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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2013 6:52:32 PM

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: It’s All About Freqency…and more

celiafenn 2013

Stephen: I was only in communication with Celia around the time this message came out – but somehow we still missed this message from Archangel Michael. Nevertheless, it’s as helpful and relevant now as it was then.

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: It’s All About Frequency. Channeled by Celia Fenn, April 22, 2013 -

Beloved Family of Light, in this time of intense Shift and Change, and Emergence, you are feeling the Turbulence of the Birthing of the New Galactic Human within the New Golden Rose Galaxy. You are becoming accustomed to the New Energies and the Frequencies of the New Reality. We would like to say to you that coping with this New reality is very Simple if you remember just One Thing – that Everything is Energy and Frequency!

It’s All About Frequency!

Finding your bearings in this New Reality and finding Peace, Harmony and Abundance is a Simple Matter of Frequency. It is a matter of Aligning with and Resonating with the Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion, the Frequency of Divine Creative Intelligence that flows from the Divine Heart.

This is not something that you have to work hard to achieve, or to study for, to suffer for or to be good enough for. You do not have to heal yourself or remove blocks, it is your birthright and you simply have to make a Choice and Step into It! It is a Frequency that is Within You, and you simply have to find it within your Heart and align your being with this Frequency.

All the mind “chatter” about wounding and being fallen and blocked and “not good enough” is simply your mind attempting to justify an inability to align with the Frequency of Peace and Abundance, as if it were very difficult to achieve. “There must be something wrong with me”, it says, and then spends time trying to find out what is “wrong”. Beloveds, nothing is “wrong” when you drop out of Frequency. Do not judge yourself, simply find your way back! Stop! Breathe! Ground Yourself, connect with your Higher Aspects, and return to the Frequency of Peace and Abundance. It is there for you!

So, you might ask, what is this Frequency of Peace and Abundance, and how do I make this connection?

As We have explained to you before, it is the Flow of Divine Love and Compassion from the Heart of the Cosmos, the Heart of God, the Divine Creative Intelligence. It issues forth from the center of All That Is, and is transmitted to You via the Sun at the Galactic Center. In the past, these transmissions of Light Codes and Information from Source were of such High Frequency that they were diverted via Sirius and the Pleiades, among other Suns, and then transmitted to you by the “Frequency Keepers”, Higher Dimensional Angelic Beings of Light who were charged with the work of Assisting the Development and Evolution of the Earth. Now, since the 2012 Transit, the Earth is fully “Re-connected” to the Galactic transmissions and has no need of intermediaries. The Transmissions are received directly from the Galactic Center via Solaris, or your Sun. You, as Awakened beings, are now receiving the frequency transmissions directly from the Divine Heart into your Hearts and Light Bodies.

This Full Reconnection, Beloved Ones, has created a Turbulence that we call “Dimensional Instability” or “Dimensional Imbalance”. The Earth is now situated in the Fifth Dimension and is aligned with the incoming Light Code Transmissions, mainly through Multi-Dimensional individuals who can hold these energies in their Light Body fields, and also through some Sacred Sites and Spaces where the Energy is held and transmitted by the Site or Space itself. In this way, the Flow of Divine Peace and the Frequency of Abundance is anchored on the Planet. This Frequency is Powerful, Pure and Clear, and when you are aligned with it, everything in your life flows with Grace and Ease.

But, in the present time, most people are unable to find this Frequency fully, seeking for it outside of themselves, and not in the Heart, where it is anchored and from where it Flows. This external seeking creates anxiety, stress and projection dramas, which means that people “fall” away from the Frequency of Peace and Harmony and Oneness and “drop” into the “illusions” of the past, duality and fear and judgment. This creates an unstable environment that is explosive and “flammable”. That is why, Beloveds, you are seeing so much instability and anxiety, because the external “anchors” of the Third Dimension are gone, and people are still learning how to anchor themselves in their own Sacred Space within the Heart and to manifest this in a Grounded way on Earth.

