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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2013 5:03:17 PM

Karen Hudes Responds to Ben Fulford’s Most Recent Post, June 4m 2013

Posted on

Karen, I’m taking the liberty of moving your statement from the Comment section and putting it front-and-center. Since your Ripoff Report, which you also link below, does not permit copying, I’m suggesting that all my readers—in support of your efforts—take the time to visit that site, as well, along with the other sites you link. Many thanks for your courageous stand on our behalf!


PS Please note the related articles/videos at the bottom of the post!!

This is all fascinating. What if the control of the financial system ended up with……the citizens of the planet? Improbable as it seems, that is what a very accurate game theory model has been predicting ever since a group of World Bank whistleblowers managed to expose the corruption in the Bretton woods system to US Congress, UK Parliament, the European Parliament, the Attorneys General, Governors, and Chief Justices of the 50 United States, the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions, the International Organization of Securities Commissions, and the 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Here is what I wrote to a participant at the Bilderberg conference:

“I thought it might interest the conference that we are running out of time in the gold market”

Subject: This is the eighth interference with my recent report on the World Bank

Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 07:02:41 -0400

To: friend in france (;
Subject: RE: Governance
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 06:58:02 -0400

Dear Friend in France,

I am working from an extremely powerful stakeholder analysis, described in this article Although the risks were as you described, the stakeholder analysis, with an accuracy over 90%, started predicting that that the governance problems I have been reporting would resolve in favor of the rule of law once I testified in the UK Parliament and EU Parliaments. All of the MP’s in the UK Parliament are fully informed. I am attaching my email to the UK whistleblower in our network at the foot of this email.

House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here:

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:

The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here:

My Ripoff Report about this corruption is at:

I informed all of the Washington embassies about my conversation with the Governors’ liaisons with the federal government just preceding my 26/5/13 interview on Coast-to-Coast, the most popular nightime radio show: I am regularly in touch with the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well, who are also monitoring progress in resolving these problems.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2013 5:06:34 PM

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast June 2013 – Upside Down, You’re Turning Me

Emmanuel Dagher 2013By Emmanuel Dagher – June 5, 2013

Peace and blessings, beautiful friend. It’s such a gift and honor to connect with you again.

Well, we did it! We moved through one of the most potent energy cycles we’ve had in a long time. I say “We did it!” because it most definitely deserves a joyous acknowledgment that we accomplished getting through this intense energy cycle safe and sound.

With the combination of three back-to-back eclipses, over a handful of X-class solar flares, intense astrological alignments and other celestial happenings, we stepped into a divine doorway that has completely elevated us and has altered our reality into higher states of existence. When we enter divine doorways like this, it’s completely normal to feel scattered, confused, tired, or more emotional than usual. This is just our mind and body adjusting to the higher frequency we have stepped into. It’s also very common to have bursts of euphoric experiences during intense times like this, which simply serve as previews of the magic that’s awaiting us.

The Rainbow Effect

However, as we know, after every storm comes a rainbow. And as we find ourselves adjusting now, a big beautiful rainbow is making itself available to us. This rainbow’s purpose is to lead us back to our truest self where love, joy, peace and abundance reside. Connecting with this rainbow is much easier than we may think. The secret to connecting with this rainbow is gratitude.

Gratitude, as many on a conscious path know, has the gift of moving us away from a reality of what is not working in our lives into a reality of what is working. This usually results in an experience of more ease and flow. Gratitude is a miracle magnet. It reminds us that we are the Creator of our lives rather than the victim. With gratitude, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities the Universe has in store for us. There simply can be no lack when we are grateful.

Upside Down You’re Turning Me

Looking back at all the recent energetic activity we moved through, many of us are feeling as if our lives have been completely turned upside down. This can definitely leave someone feeling frazzled or even depleted. If you are someone who may be feeling this way, know that you are not alone.

Sometimes, we go through things that guide us to empty ourselves to the core so that we have enough room for new experiences to enter our lives. So really, that feeling of being turned uncomfortably upside down can be a great blessing. It can provide us with time to reflect on our journey and reinvent ourselves in a way that is more in line with who we really want to be.

If we are someone who may be having a desire to

•develop a skill;

•study/learn something new;

•change up our routine;

•create a new business/change business structure;

•make attitude changes

•take care of/enhance our well being in new ways; or

•travel/change locations,

then we are being guided to reinvent who we are in a way that aligns even more with the highest version of who we are choosing to be.

