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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2013 6:21:22 PM

Angelic Guides: The Subconscious Mind Never Forgets

memoryThe Subconscious Mind Never Forgets, channeled through Taryn Crimi, May 15, 2013 at

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of memory; more specifically we would like to discuss how you can access your subconscious mind and its limitless capacity to retain information. This message is specifically for those who are having trouble remembering, as well as for those who are interested in learning about yet another ability of your conscious and subconscious mind.

Why is it that some people have wonderful memories while others seem to forget just about everything? You see the human memory is a funny thing. In actuality everyone has a flawless memory. How can this be? All information which you consciously encounter is instantly downloaded into the subconscious mind however you can only access this “memory” if your conscious mind allows you to do so. So why do some people forget information while others remember so much? The only difference is their beliefs about their “memory” and the information their beliefs allow to be accessed.

We will use a simple computer analogy to further explain our message. Imagine your subconscious mind accurately recorded every piece of information that you have ever learned, read, and heard however it is protected by a “password”. If you do not enter the correct password, then you will be denied access to the information. Your beliefs are the “password” that will allow you to gain access to all the information you have ever learned. The beliefs also are responsible for determining what you will “store” in your conscious mind and what you will “store” in your subconscious mind.

All of the information that you have ever covered is contained within your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind never forgets anything. We want you to know that your mind has retained every single fact, explanation, and topic that you have ever encountered. All you need is the “password” to access this information. Know that we are referring to not only the information that you have learned in this lifetime but in all others as well.

Your subconscious mind contains all of the information that you have ever learned, read, or heard in all lifetimes, however the information that has not been learned directly by you in any lifetime is “stored” in the Akashic Records of all that is. You of course have access to this information any time you wish provided you have developed your ability to consciously connect. Regardless, your subconscious mind always has access to this information and “downloads” any necessary information when needed. Some may prefer to refer to the Akashic Records as the “super-conscious”. The name which you prefer makes no difference; we are simply sharing where all universal information is kept and how it can be accessed by anyone at any time. All information is available to anyone provided you know how to access it.

You are seeing a smaller representation of this manifest in your technology today. The internet is a wonderful example. The internet contains many many billions of sites with incredible amounts of information; however you must know where and how to access this information in order to benefit from it.

Why is so much more information stored in the subconscious than in the conscious mind? It would take up too much of your conscious thought to organize and maintain ALL of the information you have ever come into contact with in each of your lifetimes. It is stored in the subconscious mind so that you may access this information any time you wish. Of course as a fully conscious being you will once again be conscious of all information; however this reality requires a very specific focus on the current lifetime you perceive. To be once again conscious of all information would in a sense, “pull you out of the game”. Information was never meant to be locked away, rather it was only meant to be stored and “organized” so that you could access it when needed.

Your conscious mind acts as a filter. It will only retain information that is in alignment with what is believed to be useful or needed at the time. Try to think about just how much information you come in contact with even on a daily basis. The amount of data is staggering. However your conscious mind will only retain what it deems to be useful, important or of interest. The “filter” is determined by the beliefs which you currently hold.

Since we are discussing the topic of memory, we find it to be a suitable time to briefly mention why some suffer from what is known as short-term memory loss more regularly than others. When the soul is not actively grounded in the body it cannot remember what it did only a short moment ago. This does not pertain to only the elderly, in fact many young, otherwise healthy individuals also experience moments of fogginess. Some common examples would be when someone is reading a book and realizes that they have in fact read several pages without having any conscious memory of what they read.

Another example of this is when you find yourself walking into a specific room only to stop and wonder why you are in the room at all. It’s not that your soul has “left,” but rather we would say that the soul and therefore the consciousness of the body has shifted focus to another “place” and “time”. This leaves the body, seemingly moving about on “auto pilot”.

The body is still capable of performing ritual tasks, with little to no awareness of its surroundings. Individuals can still breathe, speak, eat, walk, fall asleep and to someone watching the body, it would appear that all was “normal”. It may seem a bit surprising for some to find that their soul detaches or shifts focus away from the physical body quite often, but it is a rather normal occurrence. Your soul detaches its focus from the body every night while you sleep.