Beloved Family of Light, it is simply a Frequency of Energy that you seek, and that is located within you. The Divine Light is not an external force that you must seek because you are separate from it. Know that Divine Light lives within you in the Sacred Temple of your Heart. When you Align your being with this Light, you can anchor yourself in this Flow and transmit and project these Light Codes. You become an Anchor and Transmitter of Galactic Frequency, of the Heart and Love of the Divine Intelligence.

Beloved Ones, it is simply a matter of being Aware, Awake and Empowered, and of choosing to align with the Frequency of Divine Love and Compassion. You will feel that Frequency within and you will manifest and experience Peace, Love and Abundance in the New Reality.

Galactic (Re)Connection Vortices

Beloved Family of Light, each of you who is Awakened and Conscious becomes a Galactic Connection Point, a living and breathing Point of Light on the Grid of Living Hearts of the New Earth. Your Light Body becomes a Transmitter of Galactic Codes and Frequencies. The Sacred Spaces that you create, both within and in your Environment, become Anchor Points for Divine Light and Wisdom, beyond Fear and Duality.

But, also at this time, many points on Earth are being activated, or reactivated, as Galactic Connection Points. In the past, many of the guiding Star Civilizations created Galactic Vortex Points, or Stargates, where they could link the Earth with their own home Stars and assist in the Evolution of the Earth according to the Divine Plan as expressed through the Light Codes. These Vortex Points included Ancient Egypt (Sirius), Iran and Iraq (Nibiru) and the Aegean (Andromeda), as well as many other Galactic Reconnection Points.

Now, the Earth has ascended into her New Reality Grid, and these Connection Points are being reactivated as “direct” lines of Communication to the Galactic Center with the assistance of those who created them in the service of Divine Light. Also, many new Galactic Connection Points will be activated to assist the Earth in her Ascension to a full Galactic Entity in the Golden Rose Galaxy and a Full Member of the Galactic Council.

Many of you will be called to assist in this work of Galactic Connection and with the Establishment of Galactic Connection Vortices on the Earth. These will be your connection and communication points with the Galactic center and the Galactic and Solar Councils of Light. Some will also be called to be Ambassadors of Light to the Solar and Galactic Councils.

The Galactic Human Evolution 2013 and Beyond…..I AM/WE ARE…..

Beloved Family of Light, in this Turbulent time of Change you might ask “What is ‘human evolution’ and what does it mean to me as an Awakened Being of Light?”.

We can explain, briefly, that “All That Is” is in a constant state of Evolving and Becoming, according to the Energy or Consciousness of the Divine Creative Intelligence. These impulses of Evolving Consciousness are transmitted to All Creation via the “Light Codes” that carry the Imprints of Divine Consciousness. As All That Is evolves to new levels of Awareness and Being, so also Humanity evolves and Becomes in its Journey through Time and Space in the Fifth Dimension. Most recently, Humanity has evolved from the Third Dimension of separation and duality and into Multi-Dimensional Purpose and Oneness of Being. The Planet has begun to become aware of itself as “one” through the Consciousness and Interconnection of Humanity.

In this Shift into the New Reality, Beloved Ones, you have moved from the old “stories” of victimhood and disempowerment into a new sense and perception of yourselves as Human Angels, Empowered beings of Light who co-create reality with the Divine Creative Intelligence. In this new space of Power, you connect fully with your I AM presence, the work of your Soul, and the Flow of Divine Abundance.

But, Beloveds, what is new is that this Transformation is not only about you and “I Am”, but also about the Global Community and “We Are”. It is a fine point of Balance between individual Soul Expression and the needs and creations of the Collective Community, the “We Are”. Seeking only your own Abundance and Highest Good will not bring Joy, it is only when this Journey of Self-Expression is undertaken within the complexities and challenges of the Global Community that the Soul finds its true expression of Divine Love and Compassion.

Beloved Ones, this is why many of you seek and yet do not find. Your Higher Self seeks to express and create within the Community of Light and not just for yourself. Beloveds, if you look at those beings who are most Joyful and Successful in the New Reality, you will find that it is those who have found the point of balance between I Am and We Are, between knowledge of the Self and Knowledge of the Self within a Community, a Global Community of Interconnection and Oneness.