A divine gift that we can offer ourselves right now is the gift of getting clear about who we are, and what we would like to create more of for ourselves as we move forward. Getting clear is less about having to know the how, why, where, when, or who of an experience and more about being available enough to the present moment, allowing it to guide us on the next steps of the journey. The clearer we are, the more quickly we align ourselves with our highest life’s path.

When we go through an experience of being turned upside down, our beautiful planet also goes through something similar. But with her it can seem a bit more grand and amplified. Just as we go through a releasing and letting go of unresolved emotions and ways of being that no longer serve us, our Earth also experiences the same. As much as she supports us in so many ways, she also needs our support to help make her transition into higher ways of being a smoother experience for all.

We are powerful co-creators, and we are here to co-create with our Earth. One of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and the world around us right now is to simply hold the space of unconditional love for our beautiful Earth and all its citizens. This will contribute in ways far beyond what we may consciously be able to see.

Let’s Celebrate

After making it through the divine doorway we just moved through and as we adjust to higher states of existence, a celebration is most definitely in order. Although some of us may not feel like celebrating just yet, when we do start feeling better it’s quite important to do so.

By celebrating, we acknowledge to the Universe how blessed we are. Not only are we expressing gratitude when we celebrate, we are also saying to the Universe, “I see you. I recognize the wonder and magic in my life to such a degree that I am taking the time to fully be present with it.”

Celebrating each milestone and step of our journey is one of the greatest gifts we can give to the Universe and to ourselves. So together, let’s celebrate that we have elevated our vibration into higher states of being, which is simply another word for love.

Till next time, Miraculously Yours,


©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2013 5:07:35 PM

Saul via John Smallman: The Remaining Skeins Of The Illusion Are Turning To Dust

John Smallman

John Smallman

June 5, 2013 at

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

Here in the spiritual realms, our joy at your progress on the path to full consciousness continues to intensify as we observe the increasing numbers who are turning daily to Love. It is the most amazing sight! Every single day large numbers of you are renouncing any aspect of yourselves that is in any way unloving, and starting to embrace your true nature confidently and enthusiastically, and by doing so you are most effectively changing the world along with yourselves.

There is no possibility of retreat from this holy path that you have collectively chosen to follow, and on which we are traveling with you to share and lighten your load. You are going through a lot of stuff, stuff that you need to release, and you are being enormously successful, as we knew you would be, simply because it is the divine Will for you.

And you, as you release these burdens of old, are indeed beginning to feel freer and are experiencing less discontent with your lot because awareness is growing within you that yes, you have chosen this lifetime, this human incarnation to finally and completely unload from yourselves the heavy burden that being unloving and judgmental has placed upon your groaning shoulders over many lifetimes. What a joyful and enlightened path you have now chosen! And how well it suits you. Open into acceptance of the loving embraces that are being showered upon you from the heavenly realms, like garlands of the most exotic, vibrantly hued, and blissfully scented blossoms.

You are divinely blessed and your awakening is assured, because your choice to experience separation from your Source was but a momentary aberration as you played with imaginary concepts that could never be realized. They were to be made from something that did not exist, something other than the infinite energy field of Love. Love is all-encompassing, infinite in Its expansiveness, containing all that could ever exist. There is nothing, above It, below It, beyond It, or outside It. Your contrary experience is but an empty dream, but when you conceived of it you used your enormous power to make it appear convincingly real to all those who agreed to be a part of it. The time has come to cancel that agreement and end the dream. Its only remaining purpose is that you awaken from it.

Love has you all in Its fond embrace, and the remaining skeins of the illusion, like the dead, autumnal tendrils of a vine or creeper, are crumbling and turning to dust. Love will hold you securely aloft as the illusion falls away, disintegrates, and is no more. You have no more need of it; you are ceasing to provide the support it needs — and so it must die, as you return to Reality, the magnificent Home that you presently barely remember. However, as you awaken, all will become perfectly clear because your true memories, the eternal now moment, will return in glory as you are filled with the divine Light of God’s infinite Love for you. It will be as though you had never fallen asleep!