Now with that being said, let us now touch upon how one is able to gain access to the information held within their subconscious mind and bring it forward consciously. There are several things you can do. The first is to integrate and truly understand what we have just shared with you. “All of the information that you have ever encountered is contained within your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind never forgets anything.” Once you have been introduced to any information consciously it will instantly be stored in the subconscious mind. Once you truly know this you can then begin to shift your beliefs to allow your conscious mind to gain access to all information once you need it.

We always welcome you to request our help to assist you in learning to gain access to this information when you need it. You can certainly invite us to help you while you sleep. This is a wonderful time for us to work with you because your conscious mind no longer has a “filter”. Your intention before you fall asleep is all that is needed for us to be able to begin working with you. Also realize that once you have the “password” you do not have to consciously remember every single fact, instead you need to have the ability to search through the information in your subconscious mind for the correct answer. Another simple analogy would be the use of your calculator. You do not necessarily need to be able to perform the math yourself; you only need to know how to get the correct answer.

Very few at this time have the conscious ability to instantly “remember” any information they come into contact with; often these people are labeled as autistic. They have the ability to remember a tremendous amount of information, or more accurately they have the ability to access the subconscious mind to access a tremendous amount of information. With the proper beliefs information is free to pass without any resistance; much like an open door policy. Information is free to flow to and from the conscious to the subconscious based on the beliefs and filters one has in place. This potential resides within all humans at this time, however it is only found within a seldom few who are considered to possess “super human” abilities at this time. This is changing, along with all of you.

We hope that this message has in some way enlightened you about just one more of the infinite possibilities that awaits you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2013 6:23:14 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Rushing to Blame and Judgment Only Inflames a Situation

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150 Jesus: Rushing to Blame and Judgment Only Inflames a Situation. Channeled by John Smallman, May 17, 2013 –

You can listen to John’s reading of this post here:

To awaken is humanity’s destiny. It is inevitable and unavoidable, and that is a very good reason to be happy and joyful.

I cannot impress upon you strongly enough how much God, our Father, loves you all in every moment of your existence. There is nothing that any of you has ever done, or could ever do, that would cause him to withdraw His Love from you – absolutely nothing! There are some among you who doubt this, but it is a doubt, a worry that you need to release.

You are all God’s beloved children – children whom He loves without reservation, always. Whenever you feel down, depressed, shameful, worthless, guilty, or angry, just remind yourselves of this divine truth – “God loves me and will always love me regardless of what I or anyone else might think, say, or do.”

This does not mean, as you well know, that you can behave thinkingly or unthinkingly in an unloving manner. To behave in a manner that hurts another hurts you more! It may not seem like that, but someone who has been hurt can forgive, whereas someone who is doing the hurting cannot. You cannot forgive anyone as long as you are inflicting pain on them – and that includes yourself because to hurt another is to hurt yourself. To forgive, you have to stop inflicting pain, and to bear a grudge or carry resentment of any kind is to inflict pain on yourself, a pain that frequently drives you to project it outwards on to others whom you then see as the cause of your misery or unhappiness.

In the illusion, where there is so much pain and suffering, it seems that pain and suffering are imposed on some by others, often very vindictively, and in a sense this is correct. But those behaving so unconscionably are themselves crying out for love. If you attack them their pain intensifies – and a common response to that suggestion might be “A good thing too, they deserve it.” But attacking conflict with conflict only leads to further conflict. Those who could and would cause suffering can only be disarmed by love and forgiveness. And if their pain is intense, as is very likely, disarming them is a slow process that requires love and forgiveness in abundance.

All of you who are presently on Earth as wayshowers and Light-bearers have learnt forgiveness and are here now to teach it. Yes, many of you have suffered severely in your present lives and have issues with forgiving, perhaps feeling that you have not learnt to forgive and that you have no desire to do so. Nevertheless, you have to admit to yourselves that you do know that love is the only answer, whatever the problem. You are aware that forgiveness is the way forwards, and you are working on engaging with forgiveness to release all your own anger, bitterness, and resentment.