In this New Reality, it is indeed true that what you do to others, you do to yourself, for your actions have repercussions and reverberations in the wider community that will come back to you on the same frequency as they are put out. If you work on the frequency of Love, Peace and Harmony, so It Will Be. If you work on the frequencies of Dimensional Imbalance, you will experience turbulence,anxiety and stress.

Your work, Beloved Ones, is to hold that Frequency of Balance and Alignment in yourself and to Anchor It for the Wider Community. To Flow with Harmony and Abundance, and not to allow others to pull you into Dimensional Imbalance and Illusion.

Beloved Ones, the past is behind you and the future is yet to come. Now is the moment when you can anchor the frequency of Peace and Abundance and serve as a Galactic Connection Point and Transmitter of Light Codes for the Global Community. In so doing, you are aligning with the work of the Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders, who serve to focus Divine Love to those places where it is most needed to being the Community into Balance and Alignment with the Frequency of the Divine Heart.

Beloved Ones, our message to you at this time is to stay focussed and committed to the Frequency of Divine Light. Be powerful and Strong, be Clear and true to Yourself and your Vision. Remember that you have evolved into a Multi-Dimensional Being of Light that expresses I AM and WE ARE. What you were before is not what you are now! It is a New Day and a New Reality. We wish you Joy and Abundance as you Evolve into your New Reality as Galactic Humans and part of the Galactic Communication Grid.

© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2013 6:53:34 PM

Jesus: Everything That Happens Anywhere on Earth has a Spiritual Aspect to It

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Everything That Happens Anywhere on Earth has a Spiritual Aspect to It. Channelled by John Smallman, May 19, 2013 –

Sit back and enjoy John’s reading of today’s post here:

Waiting is always draining and tiring when you do not know at what time or on what day the event you are waiting for will happen. You want to be ready but are not sure what to expect, and so do not know how to ready yourself. Well, when your awakening into full consciousness occurs you will be fully ready.

It is quite impossible for you to be anything but ready, because you have been on your way to that moment throughout your present Earth life, as lesson after lesson has been presented to you in the process of teaching you to release any blocks, any hangups, anything at all that reduces in any way your ability to be only loving. And you have been making enormous progress on this front because this is the point in your spiritual evolution when your awakening becomes inevitable.

Release any worries or anxieties you may be nursing, because, as you have been told, your awakening is a done deal. Nothing can prevent it from occurring precisely as God intends. God does not worry, so neither should you! Worrying uses energy that could be used so much more effectively elsewhere. And yet, as you see news reports of accidents, conflicts, earthquakes, extreme weather, and untold suffering all over the world, it is difficult for you not to get drawn into the “worry channel.”

Everything that happens anywhere on Earth has a spiritual aspect to it, providing opportunities to express compassion, to share necessities, and to learn lessons that will help you engage with one another cooperatively and harmoniously. Worrying and judging undermines those opportunities or hides them behind a screen of rhetoric that promises much and delivers very little. A small personal offering to someone in trouble – a kind word, a moment of pure listening, a gift appropriate to the immediate need – creates an energy wave, a wave of love, far larger than you can possibly imagine, which ripples out in all directions from its source and takes effect in areas of which you, the donor, cannot possibly conceive. Every loving thought word or action has wonderful, unforeseen consequences far beyond the location at which it occurred.

If you could see what amazingly powerful effects loving thoughts, words, and actions set in motion you would determine to engage in them far more frequently. In fact by intending to do so far more often you expand your awareness of the effects you are having, and you open yourselves to the constant feedback that is offered, making you feel good about yourselves and inspiring you and motivating you to do even more.

Service is an inseparable aspect of love, as you very well know, but often you feel that you have served enough. The reason for this is simply that instead of focusing on the happiness your service provides to those served, and on the satisfaction that offering service gives you, you often tend to focus on how much you have done, even perhaps on how much more than anyone else, and on how tired it has made you. When you measure your efforts and keep a close tally on how much you have given, the energy of joy and happiness returned to you by the recipient eludes you as does the energy boost it offers you. So give freely and don’t count the cost. You don’t need to because your Father sees every loving event that you create and stores it for you where it will be eternally honored, never forgotten, and when you awaken from the deep and slumbering state in which the illusion anchors you, your creations will be revealed to you in their true magnificence.

