By Emmanuel Dagher – June 5, 2013
Peace and blessings, beautiful friend. It’s such a gift and honor to connect with you again.
Well, we did it! We moved through one of the most potent energy cycles we’ve had in a long time. I say “We did it!” because it most definitely deserves a joyous acknowledgment that we accomplished getting through this intense energy cycle safe and sound.
With the combination of three back-to-back eclipses, over a handful of X-class solar flares, intense astrological alignments and other celestial happenings, we stepped into a divine doorway that has completely elevated us and has altered our reality into higher states of existence. When we enter divine doorways like this, it’s completely normal to feel scattered, confused, tired, or more emotional than usual. This is just our mind and body adjusting to the higher frequency we have stepped into. It’s also very common to have bursts of euphoric experiences during intense times like this, which simply serve as previews of the magic that’s awaiting us.
The Rainbow Effect
However, as we know, after every storm comes a rainbow. And as we find ourselves adjusting now, a big beautiful rainbow is making itself available to us. This rainbow’s purpose is to lead us back to our truest self where love, joy, peace and abundance reside. Connecting with this rainbow is much easier than we may think. The secret to connecting with this rainbow is gratitude.
Gratitude, as many on a conscious path know, has the gift of moving us away from a reality of what is not working in our lives into a reality of what is working. This usually results in an experience of more ease and flow. Gratitude is a miracle magnet. It reminds us that we are the Creator of our lives rather than the victim. With gratitude, we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities the Universe has in store for us. There simply can be no lack when we are grateful.
Upside Down You’re Turning Me
Looking back at all the recent energetic activity we moved through, many of us are feeling as if our lives have been completely turned upside down. This can definitely leave someone feeling frazzled or even depleted. If you are someone who may be feeling this way, know that you are not alone.
Sometimes, we go through things that guide us to empty ourselves to the core so that we have enough room for new experiences to enter our lives. So really, that feeling of being turned uncomfortably upside down can be a great blessing. It can provide us with time to reflect on our journey and reinvent ourselves in a way that is more in line with who we really want to be.
If we are someone who may be having a desire to
•develop a skill;
•study/learn something new;
•change up our routine;
•create a new business/change business structure;
•make attitude changes
•take care of/enhance our well being in new ways; or
•travel/change locations,
then we are being guided to reinvent who we are in a way that aligns even more with the highest version of who we are choosing to be.
A divine gift that we can offer ourselves right now is the gift of getting clear about who we are, and what we would like to create more of for ourselves as we move forward. Getting clear is less about having to know the how, why, where, when, or who of an experience and more about being available enough to the present moment, allowing it to guide us on the next steps of the journey. The clearer we are, the more quickly we align ourselves with our highest life’s path.
When we go through an experience of being turned upside down, our beautiful planet also goes through something similar. But with her it can seem a bit more grand and amplified. Just as we go through a releasing and letting go of unresolved emotions and ways of being that no longer serve us, our Earth also experiences the same. As much as she supports us in so many ways, she also needs our support to help make her transition into higher ways of being a smoother experience for all.
We are powerful co-creators, and we are here to co-create with our Earth. One of the greatest gifts we can offer ourselves and the world around us right now is to simply hold the space of unconditional love for our beautiful Earth and all its citizens. This will contribute in ways far beyond what we may consciously be able to see.
Let’s Celebrate
After making it through the divine doorway we just moved through and as we adjust to higher states of existence, a celebration is most definitely in order. Although some of us may not feel like celebrating just yet, when we do start feeling better it’s quite important to do so.
By celebrating, we acknowledge to the Universe how blessed we are. Not only are we expressing gratitude when we celebrate, we are also saying to the Universe, “I see you. I recognize the wonder and magic in my life to such a degree that I am taking the time to fully be present with it.”
Celebrating each milestone and step of our journey is one of the greatest gifts we can give to the Universe and to ourselves. So together, let’s celebrate that we have elevated our vibration into higher states of being, which is simply another word for love.
Till next time, Miraculously Yours,
©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.