You know that you need to do this, you know that this is the path you chose to follow, despite the pain, even though you are often struggling with it as you recall the unconscionable experiences that you have undergone personally, but you have sought spiritual assistance and you are receiving it. Keep asking for help, and keep holding the intention to forgive or to learn to forgive, and with the spiritual assistance you are receiving you will succeed. Then you will demonstrate forgiveness, and by doing so, teach it to others.

That lesson is the major one that all are in the process of learning and putting into effect. And the best teachers are those who are closest to their own experiences of personal pain and suffering, because they can relate the most compassionately to those who are suffering, while at the same time being open to the awareness in themselves of the pain that those inflicting suffering are undergoing. They can see and understand both perspectives. No one who is not in pain imposes pain intentionally on anyone else.

Accidents occur through thoughtlessness or unawareness, and pain is inflicted. But those who cause those situations are filled with as much or sometimes more grief than those who got hurt. It could well be that a person’s first lesson in forgiveness happens when they get involved in a situation where an accident occurs and they are given the opportunity to offer compassion and forgiveness to the one who caused the injury, as well as to those who were injured.

Rushing to blame and judgment only inflames a situation that is already causing much pain to all involved. In your quiet times, your times that you set aside to be alone, dwell on forgiveness, remember instances when you were unexpectedly forgiven, and set the intention to be ready to forgive should something occur to upset, offend, or cause injury – physical or psychological – to you or to a loved one. Your awakening process involves opening to love and forgiveness, and an essential part of that process is to set the intention to do so every day. Remember that to forgive and to be forgiven brings acceptance and love in a most disarming fashion. Practice it, demonstrate it, and be the fine teachers that you truly are.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/17/2013 10:07:37 PM
Dear friends, this is from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: Your Earthly Experiences are but the Blink of an Eye


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Greetings, dearest souls. It is I, Jeshua, speaking for our collective of Masters once again.

I come before you all to issue a message of Love and understanding for where you are at currently along your spiritual growth. Every one of you is bred from the awesome and pure realms of our Heavenly Father, and you have been given assistance from various souls who have incarnated on your world to spread the Light and truth that you can all tap into and begin to understand.

You can understand the teachings that I brought forth and so much more, upon tapping into and discovering your personal inner-held realms. Every one of you has the ability to access a vast tapestry of energy and communication, and upon opening yourselves up to the brimming messages and inspiration the realms of spirit have to offer, you will find yourselves virtually unlimited in what you can Create and experience for yourselves.

You will find the purest troths of energy you have accessed as of yet, and you will find fruitful and brimming communications with myself and a plethora of other souls who are actively interested in the ascension of your Earth and who are and have been doing everything we can in every moment to see you able to assimilate the continually-pure vibrations you’re being given.

An Ordained, Divine Mission

I incarnated on your dear planet to spread the truth and Light I could naturally feel brimming within Myself and like many of you, I recognized that I was on your world to perform an ordained and Divine mission.

I remembered My full identity as a free and spiritual being and My dearest children, I very dearly wish for you to unlock this perspective; this knowledge and understanding, as well. Doing so will truly see you uninhibited and unlimited in your quest for knowledge and spirituality, as your quest for such things has in truth been a quest to unlock and understand deeper parts of your Selves.

So very many souls look to My name and image and what I represent as a type of Divine, spiritual identity which they immerse themselves into, and it is indeed ok to seek solace and guidance in My specific energies; even if one is doing so because they have been falsely led to believe I am the only true and pure conduit for Divine truth and Light to be brought forth.

Indeed, this is not so and again, every one of you can tap into the truth and Light I held and still hold, and work to enlighten and educate those around you who are still temporarily lost in the mucky residue of the third dimensional Earth experience.