You are beings of, as you would see it if you were aware of it, infinite creative abilities, because that is how you were created. Your Father created you like unto Himself so that you too could take part in the joy of creation, the joy of service to others, which of course is also service to self because there is no other, no separation, as all are one. You have hidden the truth of this, the reality of this from your conscious awareness by engaging enthusiastically in a very limited form of consciousness from which you have excluded or shut out your infinite sensory abilities by exchanging them for your very limited physical ones of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, which confirm your sense of individuality, of separateness.

These limited ones seem to operate quite efficiently for you, to the extent that you mostly deny the possibility of the existence of others that would in any way expand your field of awareness or knowledge. Even though the existence of other ways of sensing have been clearly demonstrated by many gifted individuals who are fully engaged in assisting in your awakening process, most of humanity chooses not to acknowledge anything not sensed by the five senses. Humanity prefers the apparent security of a limited and restricted environment in which it thinks it is safe. You have an expression “out of the frying-pan into the fire” to describe a leap into the unknown; but the unknown – in this instance, Reality – is unknown only because you have chosen not to know it. And it is most certainly not “the fire.”

Fear of the unknown is an aspect of the illusion, but in God’s Reality nothing is unknown, hidden, or disguised. All knowledge, all wisdom, all possibilities are available to you, providing endless fields of loving energy in which to fly, float, or swim (or, indeed, use any other form of movement you choose to create!) as you exhilarate in the wonders of this divine state. You are going to awaken into those exhilarating realms where infinite joy awaits you; no other possibility has been provided for.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2013 6:55:04 PM

Saul via John Smallman: What is Occurring Planetwide is Something So New and So Startling…

SaulSaul: What is Occurring Planetwide is Something So New and So Startling. Channeled by John Smallman, May 19, 2013 –

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

All of humanity is poised, expectant, sensing an intense energy of change flowing around them, about to impact their lives in ways that they cannot begin to imagine.

Change is in the air, and everyone is feeling it. It is unsettling because you are unable to identify it or compare it with anything that you have previously undergone, although some are dismissing it as mood swings, which you are also experiencing.

What is occurring planetwide at the level of energy – unseen and unmeasurable by even your most sensitive scientific instruments – is something so new and so startling that when it is recognized, as it will be very shortly, it will totally overwhelm your ability to be amazed, stunning you into open-mouthed astonishment.

Wonders that will delight you are to burst into your awareness like an unexpected, and unforeseen sunrise. And far, far brighter than that could ever be.

Humanity has celebrated new beginnings with hope and enthusiasm for eons – a sunrise, a new moon, a new season, a new year – and now a new beginning, totally unlike anything you have ever experienced before, offering extraordinary prospects for cleansing, renewal, and indeed revivification, is approaching.

Life is forever exhilarating, but due to your immersion within the illusion it seems to have lost its shine, its newness, its appeal. The new beginning that is approaching – humanity’s awakening into full consciousness – will restore the brilliance to your lives that has been lacking as you have plodded wearily through the environment of conflict and confusion you are presently experiencing.

We in the spiritual realms have been offering you information through numerous channels over the eons to assist you to prepare for the momentous event that is now approaching very rapidly indeed. We have been offering you insights and guidance, and suggesting methods by which you can access your inner space, that place within every one of you where the eternal flame of divine Love burns continuously. Many have gladly accepted our assistance and found comfort and peace that has helped them to release fear and engage with Love.

Evolution is an ongoing creative venture, developing from the most basic life forms through to beings that are far more evolved than you can presently imagine. Consciousness loves to evolve; evolving is one of its many purposes, and Earth – the planet which supports humanity and enables it to grow and evolve – is only one of many.

The level to which you have risen at this time in your evolutionary process is the most perilous, in that you could follow a path where you continue to compete with one another for seemingly limited resources, in which case there is a strong possibility that you could destroy yourselves and at the same time do even more horrendous damage to the planet that has always supported you uncomplainingly.

The other path is one of loving cooperation – leading to further, limitless, harmonious evolution of a spiritual nature, your true nature, and a return to Reality, your heavenly dwelling place.

