enough vantage point.

A great deal of the discussion of the universal law is couched in code words so that its interpretation wouldn’t be known to the uninitiated, lest they manipulate that knowledge. We’re told quite regularly that the dark ones have indeed manipulated us through their knowledge of the esoteric. Here’s SaLuSa reminding us of this, for instance:

“The Laws of the Universe are quite clear and irrevocable, and both the dark and Light must obey them. The one that has been considerably used is the Law of Attraction, although for a large part of your lives you have not understood the implications of your actions. The dark Ones have understood it, and taken advantage of your ignorance by empowering themselves at your expense.” (1)

This need to keep the wisdom of God from the “uninitiated” and the “princes of the world” is the reason why Jesus said: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” (2) Swine want what they can eat and they cannot eat pearls. Therefore they turn on one who casts them indigestible pearls instead of digestible corn.

The early Christian fathers, according to St. Paul, “speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of the world knew.” (3) “If our gospel be hid,” he continued, “it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.” (4) Wisdom in those days was hidden behind metaphors and formulas.

Centuries after St. Paul, Pseudo-Dionysius was still counselling his follower Timothy: “So, my good Timothy, you must guard these things in accordance with divine command, and you must never speak nor divulge divine things to the uninitiated.” (5) Surely what happened to Jesus and the early church fathers showed the great risk that the prophets faced from the princes of the world.

Therefore much of Biblical lore and other ancient teachings was written in a code. When speaking of the soul, the prophets described it as a lamp ever burning on the altar (of the heart) or a firebrand plucked from the burning. The Divine Mother becomes Wisdom and Royal Glory. The Father becomes the Silence and the Wilderness.

It’s in recognition of the fact that God the Father is still and silent and God the Mother is active and sonic that Zarathustra would say: “God the Lord hears (us) through the Holy Spirit.” (6) Terms like the voice in the silence or the voice of one crying in the wilderness make plain the fact that the Divine Mother hears and speaks but the Father does not. The Father is the silence; the Mother is the voice. The Father is the wilderness, because order can’t be imposed on him and no law can bind him; the Mother is again the voice crying in that wilderness.

In couched terms like these, the verities of life, including the nature of the universal law, were discussed and conveyed from generation of seekers to generation. It’s now up to us to unravel the meaning of these terms and to discuss subjects like the universal law plainly.

(Continued in Part 2)


(1) SaLuSa, March 14, 2012, at

(2) Matthew 7:6.

(3) St. Paul in I Corinthians 2:7-8.

(4) St. Paul in II Corinthians 4:3.

(5) Pseudo-Dionysius in Coln Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 58.

(CC) Zarathustra, GZ, 227.

(Continued in Part 2)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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