Your planet has hosted quite dense energies indeed, and this is why the Light has taken a mass presence on your world in the form of the incarnation of every one of you and of so many others who, like Me, have come to the Earth feeling the natural Light and understanding that the entire collective of humanity truly deserves to feel and know again.

You Understood the Divine

You all once knew and understood the Divine in the deepest ways imaginable and now, you are working to rediscover and build upon such an (understanding) as you find yourselves being lent much assistance by us in the spiritual realms.

I have always represented the entirety of the realms of spirit. What I mean is that I, when incarnate on your world and representing our Heavenly Father in what I preached, represented the brimming realms of spirit as well and the (infinite amount of) entities making up these glorious and brilliant higher realms.

Dearest souls, there are truly so very many of us and needles to say, what so many souls on your world concept as heaven is much different in terms of how all-encompassing it is, how many souls exist in these realms and how many souls are “allowed”.

Allow me to explain, dear children. Every soul is “allowed” into heaven and despite what the current versions of your religions have been telling you, there is no dogmatic system that rejects or refuses any attempted entry into heaven from a lower dimensional standpoint.

Rather, when a soul makes the choice to knowingly advance their perception, understanding and spirituality which will include increasing the amount of positivity they enable and spread in those around them, we rejoice with the happiness of a thousand men for truly, a soul embracing the higher dimensions from the lower ones is nothing less than a miracle.

Every one of you are learning now to embrace the higher dimensions and the pure perceptions that come with your growing experience of these realms, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to continue on in your exploration as we invite you to perceive of these realms with every facet of yourselves.

The Blink of an Eye

You have always come from the realms of spirit, and it has always been known that you will return here.

Because of this, we ask you not to worry of the pains and tribulations of your average Lives for truly, they are but the blink of an eye in a vast and inexplicably-complex yet spiritually-alive and brimming Universe that you can truly come to discover as you find it exists within you and is much easier to tap into than you would otherwise expect.

Wave upon wave of revelations will hit your mainstream media quite out of thin air, though we know from the higher realms that the revelations you will be given are in fact preplanned and will be quite coordinated when they burst through to your public perception.

We say that they will “come out of thin air” because indeed, it will seem to have been so for the majority of humanity who has not grown to expect the incoming changes and revelations that so many of you are helping so valiantly to build upon.

The revelations concerning the existence of benevolent Galactic beings who wish to assist in your evolution will be one facet of the overall paradigm of secrets that will have to be burst open and explained.

Your main focus at present is to grow away from the mechanisms and tendencies that keep you ensnared within the confines of the illusion, as humanity has been taught for centuries that solid physicality and the reality you find around you are the only things that can be proven and thus, must be the only realties in existence.

This is simply not so, and you are finding this in every moment as you embrace the purer perspective beginning to descend down unto you now.

Creation is Far Vaster than What the Physical Human Sees

You have always been able to find a very steady and clear flow of our energies and impressions; it is simply that so much of humanity has been convinced that the realms of spirit are little more than fantasy and as a result, true and real subjects such as communication with we ascended beings have been swept under the rug in favor of physicality.

Mainstream science on your world has attempted to find the answers of your existence with purely physical means, and have largely proven unable to do so.

Indeed, a plethora of facets of the physical, human experience have been understood by your modern science but dear children, you must understand that Creation is far more infinite and vast than what the physical human sees, knows and senses in every moment. Again; your Earthly experiences are but the blink of an eye in a Cosmos so vast, it will make your heads spin when discovering just how vast it truly is.

We wish to emphasize the vastness of what you refer to as space and what we refer to as the Cosmos because truly, even with the physical understanding of the Universe your mainstream science has granted you, humanity has not yet glimpsed into the vast, incomprehensible territory that is the rest of your Universe and indeed, the plentiful Universes beyond your current comprehension.

Nurture the growing Love, empathy and compassion many of you are finding arise within you because truly, what you are feeling is only to strengthen and intensify until the entire collective of humanity can bask in our Father’s heavenly glow. Your bodies, minds and spirits are undergoing continual upgrades and at times, the difficulty and overwhelm you tend to experience whilst on the Earth can account for depletion and a temporarily negative perspective.