Physicality is a starting point for spiritual evolution, from which consciousness develops increasing intellectual abilities, which in your case have led you to this moment of decision. The decision to acknowledge your interdependence, to acknowledge that Love is the energy field in which all that is exists eternally, and to embrace one another as you recognize your oneness. Or the decision to deny Love, to deny Reality, and forge ahead, expanding your technological abilities to destroy each other.

You have made the choice for Love. You made it long ago, although your evolution has seemingly carried you forwards along a path that has become increasingly unloving and destructive. You have all had the experience of watching children grow into adulthood, and observed the development of their egos as they push the boundaries to see what they can get away with, how independently and self-centeredly they can live.

If all goes well they will recognize that they must honor others as they themselves wish to be honored; they make the decision to do so, and prove that they have become adults. However, some refuse to honor others, and eventually cause so much damage that they have to be contained.

Allegorically speaking, humanity has just passed the stage at which the decision to become adult has been taken. Love has been acknowledged as the path to follow, and so your awakening is assured as you release all that “teenage angst and rebelliousness” and allow harmony and cooperation to flourish.

However, pockets of “rebellious teenagers” – those who would control and suppress others – are still behaving unwisely all over the world, but their abilities to inflict suffering on humanity and damage to the planet are being increasingly restricted.

Humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, although for very many this is a decision that has not yet surfaced in their conscious awareness, and you, the Light-bearers and wayshowers are here to help this decision to become conscious for them by demonstrating love in every moment. You know this, but sometimes it has been very difficult.

Many of you feel that at times you have slid backwards, and you feel guilty for doing so. Just understand that you are, as it were, working your way on foot up an icy slope, and so occasional slides backwards are inevitable.

However you have the persistence, the determination, and the overwhelming power of Love to assist you in every moment, so those slips backwards will not defeat you, and the top of the slope is in sight and you are receiving multitudinous shouts of encouragement to spur you onwards. Success is most definitely yours!

With so very much love, Saul

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2013 6:56:14 PM

The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: May 19, 2013

Blossom Goodchild new

Channeled by Blossom Goodchild, May 19, 2013 -

Blossom: Good morning to you and I hope that all is well in ‘your world’.

Galactic Federation: And greetings to you. It cannot be anything other than well … for this is the space in which we reside … in wellness for all … to all. We understand from your energy Blossom that you have more questions to ask and that you are feeling a little unsure about asking such ‘big’ questions. Is this not so?

Yes … correct. Yet I have had a chat with myself and know that I can only TRUST in you and that which you choose to give out, is that which is only of TRUTH and that which you feel beneficial to reveal. So shall I just shoot for the stars?

That would be something that we desire all of you to do. For it is in KNOWING that only the very best of everything … is there at your fingertips. All that is required is the TRUST in yourselves. TRUSTING IN WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU KNOW. It would be wise to understand yourselves in a deeper KNOWING. For you touch only the surface.

Yet we are all trying very hard to ‘find’ ourselves. We know there is so much more to us … just can’t grasp it in human form … and mind.

Yet you are getting so very much closer. The more you understand WHO YOU ARE the more ease shall come to you in that understanding. Maybe we could suggest not trying so hard! For it is by letting yourselves BE who you are … just by BEING YOURESELVES and letting go of all that confuses and maims the thought patterns … that the LOVE OF THE DIVINE … THAT YOU ARE … can flow through you .

Allow your LOVE to flow like a babbling brook with inside of you. Visualise the stream of LIGHT/LIFE flowing through your Being … and then visualise it emanating from you … wherever you are … whoever you are in company with. If you let this be a natural form … as natural as your very breath … you will soon ‘see’ the difference within yourselves … and you will FEEL very differently also.

Thank you. OK … if it’s ok I will ask another question from one of the translator team?

This is agreeable for it is also a lesson for you Blossom in your TRUST in US and yourself. It is most fitting to serve this team you speak of … many are unaware of all that they do ‘behind the scenes’ and the time they offer amongst their busy lives. Yet from where we stand … and those in other realms … we desire them to understand that we are with them every step of the way. Their importance is as great as our messages for they assist in allowing those who speak in a different tongue to receive our knowledge also. For this … we are in much gratitude. … Fire away.