Focus on reentering Reality. Truly you have never departed from It, even though it most definitely seems that you are far removed from It. And so when you spend time quietly, alone each day, remind yourself: “I am Love. That is how I was created, and that is how I remain. Because what God creates never changes.” Accept the truth of this statement you have just made and open yourself to feel the Love that envelops you constantly. Doing this will uplift you, releasing your doubts and anxieties, and showing you — because of the actual experience of feeling God’s Love that you will undergo — that all your fears and worries are indeed groundless.

Even if you are not suffering yourself, you see signs of suffering all around you, and it seems, perhaps, that you could and should be doing far more to alleviate it. Maybe you compare your seeming inadequacies in this respect with the achievements of others of whom you have read or heard, and feel at the least very uncomfortable, and maybe even as though you are wasting your life. Please release that negative self-judgment. There is no one on Earth who is not precisely where they are supposed to be, perfectly positioned to be themselves, doing what they planned to do before they incarnated. If you have doubts about this, as many of you do, ask for guidance when you pray or meditate, and even if it seems that you are getting no answers, know that you are making your presence on Earth extremely effective just by being there and holding your loving intent.

God loves all His children, and you, all without exception, are His children. He does not differentiate between you because you are all eternally equal in His sight. All that you need to do is accept the Love He offers you in every moment (even if you do not feel It) and intend to share It indiscriminately. That is your main task; that is why you were created; and in doing that you will find eternal ecstasy as you awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2013 10:20:16 PM

Fix the World Documentary Released

Beloved FTW Community, we’re pleased to announce the debut of our documentary film on June 15, 2013. The film consist of stories – your stories – the story of how FTW came into existence.

Our primary purpose for making this documentary consists of telling the stories of the people whose new and innovative ideas, as well as compassionate acts, have been suppressed, and the efforts by the elite to dominate humanity. Their actions over many decades have devastated millions of individuals, families and communities.

Our ultimate goal is to provide tools for building the bridge to get from an old paradigm of corruption, to a new paradigm that we call humanity’s Golden Age. As ambassadors for Earth and improved quality of life for its inhabitants, we believe our part is to help individuals and communities heal through their very real stories, and distributing the movie to the public at no charge.

Our commitment to you is to support your ideas as we believe you are some of the most brilliant minds on the planet! As community members who have gathered together here with a mission, let us move forward.

We would be delighted if you could get the word out through your social networks to support our first documentary film. If you have a website would you consider putting up a widget or link and help us get some of the wonderful projects and stories some exposure. On Twitter you could use the following hashtag at the end of your message —- #deeperTTV Let us continue to build a unified world. We look forward to connecting with you on deeper levels that will be meaningful for all of us.

Link to documnatry trailer:

Hearts filled with gratitude and love

Hope and the Fix the World Team

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2013 10:23:25 PM

Brazil Writes Off $900mn African Debt

brazil africa

Brazil writes off $900mn African debt

BRICS Post, May 26, 2013

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was one of the opening speakers at the forum [Xinhua Images]

Brazil has announced plans to cancel $900 million worth of debt in 12 African countries.This was announced on the sidelines of African Union celebrations to mark 50 years of the continental bloc.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was one of the opening speakers at the forum.

“The idea of having Africa as a special relationship for Brazil is strategic for Brazil’s foreign policy,” presidential spokesman Thomas Traumann told reporters.

Brazil has cooperation programmes with dozens of African nations focusing on agriculture, health, bio-fuels, oil and gas, environment, trade and education.

This is the third Africa trip in a year for the Brazilian president – Rousseff attended the BRICS Summit in Durban in March earlier this year.

Brazilian foreign minister Antonio Patriota said Brazil has a ‘strategic interest’ in the continent.

The African Union, earlier named the Organization of African Unity, was founded in Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa in 1963 to help gain independence from their colonial masters.

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang, Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French President Francois Hollande, US Secretary of State John Kerry were among those present at the African Union meet.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called for closer cooperation with the African Union on Saturday, marking the organization’s 50th anniversary.

In his congratulating letter Putin praised the 53-member union’s role in a wide range of international and regional issues, including its peacekeeping efforts and economic development, the Kremlin said.

The president “stressed out Russia’s interest in boosting further cooperation with the union,” the statement said.

Russia’s envoy in the African region, Mikhail Margelov, read Putin’s letter at the union’s summit in Addis Ababa marking 50 years since its foundation on Saturday.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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