We ask you to be easy with yourselves, dearest souls, for you are learning and growing in an environment that has and will continue to test your resolve, faith and understanding of just how illusory the realms you exist in truly are.

A Means to Grow

The illusion will attempt to test your faith and resolve and truly, what you experience has been instated by you as a means to learn and grow further by experiencing it.

Everything that happens in your Lives is planned out for your ultimate growth as a soul, and you have the support and strength of each and every one of us if you feel you are alone or you feel as if the brimming higher realms and we souls within them have somehow “checked out” or are not understanding of the incredible situations so many of you are in.

To take on the dense Earth experience is no small feat indeed, and a plethora of souls on your world are coming to find the enlightenment that I (possessed) whilst spending My time on Earth.

Use the knowledge and spirituality you are garnering for yourselves wisely, dearest souls, because your perception of the realms beyond your current understanding are only to grow as you find yourselves able to take in more of the wonderful and harmonious vibrations of the fifth dimension and of the dimensions beyond.

Many of you have come to the Earth from realms naturally purer than even the fifth dimension, and you have made it a point to spend as much time and energy mired in the Earth experience as you could so that you could learn and grow from every culture; every society in every time period of your Earth.

Learn you certainly have, and we note with joy how willing so many of you are to shed your Earthly perspectives and limitations in the name of rediscovering the realms you had once enjoyed so blissfully.

Indeed, in so many senses you are still enjoying these realms, dear children; as while you experience the Earth in your current limited physical form, we can say with absolute certainty that from the perspective of the lands where time is not a factor, you have never left.

You Are Here With Us

You have never left these realms and in fact, you are here in this very moment with each of us.

You are here with us, having evolved from the Earth experience and having helped the collective of humanity establish a brimming Galactic future in the interests of every sovereign soul, and we can commune with the higher dimensional You who has completed your Earthly mission just as we can communicate with you (while you are still) on the Earth.

This is because of these aforementioned realms where time does not exist, and we can commune with the higher selves of each of you as we watch your higher selves funnel valuable energies and guidance down to you on Earth, for you to assimilate and benefit from.

Your higher selves maintain the absolute strongest line of connection to your energies, as you are one and the same with them. You are a facet; an extension of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is You, and you are experiencing (Earthly) realms with the perceptual constraints of a human, yet with the growing and brimming spirituality of your higher selves.

This is because your higher selves are descending down unto you as you subsequently work to ascend back into their perception, and you are working on finding the natural understandings that garner a higher dimensional experience or at the very least, an elevated experience from what you’ve long known and recognized as seemingly-unchangeable physicality.

The physical world you find around you will go to great lengths to convince you that you are entrapped within it; that you are not free and sovereign spiritual beings, and the dark souls on your world have taken actions to the extent of attempting to enforce those ideals as well.

The Higher Realms Truly Are Home

As long as you can feel as if you are a limited, finite human being who cannot pick up on and radiate the impressions and energies of the higher dimensions, you will forever enforce and feed an instated veil between the higher dimensions and the dimension(s) you currently exist in.

Truly, this veil can be and has been torn down by so many dear awakening souls who find yourselves able to penetrate and transmute the former limitations you had set out for yourselves to experience as you embrace something so much more wonderful that, for many of you, will have the familiar feeling of Home.

This is because these realms truly are Home, dearest souls. You may find your physical places of comfort on the Earth, but every last bit of comfort you feel on the Earth is derived from a pure and natural comfort, which accompanies Living in and remembering the higher realms.

Upon getting even a glimpse of these realms, you will find yourselves imbued with so much knowledge and memory and you will find yourselves wondering how you could have possibly forgotten all of the wonderful, streaming impressions and memories that will make their ways back to you.

Your Creation power is very potent, in that you have quite literally been able to enforce and feed those aforementioned veils and blockages between our realms and yours, which have been necessary for your growth in the lower dimensions.