OK … The one I have chosen for today is … There are so many different scenarios going around regarding our origins. In YOUR TRUTH … what would be your explanation of how we humans were created?

First of all we would say that which you already know. Your TRUE origin is the ENERGY of LOVE. From this, all things were born … all things were created. Long, long before the human race was even discussed you have been ‘alive’ … for LOVE is life! You had many lifetimes … or perhaps we should say ‘experiences’ upon many other planets and expressed yourselves in many different forms of species.

Would you say that every human that has ever lived has been ‘around’ for ever?

No. There are what you know as’ ‘old’ souls and ‘new’. Remember that ALL is creation … as to timing of each atom of energy transforming into something new … that can vary greatly .

So then …back to ‘our creation as humans’.

What an involved topic and we doubt we can cover the entire subject matter in this session and also endeavour to allow your mind set Blossom to ‘compute’ with ours in order to be clear.

I’ll give it my best shot.

And so shall we. From our perspective … it was decided that life on Earth would be a new game. That is the wording we choose to use … although many may find this an offending statement. Your world was not created overnight … nor was it created in seven days. For there is no time. You were a thought … that took much preparation and consideration. You were to be a different form of species … in that YOU WOULD CREATE as you went along. You were given free will … to do as you please.

Is free will not present on other planets then?

Not as individuals. There is free will as a consciousness… an overall combining of thought that creates. Therefore … on some planets when thought patterns are one … there is not the conflict of individualism. We choose to keep going on the subject matter as we could divert into many, many separate chapters.

The main ‘reason’ was for a human to express themselves ‘individually’ as LOVE. This had not been put into practice before your race. Of course there was not the KNOWING of how this would turn out … yet it was a grand experiment that is still ‘experimenting’ even to this very moment in time.

So … who created us? … GULP!

There were a great many involved. It was not that those of Higher Light imagined the image and BOOM! … There you were! When you consider the complexity of the workings on all levels of the Human Being … you can well imagine the vast input of thought that went into ALL functioning.


So much excitement was encountered by all involved and so much LOVE sent by the ‘bystanders’.

Before a ‘model’ could be ‘conjured up’ … there was the process of discovery regarding how thought could ‘work’ in action. The process was unique and intensely complicated. For many other species the ‘inner workings’ are nowhere near as multi connected. Other species have a far more ‘simplistic’ make up. Many teams involved themselves on separate issues that then had to ‘blend’ and add to this creation of the Human Being.

We would say that the structure of yourselves is far too complicated to go into at this point. Yet we would say there were many trials and errors in the ‘making of’.

Ultimately … there was much excitement about YOU. The purpose was to see how an individual expression of LOVE could become itself in fullness of the whole expression of LOVE. To be given choices for the selfmind and to deal with them as they arose within that mind was our intention … and still is … yet we have expressed to you before Blossom in our early communications that … this was indeed an experiment … and there is much that we and you would say ‘went horribly wrong!’

Do you really mean that? For you say there is reason in all things. When you say it went horribly wrong … do you mean because of the way it turned out? Surely there must be species on other planets that have ‘blown it’ too! In ‘The Bridge’ you said that we were created in order to express Love … for that is all we knew to be … and through self-development … things changed … for you were not aware that we would so easily ‘turn’ our needs in to greed, jealousy … hate etc.

This is so. And as we stated also … at first there was no great concern … we thought things would quickly get ‘ironed out’. It may interest you to know that there have been many times when it was deeply considered to allow the entire experiment to ‘blow itself up’ and that be the end of it. For the effect it was having on EVERYTHING … not just your planet … yet ALL THAT IS … was and IS being greatly affected by the Earths energy


If you have an ailment on your little toe … everything else in your body is affected by it … it cannot be otherwise for it is one Living Light contained within the Human body … as an individual … yet that LIGHT can only come from THE ONE BALL OF LIGHT … for there is nothing else.