As others have explained, it would be counterproductive for you to have a full knowledge of the higher dimensions while still existing in lower, distorted realms, as the growth and experience you are intended to gain in such lower realms would seem pointless in the face of instantly being able to travel up and down the spiral of consciousness.

Inspiration is Only to Pick Up

As we make our final impressions for this communication, I thank every one of you for the active interest you are taking in your blossoming higher dimensional experience. Please understand that the brimming inspiration so many of you are beginning to feel is only to pick up, and we do not exaggerate when we say that joy and Love are here to stay on your beautiful, blue planet.

You can make choices that reflect this truth, and we are confident that you will be able to find the brimming inspiration that your unfolding perception of the higher realms is beginning to grant you, to see to it that your actions are always in alignment with those of our Heavenly Father.

Thank you to Jeshua and the Ascended Masters.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2013 6:04:05 PM
Dear friends, here is finally part 3 of this great article by Steve Beckow.

Humanity’s Decision to Ascend Collectively – Part 3/3

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2013 6:10:51 PM
Another great article by Steve Beckow begins here.

The Truth Will be Revealed – Part 1

TruthAccording to Saul, humanity has “reached the point in the [Ascension] process where you had previously decided to allow an enormous acceleration to occur in the rate at which you accumulate knowledge.” (1)

Not only will this development lead to “a mushrooming, expanding flow of information between diverse fields of knowledge, which further accelerates the accumulation of knowledge” (2), but it will also lead to many revelations of suppressed truth. It’s this latter aspect of the times that I’d like to look at here.

“As the Light continues to accelerate on the planet,” St. Germaine told us through Valerie Donner, “no longer will the select few be able to contain the truth.” (3) Ashtar through James McConnell suggested that the lies would fall like dominoes.

“Many truths will be revealed and many of those domino effects that have been spoken of are going to be beginning now. And as these dominos begin to fall you will begin to be enlightened in many ways that you have not even imagined yet. And each time those dominoes fall, another truth will come out.” (4)

Apparently, according to the Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac, “the truths that have been given through channels have been only a small fraction of the overall truths that you are going to be given.” (5) “The shocking truths that will be coming forth,” Matthew Ward warns us, “will cause considerable unrest.” (6)

Jesus through John Smallman asks us to “not be discouraged by the negative news – of wars, of dishonest politics and economics, of corporate disregard for the environment, and of general corruption.”

“All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being.
“The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.” (7)

SaLuSa agrees that “it is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth.” (8)

The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes agrees with him: “The extent of the lies and veils that have been established and kept fed on your world goes much farther that you dear souls could imagine at present.” (9)

Nonetheless, the cabal is not altogether gone yet and so we still need to be discriminating in what news we accept, the Pleiadian Council of Nine cautions us.

“We ask you dear souls to be discerning with any piece of alternative or even spiritual news that you read, because the remaining segments of the cabals have attempted to infiltrate the truth movements occurring at present and swing the news coming out of certain alternative news sites, into stories that fit their own agenda and what they would like humanity to believe.” (10)

We lightworkers have an important role to play in the dissemination of truth. SaLuSa advises us to:

“Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for your beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed and it will make people reassess their beliefs.” (11)

In the parts of this series that follow, we’ll look at some of the important areas in which the truth has been hidden and is now about to be revealed.

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) Saul, May 15, 2013, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) “Valerie Donner: Straight from the Heart – St Germaine,” April 18, 2013, at

(4) Ashtar in “Answers from the Masters: Ashtar and One Who Serves – “The Dominos are About To Begin to Fall,” channelled through James McConnell, Mar. 8, 2013, at

(5) The Pleiadian High Council through Wes Annac, July 6, 2012, at

(6) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at

(7) Jesus through John Smallman, Oct. 18, 2012, at

(8) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012, at

(9) “Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming,” channelled through Wes Annac, Dec. 31, 2012, channeled before Dec. 21, 2012, at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2012.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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