We know too that the questioner was interested in Atlantis regarding origins. Therefore we would lead into say that this was a typical example … to start with … of how the experiment was working exceedingly well. We would also throw in … that at the same time there were other ‘experiments’ taking place in other parts of your planet. Little segments of tribes shall we say … Each came with the same agenda … as LOVE … yet it was decided to give opportunities to different ‘levels’ of creation and see how they worked out . So this may help you on realising that there may not just be the ‘one answer’ as to your creation … for indeed there may be many ways that were being tried out all at the same time.

As many of you have become aware … the downfall of Atlantis was of the souls own making that resided there. This was the part of the deal … that there was to be no interference and that they were ‘on their own’.

Can I interrupt here and ask … you say that much went on to create the body and workings of etc. … yet at what point did the soul become involved … did you just ‘slot it in’ at the end as the final pièce de résistance?

We knew from the start that the creation would need the LOVE energy in order to exist. Much like a toy needs a battery to ‘make it go’. This was the most exciting part of all.

So how did you ‘individualise’ the LOVE energy into separate souls?

That was easy. Through thought. The BALL OF LOVE literally IS LOVE … NOTHING ELSE … so to ‘break it up’ into sections for different uses was not difficult. It was COMPLEX in its ‘how’ … yet we come from a place of KNOWING that EVERY thought can be manifested. And once the thought has been agreed upon to transform into matter … then the ‘desire’ allows the ‘HOW’ to take place.

It is so vastly complicated in trying to tell you each part …each new phase as it took place … yet … it was not that a ‘piece’ was taken from THE BALL and put inside a human form you understand. There were many, many, many, many processes that were engaged upon in order to ‘whittle it down’ to the individual that you are now.

This would also help you to understand the connection one may feel with another or many individuals … a connection that feels stronger to certain souls than perhaps to another. This MAYBE because you are from the same ‘piece’.

Piece sounds so ‘wrong’ … yet I know what you mean. White Cloud expresses it as ‘petals from the same rose’ … sorry! But he gets the prize for best expression on that one!

‘HE’ gets the prize if there were one … for oh so many things! This soul ‘is as he is’ to each one. Yet this soul is far more than you, Blossom … or anyone recognise … yet.

I just LOVE HIM and that’s that! So … back to the lesson!

The destruction of Atlantis was man made. There was a separation of souls … perhaps you might say by those who ‘got it’ and those who ‘didn’t get it’. Yet as we were unable to interfere … with much sadness we accepted the experiment for what it was … and indeed much was learned from it .

One cannot go against LOVE … and expect the story to have a HAPPY ending. Indeed there were those that ‘escaped’ … both in human form and soul spirit. We explain more fully this statement by saying that some literally escaped and sailed to further shores to carry on IN LOVE … others may have had their life in that particular body removed … yet to be replaced inside another’s … somewhere else on the planet. Again … a separate chapter and the book is never ending.

We wish to tell you … that after certain events that have taken place on your planet in terms of self-destruction … NEW LAWS were made … for YOU WERE CREATED IN LOVE … FROM THOSE THAT LOVE YOU … and as your times passed by … it was necessary to implement changes.

We do not RULE YOU … You are not our puppets. WE CARE FOR YOU … FOR YOU ARE FROM US AND ONE OF US.

You are at a most prominent time in the LIFE that is NOW.

We watch you … as you watch out for us. This that is to come … ‘THIS EVENT’ that you have heard us speak of … is indeed LIFE CHANGING … IT IS WORLD CHANGING … it is UNIVERSAL CHANGING … IT IS CHANGING EVERYTHING. For as the biggest shift of all commences … the effect of LOVE that it shall have upon ALL … cannot in anyway ‘leave things as they are’.


All that has been … has been an experiment … that YOU WILLINGLY CHOSE to partake in … with all its ups and downs. When an experiment is undergone … one can never be sure of the outcome … until it is tried and tested .

Well we’ve sure been tried and we’ve sure been tested!!

Plans were put into place long ago … for that which has been learned and understood throughout this entire affair ,,, has brought us ALL to the place at which we now find ourselves. It was decided LONG AGO that ‘your story’ would have a ‘Happy Beginning’ and a ‘Happy Ending’ … although that is merely a statement … for there is no end.


You have had your trials and tribulations … You have served more greatly than was ever asked of you …




Well I am sure there are many questions arising from this chat … yet I am aware we simply cannot contain it all in this one session . One quick one though … as I know you are ready to go. You mentioned a few chats back that our necks were elongating. Why … Are we turning into Giraffes??

It is for the purpose of conducting LIGHT.

Why do we need longer necks to do that? … Wouldn’t ‘bigger hearts’ do the job better?


You’re not surely going to leave it at that are you ? Just a smidgeon more of an explanation would be satisfying to many of us with ‘short necks’.

Are not many of you experiencing neck discomfort? Indeed! … Again it is not to be secretive … it is just sometimes too much to reveal … for one to take in all at once. We would leave you by saying with LOVE … that when you have an elongated supporter of the head, which is attached to the rest of your body … you will find it most useful to use in its many forms … for it shall be most pliable .

We have enjoyed this conversation immensely. We TRUST that what we have chosen to ‘give’ is of use to many … It can be rejected or immersed within the self … depending on the thought and ‘position’ of each individual that reads of these words.


And don’t think I will be opening up that little can of worms again in a hurry … About the many aspects of what is the REAL TRUTH … It nearly blew my head off … and my computer up!! Yet you never know how courageous I might become. WOW we have gone over the hour today … it flew by.

THANK YOU SO MUCH my friends. We are all TRULY Grateful.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2013 6:57:23 PM

Hilarion: All is Well and the Earth is Moving into a Higher Dimension

hilarion2Hilarion: All is Well and the Earth is Moving into a Higher Dimension, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, May 19, 2013 at

Beloved Ones,

In these days that are upon you, much is being revealed that was previously not known. It is information that needs to see the light of day so that it can be looked at and faced, not only individually but on a national and global scale.

All activity that was not of the highest integrity and in alignment with the highest in all is being exposed with more and more frequency. The world needs to be cleansed of all that has kept its inhabitants in illusion as to how to live their daily lives in an acceptable manner.

These truths are difficult to accept at first as the people begin to awaken to the way things have actually been occurring and this enables them to see the paradigm they have been living in from a totally different perspective.

This perspective is very uncomfortable and disillusioning to experience, for it means that the world’s people must face the shadows within themselves, their loved ones and within their societies. The understanding comes only after seeing through the illusions that have been woven into the very fabric of modern civilization in such a way as to make all distortions of the truth of life seem acceptable.

The people of the Earth are moving quickly through this period and are aligning with the truths that live within their hearts. Those who have perpetuated these myths are still desperately trying to hold onto the power they have wielded throughout the ages but the higher cosmic energies that now permeate the planet will not allow such activity to continue.

The light wields its power in such as way as to bring to the surface all that has not been serving the highest good of the planet and its inhabitants. All must be revealed, all must be reflected upon, all must be awoken from the shadows where it has lay hidden below the surface.

The daily life of each individual in every corner of the world is changing and with this change, there will be some chaos until all is resolved and released. The incoming energies work relentlessly to accomplish this change within each individual and within the framework of all systems of operation that serve the common good of the people and the planet. The power of the people joined together in commonality of purpose will create these changes.

As these changes continue to occur, you who have been prepared for these times are doing a tremendous service by maintaining your light, your integrity and your courage and steadfastness by anchoring the light into the core of the Earth. It is helping the Earth to remain in a greater state of stability than was previously possible. Do not become discouraged by the outer appearances of these changes. All is well and the Earth is moving into a higher dimension. The Earth is most grateful for the assistance she is receiving on a daily basis from those who send her light by being willing to be the conduits for the higher energies.

These times are most amazing and those who have gathered to watch the process of ascension that is occurring on this planet have the greatest of respect and admiration for the people who have chosen to be a part of this great work by being willing to add their light to this effort.

It is by the strength and determination that each of you carry in your hearts for your intention for all of humanity to ascend with the Earth and given this great opportunity for movement into a greater light which has moved this process into a new area that is now anchoring and beginning to permeate its influence through all facets of life upon this planet. We, who have served this planet and all its peoples and all its inhabitants throughout the many ages are deeply grateful for the light that is growing within each human heart.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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